areyoumygaffer ago

a few 380 rounds and they scatter

UberMenschen ago

If this is a suppressor friendly minecraft server you are playing in, you could always use one with subsonic ammunition in your crafted weapon. The suppressor debufs velocity but adds + 100 concealment. Depending on what version of blueflu is being run on the server, admins may have delayed response time to the area.

Floppyhorsecock ago

Niggers moved in across the street in my all white neighborhood. They played loud music 1x. I was on the way out the door to talk to them and there were already 2 other white men out front and we asked them to keep it reasonable.

I guess seeing 3 diff people show made the difference because its been 3 months and i have never heard them blast it again.

Nobody even raised their voices, we just said hey we can hear this too far away they said np sorry and that was that.

If they are outnumbered they are easy to put in check.

poopscooppp ago

Fucking niggers man, they sit in there cars blasting music up until 3 in the morning sometimes. Often the music is so loud it sets off other car alarms.

OccularIrritant ago

Niggers come from the toilet.

prairie ago

Directed microwaves (don't try this at home unless you want to go blind or worse).

fuckfuckfuck1 ago

They are fucking stupid crazy. Blowing up an old CRT TV standing 3 feet away?, just turn your head and close your eyes!

wokeasfook ago

Is it causing your bullets to rattle in their boxes. Like a dripping tap. Tempting you.

Literally-Oppressed ago


TooMuchCoffeeMan ago

Imagine them putting niggers in ur food all the sudden. Ur face when nigger come out of ur ass.

Then the world will be whole again.

LurkedForever ago


keksupreme ago

i literally moved so i didn't have to be around them

0rion ago

I know you think about it every day, but you need to hear it again:

MOVE THE FUCK OUT OF THE CITIES RETARD. Trust me, your quality of life will increase massively. Best thing I ever did was move to a mostly nigger-less area, I find myself getting pissed off and frustrated way less. Do yourself a favor and manifest an action plan to get yourself out of the cities, I promise you you won't regret it. Sorry you're having to deal with this bullshit, I totally understand how you feel, it is absolutely infuriating.

ALIENS2222 ago

It's the Mexicans where I'm at. Every Friday is a Fiesta. I hate summer.

Rellik88 ago

Mexican ghetto is WAY better than nigger ghetto.

ALIENS2222 ago

True... True...

98fordcontour ago

Same here but now it’s almost every night because they aren’t going to their $7 per hour jobs anymore. Shitty music blasting constantly. Some clown has a karaoke machine and holy shit it’s terrible. I’m only stuck here for a few more years then I’m heading to the mountains. Godspeed!

PaulNeriAustralia ago

My sympathies. Black people dance and sing a lot which endears them to lefties who are wildly emotional types too. Losing self-control appeals to some people. For your undoubted interest, down at the shack I have aborigines next door in a rented house - an extended family and as neighbours you couldn't fault them (8/10). But very, very rare.

New-World-Ebola ago

keep a suppressed 22 beside your bed and have an incinerator in the backyard ready to go with some thermite incase you get jogged on

ALIENS2222 ago


ManchesterT ago

There are plenty of ways to make a property completely unlivable, even for minorities. But if its more than one house, you're screwed

Hand_of_Node ago

This. People generally stop living in an uninhabitable house. But that doesn't solve the wife problem.

Nosferatjew ago

...there's probably a way you could stop them.......

jogger_please ago

I think a drone can be used for some creative fun in this case.

Niggertown ago

Time to move to the country where no social safety nets exists. Where whites can survive with ease while the shitskins starve.

ALIENS2222 ago

What country is this? I'm in the sticks and there are. Mexiniggers everywhere.

Rand01 ago

These places do exist. I'm in one of them and only 35 minutes to a major city. I'm not saying where but you could use the population dot map to find these places.

Hand_of_Node ago

Will be interesting to see the update after this census, unless it will now be "too racist".

Rand01 ago

I was thinking that while looking at the map again. Crime maps of cities line up so perfectly with the racial differences it won't be long before this information will be deemed the problem rather than the criminals.

Maat4u ago

Mothballs, ammonia, orange juice concentrate, lard learn to boil skim and gently stuff into iron pipe. Carefully. Take care of that music problem you nigger

anticlutch ago


out of nowhere

(((8 month))) old account pops up and reuses a dead piece of kike propaganda


dm84 ago

Not everything is a fucking conspiracy.

ALIENS2222 ago

You are remarkably uninformed.

anticlutch ago

Never made such a claim.

This garbage is too fucking obvious.

The meme was so insanely forced any reddit-tier IQ cuck would see through it.

Yeah, for like 30 minutes the "jogger" and "looter" memes are barely funny. But that's it.

This isn't kiketube.

This isn't twitter.

'nigger' is allowed to be said here. So the garbage, forced excuse of "but it's funny and can be used on social media!!!" holds zero water.

dm84 ago

I don't care if it's social media safe or not, I think it's fucking funny. Nagger, Jogger, Drive-through patron, rockfish, moon-cricket, moolie. I say nigger all the time it gets boring.

InyourfaceNancyGrace ago

You really are new here

kammmmak ago

Get a fucking good slingshot

Maat4u ago

Sling shot cat turds. Potatoe cannon too maybe fun

HndrxMn ago

I may need to buy a drone now to air drop my dog's turds on neighbors being assclowns.

virge ago

The rage will subside once you realize you don't own your home and are just renting from the Government.. who uses those tax dollars to give welfare to niggers who hate you and want to kill you.

I say subside, because it will be replaced with tempered motivation for the only course of action you have remaining, and the rapidly vanishing window for which to accept execute.

jogger_please ago

Here's the problem: Say one of us goats has finally had it. Say we've decided the time has come to man up and take back what's ours. Where do you start? You just walk into a Popeye's Chicken and start shooting? It's gonna be a nice story on the 11 o'clock news, but that's it. It's not effective. It's bad PR. Same thing with a synagogue.

I think there are millions ready - mentally and logistically - with no clear target and no effective leadership. God have mercy on their opponents if one comes in time. But, until then, it's too fractured and disorganized to be a real threat to the ruling class.

obese-sex-robot ago

The answer is for every white goat to choose one county of one state to move to and rewrite the rules there. Start our own currency, install our cops, legislators, etc. Push policies that favor us and get our women to birth 10+ kids each. Allow immigration from friendlies and once our numbers exceed the land available move on to the next county and so on and so forth.


Heads of media, entertainment, and finance.

InClownWorldSellPnut ago

Veer are you instz our time of need Mein Fuhrer?

ALIENS2222 ago


ManchesterT ago

millions ready - with no clear target and no effective leadership

Sounds like BLM

Cunty84 ago

BLM are sponsored by the magic kikes. With plenty donations from nigger lovers.

virge ago

America needs a New Revolution.

Helena73 ago

Im so sorry. Watch one of these old movies. You are not the only white guy to be surrounded by blacks. It will cheer you up.

eongoat ago

My dad used to yell in the room. "GET THAT NIGGER OFF MY TELEVISION SET!" whenever one popped up, mostly to piss off my Grandma.

Secret555 ago

Hell, I do that even when watching crap by myself. If they are going to eavesdrop on me through digital means then they are going to get the true, unfiltered version.

SearchVoatBot ago

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dm84 ago

Saint on earth your dad.

joego1 ago

Move out of there

dm84 ago

Pretty sure I gotta get divorced for that. Feels like i'm stuck and have some damn hard choices to make soon.

RevDrStrangelove ago

Why do you have to get divorced to move?

dm84 ago

My wife has made it clear that she ain't moving one step further from her family, and even if I did decide to move away from the city I gotta pay her in some divorce settlement? Everything is garbitch.

Hand_of_Node ago

You need to move, and take her with you. Tell her you're moving, and if she chooses her family over you, then you didn't have a marriage at all. You can find ways to protect your assets on the internet, but you need to step out of your humiliating situation.

Depending on your relationship, discuss it with her first. But maybe not if she'd use that info to begin prepping to rape you in divorce. Between the niggers and your disobedient wife, you've put yourself in quite a spot.

Intrixina ago

Move closer to her family then.

ManchesterT ago

If you have no kids, just bail out now. She sounds disobedient and atheistic.

If you do already have kids with her, who are proven to be yours, then pick your battles with her. They need two parents.

BordelonLoop ago

one night tell your wife you are going to the store for some, i don't know, think of something and keep on riding. i'm sorry but a wife follows her husband. unless he is a complete idiot. are you an idiot? probably not. if you were, sounds like she'd have ditched you. she cannot have her cake and eat too. offer her a counter ultimatum.

RevDrStrangelove ago

Ok, is there a place closer to her family that isn't in brown town?