con77 ago

we're all sick of your fucking porn addiction joe

Joe_McCarthy ago

The only thing wrong with Leila is that she's Hungarian. Though they are essentially Germans.

con77 ago

Actually I believe that Hungarians have a unique blood type common only to themselves. Like Basques.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Never heard that. But ancestrally they're basically southern German plus Slovakian. So kraut slavs. The only thing really remaining from the Magyar invasion if the language.

At any rate she is so hot it makes my head hurt.

con77 ago

502 bad gateway

Joe_McCarthy ago

I'm getting that too. But it is also working.

Just be sure to click the white x if it does come up. And if it doesn't try a few times.

con77 ago

still not working. You cant even do porn right.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I just clicked OP twice. Got bad gateway the first time and the second time it came up. You can try that or the link I posted in response to you. It should come up if you keep clicking it.

con77 ago

Im not that interested. Seen plenty of whores in my life. Even dated a few.

Joe_McCarthy ago

If you've dated one that looks like her than I salute you.

con77 ago

a few. I was a good looking guy in my youth.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I suppose it is believable. There were more girls that looked like her in your youth. Increasingly we have a shortage.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Why would you care about a sub which isn't interested in the JQ? Take it as a badge of honor that you were banned.

Joe_McCarthy ago

You violated Occidental Enclave's rule against calling other posters Jewish - which I enforce in two subs.

This sub though is not Occidental Enclave.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Serves no positive purpose? Hmmmm... easy money for hot girls, we get to look at them.

Maybe more compellingly - it is advertisement for mates. Girls that do it expand their pool. Or put simply get more offers.

Besides, Leila is so hot here it hurts

con77 ago

it is a jew plot

Joe_McCarthy ago

She's Hungarian.