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voat_sukz_goat_nutz ago

too bad there isn't a RWDS option. maybe if whites were a little more willing to get their hands bloody we would never see a chimpout past a level 0.

fellowwhiteperson ago

Lyching used to keep niggers in line. After a generation that never knew anyone that got lynched, they grew more bold.

masterone ago

they wish lynchings were a thing as an excuse for more outrage

fellowwhiteperson ago

Jussie Smollett didn't let reality hold him back. He's a large reason for the recent passing of an anti-lynching bill.

Acerphoon ago

Neither did Mike Brown. The ONLY eye witness (that wasn't a police officer) to the Mike Brown shooting admitted on the stand she made up the story that Mike Brown had his hands up. She admitted Mike Brown was in fact battering the cop and trying to take his gun.
Does that stop BLM from still chanting a made up meme? - No.They don't care. Even now during the George Floyd riots, they chanted "Hands up. Don't shoot." as if it was true. It wasn't true. It never was true.
They don't want facts, they want to loot stuff and destroy stuff.

Olivefigs ago

Was the eye witness a liberal white woman?