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24568472? ago

What the fuck...

24568527? ago

This 'Corey Williams' is what happens when Soros, Rothschild, Royals hire some Antifa Ape to sit behind a keyboard. This isnt a White or Black issue, Anitafa Wiggers can also be Niggers ... the real issue is elites trying to push a RaceWar in America .... Never gives these fools clicks, always archive and mirror their shit articles, these shape shifter people they feed of clicks like a rat feeds of cheese. if a moron like Williams doesnt come up with shit article they will fire him and always hire some other Dindu monkey behind a typewriter tomorrow

24581986? ago

In places like Britbong they want to pass laws to try prevent people from fighting back....if you are getting attacked...and some moron thinks to protect their own self by ringing out some telephone.....what is the typical police response to a crime, do they even re-act to calls anymore with all the shit going on these days?