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SearchVoatBot ago

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newoldwave ago

What a crappy title line with the crudely dangling modifier.

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

I told you all the police are shit jewish and evil and deserve to be hated and opposed.

Stubbabubba ago

Thermal imaging too

Mr_Wolf ago

once upon a time ago before Obama there were articles talking about blocking RF signals from entering or leaving your home. You can get these paints or additives and paint the exterior of your home or the inside exterior facing walls. Then set your phone to airplane and turn on the wifi settings.

Block Wi-Fi Intruders with a Secure Paint Job

EMF Shielding Paint

5G EMF Paint <---Already on the market?


EMF Protection Fabric for making items such as curtains, clothing and such. There's also other fabric to be used inside walls on new construction.

Didn't realize an entire industry popped up for protections against RF radiation, last time i looked into this is was just adding copper or aluminum flake to the paints you used.

alele-opathic ago

These are fantastic finds. It certainly does make defense convenient, which it needs to be before we can dream of making any such solution even mildly popular.

Dark_Shroud ago

I know this is old but I'll add to this for you.

First, Foil insulation actually is a thing. I'm going to install it on the house my family moves to. We also lucked out because many of the "green" methods of building now include foam boards being installed on the outside of the structure under siding or stucco. The more eco friendly versions have a layer of aluminum foil on them. After that go with corrugated steel siding, its cheaper than aluminum. I'm not currently sure if regular steel siding will do the job.

He honestly should be building houses out of cement, at least the first story. The foam block method is cheaper & easy. I would simply stick sheets of metal mesh into the forms before the cement is poured in.

beefartist ago

If you are worried about the government shooting you through a wall with fancy tech you are a special boy

tokui ago

Verizon just installed 5g antenna inside the sidewalk next to my house.

alele-opathic ago

5g antenna inside the sidewalk

I was under the impression that 5g doesn't penetrate well, at least the higher frequency bands. How can you tell? How well is it hidden?

tokui ago

They used a saw to cut a 2" channel down the sidewalk, there's a 1'x2' cut out sidewalk section at one end, connected by the channel, to another cut out section. Today, I see it's been asphalted over, with a square access panel.

uvulectomy ago

IIRC, 5g has absolutely shit penetration, which is why they need so damn many of the towers and base stations.

The knock-on benefit of that (to them) at least is that if they have every base station geo-located, they know exactly what building you're in (maybe even what floor) just by what particular station your phone is connected to. No need to backdoor your GPS, no need to triangulate from multiple stations. If you're phone is connected, they know exactly where you are.

Which is why they keep pushing the "OMFG 5g spreads coronavirus!!!!" bullshit so fucking hard. It's a discredit-by-association attack. They send out people to say crazy shit like that so that when people speak out about legitimate concerns with 5g, they look crazy as well, and are much easier to dismiss.

5g is and always has been about increasing surveillance capabilities. Claiming that electromagnetic signals are transmitting biological material is nothing more than a tactic to make 5g opponents look insane/stupid by default.

peacegnome ago

History reviewed has to do that too. We need a DNS that we control.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

The State is constantly at war with populists.

steven_feelsperg ago

Very important to GROUND THE CAGE otherwise it becomes an antenna when directed with RF energy. You won't be sleeping next to an antenna very long because you will be dead.

BalfourYourFace ago

Through-wall imaging is radar based, meaning it is defeated with metal foil, mesh, or cage.

Do you think this is the real reason lead paint was banned?

alele-opathic ago

I'm not sure. This technology couldn't have existed before 1951 when synthetic aperture radar was invented, and lead-based paints were banned in the 1970s, so it is possible in theory.

My thinking is that an argument using lead poisoning necessarily implicates chronic toxicity, and, if this was the only concern, they would have left lead in paints, much as they leave fluoride in the water. As another example: if something jews wanted is removed against their will, they protest at every opportunity; see the 'this milk contains no hormones, though the FDA has shown no significant difference between milk treated and not treated' verbiage on every gallon of milk to this day.

I think there was something else behind it, but I'm not sure what.

SuckaFree ago

It's not radar. It's thermal resolution image scanning. Similar to radar in that it pulses and continually scans the room, but it's not radar. I used it in the Navy in the 90-00's and my dad used it in Vietnam. So you're right about it being used for decades. But it DEFINITELY isn't radar, not in the traditional sense of irradiating an area and waiting for an echo to return.

MrBateman ago

Okay can we get more info on this? This sounds like Lexington shit

alele-opathic ago

What do you want?

I dug up what I could. The officers can't keep their story straight. The family is only speaking through their lawyer. I've collected all info from original sources in this thread - the other sites regurgitate these two (the main report and the update report).

Anything more that comes out will likely be unreliable, propaganda, or both - I'm sure the family has been gag-ordered by now.

MrBateman ago

So he actually had his house booby trapped with guns and they still got him. What was his real crime though.

369693936 ago

Where can we get some lead paint?


Put powdered aluminum or steel in your paint

alele-opathic ago

I'm not sure you can buy it anymore. If you did, you would probably want to put a topcoat of something non-leaded in case the health concerns are legitimate.

chirogonemd ago

Hey alele, I'm late to this party. Good detective work. The entire situation is extremely alarming. They had a search warrant but decided to shoot to kill without any exigent circumstances. I'm wondering (perhaps predicting so) if all of the body camera footage is going to mysteriously disappear. If the officers reported they were confronted, but the body camera footage corroborated the witness stories that officers never attempted to enter the premises, they are going to be up shit creek. I'll call it now: something is going to happen that compromises that footage. Some malfunction or corrupted data.

alele-opathic ago

Hey, welcome!

They had a search warrant

This is under dispute. The prevailing theory on the web was that this was a so-called 'Red Flag' gun seizure - the last big one was also in Maryland.

I'm wondering (perhaps predicting so) if all of the body camera footage is going to mysteriously disappear.

The footage never existed. SWAT never carries body cams, or cameras of any kind. The officers even wore masks, and covered every inch of skin.

chirogonemd ago

So, basically no justice is going to be served here.

alele-opathic ago

Not a chance. I don't even think it is possible - the officers were literally anonymous.

mleczko ago

Fucking hell

cantaloupe6 ago

Knew this, use Lexan, clear, bullet proof.

alele-opathic ago

Did some research: windows are usually composed of two 1/8th inch thickness glass panels with an air gap between. Impact rated panels replace the air gap with plastic.

1/2 inch Lexan (polycarbonate) will only stop a 22 caliber round, and it takes a full inch of Lexan just to stop most standard pistol rounds.

Apparently, the trick is to alternate glass and Lexan in layers, but the data surrounding what thicknesses for which layers and what rounds it should stop is still classified.

cantaloupe6 ago

It'd be also interesting to know about heat signature management. Say your family is targeted to be shot while sleeping - maybe due to an overdue library book. Perhaps venting heat in the proper shape a distance from an actual location may be helpful.


Would a trash bag over a heating vent work?

cantaloupe6 ago

Actually they use electromagnetic techniques, or through a window.

the Radar-R does not work through metal.

Or no doubt EM shielding material

thebearfromstartrack ago

I thought it was thermal imaging, not radar. How could a radar distinguish objects individually in a room like that? That's A LOT of detailed return signals!

alele-opathic ago

Thermal imaging can only detect objects in close proximity to a wall, and there isn't enough detail to place shots with it.

How could a radar distinguish objects individually in a room like that? That's A LOT of detailed return signals!

Using an old 1950s technology called Synthetic Aperture RADAR.

thebearfromstartrack ago

You mean in a room, the objects are distinguishable to a radio wave transmitted from outside that room (solid walls) due to a RETURN signal for each of them?

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

I only know some cursory details of this event, but it appears he was shot through the window. There is no mention of holes in the walls of the house. As for some type of radar being used, that's also unclear, although looking in through a window would make that unnecessary to see and shoot the victim.

There really aren't enough details available to know what happened here, other than Lemp ending up dead. Ideally, there will be body cam video released at some point. Until then, you have the family claiming everyone was asleep (wait, how would a sleeping person know if everyone else was sleeping?), and the cops at least implying he was presenting some kind of threat.

OpSec: As others have mentioned, being a person prohibited from owning guns (personal sigh...) is not an occasion to go on the internet and present yourself as a militia member, who are typically characterized as active gun enthusiasts who train for para-military actions. In some quarters, they're even seen as domestic terrorists. Assume that anything you post or send over the internet can be directly attributed to you at your real life home, because it can. Act accordingly.

“Detectives were following up on a complaint from the public that Lemp, though prohibited, was in possession of firearms,” the release said, without elaborating.

On social media accounts that friends said belonged to him, Lemp’s username was “YungQuant”. On an internet forum called “My Militia”, someone who identified himself as Duncan Lemp, of Potomac, and posted under the username “yungquant” said he was “an active III%’r and looking for local members & recruits”.

The group’s logo, the Roman numeral III, has become popular with anti-government extremists,

Lemp recently posted a photograph that depicted two people holding up rifles and included the term “boogaloo”, slang used by militia members and other extremists to describe a future civil war in the US.

As you can see, the selective presentation of facts about you can look pretty damning, and perhaps even lead to a police raid on your house at 4:30 am.

alele-opathic ago

Afternoon Tsilent.

I only know some cursory details of this event, but it appears he was shot through the window.

Check this comment for more details, plus an analysis of the 'shot through the window' idea.

As for some type of radar being used, that's also unclear

This will never be revealed for the same reason SWAT never carries body cams (which you mention later) - ostensibly, they don't want to reveal their tactics and SOPs. It also conveniently makes it where there is no opposing side to their story, especially when they kill their opposition. Curiously, the links mention SWAT wore masks and were otherwise entirely covered so the witnesses couldn't even identify the skin color of the officers.

Ideally, there will be body cam video released at some point.

This will never happen, from earlier.

being a person prohibited from owning guns

He wasn't prohibited, btw - he had no criminal past. They entirely made that part up. The prevailing theory on the web is that they were serving another 'Red Flag' warrant to seize his guns. Remember that Maryland is where the last Red Flag murder occurred.

skmm ago

It says "through a window" in the link you gave as evidence.

alele-opathic ago

It says 'including through [his] window", and the pluralization of the word 'gunshots' combined with the fact that they internally couldn't identify who shot Lemp tells us more than one officer was shooting. Because of how they use assets to minimize friendly fire risks, only one officer would be positioned to shoot through the window, meaning at least one other officer would have been shooting through the wall.

But this isn't a hard proof, so I did some sleuthing:

What we can tell from looking at the house:

  • The house is single story.
  • The house is in close proximity to other houses.
  • The back door is overgrown and likely not 'the door entering into his bedroom' that they claim was boobytrapped.
  • There is a second door to the far left of the porch, which must be the door they are referring to. The door enters into the garage area.
  • The garage is an addition, judging by its construction, and was converted into his bedroom (which is evidenced by continuing down the cross street, which shows much older images from before the garage door was deleted and re-sided.
  • The motion sensor light overseeing the drive was kept (they didn't approach up the drive).

From this, we can deduce that his blinds were closed, and would be almost perpetually closed (which is supported by the streetview), and this preempts any theories of night vision through the window. If it wasn't thermal nor night vision, it leaves radar, which is the premier technology for this sort of thing in the first place.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

12252 is the address of the house the map is centered on, and you describe, but the highlighted address is a few streets away. Which is correct?

alele-opathic ago

The highlighted address is a random address I used to get on his street in the first place. The map centered location is correct.

Roughpatch ago

Was the girlfriend shot?

alele-opathic ago

They didn't say, except that she was wounded. They didn't say if it was from gunfire or roughing up when officers invaded the house later.


Look up the case of John Lang.

He got to close to the CIA drug smuggling and was making life difficult for Fresno PD who are involved in pushing the drugs to major sellers.

They used a special heat camera to check whether he was home on several occasions, it peers through the walls and can see inside, on 1 occasion he got it on CCTV.

John Lang was stabbed several times in his bed, then his house was set on fire, the death was ruled a suicide. John Lang was not suicidal. The HDD drives of the CCTV surrounding his house was never discussed by Fresno PD, as if it did not exist.

Spyzz808 ago

I don't understand what the Fresno police did wrong with the license plate scanning. What was the point, they were finding people with infractions quicker, then pulling them over?


Technically by law, you're entering people in a scanner that doesn't just scan for car insurance / registration sake, but also outstanding warrants tied to the registered owner of the car as well as other crime databases. A police officer can in essence only do this in the US if he has reasonable suspicion or actual probably cause that that person has committed a crime.

License plate scanners also take pictures of the driver and run their facial picture through the facial reckognition database of the FBI to find possible criminals.

It's perfectly fine that if someone has a back light out or his insurance is void that the officer then pulls over the person to also gain access to all these databases for officers safety sake. The officer has access to lots of information before even talking to the driver and could potentially warn the officer of a armed and dangerous person tied to the vehicle. The problem is clearly that everyone is now by default guilty unless proven innocent by those databases.

You're right that it drastically increases the efficiency of policing, however, it infringes upon the Fourth US Amendment of the US Constitution which says you should be free from unreasonable search and seizures.

If this is allowed to stand, then scanning license plates with cameras which uses AI to read license plates will be next. If you're aware of the 'smart city' that is already in effect in China, you will be issued a ticket if you park illegally. If you failed to pay a traffic ticket on time you can be pulled over and arrested. You will be issued a fine if you break other traffic rules while driving. You can be called as a witness because you were in the vicinity of a crime and according to the camera's must has seen something. You are guilty by association because if a crime occurred somewhere and you were seen in the general area of that time and date you can now be questioned.

Governments now basically say reasonable suspicion or probable cause are not required when scanning license plates. Yet the US Constitution says otherwise. It's the creeping statism.

Spyzz808 ago

Thank you for the thorough explanation. I was under the impression the implications were less invasive and severe. You've informed/convinced me that this is something I would strongly oppose.

alele-opathic ago

Bookmarked. I'll check it out later.


I second you look into john lang.

Fresno is hell

Dark_Shroud ago

I remember back in the 90s when local news stations would cover some of the anti corruption activists.

The reportors would play the people up as paranoid. Because in one city the guy lived in a gated apartment complex and kept a pistol on himself at all times even at home.

This is now part of the reason my home has solid core doors and locks on all of the bedrooms.

blumen4alles ago

He has it setup that way so it has a static IP address. That way he can't be censored via DNS. I have the ip address saved as a bookmark.

Also has it based in Iceland, which is one of the best countries to do that sort of thing with. Iceland and Netherlands have very little internet censorship.

TheSeer ago

He deleted his own forum when someone debunked the Apollo Program on it. Don't know if he ever brought it back, but for someone concerned with internet censorship...

blumen4alles ago

I didn't know he ever had a forum. I think it is a boomer so some things are going to be hard to come to terms with. Like the lie that we ever went to the moon...

TheSeer ago

Yep, he did. Believe me on that. Was a good forum too. Until one thread became a little too popular and well-researched. He was always the kind of guy to debunk you if you were full of sh*t and yet, in that thread... Not so much. To delete a thread is one thing. To delete your entire forum, just to make your motives less blatant... I just sorta lost respect for him after that. Although I still think he did really good Fukushima and Ebola research. Thanks to him that I have been taking Vitamin C for years now!

blumen4alles ago

I have only been checking out his site for about a year or two now. Was his forum on that same site?

I know he checks GLP a lot and probably posts there too.

What form do you take your Vitamin C in, like Emergen-C?

I drink grapefruit juice every day, but have taken supplements in the past. Good stuff.

TheSeer ago

The forum was linked to from

Not sure if it had a separate domain, can't remember now. That was probably 4-6 years ago now? Is that around when Ebola and Fukushima were big news? Geez... Fukushima was 9 years ago! Ebola was 6 years ago.

I take C in pill form. Seems to do the trick to double up (two or more a day) when I feel a cold/flu/coronavirus coming on.

blumen4alles ago

I usually start taking GSE (grapefruit seed extract) when I start to feel something coming on. My bottle has a 3/2020 expiration date so I have been taking is daily since Holocough just in case.

Fukushima was 9 years ago!

We getting old :)

Gorillion ago

I remember Arnie's old 90s movie "Eraser" making a big deal about his awesome super hitech rail-guns that could shoot through anything, and nobody really focusing on the more scary/dangerous tech of see-thru-anything targeting scopes that allowed him to aim them in the first place.

shillaccount3344 ago

yeah these guys are bad guys. They could be using x-rays which go through everything perfectly fine.

Armpit_and_Ass ago

This technology has now been compressed small enough to be carried on the person (Warning: government link)

It says that the Range-R Link runs at 3.18 to 3.42GHz, and the Xaver at 3.0 to 10.0GHz. It shouldn't be too hard to build a jammer. A Tesla coil running at 3.5GHz would likely block them all, with the 10GHz variant picking up heavy interference on the 2nd harmonic. (3.5GHz will have a lot of noise from 3-4GHz; 3.5x2 = 7GHz, while 3.5 x 3 = 10.5GHz, which should be just enough noise spread out across the entire operating range of that thing to render it all but completely useless.) It certainly wouldn't work as well as advertised.

alele-opathic ago

Tesla coil running at 3.5GHz

It's a very good idea, but I've never heard of a tesla coil running at microwave frequencies - it would have to be pretty darn small if it did.

The biggest advantage of this idea is that these coils are easy to build.

Armpit_and_Ass ago

Most commercial electronics (cell phones, remote controlled toys, microwave ovens, et al.) all run in the 2.4GHz range (λ=12.5cm/≈5" ). 3.5 GHz is only a λ=8.6cm/3.39".

It would take a decent amount of power to make it work and to blanket an area the size of a ≈2,500 sq ft house. The best way would be to use modulation.

  • IIRC, 10MHz has a roughly 30m wavelength.
  • That's not quite 100' peak to peak radius with the coil at the center.
  • Basic arithmetic says that's a circumference of ≈630', and an area the better part of an acre.
  • So a 10MHz carrier with 3.5GHz modulation is a factor of 350x.
  • A beefed-up Hartley oscillator for the carrier, and a Gunn oscillator handling the modulation.

Making the coil itself should be a piece of cake. Making the capacitor would be tricky. The right top-load would be crucial.

GoatDay ago

you lost me when your modulation frequency exceeded your carrier

Armpit_and_Ass ago

Yeah. I got them backwards. It was late and I was tired. Sue me.

Spyzz808 ago

I don't understand all this, but are you seriously running these things in your home 24/7 or is this just a proof of concept type thing.

Doglegwarrior ago

hey op want to start a drywall company that has intergrated mesh in it?


What about the metal coating on foam board insulation.

Doglegwarrior ago

not a bad idea. do your normal insulation then do second layer with that foam.. shit we could do foam insulation with wife sandwhiched inbetween to make a faraday cage. i spelled that wrong i am sure but you know what im talking about.

Dark_Shroud ago

I see this is old but yes use the metal coated foam on the outside of the structure then use the foil insulation on the side of the walls. I know corrugated steel siding also blocks RF, I'm not sure if the "normal" looking steel siding blocks everything or not. Steel roofs definitely help cut down on the waves.



Tsilent_Tsunami ago

with wife sandwhiched inbetween

You spelled something wrong?

Doglegwarrior ago

lol! i meant wire! but ya that was funny rereading it.

alele-opathic ago

I'm all for it. I know they already have drywall reinforced with fiberglass mesh, it wouldn't be much more of a stretch to upgrade to expanded aluminum sheet or similar.

BTW, leaded paints should also be immune to this technology. Too bad they are outlawed. I haven't yet had time to look into whether or not the health concerns surrounding banning leaded paint were legitimate.

Solstiare ago

Layer 24 gauge steel sheet over the studs before drywall. Make sure you ground it.

shillaccount3344 ago

they have paint that blocks emf. It costs $$$$ though.

Doglegwarrior ago

only bad if kids eat it basicaly. that shit stuck on and lasted for fucking ever!

LightestHour ago

Just paint the inside and use safe stuff on the outside lol

AlphabetBoy4Goy ago

"from hand to mouth." comes to mind.

badruns ago

Led paint health concerns came about long before this tech.

Gorillion ago

Anti-RF mosquito nets too, bro.

Hand_of_Node ago

"Cash accepted"

blumen4alles ago

This is why they are pushing 5G!!!!!

edit: I should back up my claim:

The biggest reason for installing 5G that I know of (considering the fact that 4G is so good, with bandwidths up to a gigabit so more is simply not needed and never will be considering how many towers there are already - THE BIGGEST REASON for putting in 5G is because the frequencies are so high they will allow spooks to drive by every home in a van, pick up the back scatter and get high resolution images of everything inside people's homes. This is called millimeter wave imaging which constitutes 70 percent of the TSA's "back scatter x-ray machines". Technically they are not x-ray but they function the same, 30 percent of the TSA's machines are actual x-ray, all (both types) are back scatter. So 5G is going to be equal to or greater than standing in one of the TSA's machines 24/7 365. Obviously that can't be good for you.

This will evolve to 5G gun sights that will allow snipers to snipe people right through a wall the way Robocop grabbed that insane guy holding the mayor hostage. That's my big beef. HELL NO and 5G will allow imaging thousands of times as clear as Robocop was shown to have.

How good for people's health will it be for them to be constantly bathing in an energy source that is superior to the back scatter machines in airports? That's where 5G sits. Having this everywhere is pure lunacy.

quoted text from

beefartist ago

You don't have to move very far to be out of 5g's reach

rayfarmer ago

Millimeter waves can’t pass through anything.

gazillions ago

The people operating the back scatter machines will die of testicular cancer, so that's a small bonus.

i_am_texas_charlie ago

They can already find you in a room with non-5G wifi.

blumen4alles ago

But at least we usually control our wifi and can turn it off. With 5G, not as easy.

fuckthis123 ago

It's a device they control.

MrDarkWater ago

Did lead paint affect these technologies, I wonder?

peacegnome ago

No, it is different forms of lead to make white, yellow, and red. It also isn't continuous even if it was conductive. Foil insulation is better, metal lath would be great.

DownRange ago

I was wondering if the old foil backed insulation would stop this.

Awisegrasshopper ago

Foil backed insulation and a metal pole barn kill cell signal fairly well.

VoatIsRunByJews ago

No there isn't that much lead in the thin coating.

BjornIronside ago

Lead is shit at blocking signals.

You need conductive metal.

VoatIsRunByJews ago

Thanks buddy. I'm glad you passed grade school. I was thinking of the lead as a Faraday cage despite my language.

BjornIronside ago

You need 1" of lead to equal the shielding of aluminium foil.

Phantom42 ago

this is why you need your own house. You can't mod a rental.

Fair enough. Slight problem though, I'm a damn college kid. A house is the last thing on my mind. 😂

But when I do get one.... Ohhhhhhh BOY there are gonna be so many little gun hiding spots. It'll be fucking AWESOME.

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

Get all done with that and now your phone don't work anywhere near your house.

LightestHour ago

reads the thread we had a few days ago about cell phones being backdoored

That's fine by me.

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

I was just telling me Buddy, what difference does it make if (((they))) can come in the front door if they

Caliope ago

If you haven't figured it out yet (and many will never figure it out), the first priority for any Patriot is OPSEC. Lemp postured on the internet, etc. was a visible III-Percenter, etc. etc. Supposedly he was "prohibited" from owning firearms, for whatever reason the gestapo thought up. The Stukatch who reported him had evidently seen the guns. As far as the shooting through the walls from outside -- this is trivial; you locate the subjects using the through-the-wall thermal imager, then shoot them with a large caliber rifle which also has a thermal sighting device on it. Full-metal jacket bullets so as to make penetration of walls easy.


clamhurt_legbeard ago

You must balance OpSec with the need to promote and protect your own beliefs.

Owning guns is great, but you need to take new people shooting to promote the sport and preserve it into the future.

You can be a hardass operator, but if you have no teammates you're always outnumbered.

We must balance OpSec with forming alliances.

alele-opathic ago

As far as the shooting through the walls from outside -- this is trivial

This is the most significant part of the whole story. This is the part that is sci-fi voodoo to the people who are just collecting guns and ammo. The only reason (((they))) haven't entirely shut down the collection of guns and ammo is because they believe they have the leg up through advanced technologies such as these.

you locate the subjects using the through-the-wall thermal imager

Radar imaging exists because of limitations with thermal imaging, namely, that you can only see targets in very close proximity to the outside wall, and there isn't enough definition to put accurate shots on target (because of thermal soak, which radar doesn't).

EDIT: can't -> can

ChiCom ago

Buy an old house with plaster and wire lathe

Fuckoffniggerfaggot ago

I'd be curious what protection asbestos shingles offers. I've been considering pulling down my siding and shingles and replacing it with hardy board, but damn if it doesn't offer good insulation.

ChiCom ago

Rubbery is better than stiff for stopping armor piercing rounds.

In Sierra Leone the clay mud houses were safer than the solid cement from rifle fire during the war. Many types of rounds can go right through cinder block.

I'm not sure if hardy board will be much better than siding.

You can search YT and find Ed Sarkosian or someone similar shooting most materials to get an idea.

lanre ago

Afghani dirt compounds also hold up well to gunfire and explosives. I'm not sure where it went, but I think there's a video on youtube somewhere showing detcord utterly failing to breach a wall.

Fuckoffniggerfaggot ago

The hardy board was mostly for looks, the house is solid wood construction inside and out. It just has vinyl siding on it I want gone, but I'd have to get rid of the 1920s asbestos shingles too. I'm more curious about how the asbestos shingles would reduce backscatter or thermal imaging.

I'm well aware of mud bricks ability to hold up under fire. Especially 5.56 fire.

ChiCom ago

Some anon should probably look into making a mini radar jammer you could aim out ward from your house - maybe out of a microwave.

Fodder01 ago

I would bet you that radiant barrier insulation would get you what you wanted.

i_am_texas_charlie ago

Makes cell phone reception a bitch, though.

INK9 ago

Just put a few plaster and lathe walls in a few rooms, especially bedrooms. I know you can easily buy plaster, would have to do some research on where to get lathe. Years ago one of my uncles was taking out a wall in his (old) house and I'd never seen plaster and lathe before. He told me he wished they still used it and only tore the wall down to make the kitchen larger.

SirNiggsalot ago

I got raided years ago , before I turned my life arounn n sheeit, and they used IR or some shit like it to look in all the walls. Like I was dumb enough to keep cash or drugs in my crib , sheeit.

Seriously, yeah I was living like a scumbag nigger, but came to my senses and cleaned up and live like a decent White man. The badge niggers were very upset and disappointed.

earlymac ago

You did the right thing son. We're not upset at you at all. You're back in the herd where you belong.

-- Badge nigger

SirNiggsalot ago

I wasn't to clear . They were upset they got a warrant and walked away with zilch.

I'm glad I got the chance to become a productive decent person again instead of just living like a Nigger !

videocodec ago

I'm wondering if it was a thermal scope through a window. The foil under the drywall is a good idea as well as a heated dummy with a fake gun near the door.

Like_it_is ago

heated dummy with a fake gun near the door stuffed with C4.


waucka ago

heated dummy with a fake gun near the door stuffed with impact-sensitive explosives like Tannerite.

FTFY. One of the advantages of C4 as a military explosive is that it doesn't go off it it gets hit with something.

Dark_Shroud ago

There are whole series of memes about this using Tannerite instead of C4.

"Tannerite Dog Meme"

alele-opathic ago

Glass is opaque to thermal imaging. The imager would just show the temperature of the glass.

It requires special 'glass' made of quartz to be invisible to infrared.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Thermal is utterly blocked by any window.

Windows are mirrors for thermal imagers.