BigTrucker ago

Never had the desire to look at it much.

Fluxuhate ago

Burn it. All of it.

Moonchild5374 ago

All porn is rape.

Ocelot ago

Porn destroys capacity for intimacy and bonding.

Sterben777 ago

Porn has been twisted through out the years. Its not normal sex anymore. Its all fetish and vulgar content. 5 niggers on some small white girl, some fat bitch dripping cum into a glass and drinking it, women masterbating in public places around kids, brother and sister fucking, mom and son fucking, some teen fucking an old grandpa, women fucking animals... Its very rare to see porn with just regular sex on the top page of porn sites. Its mostly niggers doing foul ass shit now. And people have gotten so use to it, they no longer get aroused by normal sex porn. They need that fucked up shit to get off. And that was the jew goal. To demoralize the people. To find new ways to commit sin through sexual immorality. I started reading the bible for the first time in my life, and im beginning to realize jews are synagogues of satan.

crazyjuan ago

Hentai is ok then because it is Japanese and not Jewish?

Conspirologist ago

You have to be demented to think that only jews have perverts.

crazyjuan ago

That was precisely my point.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

sex causes so many problems among human beings. Perhaps we would be better off without it? Bromide in the water supply.

metricisokay ago

Getting off excessively, being more than half as often as your average stud has sex. Is damaging to your well-being as well as your physical health.

Your body prioritises making sperm above most everything else. It's easy to fall into ill health because your body is busy using all of its resources generating sperm. A drop of sperm is about on par with 50 drops of blood to produce.

This isn't even taking into account the mental damage.

UserAetheria ago

I agree that porn is bad. But the body is always producing sperm. That's why you have wet dreams when you don't wank enough. Its trying to expel the excess semen.

metricisokay ago

That kind of buildup takes a while. You're overproducing sperm when you're ejaculating all the time.

MockingDead ago

Porn has also Radically changed. Used to be tits and face, now its from behind with the dick regularly in view. Not to mention the increase in interracial and fat porn.

I was an addict, but I was saved by the kikes pushing more and more degenerate porn. I won't spend a half an hour looking for something worth jerking off to. I'll just close the browser and do something else.

Tallest_Skil ago

I was an addict, but I was saved by the kikes pushing more and more degenerate porn.

That’s very interesting (and fortunate for you). It sounds like a mirror of what happened on imageboards in the early 2000s. 4chan started off as an aggregate for the “edgy,” where you could “escape society’s shackles” and “say anything,” but then society devolved so far that reality was “edgier” than 4chan, so those same men who used to post Milhouse and Slowpoke memes suddenly started advocating for pre-20th century traditionalist values, because holding to objective truth had become the “edgy” act. And also because they were disgusted with what society had become.

MockingDead ago

I just wanted to see bouncy bobs. Now I get dicks and fatties. It's gross.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

"I'll just close the browser and do something else.". I suggest a lot of porn watching is just a manifestation of boredom. Once you see how babies are made...why look twice?

MockingDead ago

It's dopamine. So yes.

Loar ago

I still do not know how porn makes people people cheat. I typically blame those who cheat instead of porn.

AisforAtom ago

Porn is a Satanic weapon designed to turn you into a cuck.

fuckfuckfuck1 ago

You will see billboards and hear/see ads offering help for gambling, alcohol/drug addiction but never porn addiction.

TheKnightOfGod ago

Why is v/nofap disabled?

SpiritExpedition ago

I'm slowly learning that the best way to subvert the kike is to invert its weapons against itself. So the question becomes: how do we turn porn into a weapon against the kikes? Because I don't see the cultural saturation of porn drying up anytime soon. Time to generate some new porn genres?

  • Women who throw themselves at white men who fight against niggers.

  • Upstanding border patrol agent gets offered spic cunt as bribe for turning blind eye. Plugs his nose at the rancid smell, refuses, deports her (to hell), then goes home to wife and plants child number 9 in her.

  • Naive women wind up on a (((casting couch))) for an innocent modeling job then call in their white boyfriend to save them when the sex ultimatum gets revealed. White chad shows up and smashes the kike's office.

  • Nigger cuck porn where the nigger offers up his negress wife, the white man laughs and exclaims "That's disgusting. I'd rather stick my dick in a wood chipper" before spitting on both of them and lynching them; a harem of KKK hooded white women show up and celebrate the victory.

  • White on white breeding fetish. "Plant the next Führer in me, baby!"

How quickly does the kike start arguing porn needs censorship?

BaBs88 ago

Blacks on jews.

Luis_Sphincta ago

There's got to be some way to just dub all the women's voices using jewish words/accents.

tratakat ago

Just let them wear star of david necklaces.

boekanier ago

Try to be a man and avoid sex completely :-)

keksupreme ago

modern women are worthless so it makes no difference

charliebrownau ago

Are you willing to :-

Remove people on WELFARE from voting

Remove un-employed people from voting

Change voting age to at LEAST 25 years old

Paper voting, no mail, no online

Voting database

ID shown

Are you willing to hold FEMALES, BLACKS, JEWS, MEXICANS,etc to the same standard of ACCOUNTABLITY , resplbolties and PUSHMENT as dished out for ethnic straight males ?





Build TWO fucking walls

No immergrants for at least 25 years

Bring back NATIONAL





Remove Petrol oil from vechiles , migrate to ETHNOL 100%

Push for Water HYDRO + ETHNOL for power generation

Use HEMP instead of cotton

Use Bamboo + hemp instead of tree wood

or are you like everyone else refusing to find REAL SOLUTIONS to the fucking mess, normies, christians, tradcucks, globalists, feminism, and Zionist Jews created in our nations

PsychicRussiaSpy ago

All good except for the ethanol. That shit fucks up internal combustion engines. A er all engines

blackguard19 ago

lol I can’t use my imagination. I agree that porn should be shunned completely, and it’s insidious and disgusting. But if I weren’t happily married I would be out of luck and have to rely on the occasional vivid wet dream.

Charilko ago

That’s the real problem with porn, though. It decreases the perceived importance of finding a meaningful, sexual long term relationship. (And this goes for female porn too, which is a grossly undercommented on problem too)

WhiteChickens ago

How about getting rid of the jews?

Too busy whacking off. lol

Drstrangebeard ago

you're one of the lucefarians?

Tallest_Skil ago

Look at his username. How could you possibly think OTHERWISE from his entire reason for being here?

Drstrangebeard ago

I hate these fuckers. White chickens is pedoese for white kids.

WhiteChickens ago

Are you a retard, any chance?

How could you even get that from what I just said?

Where is your brain? THINK!

Drstrangebeard ago


charliebrownau ago

If Nationalists expect White/ethnic males of

AU+NZ+UK+CA+USA+JP+EU to return to





ADDRESS THE CORE ROOT PROBLEMS why males are GLOBALLY walking away from




having kids


Otherwise Porn is the only outlet for MEN that want a risk free lifesytle without false claims, divorce rape and constant bs/stress

StankMouth ago

Absolutely correct, stop acting on sexual desire and you’ll have a huge change in perception of our world and culture. Full-spectrum warfare is what we’re dealing with, they’re destroying our people from so many different angles.

Commiefornication ago

I"m human and I struggle not to occassionally look at the random image of a naked woman, but I fight it and will continue to no matter what. Complacency is death and that's why there has been a TV in every house since these kikes have been here secretly working against us. We need good Non-jews to create some sort of internet alternative or infrastructure before they turn this shit off. jews are crazy and will do crazy things - they are not logical in the least. Remember that when you are suspended in disbelief.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

"I"m human"

Phew! You had me worried there, bro.

Drstrangebeard ago

I made the discovery. saw the world as it is. woke a few people up. maybe a few thousand by extension. but theres not enough people stopping. their inertia is pushing us over the cliff. were toppling. its heartbreaking.

Ocelot ago

Don't lose heart faggot. Demoralization directly leads to destruction. Who knows what the future may bring?

Drstrangebeard ago

If the past is any indication the worst is ahead.

Brickman45 ago

Here come the Puritans. Fuck off

Tallest_Skil ago

I am a jew

5 month old account

zero interaction with the site except to support ✡porn✡

Bye, yid! You blew it!

Brickman45 ago

Excellent detective work. Enjoy your boring ass missionary vanilla sex little winky boy

Tallest_Skil ago



Bye, yid! You blew it! No one will ever believe a single thing you say ever again!

Brickman45 ago

Burn the witch!!!

Trueseeker_90 ago

Ok coomer.

tokui ago

fringe porn degeneracy

Maybe just return to non-degenerate porn?

PaulNeriAustralia ago

you mean tits 'n' bums?

Trueseeker_90 ago

All porn is degenerate.😂

Libtardscum ago

There is definitely porn in Israel. I watched it there while I was on birthright.

JohnnyLaRue ago

Fuck you all, ahhhhh shit

spaceman84 ago

Try to stop boomers and Gen X from transcending the screen and making it a lifestyle. The swinger and cuck world wouldn't exist without them. Millenials and Gen Z have furries and transmutants to purge. Many many degenerates making deviant sexual behavior central to their lives and then forcing the mainstream public to "accept" them.

BoomerHater1488er ago

You are correct about the porn, but you still sicken me. Christcuck. Why would a proud European call himself a gentile? You seriously view your existence in the context of their worldview. You should be ashamed. It'd be like a man calling himself a non-female.

Commiefornication ago

LOL! I'm not religious or a member of any 'group. thanks for showing your true colors so I can add you to my block list.

BoomerHater1488er ago

Well, you're a blatant liar.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Your existence is in the context of Christianity. The US would probably not exist without Christianity for example.

More generally if you think you can wipe 2000 years of history clean with some dimly remembered pagan LARP you're not too swift.

BoomerHater1488er ago

That Pagan LARP is what built the Blood of Europe, not sandnigger spirituality. If you seriously think the white race couldn't exist without a sect of Judaism that believes that Yeshua ben Yosef was the prophesied Messiah, then you're an even bigger cuck that I imagined.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Christianity has evolved and diverged so much from Judaism in 2000 years that it has become something different. A lot of paganism and European custom was adopted. This was even recognized by groups like Puritans who tried to purify it.

But reality is reality. What is is what is. And what has happened has happened.

BoomerHater1488er ago

But reality is reality. What is is what is. And what has happened has happened.

How fatalistic. Honestly, I agree with the puritans. The paganism was adopted because it is who we are. Even after two thousand years of another ethnicity's spirituality, we still held on to our own. But the plain truth is that Christianity is a foreign, invasive spirituality and European lands would be better without it.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

I can't look at it. When I was a younger and much more liberal man, I genuinely thought there was some sort of choice and consent argument to be made for women willing to do porn, and I was able to find enjoyment in it because I could reconcile myself with the fiction that they were doing it of their own free will. Decades later, I've learned how damaged these women are even before they began doing nude photography and porn. I can't see anything except sexually abused girls being degraded by animals for the gratification of degenerates and perverts for jews' monetary gain. Makes me want to vomit these days.

Itgetsbetter ago

How is the woman actor a victim while the male actor is an animal? That is part of the fiction and allure of porn. Accepting reality - that these are awful women that you wouldn't want anything to do with in real life - helps to diminish porn's power over you.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

How is the woman actor a victim while the male actor is an animal? That is part of the fiction and allure of porn.

They're not "actors", they're performers. There's no acting involved, it just performance. And there is a difference of power between the male and female. Porn is emotionally detached, mechanical, and often involves the male exerting power over the woman. Why do they need to slap, smack, choke, and spit on women? Why do they make a point of degrading and humiliating the woman? That's actually worse than animal behavior, and if you enjoy it, you're sick.

these are awful women that you wouldn't want anything to do with in real life

I don't judge the women and I don't find them "awful". They're damaged by previous sexual abuse, not malign.

Not watching it removes all of porn's power over you. That's reality. Stop making excuses for this perversion.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I think this narrative of sexually abused runaways with no father is a lot less relevant with Playboy Playmates.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

That's where you're wrong, Joe. The girls who lived with Hefner were exactly the sort of damaged type that his built his empire on. Just because a few managed to salvage something from their experience mean they were "successful". It just means they made some money and came out ahead from their exploitation, although not necessarily very satisfied with the experience. I've read their stories and the look damaged from the constant attention and focus on their youth and appearance. It destroys a woman after a while. Most of them go broke from plastic surgery and drugs and alcohol.

abralfkasmdv ago

It's a slippery slope, everyone draws the line somewhere and for most Pr0n is already the definition of over the line. Freedom of choice is one thing but "Success" for women is measured at home, not at the bank.

Joe_McCarthy ago

You should cite specifics. Because I said Playboy Playmates - and they're a hobby of mine. A lot of them marry professional athletes or actors. Marrying handsome, successful men is a pretty good result by most reasonable accounts.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Nope, not going to. That's your bailiwick, not mine. Besides the post is about porn, which I commented on. You slid it into Playboy models, which isn't relevant to the topic, even though I commented on that too as a side discussion. If it's important to you, post about it. I'm not going to discuss the life choices of Playboy models with you, even though I contend that most of them were exploited while a few managed to find some financial success and possibly even happiness despite their experience.

Soyboy69 ago

Besides the post is about porn, which I commented on. You slid it into Playboy

That is porn.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Correct. Thank you for saying that.

Joe_McCarthy ago

No, it ain't.

Mostly what I look at are Playboy videos. Hugh Hefner was a lapsed Methodist descended from Puritans.

New-World-Ebola ago

you make a fool of yourself constantly

awwisnotafarmpromise ago

You sound like a weak minded incel godtard faggot.

ketoll ago

They push promiscuous sexual fantasies on the men with porn, sex in movies, tv, music, all media, .

Then they send all the wives to work full time jobs and take antidepressant medications so that they're never in the mood for sex with their husbands who were exposed to sexual imagery all day long.

Breakup of families: Easy.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this anonymous v/BannedByVoat comment.

Posted automatically (#113020) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@ketoll: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)

Commiefornication ago

they have a full spectrum Tavistock/RAND.MOSSAD/Communist/Satatnic methodology to attack Gentile family units. Feminism, porn, MSM, music industry, education, now the internet, Sayinam/FreeMasons/Shabbos Goys/Agents working under cover in your area to harass or smear people that speak out, church infiltrations, and on and on...

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

Attacking porn always bring out the jew shills. Kinda funny really

GrizzlyDark ago

My favorite is how they say NoFap is antisemitic

Astralax ago

They never let a tendril recede unless it is being simultaneously replaced by at least one more.

They defend when they don't have a fallback for that vector.

Yamau ago

What do i do if ive never had sex though

Israel is an authoritarian shithole, there being something regulated doesnt mean anything

HbMcNutt ago

Learn to have sex. Easy as that. Cheaters never prosper

New-World-Ebola ago


kill every kike

ShakklezthaKlown ago

You won't even kill one, pussy.

MikeyMo123 ago

Challenge...currently being considered.


I'm pretty sure you guys are all the same account.

Are you sure you want that thing inside your head to keep pretending it's you? That thing that keeps filling you with a desire to violence. You can get rid of it if you want. Just tell it to leave. It needs you more than you need it.

Tallest_Skil ago

Dude, seriously, you’re the reason we’re in this mess. Learn what hate actually is. Fucking milquetoast.


I'll bet the hate you have fed inside you has done nothing but bring more conflict and loneliness to your life. Yet you somehow seem to think the results will be different if enacted on a large scale.

The only solution to the corruption brought into this world by jews is to live lives of personal morality. This will weaken, then break jewish subversion.

Tallest_Skil ago

“Thus evil may be found in anger, when one is angry more or less than right reason demands. But if one is angry in accordance with right reason, one's anger is deserving of praise.” ~ St. Thomas Aquinas; Summa Theologiae, Secunda Secundae Partis, Q. 158


ShakklezthaKlown ago

you're retarded, i'm calling out the barking dog who has a lust for blood. even if the jews are the enemy, such a lust is detrimental.

Drstrangebeard ago

you talking demon possession or alien parasite?

ShakklezthaKlown ago

he's talking about his mother's penis

New-World-Ebola ago

solipsism is a weapon

New-World-Ebola ago

fuck you shlomo

ShakklezthaKlown ago

shut up pussy.

just because i know you won't do it doesn't mean i'm a jew. grow the fuck up.

New-World-Ebola ago

fuck yourself shlomo

AntiMason ago

Did i just witness 2 FBI agents fighting with each other stuck in larp mode?

Tallest_Skil ago

virtually no interaction on the actual posts in question

25 thumbsy uppies on the post screaming jewishly about how all sides are jewish

And people actually have the fucking gall to say that I’m wrong.

ShakklezthaKlown ago


Drkadrka ago

Actually what happened here was a bit of jurisdictional grey zone interference. When you have 2 separate law enforcement entities surfing the same domain, occasionally there is a little chest thumping back and forth, usually either by advocating for increasingly criminal acts, or as we see here, by reflecting and reducing, as we see in the "you won't even kill one" line.

That line is the bait, and they hope for either a veiled admission, or a veiled threat, so they can initiate further action, possibly including opening an investigation. Usually they will use some black market tools to attempt a hack of some sort first, at which point they find all the donut porn on the pc and realize they are talking to a fellow LEO.

Drstrangebeard ago


CheeBooga ago

Did i just witness 2 FBI agents fighting with each other stuck in larp mode?

ah ah ah

New-World-Ebola ago

AntiMason ago

The little black kid riding on the kike in the middle's shoulders.

New-World-Ebola ago

well played

BlowjaySimpson ago

I think you spelled "Fucktoy" wrong.

UrCoolerOlderBrother ago

Isn't porn illegal in isreal? Lol

CheeBooga ago

Israeli's would rather watch child porn

UrCoolerOlderBrother ago

Watch?! You mean MAKE.

Commiefornication ago

Last I read it was heavily regulated and you need an account to access it. I don' have the link so do your own diligence.

fightknightHERO ago

Law got overturned over Privacy Issues

Tallest_Skil ago

Really? When was this? Very recently the law which required you to personally ask for the block to be removed was still in effect.

fightknightHERO ago

it didn't pass, politicians realized that having a "porn block" that requires them to ask the ISP to "manually remove the block"

would create privacy issues that would allow others to violate their privacy and extort them or some shit like that

don't remember the exact details but it didn't pass, also in 2016 Israel has decided to re-fluoridate their own water

UrCoolerOlderBrother ago


Deplorablepoetry ago

Voat is a bunch of puke queer pig retards jerking each other off......., porn for blind retards

The only good Voat is a dead voat

Vc83 ago

Funny how the moment you mention porn, the kike shills come out of the woodwork

Joe_McCarthy ago

Mostly I just see brigaders who downvote because they can't deal with facts that counter their retarded jewbad narrative.

Vc83 ago

We all know intrinsically that porn is bad for your brain, but it is addictive and changes brain chemistry. Most of us can make arguments for and agaisnt it, but kike shills just insult, deflect and berate you for even questioning it.

Deplorablepoetry ago

Nothing funny about this shit site.

King_Leopold_II ago

Then fuck off.

Deplorablepoetry ago

Make me, faggot

Why don’t you call for back up and make me, you faggot fucking bitch.

You need a kick in the head with a steal toed boot pig scum.

Die scum

Die scum

Die scum

Die scum

Die scum

I guess that will do... for now

King_Leopold_II ago

I guess that will do... for now

That's too bad. I was hoping you'd write one of your shitty poems.

FannyCraddock ago

Downvote this cunt

PaulNeriAustralia ago

No! He's entertaining. A Voat eccentric.

FannyCraddock ago

Too late he downvoted

Deplorablepoetry ago

Fat pig

Dead pig

Your family is fucking dead pig

FannyCraddock ago

Ok cocksucker

UrCoolerOlderBrother ago

You are an idiot

Deplorablepoetry ago

Dead pig is dead

It’s commie family


The only good commie is a dead pig

UrCoolerOlderBrother ago

Oh, you're a schizophrenic. Ok.

Deplorablepoetry ago


I have what is called INTEGRITY

You can not buy it, it is earned.

Challenge my integrity, pig, I will rub your nose in the shit you try to refer as honour

UrCoolerOlderBrother ago

Wtf are you talking about? I doubt you even know.

clubberlang ago

He's off his spectrum meds just let him rock back and forth in the corner until mommy comes home and makes sammichs

Deplorablepoetry ago

I know this site sucks commie fucking pig dick.

I also know for a fact that the only good pig is a dead pig., fag

Helena73 ago

You’re really just a giant teddybear.

PaulNeriAustralia ago


Deplorablepoetry ago

No, I’m thin.

Less than 10% fat actually.

My muscles flash under my skin mesmerizing most folk..., also I can run 1.5 miles in under 8 minutes.., no one else here can say that.

When women look at me, and I catch them looking, they touch their hair, blush then look away.., only to have me catch them looking again.

Don’t judge a book by its cover, don’t underestimate your future lover

PaulNeriAustralia ago

since dames find you attractive, you ever hook up with them and sit under a tree in a park with you reciting your, um, poetry?

Deplorablepoetry ago

I slit throats for a living

You made the short list

clubberlang ago

Hahah troll level 12

Helena73 ago

I am a lucky lady. Plus you’re so kind and gentle.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

this is good, Helena73.

Deplorablepoetry ago

You can suck the cum off the floor after I jerkoff, spit it on your hand, shove it up your horrid, infected, smelly twat in your hope to become pregnant with my sperm.

if it works, I will pay the child support but I refuse to look at your revolting face.

Also, I insist that if the child is born retarded that you name it Voat..., if it is normal a girl her name will be Veronica after the Mennonite that stole my heart

If it is a boy we will ask him to name himself..,, though I will constantly remind him (when I visit every third weekend, except for in January, April, October and all the other fucking months that I forgot to remember!) that he is a bastard of his mother’s slutty loins and he should consider killing itself, don’t be too surprised when he names himself Suicide..., I blame you and your mother and I knew it was a big mistake to have sex with your sister (much tighter vagina, if truth is to be told)..., fuck you.., I’m leaving

PaulNeriAustralia ago

take it down, DP. It's not nice.

Deplorablepoetry ago


Wait till she says something else to me

I’m gonna fucking destroy that fucking twat just for fun..., you know I can and I will.

She, came at me..., stupid bitch

PaulNeriAustralia ago

I don't like to see a bro get smashed by a dame but she outclassed you man. She played you like a cat with a mouse. You gotta keep dem emotions in ya holster.

Deplorablepoetry ago

Fuck you retard.

That fucking cunt is getting fucked hard in the head..., she dreams of me now...the nightmare has only just begun

PaulNeriAustralia ago

sleep on it.

Deplorablepoetry ago

No no, it’s decided..., bank on it..., my word is gold certified 100% guaranteed

You will smell the tears all the way from here to there

PaulNeriAustralia ago

goddamn! Everything I say goes in one befuddled ear and out the other! Don't mess with her bro, you don't have the temperament. She's playing with you and you bite and she loves it. Stick to doing what you do best - writing (deplorable) poetry!

Deplorablepoetry ago

I don’t give any fucks about this cesspool of a website, I have no peers here. Your up and down votes are only a register of the retarded.

I think I have about 4000 out of 8000 upvoats remaining, i figure they are all gone by the middle of June, only if I can find the time that is, to tell all the worthless coward commie scum on this site to kill themself.

Your friend Helen is already dead, you and she just don’t know it yet

FannyCraddock ago

Fuck off then, pig

Deplorablepoetry ago

Make me, bitch.

Ask me how your filthy family dies scumbag

FannyCraddock ago

How your filthy family dies, scumbag?

PaulNeriAustralia ago

7 /10

PaulNeriAustralia ago

Helen ain't my friend. She's actually a Voat Vampire searching for mens' throats to sink her teeth into and you, old chap, kindly presented your neck for the taking.

Deplorablepoetry ago

This site will be dead very soon, retard.

Someone contacted the fbi and informed them that there are constant threats of death being made by law enforcement to citizens on this site.

This site will not be here for long...., jerk off with your retarded friends while you still have time, queer.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

well ...that is why it behoves all of us to pressure goats who are inciting violence to desist.

Deplorablepoetry ago

Fuck this shithole

Burn it down

PaulNeriAustralia ago

you sure you got that right: "threats of death being made by law enforcement to citizens"? Suggest: "by" and "to" need to be exchanged.

Look I think there is a law enforcement plant on Voat and I think @antimason and @drkadrka have twigged to who it is. It's not hard to figure out. Just ask yourself who puts up the most posts inciting violence ?

PaulNeriAustralia ago

You're sitting in my chair:

Deplorablepoetry ago

There was a time when I would badmouth Kurt Russell, call him a second rate actor...., truth is, I lament to admit is he is actually a first rate actor, I was just jealous because he married Goldie Hawn..., it’s true she is somewhere around twenty years older than me, but you gotta admit, that is one beautiful woman.

Anyway, I like that was fun to watch...., just like it will be fun watching you swing by your neck at the end of a rope from a sturdy old oak tree.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

in one of your poems didn't you tell us some redhead at school "stole" [your word] your virginity? It was the wrong word to use, wasn't it because you surrendered it willingly?

PaulNeriAustralia ago

It is fun to watch and like seemingly most folk think Doc Holliday took it to a rare level. Val Kilmer should have got that oscar.

Deplorablepoetry ago

I can’t decide if we tie the loose end of the rope to a horse or a Jeep...

The horse is more dramatic I think..., yup gonna use the horse

PaulNeriAustralia ago

I'm your huckleberry.

Deplorablepoetry ago

You’re the nigger in the cave....I forget his name...Jim or Tom or something.., oh no was injun joe hiding out in that cave.., yup....I know who you are now INJUN, I’m gonna go tell the sheriff and you are gonna hang by noon tomorrow! Yee haw!

PaulNeriAustralia ago

you got the wrong f..king film just like you got the wrong day, the wrong time, every day.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

you're sitting in my chair:

PaulNeriAustralia ago

aw ya ruined it DP! The romantic in you is the more interesting.

Helena73 ago

You are just so shy. How can we get you to come out of your shell?

Trueseeker_90 ago

Gross man.You need professional help.Fucking loon.

Deplorablepoetry ago

Fat pig fuck with its fat throat slit

Die scum

Trueseeker_90 ago


Pinkanon ago


Deplorablepoetry ago

Your IQ is showing, detective

You and your family are dead pigs...and it won’t be quick...., it will be gruesome.., pig

Pinkanon ago

Copypasta? You've made this exact threat before, (((officer)))...

Trueseeker_90 ago

You must be a nigger or some other type of ape.

Deplorablepoetry ago

Filthy fucking dead pig

Trueseeker_90 ago

Yep definitely a nigger.

Pinkanon ago

Riiiight...yer adorable...anytime kiddo...I'm sure you can yrack an ISP...wait, nevermind, (((someome))) turned yer computer on for suck at this, clown...