NPCGator ago

No he's not, beating up random old niggers doesn't accomplish anything but help the jew push the evil white people narrative even harder. They're so desperate to push that narrative they make shit up, see jussie smollett. In my opinion attacking random niggers is only going to give them more ammunition to push their anti-white agenda farther, me, I'm just gonna keep exposing the jew to as many people as I can and hope that JQ hits critical mass before we're all locked up in FEMA camps.

itssomatic ago

I hope he gets his own online show some day. Then we'll see for sure whether or not he's cucked.

He doesn't tell the whole truth, but he also needs to feed his family.

Tucker has FU-money, not merely rich but wealthy. He's an oligarch and I don't mean that as a pejorative. He doesn't need a day job except by his own choice. He has the capital and connections to host on an independent platform if he wished to. He previously founded The Daily Caller.

There's been good evidence over the years that he knows a whole lot more than he says; he drops hints all the time.

That was good enough in the beginning - but if closely studied enough - he obscures topics as well, to the benefit of TPTB. He also lies by omission. Whatever happened to all his investigations into the Las Vegas shooting?

The common line is: He has to take his time redpilling the older Republicans. We don't have a decade for a slow boil.

I think over the last six months his show has appreciably deteriorated. He played both sides of the BS-Flu waiting to see how things would pan out.

Is he the best on TV? Yes, but that's not saying much.

habitual2 ago

You make really good points. He can only go so far and still keep his show. But there's a lot of exhausting people on here that seem to need 100% ideological purity on everything.

veteran88 ago

I am surprised Trump tweeted about this.

Is it close enough to the election that he has to pretend to care about whites again.

Next year is where the rubber meets the road. He is going to show his true colors because he has nothing left to lose.

hambcinco ago

I was just talking to somebody last night about Fox news and they asked about Tucker Carlson and if he is legit. I feel like maybe he is, but even so the rest of Fox is a kike fest, and they probably only keep him there to hold on to the last remaining bit of people who watch. Who knows, any free info pushed by the talmudvision is trash.

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itssomatic ago


Helena73 ago

Who cares what you say odinfag.

Helena73 ago

Why do you think Im not a woman?

ClownPeeingOnYrCar ago

I commented this in the first post that unmasked that fucker on video-- if the hippies of yore could have seen where it would all end up, would it have changed their minds? I honestly ask myself that often enough irl, basically as a showerthought.

They thought they were doing good for a group of mistreated and downtrodden people, that's how they saw it. They were out to "change the world". But if they could have seen into the future and glimpsed things like this...would they have kept on following the left?

I really wonder.

LetTheMongoloidsDie ago

Oh, they changed it alright.

They knew the nature of kikes. They chose to listen to kikes. They chose...poorly.

ClownPeeingOnYrCar ago

Fun fact, it was recently declassified that the KGB was infiltrating the hippie movement, especially through their music & weed scenes, with professional communist plants the whole time. They were spying through those channels as well.

Pepperidge Farm remembers when all the talking heads used to shame us as "stupid conspiracy theorists" for suspecting anything along those lines.

danjo_kandui ago

Lol. It doesn’t matter how many times you post a video. That nigger will never be a white Boomer. What it does do is it shows how dedicated you are to being retarded.


Don't worry placenta kitten your time will come...

Sneed-Chuckman ago

Look up his name, you'll see people going after him. No news outlets covered it yet his dox came up as the first result.

Its nice seeing redditors wake up and spics wanting to beat the shit out of him, a common enemy to unite us.

toowhitegottafight ago

That poor nigger was just practicing his massage therapy routine on that old man can you bigoted whites see that?!!? -A kike probably

Donald_Q_Trump ago

(((FOX NEWS)))

Bremertonbruiser ago

Maybe it was my star wars upbringing?

kammmmak ago

I would have pulverized that fuck so bad his IQ would've raised.

danjo_kandui ago

Lol. Prove it. You’re the shittiest racist I’ve ever talk to. You can’t even recognize an old nigger when you see one. And obviously you don’t know shit about kikes. You ruin the power of that word by just calling everybody who disagrees with you a Jew. What a faggot.

kammmmak ago

They are complicit to hide it

danjo_kandui ago

Lol. It looks like a nigger punching and old nigger. How can someone be so racist and not recognize an old black man when they see one?

greydragon ago

You got it. Exactly. And there isn't a damn thing you can do to stop me. I get paid so much along with my fellow "kvetchers" (we get paid highly from your tax money, literally this is a 120K job a year).

The great thing is there is almost no restrictions. I can literally mock you over the USS Liberty. We killed so many of your soldiers and had your faggot president suck our dick after we killed your people. How great is that?

I really love this job.

greydragon ago

I dunno, why did you cut off your dick? I'm kind of a "support the trans" movement. I just want to know why you chopped your dick off. It just seems weird to me.

greydragon ago

I wrote something, but then realized I have nothing to prove to you.

I wish you the best, young adult.

danjo_kandui ago

Lol. The guys a piece of shit black guy. But if you post a video saying he’s beating up old white men when it’s clearly an black man you are retarded.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

That nigger will get shanked his first week in prison. He'll be dead by the end of this year. Watch.

Bremertonbruiser ago

I don't hate. I do seek a reckoning.

Carpools ago

This is an opportunity to spread the word about the white student who is beating the shit out of elderly blacks in a psychiatric hospital while dropping N-bombs. Maybe people will get motivated to look into it.

con77 ago

link or GTFO

danjo_kandui ago

To be fair, the guy Just seems Like a retarded pos. There is A video of him beating on an old black guy also. If you want to make this situation about race, you will lose. I get it though. But the underlying problem isn’t that the fagg is racist. It’s that he’s a pos.

Sneed-Chuckman ago

The races of this subhuman's victims don't matter, do you think it'd be any less disturbing for a fat nigger to attack elderly non whites?

The ape should hang and he's gonna get what he deserves in prison, niggers prefer to fight those who wont fight back IE young/old/disabled/animals... They're not human or animal, they're monsters.

danjo_kandui ago

The races of this subhuman's victims don't matter, do you think it'd be any less disturbing for a fat nigger to attack elderly non whites?

I agree.

Would you also agree that it’s kind of retarded to use a video of a nigger guy punching an old nigger guy As an example of racism?

Sneed-Chuckman ago

They'll attack whatever is unluckly enough to be around them, these attacks are not exclusive to white people, even animals they'll torture and they do it for fun.

danjo_kandui ago

That’s not what I asked.

I asked if you would agree that it’s kind of retarded to use a video of a Nigger guy punching an old nigger guy as an example of black racism towards whites?

Sneed-Chuckman ago

He was assaulting a mulatto, niggers hate them.

danjo_kandui ago


Mulatto’s aren’t white you fucking retard. I guess you’re going to tell me Obama is white too Because he’s mulatto huh?

Sneed-Chuckman ago

They're called mutts. Stop going through the mental gymnastics to stick up for this nigger, even the most liberal soy drinking leftists on reddit wont defend him.

danjo_kandui ago

The title in this post calls the victim a “WHITE BOOMER.” I haven’t defended him once. You are just too retarded to understand what I am saying. So let me break it down.

Using a video of a nigger guy punching an old nigger guy and labeling the post “Nigger using white Boomer as a punching bag“ As a way to expose a double standard in media coverage of black racism towards whites is fucking retarded.

Not once did I defend anybody in this comment or any of my comments. I’m simply stating that this post is retarded based on the combination of its title and content. That is all I said. You’re the one that sees an old Melado nigger as no different than a white Boomer.

Sneed-Chuckman ago

He records himself attacking women and non whites, the white boomer was just one of the victims to this ape.

Do you think that it wouldn't hesitate to kill a cat for fun?

con77 ago

it is about race. blacks areb racist. kiss my white ass

danjo_kandui ago

I white also. I’m just not a dumb bitch that cry’s about racism constantly.

con77 ago

youre fucking delusional. its niggers constantly crying "RAYSIS" cunt!

peacegnome ago

Is there any way to dox the people who made decisions to not cover stories or to leave out him being black?

I realize we could blame a hand-rubbing group of people, but it would be better if we could target this behaviour.

AntiMason ago

Fox news is beyond kiked.

Niggertown ago

But muh based Carl Tuckerstein!

undertheshills ago

Carl is somewhat based. He has disavowed 911 truth and is allowed to express dissenting opinion so his literal jew boss can cash in on the one quality host on all of cable TV

Niggertown ago

Other night he was listing off countries that have interfered with our elections. Of course his skipped over the big blue elephant in the room.

Ken_bingo2 ago

Fox Jews. So obvious. Kek.

favoritecoloriswhite ago

It's the perfect example for controlled opposition.

Chimaira92 ago

Trump is a perfect example of control opposition.

AntiMason ago

The top of the ladder.

Helena73 ago

Check your birthdate Zoomer. You know your going to assraped for openly surrendering to the fags and trannies during your precious ”teens” and you deserve it. Letthemongoloidsdie is going to have his asshole stretched beyond all recognition and he has it coming because he personally is responsible for genderfluid clownworld, right.

Shut the fuck up. Just because hollywood jews told you everyone loved the sixties and was dropping acid and dryhumping each other on the corner of haight and ash doesnt mean it happened you shit eating little faggot. Keep living in your Hollywood programmed fantasy world and turning on your own people. They love it when you keep falling for the same damn ruse, commie playbook page 1, figure 1.

DesolationRoad ago

that was a lot of aggression seemingly out of no doin okay? Did you have a bad run in with a hippie?

Helena73 ago

Did i scare you? Did I hurt your feelings? Aww.

...seemingly out of no where...

Yeah sure, for no reason whatsoever, just like the 1930s.

Listen its one thing to criticize boomers, its another to gleefully celebrate their suffering— Ive lost patience for the blind boomer hate being dumped by some of the more ignorant zoomers on this site who are barely out of puberty and have no idea about history or “the sixties” whatsoever. No fucking way am I letting any antiwhite hatred against innocent old people go without raining shit on these faggots. Let me know if you want some sweetheart.

DesolationRoad ago

I think zoomers VS boomers is just another way to divide and conquer us. I think I'm just out of the loop here in this comment thread.

Helena73 ago

This is @letthemongoloidsdie a zombie zoomer programmed by bolshevik globalists to infiltrate his own tribe and detonate nihilism bombs on unsuspecting christians and boomers wherever he goes. Its a very sad case.

Lol I think he just blocked me.

LetTheMongoloidsDie ago

Everyone who grew up in the late 70s onwards has been brainwashed for their entire youth. They're blameless until they're shown the truth. If they persist like you, it's good they die.

Sorry boomsimp, you and I don't play by the same rules.

Helena73 ago

No rules for me! Im a special zoomer snowflake that can see though walls and I play 10 games of 5D chess before breakfast.

Shut the fuck up little zoomer. There’s some tidepods need eatin!

Glipglup ago

Women should be quiet.

Helena73 ago


toobaditworks ago

Women should be quiet.

Helena73 ago

Which one of your silky smooth brain lobes did you use to come up with that one?

toobaditworks ago

This is not the kitchen.

anticlutch ago

(((FOX))) and every (((FOX))) talking head is anti-White.

At best their shows are simply to placate Whites and continue the slow boil. ALA Cucker Carlson.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Bremertonbruiser ago

Not magic, science. Northwestcreationnetwork, Ron Wyatt Discoveries, Jason Lyle Mandelbrot set...

Helena73 ago

Sir Ebral is counting on Thor to save him.

Bremertonbruiser ago

Thor was probably a real guy, early descendent of Now would be my guess. A giant. Long lifespan. Check out Atlantean Gardens blog, really interesting stuff.

greydragon ago

If one cheers on black on black crime, even though they are apes, that person is despicable, even if the faggot cheerleader is "white."

Does that make sense?

Blackops21 ago

You're a nigger lover

Northman242 ago

Source for what happened?

Chimaira92 ago

Kiwifarms believe the nigger named "Armed robbery" is innocent and killed by 2 white rednecks. Was that site always so cucked?

philomath ago

No idea. I found the link I posted here. Seemed to have good info on this topic

philomath ago

Good luck finding anything at ANY news outlet. Searching for any recent "elderly" man "beaten" only brings up an asian dude getting beat up by what looks to be a white guy.

beece ago

I think it might be this under discussion:

Derpfroot ago

Sneed-Chuckman ago

Other sources said he was a mexican, a gay one too who ran a lgbt shooting club.

NPCGator ago

Right after they determined the house of saud "student" shooter at the Pensacola Navy base coordinated with al-Qaida, please explain to me why camel fuckers are still on our military bases. Hey Trump, for someone that supposedly loves our military maybe stop pandering to the mooslems you fucking faggot.

favoritecoloriswhite ago

Stop expecting the Zognald to do anything besides posturing on twatter, while sending billions of tax payer money to Israel.

NPCGator ago

I have, but I still like to scream at him once an awhile, makes me feel

WhiteChickens ago

There's nothing to stop whites from doing this to niggers other than being little bitch.

It would probably hurt your heart to beat up some old nigger, you couldn't do it.

I could. lol

NPCGator ago

Ah yes, lets beat up some old niggers so more niggers turn to islam, the tool of the kikes, as their savor from the evil white goyim.

Great idea kike.

WhiteChickens ago

Could just get rid of them too, you guys are pussies. lol

NPCGator ago

After you pull the kike faggot cock out of your mouth, tell Netenyahoo the goyim of Voat say hello.

WhiteChickens ago

Is that it?

Now back to your regularly scheduled nigger buttfuck. lol

NPCGator ago

So how is the weather in Tel Aviv?

WhiteChickens ago

I don't know.

Why don't you tell me, kike?

NPCGator ago

Estoy en México, así que no tengo idea de kike.

WhiteChickens ago

OK, spic.

NPCGator ago

follar a tu madre kike

WhiteChickens ago

No hablo inglese. lol

LetTheMongoloidsDie ago

Christcuckoldry tells whites to accept it.

smokratez ago

As opposed to the atheists countries like Sweden who are kicking out raping and killing sandniggers? Oh yeah.

WhiteChickens ago

Not really, you can fight enemies, the bible is a book of brutality and then there were the crusades.

It's all just excuses little faggots made up to justify being a bitch.

That's one reason some women get so drawn to tough looking men.

They're trying to filter out the polite little twats that are everywhere.

jackfraser ago

The fuck benefit is anyone going to get out of accosting an old person? Are you fucking retarded?

WhiteChickens ago

The same benefit they are acquiring right now, terrorizing you into submission.

See, you don't know how this game works because you're an inexperienced little cunt.

A little "know it all" with a PHD in getting fucked in the asshole. lol

veteran88 ago

Whites will pick better targets, when it is time, kike.

WhiteChickens ago

It's past time, kike.

KikesOnTrikes ago

The victim is black. It is an inexcusable crime.

Well_Deserved_Brew ago

I agree that one of them at least had black features if not color.

But he said in one of his comments that the victim had called him a nigger. Maybe this nog is so stupid that he abused a light-skinned black man because he assumed he was White.

Flirp ago

He's the paper bag shade of black that blacks hate too. They're so retarded

LetTheMongoloidsDie ago


I take it back. This man is a hero! Set him free!

greydragon ago

You are a white piece of shit. Barely above a nigger.

LetTheMongoloidsDie ago

We make due in the absence of good law.

You are a simpcuck.

greydragon ago

u smell

parnellsUprising ago

One instance he is black, the other he is white. Apparently the nigger has multiple videos out there.

NaggerFiggot ago

Yeah, I saw one this AM where he is holding the phone himself and it was definitely an elderly white man, without a doubt.

Quince ago

I only saw the one of the pale skinned black man.

Chimaira92 ago

the 2 big videos he had up were of him beating up an old white man and beating up an old white woman. I feel like your either making shit up by insinuating the victim was a "pale black man" or for some reason you think the white guy is an "albino black" you should get your eyes checked out.

NaggerFiggot ago

There are at least two that I have seen.

Derpfroot ago

The two that I saw were both white.

Quince ago

Take a good long look at the face of the pale curly haired man. He's either half or an albino black.

KikesOnTrikes ago

Then expect this treatment yourself and nobody else to care.

LetTheMongoloidsDie ago

No one cares already, and I'm reversing age.

You and I have completely different sets of life challenges.

KikesOnTrikes ago

Reversing age?

Brawndosaurus ago

Retirement? Boomers.

70times7 ago

Same thing coming for them is coming for you.

LetTheMongoloidsDie ago

You and I don't swim in the same fishbowl.

70times7 ago

We are stuck on the same rock. And doom is coming for you just as it is for everyone else.

LetTheMongoloidsDie ago

Only if you can't see the future.

Extrapolating the present is not that.

Bremertonbruiser ago

Not me boss, and by your name I would say not you as well. I've been washed in the Blood of Jesus, we will never be forsaken, blessings in Yeshua

shillaccount3344 ago

Sad thing is yep.. it's coming for all of us. Even the jews who don't run to israel.

maaaxheadroom ago

It’s true the lloigor will devour us all. My goal is to be eaten first

shillaccount3344 ago

All i can find is painting lloigor videos. Do you have any real live action videos you could share?