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Randome ago

Another Daily Reminder that COPS ARE MERCENARIES and are only loyal to those who signs their check.

"Serve and Protect" is just propaganda.

Dark_Shroud ago

It's why buying body armor is just as important as buying buying guns and ammo.

I would also suggest home security doors anchored into the house frame with proper bracing locks, depending on how paranoid/far you want to go.

Voat thread on Duncan Lemp who was assassinated in his sleep.

MemeWar2020 ago

It's also important to remember that Wikileaks exposed that the CIA was planning a program to assassinate people by hacking into their vehicles and making it look like an accident. (personally I would assume that this program is already in effect). Seems to me that the CIA may takeout United States citizens that they deem a potential threat to the establishment in ways that don't raise any suspicion. I personally recommend removing any internet connectivity in your vehicle such as OnStar.

Dark_Shroud ago

Yet another reason that "cash for clunkers" happened. Take out all those 90s vehicles that were in good condition and had most modern features minus the black boxes.

andrew_jackson ago

Naw, it's better to make sure that the local sherif knows that you know where he lives. First time he fucks up you need to have ten dudes on his doorstep at 3 AM making sure that you know that he fucked up.

ALIENS2222 ago

I dont have any friends. No one will ever come over even for free beer and a BBQ.

abwydyn ago

This is a common problem.

dassaer ago

TRy blunts and sneakers then .... /s

goship ago

and you think they will barricade up and fight the entire police force?

to what end, so that they can get to fight national guard? and if they would somehow kill all nearby national guard then win a bombing from F-16?

Dark_Shroud ago

If the government wants into your home they're coming in.

But maybe, just maybe, you get some warning so you're not getting gunned down in your sleep.

ant_earth ago

hurr your ar15 won’t stop and f16

The American military would lose a guerilla war against its own citizens.