ToxicWhiteMale ago

Since white nigger jew cucks

GhostBalls ago

One more fine reason for you guys to drop the "white" melting pot crap and take back your actual ancestry.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Taking back what has been taken is the ultimate whitepill.

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

Associated Press are the top tier kike propagandists.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Yeah lol wtf I'm memo-less, if anything, this is terrible optics for them and might even help us since it is so ridiculous...

LibertarianForChrist ago


gosso920 ago

Since they came out with a new edition of "Elements of Style" by Strunk snd white.

Gorillion ago

Yep, the big fuck you to White Identity was obvious, but also so Jews can pretend to be "white" without getting nailed for overt shapeshifting. They can literally turn around and claim "Hey, I never said I was White, just white.".

VoatMikeNolan ago

It's also gramatically incorrect:

"A proper noun is used for a specific person, place, or thing. A common noun is used for a class of person, place, or thing."


This policy came out in the AP style guide it's policy at any news publication the ap lies to you through

thislionsheart ago

They're secretly racist against the blacks just like the people who fund black lives matter

GMtwat ago

All the Germans were raped and killed following 1945. Jews stole surnames to memory hole. See "What to do with the Germans" (1945) by Louis Nizer for more information.

CmdrRockwell ago

not all, just a fucking lot of them.

the rest were subject to mass demoralization and brainwashing.

LurkedForever ago

I've been doing this, but in reverse for a while now.

veteran88 ago

nigger isn't capitalized neither is kike.

Aryan should be capitalized.

ichlibejuice ago

Should i start capitalizing NIGGER?

toobaditworks ago

I know you're calling them out on there obvious hate for whites and that's fine that you're doing that but people here on Voat also don't capitalize jews. They're just appropriating the same methods.

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

So, they're Black? Just Black? Sweet. It was always hard figuring out what word normies accepted as proper nomenclature for niggers. I'm glad its finally settled at black.

To normie friends: "Man, did you see all the BLACKS rioting and going bananas?"

edwardbernays ago

are they gonna take away the capital from non black Jack Black?

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

We can hope.

Blind_Now_See ago

This type of stuff can't keep happening. Eventually, someone will snap and ignite the powder keg. We are teetering on the edge. I think most are waiting to see how the national election turns out in November. Will it be too late by then?

non_compete ago

Well since it is a proper noun for Blacks and we who are white do not use a color for our identity I think this actually correct use and we should imbrace it. Use of a proper noun suggests you could replace their name with just Black. As in "Hey Black... How are you today?"

yaksarefinetoo ago

Everybody just calm down here. We don't want to let them blame us for starting this. We might still be able to get through this without all killing each other (an objectively worse outcome).

ootz ago

Jessica Cooper as DA.....fucking woman, bet this was a feels decision.

mediaisfooked ago

So I guess we capitalize Nigger too?

Smallest_Skil ago

dont forget Coon, Spear Chucker, Knuckle dragger, and Jiggaboo

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toobaditworks ago

Like this:


mediaisfooked ago

LMAO...I like it! Thanks for cracking me up today.

toobaditworks ago


anticlutch ago


Trillion dollar industries are taking a note out of my book.

This is fun controlling their weak, feeble minds.

CheeBooga ago

The jew capitalizes the B.

niggernaut ago

Liberal faggots and kikes sure like to make distinctions, yet preach about how color-blindness is a virtue.

Atkho ago

Can you find the stars of David in the pic? I wonder if there was a reason it became that.

9000timesempty ago

Charged with felonious assault? Holy shit. If these people get charged fully and jailed then it's fucking time.

You know what will happen once it gets out they are charged and jailed. We will have a very very hard time getting anything done around these monkey people. Fucking niggers. This fucking country is done.

We need another civil war. A full massacre of these demons.

niggernaut ago

You already have a cop that has been jailed for murder for killing a potentially dangerous thug. What more do you need?

9000timesempty ago

An army.

tankingwrong ago

He have a Hul-


We need 100s of militiae.

the_magic_man ago

@Bill_Murrays_Sandals upset over a capital letter. You'll be on calling the left snowflakes next.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

I agree. It does seem childish and petty to be talking about a capital letter. Because it is... However, this is how they keep gaining cultural power and control, by encroaching inch by inch and no one says anything along the way... Then they'll do it again and again until more and more shit is changed and more and more people have become brainwashed NPCs and then they'll have even more power and control. They keep succeeding with little things like this and nothing ever seems to get done about it.

the_magic_man ago

Shit posting in a right wing echo chamber for upvotes is "doing something about it".

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

What's wrong with shit posting? That's why we are here, ideas spill out of echo chambers and into youtube comments, irl discussions, etc. So yes change can happen from shit posting as a starting point.

AntiMason ago

Childish af

Smokybubbles ago

The enemy uses evey nuance of language and grammar to influence opinions and normalize their narratives. You are right to call them out at every little attack, because this is how they move the battlefield in their favor, one small thing at a time.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

It's a petty thing too, but this is how they take over, little by little, inch by inch, until they are in a position of power.

toobaditworks ago

Voat does this too with jews. Look at all the comments here. Petty... meh it shows we don't like them and now they are doing the same thing. I'm glad they are now out in the open on how much they hate whites.

drhitler ago

bergs, lol suddenly i don't care

why didn't they just say they weren't white

Bori ago

According to these radical Leftist, All Lives Matter and White Lives Matter don't matter therefore small " W." Only the marxist black lives matter. Unfortunately the Black Lives that should matter don't

lettersofmarque ago

I'm actually quite fine with this. They have made official the distinction between humans and simian biped nonhumans with a widely cast net of non white shared traits and identity called Black. They don't explicitly state whites to be separate and distinct from Black but have implicitly done so nonetheless. They will regret recognizing Black characteristics and culture as exclusive from white, but it's recognition as formal fact is long overdue. It is a step in the right direction for public awareness and acceptance of Black as non white and I support this formal clarification.

v ago

It's this new jewish thing they're doing, some kike organization said it's time to start capitalizing black.

SearchVoatBot ago

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bingo-bango-bongo ago

hitler's dick just got a little harder.

these people REALLY WANT him to come back from the grave and fuck everything up, don't they?

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

lol it certainly seems to be the direction things are going... Weimar problems, Weimar solutions, etc.

Thats_not_my_dog ago

It's intentional, for sure.

In a title, very word should be capitalized.

But proper use of English is racist and/or the paper is just too stupid to know.

slowcrash101 ago

Why are we still talking about this. Fuck niggers and fuck Bergs.

New-World-Ebola ago

as i've said... kill the media.

ShineShooter ago

They have names and addresses

tankingwrong ago

Sam Hyde was right again.

rubberdougie ago

They are the enemy of the people.

parnellsUprising ago

That was in the updated style book that someone posted a little ways back.

lettersofmarque ago

You can see the logic stutter and skip as they try to reason the capitalization is justified due to shared identity and culture of "black", yet use "white" in exactly the same context in their articles and for the same purpose. If it weren't for double standards I guess.

golgotham ago

Since AP went lefty.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

WTF! Another example from today. Is this a new journalistic standard or something? Why is this allowed?

operation_wetvac ago

Why is this allowed?

Because White people don't burn down cities.

GnosticPizza ago

Yeah I remember the editorial staff said that they were going to capitalize black when it came to a person but had yet decided if they were going to do it for Whites.

Announced on Juneteenth nigga

pushthis ago

Google just showed me few cases on the first page alone.

TFS ago

It's just one more example of jews humiliating and degrading Whites. Yes, it's the new (((journalistic))) standard. they are all doing this now.

Why we capitalize ‘Black’ (and not ‘white’)

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Jesus Christ... Aren't these people claiming to be fighting for 'equality' and other such buzzwords? This is a clear cut example of furthering division and literally making the 2 groups different on paper. Insane.

smokratez ago

jews turn everything into classes which oppose each other. That's how they stay in power.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

I get the feeling that the solution may have happened 109 times before in history.

smokratez ago

I started doing that to jews a while ago on voat. They read voat.

Poopcorn ago

Jillian Wuestenberg, 32, and Eric Wuestenberg, 42, were charged Thursday with felonious assault

Sounds like Jewish tricks

LibertarianForChrist ago

Maybe lowercase white means (((white))) now.

TheKnightOfGod ago

Then it's actually easy to make our enemies fight each other. Just pretend you are black trans fighting against jewish racism or pretend you are a mexican jewish lesbian fighting antisemitism from blacks.

BjornIronside ago


PizzaphilePodesta ago

should have red-underlined the “berg”

green_man ago

If they were jewish this wouldn't be happening to them.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

Eeh... they do inversion tricks sometimes.

It’s a valid hypothesis maybe...

Keefin ago

It’s a German surname.

sinclair ago

All American's are mutts. There is no "white". You can't determine that by looking at someone. That's we all have names.

Gorillion ago

Pol nailed the chick as a jew straight away. Face profile was a dead giveaway.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

The little known chipotle jews of Detroit.


DffrntDrmmr ago

It's a black, black, black world.