yes we are. i see it every day. more and more people are questioning the status quo. not all of them need to go down the routes we've taken to get where we are. we don't need a majority; the majority will always follow. the tipping point comes when there's maybe 20% -the smartest in society who see things the way we do- and we're nearly there. in five years I'm willing to bet the word "jew" will be just as acceptible as "muslim" has recently become when talking about terrorism, or "china" when talking about pandemics, economy etc. there's been a massive shift of the overton window, and it's only just beginning.
they are in active insurrection against the federal government and the us constitution. they have been for a long time. they wrre gonna start ww3 and sell us out to china. fumbled that so tried a civil war got called on that. now they sre trying to stich together some bullshit throw a bunch of people under the bus and try to memoryhole.
point is you dont have to say minecraft. feel free to execute any treasonous bastard you care to
This is idiotic. WTF is wrong with you. They don't want their economy to collapse completely they want to open it up too.
I actually am starting to root for the other team now. I look forward to you fat keyboard riding fucks showing up on fox news "Michigan Militia Leader Arrested For Plotting" hair all disheveled wondering how it happened. They only need to shoot a dozen of those idiots and arrest a couple wives for complicity and throw away the key texas style.
The revolution needs to be fought via targetted assassination utilizing the already existing mass surveillance apparatus.
Just as we can be tracked, so too can they.
The best thing to do would be to have someone either working in, or capable of breaking into, major tech companies that specialize in tracking the locations of people. Then those people can track, identify patterns, and pass off the information of where these politicians will be at specific times to then stab to death. Once a couple of them get whacked, they'll realize there are consequences to their actions and wont be as willing to go along with the zog overlord demands. Having their jobs and familes being threatened with loss and death will have no power over them if they're also facing that same possibility from their constituents.
If we get them to fear the people because the people are more apt to actually take action against them, then the threats of their overlord will have less leverage.
they are using politics to great effect. politics works fucking fine you dumb ass, Christians are so cucked they wont even defend themselves with politics and you think there is going to be some day of violence?
it works for them because they own it. they use it against us, then suddenly its completely acceptable to take all our platforms and assault us while we are completely peaceful. have you not been paying attention? but you can try to use their own system, which only works for them, against them. we will all wait for you to be satisfied. no problem.
by the by, they are also using violence to even greater effect. every one of us they kill, is one less of us to have a problem with our genocide.
you think there is going to be some day of violence
i dont see nonchristians doing anything either, so probably not. no one is going to do anything. im just a sensible, rational person who noticed that its the only option they left us that has any chance. do you think jews are going to stop jewing because you asked them nicely? as long as they exist, theyll be a problem for humans.
California is going to be locked down for quite a while. They now say till the end of May, but I bet they extend it further than that. They might allow one or 2 sectors to open up before June, but only with heavy restrictions. I wouldn't be too surprised if they kept it going through July or even August. Something tells me they're going to make it last long enough for them to double up, with this dumb lockdown, and PG&E "fire prevention" blackouts.
So far, every week, they roll out a new restriction... I don't see them easing up on much of anything for a while now.
We'll see. My county is straight up retarded, so far, nothing but bullshit.
One of my clients told me today that her employee saw cops walking through the town, looking in businesses windows, presumably to check if anyone was violating the "you don't get to work" order. Just the gayest.
dawn saw it in my back pocket. there is an almost empty propane tank near by ( for the pilot light. i dont have a long lighter or big matches), she grabs that & says do it quietly.
manoccas ago
Fuck off FBI.
If shots are fired the screws get tightened.
We win this long war by disseminating truth, and we're already gaining ground heavily.
Sometimesineedhelp ago
Lol, yeah... We're sure gaining a lot of ground
manoccas ago
yes we are. i see it every day. more and more people are questioning the status quo. not all of them need to go down the routes we've taken to get where we are. we don't need a majority; the majority will always follow. the tipping point comes when there's maybe 20% -the smartest in society who see things the way we do- and we're nearly there. in five years I'm willing to bet the word "jew" will be just as acceptible as "muslim" has recently become when talking about terrorism, or "china" when talking about pandemics, economy etc. there's been a massive shift of the overton window, and it's only just beginning.
ddumbb ago
Building guillotines on the steps of the State Capitol should at least start to get the idea across
slowcrash101 ago
They can't arrest everyone.
majb ago
Sounds like the Area 51 slogan from a while back. "We can get in - they can't shoot us all"
TooMuchCoffeeMan ago
Just marry their daughters. Make liberals out of their grandchildren and then get the popcorn. Thats a better revenge.
TooMuchCoffeeMan ago
PaulNeriAustralia ago
too late bro - you're on the list of "agitated people".
gosso920 ago
Okay, glownigger.
HatePrincipal ago
they are in active insurrection against the federal government and the us constitution. they have been for a long time. they wrre gonna start ww3 and sell us out to china. fumbled that so tried a civil war got called on that. now they sre trying to stich together some bullshit throw a bunch of people under the bus and try to memoryhole.
point is you dont have to say minecraft. feel free to execute any treasonous bastard you care to
CheeBooga ago
kek I've been followed and watched and that's no shit.
Wonder_Boy ago
Fed post
But in minecraft, a good idea
Gigglestick ago
Yes. Yes I have done that/
Wowbagger ago
Pics or it didn't happen.
USAF_Patriot ago
After being indicted, prosecuted and found guilty in a court of law, then yes, as a legal punishment for their crimes!
Drstrangebeard ago
i thought the fbi worked for the Clintons.
Sometimesineedhelp ago
Those jerks will work for anyone as long as they get to harass nobodies
Drstrangebeard ago
then don't be a nobody.
Jayrod28542 ago
Then someone needs to get to work, in Minecraft
xenoPsychologist ago
we all do. except in reality.
random128dsf321 ago
Fed, its the FEDS!
Nosferatjew ago
Probably so.
9NaughtZ ago
This is idiotic. WTF is wrong with you. They don't want their economy to collapse completely they want to open it up too.
I actually am starting to root for the other team now. I look forward to you fat keyboard riding fucks showing up on fox news "Michigan Militia Leader Arrested For Plotting" hair all disheveled wondering how it happened. They only need to shoot a dozen of those idiots and arrest a couple wives for complicity and throw away the key texas style.
Sometimesineedhelp ago
Lol, ok troll
9NaughtZ ago
ok Q-tard
Sometimesineedhelp ago
I know you are, but what am I?
Native ago
I don't get it. Why link this post?
ShakklezthaKlown ago
mental illness, just like yours.
it's ok to be mentally ill. it's not ok to go around acting perfectly normal when you need a fucking heroperidol injection to keep you sane
Native ago
SpunRecord ago
It can't happen with open fighting.
The revolution needs to be fought via targetted assassination utilizing the already existing mass surveillance apparatus.
Just as we can be tracked, so too can they.
The best thing to do would be to have someone either working in, or capable of breaking into, major tech companies that specialize in tracking the locations of people. Then those people can track, identify patterns, and pass off the information of where these politicians will be at specific times to then stab to death. Once a couple of them get whacked, they'll realize there are consequences to their actions and wont be as willing to go along with the zog overlord demands. Having their jobs and familes being threatened with loss and death will have no power over them if they're also facing that same possibility from their constituents.
If we get them to fear the people because the people are more apt to actually take action against them, then the threats of their overlord will have less leverage.
In minecraft of course.
Blood-is-Nature ago
Nope. Once digital ID is established, they're in control to change their own ID with a mouse-click.
borderline7 ago
or use politics since that is all they are using against you... because we all know you are waiting for a day that will never come.
xenoPsychologist ago
politics doesnt work. they already own it.
borderline7 ago
they are using politics to great effect. politics works fucking fine you dumb ass, Christians are so cucked they wont even defend themselves with politics and you think there is going to be some day of violence?
tell me more. lol
xenoPsychologist ago
it works for them because they own it. they use it against us, then suddenly its completely acceptable to take all our platforms and assault us while we are completely peaceful. have you not been paying attention? but you can try to use their own system, which only works for them, against them. we will all wait for you to be satisfied. no problem.
by the by, they are also using violence to even greater effect. every one of us they kill, is one less of us to have a problem with our genocide.
i dont see nonchristians doing anything either, so probably not. no one is going to do anything. im just a sensible, rational person who noticed that its the only option they left us that has any chance. do you think jews are going to stop jewing because you asked them nicely? as long as they exist, theyll be a problem for humans.
borderline7 ago
some how the polish, who have been then brunt of jokes for being stupid, are using politics.
xenoPsychologist ago
therefore, it stands to reason that:
albatrosv15 ago
And then i see people using winblows. You will never get there.
con77 ago
33 people hospitalized in Maine. 1.2 million on lockdown. keep voting dem ya stupid asses.
clamhurt_legbeard ago
I'm going to pass this shit out as Christmas presents. Colored accents in your favorite color.
Nosferatjew ago
I like orange.
clamhurt_legbeard ago
Dude, me too.
RustinKohle ago
Is there a golden gun one
clamhurt_legbeard ago
Apparently there is glow in the dark!
Nosferatjew ago
We have so much in common!
Mcoli ago
I’d settle for a few being led naked through the streets.
Nosferatjew ago
To the gallows.
clamhurt_legbeard ago
Cheap shit.
$190 plus some upgrades. The guide is idiotproof.
ALIENS2222 ago
...of old age.
whatisbestinlife ago
if anyone stays locked down for another month then yes
RevDrStrangelove ago
They are lifting restrictions all over. It might be a little longer for you depending on where you are but it's happening soon enough. Chill.
clamhurt_legbeard ago
Exactly, this is already over.
Anybody keeping restrictions is violating mountains of scientific data.
Nosferatjew ago
California is going to be locked down for quite a while. They now say till the end of May, but I bet they extend it further than that. They might allow one or 2 sectors to open up before June, but only with heavy restrictions. I wouldn't be too surprised if they kept it going through July or even August. Something tells me they're going to make it last long enough for them to double up, with this dumb lockdown, and PG&E "fire prevention" blackouts.
So far, every week, they roll out a new restriction... I don't see them easing up on much of anything for a while now.
clamhurt_legbeard ago
I disagree. Thousands show up to protests in Orange County. Thousands on the steps of the Capitol in Sacramento.
This thing is over. Multiple counties are already openly disregarding the governor.
Nosferatjew ago
We'll see. My county is straight up retarded, so far, nothing but bullshit.
One of my clients told me today that her employee saw cops walking through the town, looking in businesses windows, presumably to check if anyone was violating the "you don't get to work" order. Just the gayest.
clamhurt_legbeard ago
Hahaha, wow. Meanwhile burglaries are up. You'd think they'd try working for a change.
Nosferatjew ago
No one takes a public sector unionized job because they want to work.
ratsmack ago
Doesn't really have to be minecraft, though.
clamhurt_legbeard ago
Check out this mod
Kungflu_Master ago
Oh man. And here I am sitting on a spool of glow in the dark filament. Maybe not on second thought.
clamhurt_legbeard ago
Holy shit YESSSS
Fried-Laptop ago
i was gifted a 9mm sten magazine yesterday. i think an open-bolt mac-10 is on the drawing board
clamhurt_legbeard ago
That's so great!
Personally I'm inexplicably drawn to the Tec-9.
Sometimesineedhelp ago
Fried-Laptop ago
dawn saw it in my back pocket. there is an almost empty propane tank near by ( for the pilot light. i dont have a long lighter or big matches), she grabs that & says do it quietly.