RiverWind ago


YaCy is Free Software and a better solution than Searx.


Searx provides useful functionality and results, however it has a major flaw: it takes its results from controlled media search engines. That means what they censor remains censored even on searx. Fortunately, YaCy can help us build and share our own search engine. It is fun to do, if you like tech. I encourage you to try it, and to contribute your work on web crawling (easy to do!) to the YaCy network.

Also, use your leadership to steer people to YaCy too.

Pro Tip: Search is an important technology. You don't need extra or special hardware for YaCy, but a hard drive is not too expensive these days, so if you can, and you like YaCy, dedicate a drive to it.

everyonesgaybutme ago

every fucking faggot always has the next best thing. and honestly, without even asking you, i know you didn't fucking test the software you're recommending. idk wtf happened about 7 years ago, but every fucking faggot i meet now that uses and computer and downloaded a program once instantly knows the best version of whatever it is they're talking about.

this one faggot i know constantly recommended unfinished, untested and/or nonfunctional software and I wasted so much fucking time following his recommendations. I have never seen someone talk like that in my entire life.

Searx provides useful functionality and results, however it has a major flaw:

I noticed this in the instance I recommended in the op (that it was showing the names of other search engines by the results). I thought searx was specifically NOT that. it was decentralized and so it bypassed censorship, but if it's using the other search engines, then yeah, it's not going to work. wtf?

RiverWind ago

YaCy works well already and it keeps improving. Unlike Searx, it serves uncensored results, ones which come from web crawls you and other participants start. (It is easy to start one.) Big Data companies like Google are in league with each other and all censoring what results you see. Searx just provides you what they permit.

Try YaCy yourself. You can probably tell it is the right thing to do. Then show your friends how.

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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ToxicWhiteMale ago

so are we all supposed to be computer geeks and know what the fuck to do????

everyonesgaybutme ago

set your default search engine in your browser to searx.info you can search bing for how to do this

ToxicWhiteMale ago

I have been using duckduckgo for years, it seems to be just fine

everyonesgaybutme ago

a jewish woman owns it

ToxicWhiteMale ago

Why is that?

everyonesgaybutme ago

not going to hand a jew my life energies. they clearly are not responsible people and they're racist as fuck towards whites.

ToxicWhiteMale ago

The elite jews sure, but the average jew is not the problem, I grew up with several, they are mostly secular, and regular people like you and I.

everyonesgaybutme ago

I grew up with several, they are mostly secular

This factor wasn't really in play. Most american jews are atheist, yet the jewish problem persists.

ToxicWhiteMale ago

It's the jew elitists in banking/finance, media, education, politics, hollywierd, that have to go!!!

everyonesgaybutme ago

there's more to it than that. I think it was the "The International Jew: The World's Foremost Problem" by Henry Ford where I was reading that even the poor jew causes chaos at the bottom, chaos that they hope to gain from, however they're not opposed to the smart jew soaking up the gains (because bankers, media makers, educators, politicians etc are in powerful enough positions to maneuver, economically, to absorb said gains from said chaos).

You're part of the way to realizing the full picture of the JQ, take the next step and have a read of that book. I think you'll agree with the points, although there isn't much to agree or disagree with at times as they're merely telling history or a story.

FriedChicken ago

search is just the tip of the iceberg.

Just use google

onetwolefthook ago

It's not that fucking hard. Just stop using jewgle, download uMatrix & uBlock to kill jewgle data mining from other sites. Don't use Chrome. Of course the road to true privacy requieres you to do a bit of research, but saying that you should just give in to jewgle is something so pathetic i could only see coming from a paid shill or by a blackpill-weak-fag.

FriedChicken ago

I used startpage for the longest time... they got sold out to some brazen data mining company. My hate of google launched me right into another trap.

I use ublock and startpage javascript blocker. I don’t use chrome, never have, never will. I don’t have an android phone. I’ve phased out my gmail. I don’t use google docs, calendar, photos, voice, desktop, home, or any other unknown service they might have come up with.

Google search, however? I don’t really care.

onetwolefthook ago

You're aware using google is supporting them, right? They store your cookies, profile and profit out of that. Ublock and script locker isn't enough when google is storing analytics of you. You're improving their algorithms by using google. Probably helping them get paid more too by each search you do. How do you think google got so big? Their search engine is the answer. Stop supporting tyrannical monopolies.

everyonesgaybutme ago

search is the crux of google's business, even according to them

FriedChicken ago

Depends what they mean by crux. The algorithm for displaying the correct information/data? Sure, absolutely. The http://www.google.com website for displaying results? Doubtful. They've gone way beyond that.

everyonesgaybutme ago

search is just the tip of the iceberg.


The algorithm for displaying the correct information/data?

so you disagree with your original statement

FriedChicken ago

No. Maybe I'm not being clear enough.

In the context of revenue, business, and data collection, search is just the tip of the iceberg. There's youtube, gmail, chrome, the goole store, google desktop, google docs, and the mother load: google android, that do the heavy data collection and give google immense power and influence.

However in the context of technology or Intellectual Property, the search algorithm enables all the aforementioned. It is the crux for all of google's aforementioned hardcore data collection services. It's what sets google head and shoulders above the competition.

everyonesgaybutme ago

the search algorithm enables all the aforementioned. It is the crux for all of google's aforementioned hardcore data collection services.

so don't use google search is the moral of the story.

you should disagree with your older statements.

i'm done talking here

FriedChicken ago

The search algorithm is an underlying technology that’s way more algorithm than search.

cantaloupe6 ago


RoBatten ago

Privacy Badger blocks jewgle and others. Get it from EFF, and while you're there get HTTPS everywhere, too. You should be blocking jewgle everywhere you go. Do It Now!

I like joshwho, I get good searches, especially something that is actively being blocked.

Conspirologist ago

Best free speech search engine: https://millionshort.com/

Leveraction ago

Ok, thank you. Was wondering about it since they feature a nigger on their app.

brandnewset ago

Nice list. Saved

6843153 ago

NAS + OpenSearchServer for your own personal search engine

boekanier ago

Google? Who still uses that?

yob ago

Exactly! I use the ANTI-Google search engine :



Shibby1984 ago

I really wish there was a guide to get it running locally on a Windows 10 machine. I installed xampp and everything but couldn’t get it going. Not everyone is running Linux (I know I should be).

Non_NPC ago

If you are referring to searx, if you go to the webpage and click on about, they give you a link to install it as the default search engine in any Mozilla browser. Must have Java it says. But it is now my only search engine.

ForeverAlways ago

The comments on this page are quite useful to me. Have a upvoat.!


Thanks OP and commenters! Duck duck go is ass lol

everyonesgaybutme ago

especially since that jewish woman is running it. she was really rubbing her hands at hoping to capitalize on that, but i think we got the drop on her.

Leveraction ago

I've been using duckduckgo. No??? Why??

webrustler ago

List of their public instances. I currently use https://search.snopyta.org/ which, despite the name, is a Searx instance. Can recommend.

dogen ago

If you hover over the link to searx.info on searx's instance page (https://searx.space/), it says searx.info might be adding tracking cookies to all pages.

VSXD ago

you can always run it on your own machine too


If you are in a hurry

· clone the source: git clone https://github.com/asciimoo/searx.git && cd searx

· install dependencies: ./manage.sh update_packages

· edit your settings.yml (set your secret_key!)

· run python searx/webapp.py to start the application

anotheronelikethis ago

Thanks for sharing this. Never heard of this but so far seems great! Duckduckgo doesn't quite do it for me, and I've heard negative things about it in the past

everyonesgaybutme ago

yep. ddg should be bypassed, and now that searx is working properly, there is no reason to turn back. i have been getting better search results than google and bing recently

Morion ago

I switched to qwant.com after startpage sold out, and I really like it.

everyonesgaybutme ago

i forgot what statepage did to sell out, though i remember that they did. what did they do again?

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

IIRC, they were bought by a jewish advertising company.

everyonesgaybutme ago

i think that's right. let's see if I can find that on searx.info


I tried using qwant for a week or two and they kept asking me to do captcha's for no reason so I switched back to ddg

aWe5it5 ago

Google saying that they like ddg is enough for me to avoid it, but truthfully, i hit google when i'm really desperate.

MrJohnBongo ago

qwant is now partnered with samsung, if you go onto qwant it says "partnered with samsung internet"

SilentByAssociation ago

Yes, I do like using Qwant also. Very minimal. Searx just wasn't the user experience I expected.

wolf_534 ago

Searx can be configured to include search results from 29 different search engines, including Google, which they deactivate by default because they don't like Google and also Google doesn't like Searx.

The autocomplete function can be deactivated or chosen from different search engines. This is pretty awesome for an open source appliance.

The interesting part is that Searx disables tracking techniques of search engines, including browser fingerprinting, while still forwarding the search results.


anticlutch ago

Is there a way to set it up so it's Pale Moon's search engine?

TripleZ ago

I can't seem to set searx as my default in waterfox. Am I missing something?

SilentByAssociation ago

Thanks for the tip!

TerrifiedTyphlosion ago

I also found searx.info a while back and used it for a good amount of time. It ran into some issues about a month ago and I switched over to search.disroot.org for now, but I recently revisited .info and it seems to be working fine again.

favoritecoloriswhite ago

Just keep in mind that disroot.org is run by the worst kind of leftists though.

TerrifiedTyphlosion ago

Huh, that's news to me. I will keep that in mind, thanks.

auchtung ago

semirelated, but you may find this site of interest... https://prism-break.org/en/

ISlooshyYou ago

Fuck Off Google is my favorite instance. I really wish I could give credit where credit is due to the badass that created this. One of the cool things with searx is you can modify it and even download the source code.

everyonesgaybutme ago

yep, a few people in the comments here offered info on how to get that going

Fuckle_Chucks ago

Reminds me of Scroogle Scraper—which I used for years.

tokui ago

The default is searx.me on my Brave browser, wish I could manually type in a default, ie searx.info, I have to fucking type it into the url field first.

Drenki ago

for desktop Settings -> Search Engine -> Manage search engines

don't know why it doesn't work on mobile. But, there is a way, in the HTML of a page to inform your web browser on how to use a site as a search engine "OpenSearchDescription".

SearchVoatBot ago

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RoBatten ago

We eliminate the algorithm manipulation

What our main goal is to produce the best accurate results as possible without any bias or agendas. We counterbalance the manipulations that are normally used on the mainstream search engines that have been proven to be politically motivated time after time again.


everyonesgaybutme ago

to give testament to that, i was getting better search results for searches than bing or google was giving me, which is incredibly awesome

RogerByam ago

Dude, this is an awesome search engine, and I've been looking at search engines for years (ever since coming to Voat).

I put in a few key phrases that I use to test various search engines, and never seen results like this... actual interesting, intelligent pages.

Thank you!

everyonesgaybutme ago

yeah, it's really good. my searches lately have been getting better results than bing and google combined.

parnellsUprising ago

Looks interesting, have you used it, and how sre the results if so?