MrBateman ago

If I was going somewhere were I expected a flash mob this is probably the setup I would want, as it is compact and can fit in a satchel bag and has a shoulder brace to increase your accuracy, speed of follow up shots and effective range etc. -

truf_tales ago

Itgetsbetter ago

No. 4 doesn't work if there's no safer place to fly to. We are quickly reaching that point. Think of all the nig-free or nig-light options a white person had 50 years ago vs today.

TheKnightOfGod ago

You made my day. Funny and true.

drhitler ago

no ones going to shoot a gud boi again, not even if they run up attack you and try take your gun.

maaaxheadroom ago

Fuck that. Next time the witness with the cell phone dies too. You’ve been warned nigglets.

fusir ago

We've got a 2.7 in progress. Problem is that with conditions everywhere being about the same, this could go off like a high explosive.

Doglegwarrior ago

the last one made me truly sad a couple things could have stopped it all.

  1. the constituon when written could have said all men are free. then they could have gathered up all the blacks and sent them back to africa we could have paid the fools who brought them a very fair price and all would have been fine

  2. the constituion should have said no judiasim or islam. this solves the federal reserve issue and the jew issue

  3. even later before the civil war started the north could have offered to pay the south 10x the value of their slaves and both sides could have worked together to send them back to africa peacefully. shit i would have even considered some type of reservation like the indians had maybe... but they would have been stuck in their reservatuin with only temporaty visitation righta

  4. the south could have said fuck it time to fight this war dirty. number one free all the slaves and force them into the north (this might have backfired spectacularly after 2 years with all those blacks the north might have surrendered and allowed the slaves back) i digress so all the slaves are in the north destroying their economy and fucking things up. the south then fights a full on defenseive gurrilla war which they would have been absolutly spectacular at compared to retarded napolean style fight..(side note how fucking insanly retarded was that type of war) anyways the south ends up becoming its own country free of blacks and they become west germany while the north becom3s jew infested and black infested slums... ohhh south kicks out jews names islam and judiasm illigal

masterone ago

the civil war wasn't about slavery at all

Doglegwarrior ago

to say that shows what an absolute fucking moron you are. I am not saying it was 100% about slavery.. but it was absolutly a factor. so we let one slave state in and then kne none slave state. we make a 3/5ths compromise and debates and and slaves were property taxed or not taxed.

just shut the fuck up with this retarded argument. you are either a useful idiot or a shill.

masterone ago

you got some issues if you infer all that from my comment

you on your period or something?

Doglegwarrior ago

so?? so u cunt! lol you have been so brainwashed to think there are only two solultions! left right.. red blue.. republican democrat... rebloodlican democrip! lol

you fucking idiot

i dont base anything off feelings you stupid faggit who even starts there.. jesus christ ameria is fucked..

ok ok.. so what where you trying to say with out being a giant liberal fagggot.. lol not possible

AnthraxAlex ago

Slavery was like maybe 10% of what that war was about. It was really about the south becoming more powerful and richer than northern states as they started to industrialize. They had all the raw materials and manpower to supplant the north as the economic and political center of the country and the northern colonies were going to lose their ability to extract the wealth out of the smaller vassal states who would eventually also become more powerful politically. Because of this the north destroyed the south militarily and economically. Essentially the civil war ended with the southern and flyover parts of the country being set back hundreds of years developmentally. To do this the north created a fed with unlimited power and control. Everything we see going on now in the country is still directly related to the continued struggle by power centers like New York, DC and now the big west coast cities extracting wealth/resources and authority from the other states as well as maintaining their mandated rigid policies of extreme liberalism and communism.

Doglegwarrior ago

not disagreeing with this assessment

fellowwhiteperson ago

How can anyone deny the truth of this picture? Individual attacks and flash mobs are suppressed by MSM, but LA Riots and South Africa are history. That's what I don't understand liberals. Memes like this lay it out in such an obvious way.

PhilKDick ago

Damn if that didn't make me laugh for the tenth time

voat_sukz_goat_nutz ago

too bad there isn't a RWDS option. maybe if whites were a little more willing to get their hands bloody we would never see a chimpout past a level 0.

fellowwhiteperson ago

Lyching used to keep niggers in line. After a generation that never knew anyone that got lynched, they grew more bold.

masterone ago

they wish lynchings were a thing as an excuse for more outrage

fellowwhiteperson ago

Jussie Smollett didn't let reality hold him back. He's a large reason for the recent passing of an anti-lynching bill.

Acerphoon ago

Neither did Mike Brown. The ONLY eye witness (that wasn't a police officer) to the Mike Brown shooting admitted on the stand she made up the story that Mike Brown had his hands up. She admitted Mike Brown was in fact battering the cop and trying to take his gun.
Does that stop BLM from still chanting a made up meme? - No.They don't care. Even now during the George Floyd riots, they chanted "Hands up. Don't shoot." as if it was true. It wasn't true. It never was true.
They don't want facts, they want to loot stuff and destroy stuff.

Olivefigs ago

Was the eye witness a liberal white woman?

Carpools ago

First of all, "Chimp-out" is an insult to chimpanzees. Secondly, don't think for a moment that if you hate, you're not part of the "chimp-out". "Chimp-out" are dummies dancing exactly as their owners want them to. In this case, blacks and white dummies are both "chimping-out", being divided, and being absolute tools for their masters.

black_trash ago

I think nukes might work against SA.

spaceman84 ago

Use neutron bombs. We're not supposed to have them officially, but they don't contaminate the land for any amount of time or produce radioactive fallout.

black_trash ago

Don't want to kill all the elephants either. Maybe a Nig Flu would be the best?

LargePeter ago


Landsberg15 ago

Why can’t an industrious hacker get into the NYT and WaPo printing operations and insert this into the editorial sections?

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