SearchVoatBot ago

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Almighty1776 ago

He was living in a mental facility. He's a victim of vaccine injury. He's shouldn't be doing this but I feel bad. The kid is retarded probably due to a vaccine.

suckcoke ago

Stop making excuses for jogger behavior.

Almighty1776 ago

Definitely not making excuses. But I know several people injured by vaccines, and the propaganda for those are as bad I'd not worse than the propaganda for multiculturalism.

I find it very interesting that this kids parents went through the vaccine courts...

tokui ago

jewtube took it down

MadCatTimberWolf ago

Reality and YouTube apparently cannot coexist in their diverse and inclusive world.

AntiMason ago

Its gone

NakeFews ago

No such thing as a black man. They are nigger animals.

HiJoker ago

Whatever place that has that old boy in needs sued to death for this. That's so uncalled for it's beyond the scope of reason.

Don't you wish you could just jump in that video and have a go at this fucking nigger?

suckcoke ago

I wish the media would stop laying about how blacks act.

HiJoker ago

The media is owned and run by jews who have an agenda. It's sounds crazy, but it's true, take the red pill.

kammmmak ago

Video down, mirror?

Bintemcflinty ago


PsychicRussiaSpy ago

Video removed

Bigdeal ago

All the YT links have been removed.

killkillkill ago

Who wants to put bets on whether this ends up on a single mainstream media outlet tomorrow?

voatusernamevoat ago

There's more than one video, more than one victim.

Almighty1776 ago

So on that kiwi farms thing that someone posted I saw something that leads me to believe he's a patient. Also, his mother filed a vaccine injury compensation claim for what it's worth.

Almighty1776 ago

This kid is fucked. His facebook page is getting lit up.

MrBateman ago

Anyone got the video? Youtube is already playing cover to try and keep the guy from getting caught.

ManchesterT ago

You can find it in the Mega NZ archive elsewhere in this thread.

killkillkill ago


ManchesterT ago

Wrong video.

suckcoke ago

pol/ can move mountains, if they stopped getting distracted by the anime titties.

King_Leopold_II ago

Thank you.

anklespankerz ago

I'm sure jewtube will try to shoah all the evidence but it won't make national coverage anyway. A /pol/ user made an archive of his channel. backup

IsaacJan ago

Jewtube removed it. Can’t have whites seeing what niggers do. Anyone have another link?

Cat_anon ago

I feel like I've seen that guy before!

King_Leopold_II ago

Do you work in corrections?

Grunge ago

I watched started reading the comments, noticed that I could see the replies to the comments and then I refreshed the page and BAM, it's gone.

Can't have people seeing reality now can we?

King_Leopold_II ago

Couple others here. Be Chad downloader.

killkillkill ago

Have you guys watched the other videos? He's at some kind of facility or something, but it looks complete bottom of the barrel, like there are other retards staffing it or something. Looks like absolute fucking Hell. Like what teh fuck is this shit?

IsaacJan ago

Welcome to reality. Any institution that hires niggers goes straight to nightmare. I saw a youth mental hospital once. Those poor fucking kids are tortured by niggers.

killkillkill ago

But does he work there...? It doesn't seem like he does. No one in the videos wear scrubs or uniforms either.

MaunaLoona ago

It's just a prank, bro!

earlymac ago

KikesOnTrikes ago

How in the fuck can this dude be posting these videos for almost a week? They have shot people through walls while they sleep for internet comments quicker than this asshole.

suckcoke ago

What black man does isn't going against the narrative. You are.

ManchesterT ago

I spoke to the Westland Police Department.

They knew exactly what video I was trying to refer them to, because they've seen it. The officer said it has been reported, multiple times and they are looking into it.

crazy_eyes ago

Sounds like they gave you the old brush off. Was the cop you talked to a nigger?

ManchesterT ago

She sounded white, if she was black she's deep under cover. Said that they were getting a lot of calls about it

suckcoke ago

Well done!

ManchesterT ago

At 1:50 in this video, the puncher says he's from Detroit, Michigan:

King_Leopold_II ago

Bad bot. Stop mirroring racist links.

con77 ago

another atrocity that will be buried by the press

con77 ago

fukn shitskin doesnt realize it'll be in jail in 24 hours

drhitler ago

crime is a prank now, k makes sense in clown world.

suckcoke ago

He diddu nothn.

con77 ago

this monkey cant die hard enough

shifty_pete ago

Someone archive this before JewTube memory holes it.

shitface9000 ago

already flushed. any bitchute links?

WhiteChickens ago

They deserved every bit of it.

antiracistMetal ago

Next you're going to tell me the Holocaust didn't happen but should have, fluoride is bad for your brain, and anal sex is unhealthy. Okay Right Wing conspiracy theorist. I bet you believe in Reptilians. Go watch Fox News.

I can't wait to tell all my Facebook friends how I told you off in person and everyone at the BLM rally applauded and I was officially given a nigger pass.

@heygeorge @bojangles @sarmegahhikkitha @peacekeeper @chirogonemd

antiracistMetal ago

Fucking @peaceseeker

Alhambra ago

the core problem is that we are entrusting the care of our elderly to niggers. if you told a baboon to look after your grandma what do you think would happen? why would anyone think a nigger/upright-chimp would be any different?

SearchVoatBot ago

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facepaint ago


Crikes ago

Hopefully the family of this man have already seen this, this criminal has been put down, and there is a lawsuit against everyone else responsible.

antiracistMetal ago

For all you know those elderly patients were race traitors and had it coming. If we don't let blacks attack the elderly in homes, where are civilized people supposed to send elderly race traitors? Are you suggested you pay the Mexican lawn mower $10 to beat your elderly for you? No, you need niggers to do the beating. Race traitors will just assume that the Mexican has a part part and that's doing the beating. If you are against niggers beating race traitors, you're a race traitor.

@bojangles @peaceseeker @sarmegahhikkitha @heygeorge @chirogonemd

Pinkanon ago

Fucking (((retard)))...

HiJoker ago

For all we know, you're a mental case shit posting. If you're a mental case shit posting, then you're a mental case shit posting.

antiracistMetal ago

Can't argue with that.

Recyclops14 ago

Anyone report this shit? does this guy work in a nursing home?

mudbear ago

I think he might be a retard that lives in a retard center

LurkedForever ago

.....joggers gonna jog.

bfriend13 ago

I hope he dies horribly and soon.

zum ago

I agree, but police will undercharge him or not follow through.

ARCHIVED Facebook of the negro 'boxer' (he just deleted it after police called him on Phone today):

Police :

He made many videos like that video , of other incapacitated racist white people he "boxed".

Just two different videos of beating white patients! :

Jadon Haydon (Marty Hayden) in Detroit theanimalferrari video 2:

Jadon Haydon (Marty Hayden) in Detroit theanimalferrari video 1:


90% likely :

Photo -

Marty Hayden (Jadon Haydon) 35115 Michigan Ave E, Wayne, MI
one place of work :
Walter Reuther Psychiatric Hospital- Westland, Michigan

One gym he attends : Norwayne boxing club in Detroit

If ever convicted, if he completes prison sentence...

Nursing Homes in USA Must again Hire Him under strict Federal Law! (EEOC)

Obama's still active EEOC LAW forced all nursing homes to hire ex-con RAPISTS, and ex-con MURDERERS and even ex-con ELDERY ABUSERS!

EEOC laws passed under Obama, force banks to hire ex-con Black embezzlers, and even ex-con Black embezzlers! (For minimum of 2 weeks).

According to the EEOC, not hiring felons disparate impact on African-American job applicants and thus violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. § 2000e et seq.

Fed EEOC law say you have to hire all black felons for minimum of 2 weeks then fire with no cause or with cause AFTER TWO WEEKS. This is even if you know that they are actual convicted black felons.

The only exception is school staff. Not even bank tellers are immune category.

Banks HAVE TO HIRE convicted embezzlers and even known ex-con black bank robbers!!!

Its a fact.

Many nursing homes were fined heavily for getting caught not hiring BLACK RAPISTS.

And they test nursing homes for EEOC compliance :

EEOC Cracking Down on Not Hiring Convicted Criminals

" The EEOC has pressured employers to hire felons as armed guards. It is going after G4S Secure Solutions for refusing to hire felons!:"

EEOC v. Dolgencorp, LLC - June 19, 2015 US Fed court - EEOC won

The EEOC won bigtime against dollar general in that case, and in countless other cases.

State laws cannot limit EEOC mandates on hiring black ex-cons!

EEOC specifically made it a discrimination law to not hire ex con felons. Its in the actual heading section of the law.

Heres the EEOC winning, forcing Dollar General to hire black embezzler ex cons and others :

TL/DR: In USA currently there is NO law excluding Nursing Homes from EEOC mandate that all black male ex-con bank robbers must be hired minimum of two weeks before doing arrest background checks. Blacks are special animals that must be hired now in USA.

fightknightHERO ago

MFW there is literally a law that demands businesses to hire rapists and boomer bashers lest they'll be ordered to pay a fine to some jew

freest country in the world...

SearchVoatBot ago

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con77 ago

cant die horribly enough

Fuckle_Chucks ago

Make it so.

blighty ago

Wtf is the patient doing?

facepaint ago

Getting punched by an orderly. #YouClapForMe

AntiMason ago

Youtube is quickly covering this up

Xmarduk ago

Potentially ID'd, as well:
Marty Hayden 35115 Michigan Ave E, Wayne, MI

Scroobius ago

have u checked if this is right?

Xmarduk ago

Thought you might like to know:

Scroobius ago

very cool

Xmarduk ago

No longer have the comment thread that doxxed him. The original video was removed from his YouTube channel.

Fingers crossed they've apprehended him.

suckcoke ago

Of course it's Michigan. Like a zoo.

In_Cog_Nito ago

East side. West is way better, except for Muskegon.

Chimaira92 ago

Fucking youtube and their auto-censor shit. Can't say "subhuman","nigger","cunt" without the comment being deleted.

Mind_Games ago

use reggiN

Make sure everyone else uses it to.

Just get JewTube to the point where 90% of words are put into the auto-delete algorithm, people might stop going.

toobaditworks ago

suabh uman jogger whitmoore.

SilverAirplane ago

Joggers gonna jog

majb ago

This is maga country!

Sackajahweeda ago

He said he did it because the guy "called him the n word" and then proceeded to call him that about a dozen or more times with violence ...Can anyone get the chans on this and doxx this little fucker?

Tabnam ago

Lmao "can someone get the chans on this?". You sound like such impotent losers. Nobody will ever take your side in anything. You're perpetually alone and despised

Sackajahweeda ago

waaaa I am good wit me...Wat are you grateful for?

ShoeShineJoey ago

Lol u sound desperate

SearchVoatBot ago

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Trash_Panda ago

You're perpetually alone and despised

He said, as he pressed submit and took a congratulatory sip of his mountain dew before logging off his throwaway account and back into his main account. "I really showed them. I can be really REALLY rude on these throwaways and nobody will know it's actually me LMFAO". After a few days his mom found him sobbing in the corner of his bedroom again, and she proceeded to beat him with a sock of quarters for being a pathetic sack of shit.

drhitler ago

you jews are really fucked up, you know that right?

HiJoker ago

Hi Rabbi, you'd better demoralize while your pet nigger monkey is ooking.

Well_Deserved_Brew ago

Name I'm seeing mentioned on the comments is: Marty Hayden, Westland, MI

That's just one guy in the comments saying this though - not 100% if it is accurate.

Sackajahweeda ago

Accuracy is key so many react too quickly and chaos ensues.

ManchesterT ago

LurkedForever ago

This one is worth a watch. Play it on 1.25 or 1.5 speed because he speaks annoyingly slowly. Great insight into the "mind" of niggers. He struggles with basic concepts, repeats himself over and over, and takes 7 minutes to convey 45 seconds of information. It's good to know your enemy.

Pizzalurker15 ago

He talks about a mall in Michigan in another video so that part could be right

LetTheMongoloidsDie ago

Fucking awesome.

The fate awaiting all white christcucks.

Chimaira92 ago

How dare you!

Our lord and savior, a Jewish carpenter who flipped over tables and whined like a bitch is going to come to our rescue and by "coming to our rescue" I mean he will do absolutely nothing but promise an eternal afterlife like a snake-oil selling Jew.

Christcuckery is ultimately responsible for the pacification of our once great nations. Some resisted this Jewish ideology until the late 1500s but now all of our white nations are completely ruled by pacifistic, Jewish ideological nonsense.

The once strong and fearful gods we once worshiped are now regarded as mythology and violence is now a privilege that only the Jews and their governments/military/lackies get to engage in. Humans are violent creatures and it is the threat of violence that brings our people peace. We no longer have the display of a threat of violence. We have been feminized, pacified and walked all over for far too long.

Only Hitler was the last true person to attempt to change this fate, everybody else pales in comparison.

LetTheMongoloidsDie ago

Should've written a better constitution, faggots.

Chimaira92 ago

Our ancestors who fought on the "allied" side in WW2 are at fault. They were the ones who succumbed to Jewish propaganda and fought the only resistance to Jewish International rule known to man.

LetTheMongoloidsDie ago

Japs sneak attacked us and Hitler declared war on us.

Hitler sided with the slope over a country that was 1/3 German. Well done there.

Ken_bingo2 ago

Both lies, nigger. I am not going to bother explaining why.

WhoFlungPoo1132 ago

How is that a "prank"?

edgelord666 ago

ur gay

Onward2_Sideways8 ago

It's a "prank" because a nigger did it to a white. Like cold-cocking a white person is called a "knock-out game". If it's outrageous nigger on white violence, it's a game or a prank. hahaha. all fun and games. But throwing a rope around a nigger statue is EVIL RACIST WHITE FUCKING SCUMBAG BEHAVIOR.

God fucking bless America.

killkillkill ago

Imagine if this was a white on black crime?

Or if that 13 person shooting had been a white shooter? Fuck.

philomath ago

What 13 person shooting?

BalfourYourFace ago

It's the face punch game. Kinda like he knockout game, but he didn't get knocked out, just face punched.

somebody112 ago

It's a "prank" because a nigger did it to a white.

The old guy he's beating up is looks like an octoroon ( a 1/8th black looking dude) he has nappy curly hair, but if you don't watch far enough you won't see it. The "prankster" is still a piece of shit. I honestly wouldn't care if he was beating up an old pure black man, the guy doing the assault is a cunt.

mememeyou ago

this would be front page news if the puncher was white

crazy_eyes ago

it would be the only thing on TV for a week

Commiefornication ago

You spelled America wrong it's spelled Jew.S.A.

suckcoke ago

I think I'm pretty sure he failed 4th grade English.

NaggerFiggot ago

How do you get him to stop jumping on your bed? Put velcro on the ceiling

smokratez ago

Lol. Even a retarded nigger knows about pornstars being trannies. A retarded nigger is smarter than the majority of voat.

honk_atcha_boi ago

pornstars are trannies?


theoldguy2 ago

He honestly believes that, in spite of the fact that tranny junk looks nothing like anything you'd see in a porn video. That's why he's saving up for the transition, hoping he can break into the porn industry.

honk_atcha_boi ago


smokratez ago

The old guy is my faggot stalker. He still hopes I am gay.

smokratez ago

That's where the nasa money went. Better tranny pornstar pussies.

AntiMason ago


killkillkill ago

it was up yesterday. gone now.

suckcoke ago


AR47 ago

You contact authorities or you want me to do this?

Adriansun ago

You do it

AR47 ago

I did.

With a twist.....we shall see what happens now. I am listening to the scanner.

IsaacJan ago

What’d you do, lie

AR47 ago

Did my civic duty.

killkillkill ago

I haven't, but they're spamming his FB and /b/ and /pol/ are on it, so I'd imagine a bunch of people have, as well as the admin offices of the company.

Xmarduk ago

—Potentially—identified as:

Marty Hayden 35115 Michigan Ave E, Wayne, MI

somebody112 ago

This guy is literally retarded, he is probably in a group home or some kind of institution, he can barely talk.

Fuckle_Chucks ago

He's a nigger. That's pretty much normal for their species.

UrCoolerOlderBrother ago

Its not pretty much. It is. Me and my gf literally had this discussion tonight, in reference to the original jogger. I had to explain that nigs have IQ levels that make them functionally retarded, and that she may think of retards as harmless, but a retarded nigger is a very fuckn dangerous thing. People typically think of retards as nice. Niggers are not nice and they have the reasoning capability of retards. That's an extremely dangerous combo.

NaggerFiggot ago

Down Syndrome people are some of the nicest on earth. Being low IQ is not Downs.

somebody112 ago
