con77 ago

like I said Joe. People are sick of your childish porn addiction

HulkJizz ago


New-World-Ebola ago

kike mccarthy you're gonna get 187'd eventually

Joe_McCarthy ago

Not from anyone around here. Too pussy a/o lazy. Probably the best you can hope for is me getting offed in a bungled FBI raid.

New-World-Ebola ago

you'll end up on bestgore

neogag ago

I don't think this is producing the effect you think it's producing, in spite of your persistence.

You seem to think you're doing something rebellious, and in your mind you probably think you're signaling that you don't take shit from anyone.

But really you're just a weird guy masturbating in public that passersby are trying not to make eye contact with.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Or maybe you're a weird guy making inplausible comparisons between posting nudie clips and jacking off publicly in front of people offline. Weird because it is a bizarre comparison - smacking of desperation and a really poor bit of reaching.

neogag ago

You're breaking social etiquette in order to publicly display sexual content that is obviously quite unwelcome. I'd say the analogy captures the spirit of what you're doing perfectly.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I'm not sure what social etiquette you're referring to. Pornography has always been allowed on Voat. If a guy showed a soldier a Playboy in the barracks back in the day it wasn't equivalent to pulling out his weenie and shooting his load.

And that's that.

neogag ago

There's this thing called NSFW that you can use to label your content.

The example you gave is not analogous to broadcasting content unwanted by almost everyone, and deliberately unlabeled too.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Voat itself is NSFW.

neogag ago

I guess that NSFW checkbox was just a mistake then.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Something that was included long before this place came to look like a Nazi concentration camp as far as I know.

The NSFW tag would be better deemed a courtesy tag at this point. I could use it - but I've determined that overall it is better not to. Believe it or not some even upvote seeing the thumbnail and knowing what it is.

neogag ago

Something that was included long before this place came to look like a Nazi concentration camp as far as I know.

You know what is actually meant by NSFW. NSFW text content is indistinguishable from normal text content without someone making a special effort to snoop so it's considered acceptable not to label it.

Joe_McCarthy ago

NSFW basically means anything you wouldn't want to be observed viewing at work. It can include a number of things. People probably think of porn primarily - but there is a lot of racist imagery that makes this place unsafe to browse at work. Imagery that is probably more problematic than some tits for any co-worker.

Which is to say if people are at work they're taking a chance being here at all.

At bottom should just ignore my porno threads if they don't like them. Or they should watch them. They're usually good quality. This one is. Or just pass on by.

neogag ago

NSFW basically means anything you wouldn't want to be observed viewing at work. It can include a number of things. People probably think of porn primarily - but there is a lot of racist imagery that makes this place unsafe to browse at work. Imagery that is probably more problematic than some tits for any co-worker or boss.

I disagree that NSFW is literally only for work. There is a threshold determined by society for what is appropriate or not, and porn is at the top of that list. The culture of Voat is such that racist content is still genuine content that makes a point, and yet even Voat considers unlabelled porn a breach of etiquette (albeit not a breach of the rules).

Note that this is not a position of moral relativism. I'm not taking any position in this conversation on whether it's right or wrong in the absolute.