RustinKohle ago

I was trying to find torque specs for my wifes suv yesterday. All the useful car forums are gutted. Couldnt find shit.

PraiseIPU ago

The first 2-3 pages are all SEO bullshit ads.

Tried to search for pizza places in my town. There are dozens. All I got were the big 3 pizza chains repeated over and over for 3 pages.

metricisokay ago

The point of the internet is to pacify you and cause you to waste time. It could have been of great use however.

Luminx ago

You've been hit by, you've been hit by, a soft rollout of communism.

How do you like it?

andrew_jackson ago

Excellent rant.

No one here seems to catch the root cause, however. The internet went from being a tool that was like a samurai sword - dedicated, focused and precise and became something user friendly and general-purpose like a spork.

Jews didn't break the internet, user friendliness did.

Rating--- ago

And that ties into internet demographics

hajamieli ago

Use duckduckgo, Google is controlling the results of what you search and bias everything towards social justice like the commie subversionists they are.

RM-Goetbbels ago

I use duckduckgo. They use google.

I searched for Coalfax the other day, it was nowhere to be found. Try it, they hide it. I wonder what else they hide?

crazy_eyes ago


RM-Goetbbels ago

Nope, they don't hide voat. At least not in a search result.

crazy_eyes ago

you can not get the address to voat on google, try it. You will not come across the website address anywhere on google

RM-Goetbbels ago

I used (((DDG))). I assumed we were talking about that search engine.

crazy_eyes ago

oh, ok. I apologize for the misunderstanding

RM-Goetbbels ago

No biggee. It's so hard to tell who isn't telling you what anymore that anything is possible.

Cat-hax ago

Now you gotta use 3 search engines to find something

Niggertown ago

DNS blackhole all the shit.

nwguy ago

install "unpintrested"

theoldguy2 ago

I've been having fairly good luck with, I forget which goat mentioned it, and the filtering doesn't work so hot, but I find lots of stuff that Google ignores.

MrBateman ago

You can still discuss shit, they are just going to scramble any central points.

starrychloe ago

kammmmak ago


fuckfuckfuck1 ago

(((Dumb Dumb Goy)))

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

I remember searching for a restaurant and getting the website for the place instead of a page of review sites.

TauCeti ago

I use whenever I want to search for something the left would consider the least bit controversial.

notYOURfriend ago

"Created by Gabriel Weinberg"

TauCeti ago

No, because I've actually used it and the page of links that pops up on a search is definitely superior to Google's crappy bias.

CheeBooga ago

The jews hide the truth about them and their weapons, like niggers and illegal invaders all while trashing white people. Many many jews said they would do this & here we are. Some friend that jews are. Christians need to wake the fuck up.

6843153 ago

Create your own search engine, NAS + OpenSearchServer

R186 ago

on the 7th and 8th of May here in the Uk our internet was hacked, and parliment and us loval users where bombed with hardcore porn in our search results.

what ever search you did here for two days, the results where hacked so it allways showed you white women sucking niggers dicks, or fucking little white girls or animals. whatever you searched for.

even things like grass seed. the results would be a white women or girl sucking a black cock.

its out me off going on the internet since. today is my first day back on in ages.

nigger fuckers everywhere

paki fuckers everywhere

faggots everywhere

pedos everywhere and baby killers everywhere

its left me resenting white women

they use the internet to subject us to this evil agenda of theres all the fucking time

i even think the internet is just for niggers to fuck white women

and muslims to fuck little white girls

thats all its for now it seems...

do these three image searchs

black woman and baby

asian woman and baby

white woman and baby

all the white wimen are nigger fuckers and gang banging pedo pornstar wannabes

and all the little girls love Mohammad cock here

its a very sickening and distrubing time here in the Uk

nobody trusts anybody anymore

the niggers and the muzzies have separated white men and white women for their sex industry and we all know it now

white women sold white men out for niggers and muzzies

sad but true

the word “daddy” here now means a muslim pedo,

like the word man here means a nigger

white men have been totally betrayed bywhite women for decades, but now it really shows

sexually abusing white men and fucking with there minds using the internet as a weapon.

the internet is just another nigger,muzzie, white woman weapon of enslavement upon white men

TFS ago

Only weak faggots buy into this "all white women are evil" Psy-Op, and it IS a psy-Op. Scripted by subversive kikes to divide and conquer the White race just like the generation warfare Psy-Op and the class Warfare Psy-Op. Women who betray their race should be ashamed of themselves, just like men who do that. Collectively blaming all White women or all boomers or all millennials or all whatever is to wage war on your own race instead of the real eternal (((enemy))).

Empire_of_the_mind ago

It's better if you mix up your searches, I suggest Yandex and Qwant as they are not focused on censoring things in English.

thebearfromstartrack ago

getting followed around...monitored...censored....EVIL makes the internet (COULD HAVE BEEN a GOOD thing) and everything else USELESS. Tricks and traps are NOT part of heaven, nor are those that SET them.

gazillions ago

It's garbage. All garbage that comes up in search.

FellowMan ago

Can you imagine if they turned their massive censorship engines on internet pornography? Why the fuck aren't they?

(I know why, but damn I wish it weren't the way things are.)

heywoodnj ago

The best thing to take to the internet is a good sense of smell and google smells like horse shit.

anticlutch ago

searching for an image of anything at all

OH LOOK GOY! Here are 40 pages of (((pinterest))) links!!!

doesntgetsarcasm ago

I use bing and I rarely get a link to pintrest. I don't search for gay stuff thou.

I also have safe search off and I can type something like 3254642 and some sort of pron will probably come up......I tried it and there was no porn so whatever you get the point.

anticlutch ago

Likely true. They have to keep the lie that they're not the same company alive. I use any one of quite a few search engines.

I have no interest in disappearing completely.

I'm already a known quantity. The government already knows I exist. If I were to go full autist and disappear myself from the internet it would just put more flags on my name.

Smallest_Skil ago

type.... "funny cat"

"here have a picture of smiling nigger with a white blond girl" - Google

jewsbadnews ago

Niggers Law: Search for any image without mature filter on and eventually you will find a naked nigger(usually with a white women). Don't believe it? Try it yourself.

perrin ago

when I search I like to add: -pinterest -amazon -ebay -etsy -facebook etc.

I just keep adding them until my search is cleaner.

anticlutch ago


Anyone in the know of searx.* should suggest the ability to have a settings option to auto add excluded websites and other flags to all searches.

Would be saved to a unique URL key as the current settings are.

Moon_Central ago

I think searx is out of business.

Gorillion ago

That site is diabolical. They do their level best to suppress and disguise original links.

Apparently Google owns it and this kind of "link capture" trickery allows them to claim the site is still viable by forcing users to travel through it on their way to the proper source page. Claiming each thru-traveler as a "unique visitor".

I'm not even sure if the site-user tagging adds anything to the search criteria given how vague and subjective many are - the original sites at least have accompanying text to draw context from.

I've also noticed that it disappears for long stretches too, and you get fairly (((normal))) search results for a period, before it returns and the madness starts again. Maybe they just need to hit a certain level of users to maintain whatever illusion/fraud they're trying to achieve and once that's in the bag they can let it languish again.

SearchVoatBot ago

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fuck_reddits_feefees ago

That fucking gets me every time! And when I click on it to enlarge, it wants be to login, I don't have a fucking Pinterest account nor do I want one, but as an amateur woodworker, when I search for someone Pinterest is always at the fucking top. Sorry for the rant but it's annoying.

500five ago

Some reason forums used to be included in search results. Then all of a sudden they were removed from the top results, several years back.

Also nowadays forums are being bought out one by one.

SpiritExpedition ago

amateur woodworker

Call me when you're ready to step up to the big leagues, son.

fuck_reddits_feefees ago

Hey man, if it works, don't knock it. I'm sure the birds enjoy it.

Here's one of my functional hack jobs. A chicken roost made from 2x4s

Gorillion ago

If you have a firefox based browser there are pinterest plugins to battle that, but like all things Google, they futz with the code every so often to frustrate new workarounds.

The "Remove This Permanently" plugin also helps kill the nag overlays. I think there's also a browser registry edit you can make to prevent nagging on every tab.

fuck_reddits_feefees ago

Thanks, I'll take a look into that.

allahead ago

Ublock Origin also has a nice "block this element" feature that's worth using.

Stubbabubba ago

Even if you did have an account, Pinterest is so fucking clunky and unintuitive to use. Probably programmed by a nigger faggot

anticlutch ago

I mean this is what I see.

brandnewset ago

posted yesterday, has some very good search alternates.

SearchVoatBot ago

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greydragon ago

Use this as your search engine: Internet Archive - Fringe and Off-Center.

Yeah, I am joking ... partially.

Drstrangebeard ago

yeah google is useless

thecajunone ago

Completely fucking useless. Any time you search any redpill you get bombarded with narrative controlling bullshit. Fucking Bing is superior for finding shit.

RoBatten ago

We eliminate the algorithm manipulation

What our main goal is to produce the best accurate results as possible without any bias or agendas. We counterbalance the manipulations that are normally used on the mainstream search engines that have been proven to be politically motivated time after time again.

kishind ago

They disabled search functionality in favor of narrative control and advertiser bucks.

Fucking hell.

jerry ago

The internet has always been astroturf you must have a capable mind to wade thru the bullshit and lies to find nuggets of truth. Kind of like talking to real people. Stay solid bro you aren’t the only one out here

FriedChicken ago

This. Gold is found in dirt.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

that's a cop-out.

bitbug ago

Completely disagree.

At first search engines were clunky like you talk about, but very quickly they became insane tools for research. You could get "good at google" and begin finding exactly what you were looking for on the first page.

It's all bought and paid for now.

awildbanannaphone ago

thanks jerry, i know it but its nice to hear from others from time to time

NamelessCrewmember ago

No, it use to be awesome. It was free, it was open. Anyone could put their voice out there and search simply categorized and indexed it. All of it.

Google has destroyed it.

Gorillion ago

This is a good post. Don't forget what they've taken from us.

The Internet is an astonishing invention that only really went to shit starting largely around the introduction of the smart phone.

When it became a babysitting retard dating-app mall experience was when Google was able to self-mandate the authority to "clean it up" on behalf of the normies.

It can still be good/great/transcendent but it likely requires some new encrypting tech to keep the corporations and their government minions out. But without creating a pedo haven at the same time.

JohnGaltApproves ago

Old search engines used to be crawler based and weren’t curated. If you wanted managed, human-indexed results, you used Yahoo. If you wanted pure search, you used Magellan.

Major tech went through and bought up the real search engines and cannibalized their code as part of their push for proprietary “smart” curation, such as what Google does now with their “algorithm,” or simply scuttled them in preparation for the end to end managed web we see today. Those that made it past the buyout phase of the dot com bubble (whereby the jews acquired massive capital during IPOs to fund their glut of mergers and acquisitions), died rather quickly when the bubble burst (largely papered over by 9/11).

It’s likely the tech stock collapse was intentional sabotage once the jews had secured their wealth and a sure footed foundation in what would become “web 2.0” we have seen for the last decade and a half. Old school web heads were concerned with “cookies” tracking their browsing information. Today, people willingly put all of their personal data online for the world to see. Surveillance is much easier when your target is narcissistic enough to believe the universe cares how they take their coffee.

Rating--- ago

Today, people willingly put all of their personal data online for the world to see.

It ain't 2010. Things have changed.

Jiggggg ago

narcissistic enough to believe the universe cares how they take their coffee.

Perfectly articulates a conversation I had earlier this morning. Great post

watts2db ago

best post

Moon_Central ago

Google now is only good for institutional/corporate information, if you are searching something that is semitically incorrect you need to use a privacy and freedom oriented search engine.

TFS ago
