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9NaughtZ ago

This is idiotic. WTF is wrong with you. They don't want their economy to collapse completely they want to open it up too.

I actually am starting to root for the other team now. I look forward to you fat keyboard riding fucks showing up on fox news "Michigan Militia Leader Arrested For Plotting" hair all disheveled wondering how it happened. They only need to shoot a dozen of those idiots and arrest a couple wives for complicity and throw away the key texas style.

9NaughtZ ago

ok Q-tard

Sometimesineedhelp ago

I know you are, but what am I?

Native ago

I don't get it. Why link this post?

ShakklezthaKlown ago

mental illness, just like yours.

it's ok to be mentally ill. it's not ok to go around acting perfectly normal when you need a fucking heroperidol injection to keep you sane

Native ago
