ant_earth ago

Or maybe they should read the second amendment and figure out what’s necessary to the security of a free state

ThefallofRome ago

Boomers love fecesbook and are also retarded.

dassaer ago

Curious, what fruit-loop-coffin-jerking-kid-sniffing-panty-smelling-gay-ass-globo-homo-resource-stealing insignia does that badge represent ??

MongolianPaellaFish ago

I can't understand why they're arresting patriots.

ALIENS2222 ago

Remember, every single one of these cops is a triaitor. Treat them as such.

goship ago

arrested for what exactly? on what charges

andrew_jackson ago

They won't be charged with anything, maybe. They're trying to scare us.

CanIPlay2 ago

Some do, some don't. A revolution, in the classic sense, would be catastrophic. A less messy solution would be to take out select targets simultaneously. The only way to succeed in doing so, without being arrested first, would be to communicate by word of mouth. No electronic communication. No phones in the vicinity of the conversations. Operational security, only those you can trust.

MrBateman ago

I want to remind you goats - Being on the right side of history, and being morally correct in the eyes of god etc - DOES NOT! Give you Immunity! IT IS A FUCKING WAR! PLAY THE GAME Correctly. You ARE NOT entitled to win just because you showed up! Get the fuck out there AND WIN!

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Fuck that. We organize everywhere. We use all platforms. No more hiding. We need to come out in the open. They can’t shut us all down. They can’t stop us all!

Hodor123 ago

You must orginize with people geographicly close to you...if the elementary schools have a phone tree so should the Patriots...divided you are weak, united you are strong Q

meowmix56 ago

This is why free speech is so important. You can not convince others let alone organize without proper communication. Communication is increasingly centralized by a handful of thoroughly monitored and censored methods. Most of which now require two step verification to ensure they know precisely who you are at all times. Exotic methods drive people off because they involve a learning curve, are censored on the primary platforms, the frequent subject of collateral attacks on hosting and ddos protection, and openly hated by the media as a scare tactic.

turtlesareNotevil ago

Holy shit though. Yes the tards should not have used fagberg but holy shit. Any conservative of any stripe living in a democrat state needs to recognize the immediate threat that they are under.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Soon all states will become democratic

Guy_Justsome ago

Arrested for attempting to exercise your Constitutionally guaranteed right to assembly?

That act needs to be legally interpreted as "a naturalization citizenship test that the authorities voluntarily took and failed." Everyone involved, from helmeted pig to the governor, needs to have their U.S. citizenship revoked and get dumped over the Mexican border.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

I can get behind this. Anyone who willingly and knowingly circumvents the constitution should be either hanged or excommunicated.

Mouse-Ball-Z ago

Y'all are hilariously deluded

Minkxy ago

Denver has a lot of garbage lying around... And crackheads. Huge amount of homeless. Think... San Francisco. Big , expensive homes with garbage around and crackheads lighting fires on the sidewalks.

ninjajunkie ago

Color me surprised. All the faggots and boomers that fucked up California, moved to Colorado and immediately started making the changes that has caused them to flee in the first place.

andrew_jackson ago

Dude, they are seriously like that. I attended a meeting with a Google executive in NYC (where I live) and the dude was trying to set up a hippie farm in the country.

Gentrifying the city isn't enough for them. They want to gentrify the countryside, and then Costa Rica and Ha'waii.

lanre ago

The great and honorable police were just following orders I'm sure. Don't blame the messenger goys! /s

whatisbestinlife ago

way to go boomers

Tradesman ago

I moved here roughly 3 years ago. Found my wife here and now have 2 kids. Saw more trannys here than any other state I've been in (mostly east coast). This state sucks.

ChosenUndead ago

Kill these pigs.

Smokybubbles ago

Too many stoned hippies there to fight the fascists destroying their rights. Where is antifa?

anticlutch ago


Like the Michigan rally was a glownig oppo. This one appears to have been infiltrated by a glownig threatening bombs.

Mr_Wolf ago

Raiding for thought crimes

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

These kids are like:


then when the power shows up:

one guy got his house raided and 2 others were followed all day 😢

Larping little faggots got what was coming to them 🤦🤷

ardvarcus ago

Arresting people for organizing rallies? Isn't the right to free assembly in the Constitution? And it doesn't mean Ikea furniture. The police have the power to arrest people at the rally while it is taking place if they violate the law -- they don't have the right to arrest people for planning a rally.

xenoPsychologist ago

when is it going to be time to put an end to that nonsense?

CanIPlay2 ago

"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."


The state and it's actors are making it harder to maintain peace and enact a peaceful solution to the problems white men face. While blacks are encouraged to commit violent acts as part of their culture, whites are being arrested before violence had been considered.

gazillions ago

Maybe they want a revolution.

andrew_jackson ago

Yeah, I think that we're being manipulated.

ant_earth ago

Hm, maybe we better all just stay inside then

ketoll ago

The Commiefornians came and turned it into Commierado.

CeasarSalud ago

Chevy Lee McGee?

This sounds fake and gay until I see more /pol was buzzing about this until proof was demanded.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

All of those cops have addresses.

9NaughtZ ago

Serves those dipshits right. You don't go armed to threaten people who aren't threatening you and who also have the support of the majority behind them. There are other ways of dealing with this. This quarantine wasn't about guns and they made it about that. Fuck them. Enjoy a felony.

Time to take out the garbage.

Soyboy69 ago

You don't go armed to threaten people who aren't threatening you

Except the orders were more than a threat as if they continued on long enough the people could have lost their houses, cars, and even their lives.

who also have the support of the majority behind them.

And what would make you could judge the position of the majority when all major platforms are censored to hell and back?

9NaughtZ ago

That's not true. There are stops in place so that you can't lose everything you own. And the government is actively trying to make sure that doesn't happen.

The bigger question is how are so many people living paycheck to paycheck with no savings? Whoever is living like that is being irresponsible for buying things they cant' afford. It's inside the governments scope to protect us from ourselves.

Soyboy69 ago

Ahh yes, just trust daddy government is trying its hardest to not take everything from you...

The bigger question is how are so many people living paycheck to paycheck with no savings?

People wanting to go back to work is not indicative of living paycheck to paycheck, the only thing we have to suggest that things will ever be put back the way they were are the promises of politicians who have only kept extending and increasing restrictions.

It's inside the governments scope to protect us from ourselves.

It's in the governments scope to protect from foreign threats and collect taxes, not much else.

MrPancake ago

There seems to be a correlation between the legalization of pot and the suppression of rights...

RevDrStrangelove ago

If you use Facebook for anything serious you're an idiot. If you use Facebook to coordinate or plan or even discuss shit like this you're terminally retarded and deserve exactly what happens to you.

SuperToes845 ago

Don't blame the citizens trying to do what's constitutionally afforded to them.

Rather, put the blame on the cocksucking, unconstitutional actions of the governor and the police.

Anyone should be able to organize a peaceful protest on whatever medium they choose. It's not the medium that ought to change. It's the government's reaction to the protest that should.

RevDrStrangelove ago

You're even dumber than the morons that got arrested. Facebook is owned and run by people committed to everything you're fighting. How fucking stupid are you to whip out the "it's my right" fallacy (it isn't - Facebook isn't part of the government and private companies, like Facebook, are specifically incapable of violating your constitutional rights).

Jesus fuck some of you people are sense.

Maker_Wolf ago

So now that private corporations control all communication channels, we're supposed to just give up on freedom of speech and organization?

If this was 1930 and you thought you owned your land, and some lawyer showed up with a stack of paper that said because of x, y, z, loopholes your land actually not belongs to some company, you would just accept that? Because law said it was so?

RevDrStrangelove ago

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

There's the 1st Amendment. It places limitations on the GOVERNMENT. Full stop.

This is middle school civics. I don't know if you're trolling or if you're really that fucking ignorant.

To reiterate: the 1st Amendment stops the GOVERNMENT from limiting your speech. Facebook is NOT part of the government.

Holy shit some of you are fucking stupid.

steven_feelsperg ago

all communication channels

Think. Really think about what you said.

Do (((they))) control all communication channels? Maybe your awareness of communication channels needs a facelift. There was at least one alternative provided in this thread. Perhaps you should have asked about alternative channels instead of jumping to a conclusion.


ElvisP ago

It's amazing how the police have unlimited resources for shit like this but none for real crimes in the cities and neighborhoods or the high end organized crime like child sex trafficking

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Thats because Police orgs are run by jews. Police are just good golems that follow the shekels as many have pointed out

lanre ago

Stuff like this threatens the continuity of the state. There's a possible threat of the governor being toppled here, either non-violently through protest or violently if that doesn't work. That's clearly higher priority than ruling your plebs effectively.

veteran88 ago

Jewish rule in the US must end.

Also fuck all badge niggers who follow illegal orders.

If you don't want the responsibility of standing up to the enemy first then don't take the job.

These badge niggers are the same ones who would take you to the goulash because their boss said so.

gazillions ago

They just did take them to the gulag. For protesting.

SuperToes845 ago

"Badge niggers" lol!

veteran88 ago


I wonder if autocorrect gets it wrong on purpose sometimes. I have seen it change a word a few sentences after I already wrote a line.

Plavonica ago

I'm simply amazed at how many common english words auto-correct doesn't know about.

Derpfroot ago

Peaceably assemble? What? You think we have a first amendment or something?

Also, anymore info than a fb cap?

lanre ago

Thinking of peaceably assembling is a thought crime now goy.

Randome ago

Another Daily Reminder that COPS ARE MERCENARIES and are only loyal to those who signs their check.

"Serve and Protect" is just propaganda.

Dark_Shroud ago

It's why buying body armor is just as important as buying buying guns and ammo.

I would also suggest home security doors anchored into the house frame with proper bracing locks, depending on how paranoid/far you want to go.

Voat thread on Duncan Lemp who was assassinated in his sleep.

MemeWar2020 ago

It's also important to remember that Wikileaks exposed that the CIA was planning a program to assassinate people by hacking into their vehicles and making it look like an accident. (personally I would assume that this program is already in effect). Seems to me that the CIA may takeout United States citizens that they deem a potential threat to the establishment in ways that don't raise any suspicion. I personally recommend removing any internet connectivity in your vehicle such as OnStar.

Dark_Shroud ago

Yet another reason that "cash for clunkers" happened. Take out all those 90s vehicles that were in good condition and had most modern features minus the black boxes.

andrew_jackson ago

Naw, it's better to make sure that the local sherif knows that you know where he lives. First time he fucks up you need to have ten dudes on his doorstep at 3 AM making sure that you know that he fucked up.

ALIENS2222 ago

I dont have any friends. No one will ever come over even for free beer and a BBQ.

abwydyn ago

This is a common problem.

dassaer ago

TRy blunts and sneakers then .... /s

goship ago

and you think they will barricade up and fight the entire police force?

to what end, so that they can get to fight national guard? and if they would somehow kill all nearby national guard then win a bombing from F-16?

Dark_Shroud ago

If the government wants into your home they're coming in.

But maybe, just maybe, you get some warning so you're not getting gunned down in your sleep.

ant_earth ago

hurr your ar15 won’t stop and f16

The American military would lose a guerilla war against its own citizens.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

"Serve and Protect" Serve your Masters and protect their Knighted Slaves.

New-World-Ebola ago

what's this over? it's illegal to hold a rally now?

FederalShill ago


turbinetech ago

Folks need to start misdirecting the cops. Plan a big rally then go somewhere else. After a few times showing up and looking dumb maybe they'll stay at the donut shop.

ant_earth ago

Or just show up with guns like the founding fathers intended

ALIENS2222 ago

PATRIOT RALLY AT THE DONUT SHOP!!!! then everyone shows up late and takes pictures.

Unreasonable ago

Flood the lines. So many people going to the playground!

9NaughtZ ago

They will get to you. You can get away with it once or twice and then they will crush your balls. You have a job and it's not evading them. Their job is to smash people who threaten their power.

These retards with guns are not sophisticated actors. All the top level guys work with the gov.

andrew_jackson ago

I think that you're overestimating them.

9NaughtZ ago

It's like a drill turning 1/4 turn a minute. It takes a really long time but it wears things down. These people just have to mess up once to get caught.

I know LEO. They aren't sophisticated but they have resources and manpower.

fusir ago

mmm, all they have to do is claim that they had one person that they wanted to arrest and then claim that was interfering with justice. I say just plan the rally as normal. Let them make arrests. Take it to court. You will win. Make the case as cut and dry as possible. A winnable court case is a boring court case.

Sheetz ago

Setup constitutional stings and ambush, if that’s what you want to do. But you won’t pull “faking them out on a protest” unless you fake out your own group and it won’t do any good anyways.

Broc_Lia ago

I can think of a few ways of doing it, or at least keeping the location under wraps until the last second. They'll still show up, but they won't be as prepared.

ALIENS2222 ago

Ha ha ha ha... Will they wake up?... No.

SocksOnCats ago

So if Faceberg isn’t a good way to organize (and I agree with this), could you suggest some better ways so that people who don’t know could start to organize more local rallies?

blumen4alles ago

Bring back Roller Skating Rinks.

Dark_Shroud ago

You have to check out local groups in your area. Facebook is not a bad way to advertise local groups. Just do not use it for any communication what so ever or post info on events like this. If you form a group set up a basic word press site with info on the group and meetings. Give a Telegram group link to people who actually shows up. Use that for meeting info and updates. Do not use it for direct communication if you're planning any protests or demonstations.

Chat services:


Discord also cannot be trusted, even with private groups because the company has turned over log data on pro freedom groups to lefty organizations.

Just understand that there will be under covers / glow in the darks of some kind showing up at least a few times.

You can ask you local gun stores about pro-2a groups in the area. Also Gun Owners of America.

observation1 ago


lanre ago

It doesn't matter anymore. Since the inception of the FBI we've had a nationwide secret police force with the resources to infiltrate every minor group that could potentially threaten the state. Look at what happened during the civil rights era and with "white supremacist" groups. It's literally like 4 guys sitting around plotting government overthrow and then realizing later that they're all Feds, informants, local police, or CIA.

ketoll ago

CB radio! LMAO

9NaughtZ ago

The attitude toward "organizing" here is bullshit. It means absolutely faggot shit nothing. You know what matters? Money. If you want to have an impact you have to organize in a way that builds a large base of people who are willing to put in money. With money you can hire full time people to lobby politicians and such. Then no one will touch you and you can change laws.

This shit they are doing is counter productive larping and will just make the public hate them and willingly give up rights. It's idiotic.

fusir ago

Somewhat related but not directly rally related. I noticed was 100% online only meetups. But this might be because all event organizers opted to do that. Part of me wondered what would happen if I set up a meetup on the site for in-person. I thought it might be interesting to get an anti-corona-response group together to openly talk about what's wrong with this response and what to do about it. Such a meetup could be used to organize a legal rally.

Would be interesting to see if the government shuts down the right of the people to assemble and to discuss their policies.

If wouldn't support it I would just launch a competitor meetup site.

SocksOnCats ago

I like this idea. Maybe I’ll try it here.

ALIENS2222 ago

You could post your address in voat? Kek. There is no way sadly. We cannot organize without kicking off a civil war. The police are FAKE, GAY and COMPROMISED. If they catch wind of any organization against the Gov they will come in force. They have nearly limitless forces that can be brought to bear. Look at the protests against the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL). Just peruse the pictures. Then imagine that outside your front door.

Or organize a fucking bake sale you better be ready to take on such a force. You would need maybe 500 dudes. 100 with live fire combat experience. 10 who were Hua special forces types and all the supporting infrastructure to back that up...

So how would you organize that?


Maker_Wolf ago

The answer is simple. Organize anyway. Some people may be arrested on bullshit charges, but if you let that stop you, you've already given up all your rights.

The police may be a gang with no rules and no oversight, but they can't arrest half the country.

Viduus ago


observation1 ago

Telegram keeps your phone number. Think about that for a second.

9NaughtZ ago

I have organized before. I think you are touching on important things people here LARP'ing don't get. There is absolutely no way to bring guns to a party like that and not get crushed and everyone else's freedoms taken away. Voat fags love to role play tho.

It's all about money. No one organizes for money. Protests do nothing except give cops overtime pay. These movements need a ton of cash to keep going and only the left seems to well fund their retards.

gazillions ago

I think it's important that people keep trying to organize. Keep attracting attention and just keep going. When it happens, it will be spontaneous.

If no one is making an effort the rest of the holdouts stop holding out and just give in to the tyrants. Those Trump rallies were never for Trump. They were for the hold outs pissed as hell at the tyrants. Trump got up and told them they were right and then massaged them into compliance. They still have the same issues. We all do. That anger could come back very hard because they know they've been screwed.

9NaughtZ ago

yes organize. I do. Often and spent a LOT of time doing it. These flashpoint protests just piss a lot of people off. Even people that might be sympathetic. Very few people want those dickheads representing them. They don't represent me and the government workers are annoyed and pissed by it.

Find a way to generate money and get lobbyists going at it.

And open up your business. If you can do it underground then do that. Protect your customers' health. Respect other people's risk appreciation and fear too. Not everyone can handle what is going on.

ALIENS2222 ago

Nailed it!

Maker_Wolf ago

If you can't use your freedom without it being taken away, you never had it to begin with.

9NaughtZ ago

It's about responsibility. Your argument is that you MUST exercise your tools for discourse or you lose them. That would mean that it's pretty much guaranteed that we need people who have guns to shoot at something. That's not true. Retards are just going to get shipped off and we lose more rights.

cosMICjester ago

Even though I'd like to cut the shekel flow from Fuckerberg I still have a FB account w/ my family, relatives & a lot of my past associates. What's bizarre is I went to send a ol buddy I hadn't talk to in a while a private message. In that message I told him I had found a site where I was getting free movies off the web Fmovies dot to. The FB overlords BLOCKED my private message. These MFers are moderating & censoring not only anything public u post but PRIVATE communications. Full on big brother shit. The worst part I've sent some anti schl0m0 stuff that would get me cancelled UNDER MY REAL NAME to like minded pals on there. They probably got me in the white supremacist file.

blumen4alles ago

Not surprised. Besides fb they also own two popular messaging apps. You are right, probably on a jew-hating list. They will send you recommended jew-hating groups to join. I checked out fmovies, wonder if I can download off of there. I hate streaming anything.

cosMICjester ago

"Recommended jew hating groups to join".........dude THANKS for that. Friggen HILARIOUS. After I read that I was laughing so hard I got teary eyed.

Here's another one too it buffers a lot but sometimes they play right though <<< genvideo dot io >>> Anything to keep these hollyweird freaks from getting shekels. Adios

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Disassociate from any family, relatives & past associates who use faceberg. Do not contact them on any platform while they still feed all your info to their handlers.

Brain_Spasm ago

Same thing with email. A while back I attached a crack for Windows 7 and emailed it to a friend. Nope. Message blocked. Claimed it was a virus or some shit.

cosMICjester ago

Our tech overlords are probing & censoring our Emails now that's just friggen wonderful.

ALIENS2222 ago

Wow dude... I could not imagine being as trusting as you are... You need to wake up.

cosMICjester ago

There's billions of MFers on FB the idea of big brother monitoring all private messages seemed hard to believe now I know better. U know something I don't give a flying fuck anyways. I didn't say anything illegal just the TRUTH about these vile khazars. Nothing worse then what they get away w/ saying about crackas daily on twatter. Funny the wife's grand father just died at 104 recently. Her father was cleaning out his house & found a bunch of third Reich stuff he had from WW2 . He threw it away I said to him damn I wanted that I could have sold that shit on the internet & it pissed him off something fierce. He hasn't been red pilled yet. Adios

steven_feelsperg ago

Why would you go straight for shekels? Maybe that's what pissed him off. He may have thought you DGAF about granddad. Is he right?

cosMICjester ago

I probably would have kept the stuff cuz it's history.

Tbneer967 ago

Just looked up that Denver has illegal open carry. How convenient for the governor. Especially if that governor is oppressive. How interesting...

SocksOnCats ago

Illegal open carry makes concealed carry legal by default, no?

Tbneer967 ago

Makes sense to me!

fusir ago

Yes. DC tried to not make it legal by default and the courts removed all DC gun laws in response for a while. I open carried on the capital, legally, just to be able to say I did afterward. It was fun to go see the cherry blossoms anyway and it's the only time I've taken a bike to DC so it was fun.

ForgottenMemes ago


The constitution makes both legal in theory, but in practice it's whatever the people with guns say.

SocksOnCats ago

I thought there was a case before the USSC which found that states must allow one or the other and cannot van boLth.

ForgottenMemes ago

If there is it's undecided which means it's not in effect. SCOTUS refuses to actually rule on gun cases, allowing egregious violations of the constitution to continue unabated.

ALIENS2222 ago

De facto... As opposed to De jure

HiJoker ago

This shit is so unconstitutional it's beyond belief.

ALIENS2222 ago

The Constitution was suspended around 1913 for certain. Likely earlier.

Nosferatjew ago

Some say 1871.

SuperToes845 ago

Absolute tyranny. And what will the good citizens of Colorado do about it?

ALIENS2222 ago

They will give them money.

DemocratsAreAssholes ago

Well let's not use the 2nd Amendment we keep "protecting"...have these "protestors" tried reasoning with them? That always works...


obvious-throwaway- ago

No law shall supercede the constitution. The reason for that is to stop tyrants from obtaining power. Every Single Person who is committing this tyranny against its own citizens should be imprisoned and the person who made the decision should be put to death under the laws of our constitution as a traitor to the Republic.

turtlesareNotevil ago

Get more weed.

eongoat ago

Masaze ago

No they didn't, Colorado was flooded with illegal Mexicans until the locals had no say in who was elected anymore

amonamoose ago

Don't forget the HUGE push for mail in voting and absentee voting in Colorado.

The state was targeted years ago by the National DNP because of its Libertarian leaning and the tendencies of the locals towards rugged individualism that the power brokers saw as a threat to their agendas.

Read The Blueprint: How the Democrats Won Colorado (and Why Republicans Everywhere Should Care) By Schrager and Witwer

American-Patriot ago

they know what they need to do, so do it. Also have a secret meeting spot where you can all gather. always talk in code when being monitored online like Facebook etc.

ForgottenMemes ago

The governor is a jew.

pimplepeter ago

how many are there total? I know Illinois is too

ForgottenMemes ago

6 million too many

GumbyTM ago

The governor didn't show up at his door with guns.

Local PD who live in the community did.

Who's the real problem?

TimberWolfAlpha ago

All of them. All of them are the problem.

Hellion ago

The Jews that control them

GumbyTM ago

No one is 'controlling them', they are choosing to trample your rights rather than confront the reality of how they earn a paycheck.

They, and people like you who excuse them, are worse than the governor. For without the likes of you, they would have no support, not feel safe in their own community and would not engage in such behavior.

Traitors before invaders.

Hellion ago

Who do you think trains and indoctrinated them? Why do you think Obama started the systematic destruction of local law enforcement after decades of federal law enforcement escaping justice?

People trusted their local sheriff, because they elected him.

You’re just a narrow minded, anarchist, kike. Kill yourself.

andrew_jackson ago

spot on

ForgottenMemes ago

While none are blameless, the ones for whom doing the right thing had no cost are the most egregious perpetrators.

ardvarcus ago

If people elect a Jew pervert to rule over them, they have to expect bad things to happen.

andrew_jackson ago

This is the libertarian thing. Libertariantard Denver/cowboy types allowed pot legalization thinking that things would just work themselves out.

Wave after wave of niggers and purple-haired hippies flooded into the city.

Because of the way that the electoral system works they ended up taking over the state.

Now the Denver is overpriced and crawling with niggers, to the extent that the original wave of hippies now dislike it. Libertarian dystopia. Have a look at Texas for comparison.

Mr_Wolf ago

Colorado is ripe with voter fraud, I doubt a lot of the people in office actually get voted in.

the page on voter fraud has 10 cases listed in the state. theres plenty more that aren't listed on there.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Thank You for this!


SuperToes845 ago

Holy shit, you weren't kidding:

As an openly gay man, Polis has made history several times through his electoral success. In 2008, he became the first same-sex parent elected to the United States Congress. In 2018, he became the first openly gay person and second openly LGBT person (after Kate Brown of Oregon) elected governor of a state in the United States. He is also the first Jewish person elected governor of Colorado.

undertheshills ago

Also the first governor to arrest people for protesting without being in a declared state of war.

ChiCom ago

*Planning to protest

observation1 ago

Also on Chinas leaked "friendly governors list"

ForgottenMemes ago

same-sex parent

Statistically he's a kid raper.

lion4liberty ago

We could have guessed that by him being jewish

HiJoker ago

Don't you know? Just owning guns gives you magical protection. You don't expect Colorado Cucks to do shit do you? lol

SuperToes845 ago


noob_tube ago

Maybe they should have organized with guns

ALIENS2222 ago

This post is antisemitic and bad for jews

blumen4alles ago

In case you do not know what QRF is:

Quick Reaction Force (QRF) is an armed military unit capable of rapidly responding to developing situations, typically to assist allied units in need of such assistance

Dude put his address on the internet. Way to go Faceberg user. You get what you deserve.

smokratez ago

COUld YoU plEAse Learn hOW To proPERly use CAPS?

blumen4alles ago

Where are your referring to my improper use of caps?

LetTheMongoloidsDie ago

Off to the gulags!