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bfriend13 ago

I hope he dies horribly and soon.

zum ago

I agree, but police will undercharge him or not follow through.

ARCHIVED Facebook of the negro 'boxer' (he just deleted it after police called him on Phone today):

Police :

He made many videos like that video , of other incapacitated racist white people he "boxed".

Just two different videos of beating white patients! :

Jadon Haydon (Marty Hayden) in Detroit theanimalferrari video 2:

Jadon Haydon (Marty Hayden) in Detroit theanimalferrari video 1:


90% likely :

Photo -

Marty Hayden (Jadon Haydon) 35115 Michigan Ave E, Wayne, MI
one place of work :
Walter Reuther Psychiatric Hospital- Westland, Michigan

One gym he attends : Norwayne boxing club in Detroit

If ever convicted, if he completes prison sentence...

Nursing Homes in USA Must again Hire Him under strict Federal Law! (EEOC)

Obama's still active EEOC LAW forced all nursing homes to hire ex-con RAPISTS, and ex-con MURDERERS and even ex-con ELDERY ABUSERS!

EEOC laws passed under Obama, force banks to hire ex-con Black embezzlers, and even ex-con Black embezzlers! (For minimum of 2 weeks).

According to the EEOC, not hiring felons disparate impact on African-American job applicants and thus violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. § 2000e et seq.

Fed EEOC law say you have to hire all black felons for minimum of 2 weeks then fire with no cause or with cause AFTER TWO WEEKS. This is even if you know that they are actual convicted black felons.

The only exception is school staff. Not even bank tellers are immune category.

Banks HAVE TO HIRE convicted embezzlers and even known ex-con black bank robbers!!!

Its a fact.

Many nursing homes were fined heavily for getting caught not hiring BLACK RAPISTS.

And they test nursing homes for EEOC compliance :

EEOC Cracking Down on Not Hiring Convicted Criminals

" The EEOC has pressured employers to hire felons as armed guards. It is going after G4S Secure Solutions for refusing to hire felons!:"

EEOC v. Dolgencorp, LLC - June 19, 2015 US Fed court - EEOC won

The EEOC won bigtime against dollar general in that case, and in countless other cases.

State laws cannot limit EEOC mandates on hiring black ex-cons!

EEOC specifically made it a discrimination law to not hire ex con felons. Its in the actual heading section of the law.

Heres the EEOC winning, forcing Dollar General to hire black embezzler ex cons and others :

TL/DR: In USA currently there is NO law excluding Nursing Homes from EEOC mandate that all black male ex-con bank robbers must be hired minimum of two weeks before doing arrest background checks. Blacks are special animals that must be hired now in USA.

fightknightHERO ago

MFW there is literally a law that demands businesses to hire rapists and boomer bashers lest they'll be ordered to pay a fine to some jew

freest country in the world...

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con77 ago

cant die horribly enough

Fuckle_Chucks ago

Make it so.