Lokester ago

86? I think I remember 54s. Damn I'm old.

Deceneu ago

popsikle ago

lol. i think i had one of those when i was a kid

UrCoolerOlderBrother ago

Never liked that dude. Never thought he was funny. Never followed him online, even though it seemed like everyone that I followed, followed him. I still never did. There was just something about him that annoyed me, but now I can see why, I must have instinctively knew.

spreadthosecheeks ago

I just tried the exact same effect and it thought I was Chinese - not exactly infallible tech.

Fuhrer1488 ago

the reason we dont have any publicly available super ai is because it would destroy all the curtains the jews have put up. nobody can use the "you're just biased" against a fucking machine.

Fuhrer1488 ago

Yeah but then they shut them down and (((reprogram))) them

AlphaOmega ago

Damn. I wasn’t prepared for this comment.

MikeNelson ago

His co-hosts on the Cumtown podcast pick on him a lot for his jewyness. He sucks on the podcast but Nick Mullen is funny as hell.


JohnGoodman ago

Beep boop it’s the nose faggot. Beep dead giveaway. Beep boop. Fuck you AI!

wig ago

and slope on forehead.

Alhambra ago

how did the AI know his religion?!?!?!

TechDumb ago

I want to do this on myself, but I also don't need to give these freaks any more pictures of my face.

puggy ago

Meh. It just read his name "Adam Friedland"

Empire_of_the_mind ago

6% Filipina

checks out

JJNova ago

I think it's interesting that it specifically called out 'Filipina", which is a female descendant of people from the Philippines.

So this app identified the user as a jewish woman.

19810708321b ago


glownig ago

AI combined with a retrainer using "Generative adversarial network" :


...can create a pre-built neural net to do what is depicted in that video.

It works BEST if slight profile of forehead and slight profile of nose.

Computer composites based on thousands of photos per region can detect the DNA lineage and its amazing when put into a grid.

Like THESE computer average composites (using standard forced morphing from 1990s algorithms) :

European male White "races" (shows up in skull shapes, nose, skin, of thousands of computer composited photos) :



Female world "races" (thousands of computer composited photos) :


Other news info on Female world "races" (thousands of computer composited photos) :


There are many many science papers that track the Y DNA (father lineage), and egg cell Mitochondrial DNA

Human Y-chromosome haplogroup DNA races :


races prior to 1500 :


[shoahed, censored by a triggered staffmember at catbox.moe]

Mitochondrial DNA races :



TL;DR : Not a "Social Construct". RACE IS VISIBLE ON A FACE and in Y DNA and in Egg Cell DNA. Though all true existing humans (except west africans) are "Homos Sapiens sapiens") [note the extra sapiens] and have some Neanderthal IQ genes.

PagingDrBenway ago

Can you explain for a layman in a few concrete points why black people are a different species? This is valuable information that will help us spread racialism again.

Glory_Beckons ago

All humans have Neanderthal genes. Between 1% and 20% of the human genome is Neanderthal, depending on region.

Except for negroes. They have 0%. Not even a trace. Only the recent mongrels have some from their human side.

Similar to Neanderthals, there were many ancient hominids in Africa that were thought to have gone extinct. Because none of the human races have any of their DNA markers. All humans have 0% of their DNA. Except for negroes. Turns our their ancestors interbred with the ancient hominids, and they now have 1% to 10% of their DNA.

Neanderthals separated from our last common ancestor 400k to 1 million years ago.

The ancient African hominids separated from our last common ancestor 1 million to 2 million years ago.

PagingDrBenway ago

Fascinating stuff. This is game-changing information to build an argument on.

Any more useful ref links would be greatly appreciated. You are evangelising for a noble cause, friend. I would like to join you in spreading the good word.

Uncle_Slob ago

What is this app? Official CIA fun time face scan?

TheyLie ago

why's he upset? I thought Jews are proud & think they're special.

glownig ago

True... EXCEPT when being outed as 25% Ashkenazi and upward DNA admixture.

Jews fear that no "yellow stars" are required soon, and reminded they cannot always shape shift in the future when the Goys incorporate the "JewDar 3000x" face race scanners to the standard police "war-dog robots", riding along with all police officers, as standard AI upgrade feature in 2028-2030. Turkey and other nearby nations will enable that firmware upgrade first, before in all USA states except New York, California, or Florida. It can be defeated by wearing a hat and getting nose surgery. But it cannot be defeated totally because all true jews emit a special chemical marker odor, that the "JewDar 3000x" police war dog robots can "sniff".

Humans too can smell jews, as documented for hundreds of years, and its NOT from garlic sweat or lingering "cabbage farts" wafting from clothing. Its actual racial jew chemical markers many people can detect once trained to "smell jews".

JEW SMELL repost : https://voat.co/v/funny/3697814/22833954

TheyLie ago

Oh, my god that's funny "... and its NOT from garlic sweat or lingering "cabbage farts" wafting..."

I tried that software, that he showed in the clip. It's an absolute failure. It returned two different main ethnicities on two slightly differing angles (one straight on, one head slightly turned). They were both laughably off. Tried it on a 100% vietnamese person and it returned portuguese as 86% and nothing remotely related to vietnamese as the other 3.

Looks like I've got some time to spend as this post has some high quality research comments on it.

glownig ago

I suspect soon, very soon "ethnicity detector" software apps will be written, if this one is not functioning. Its trivial to do if given enough valid input data for the AI neural net to process and train upon.

Soon apps will be very good at showing you primary ethnicity.

TheyLie ago

probably, they'll learn from the feedback

BlkRifleCoffeeCancer ago

Every time one is named they cry out.

SearchVoatBot ago

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chirogonemd ago

Seriously, why is this? Why is it that every Jew, despite being the supposed chosen race - at the very least supposed to find themselves superior - seem to want to hide that fact? I know many Jews and it's always a weird subject if it comes up. Why?

Lokester ago

What I think is coming will be fascinating if it plays true.

Please tell.

chirogonemd ago

I'll be honest, I don't want to get into it. It's really not refined enough. A lot of internal contradictions and unanswered questions; I'm not fond of putting something out there until it's more polished.

A painfully brief summary: it won't be man, but machine that exterminates the Jew. Don't let that immediately bring your hopes up, however. Things are going to become tragically bad for most of the white race before they ever see hope of getting better.

Lokester ago

Damn, man, now I'm really interested. PM me the basic outline and I promise I will keep it to myself. I'm really pining to know what's coming next and I respect your intellect - your posts are usually so well thought out and eloquent, I have to read them slowly (something I don't usually have to do). I know that sounds contradictory but you pack a lot of punch in every sentence. No hard feelings if you don't want to.

I'm really on edge because I know this corona virus craziness is bullshit but it's masking other, much larger agendas that I'm struggling to understand. I've never been a reductionist with respect to God/Satan, good/evil, heaven/hell (it's always bigger than what you can think) but I'm really considering that the Sabbateans/Frankists are largely in control and they've adopted the evil is good approach to life and especially to how they treat the proles. In that respect, it doesn't matter what I believe, it only matters what they believe. I see jews as believing some of the most outlandish, superstitious, childlike bullshit an inbred race of hominids could buy into.

chirogonemd ago

I might get to it this evening. I don't want to promise anything; you may not get any mileage out of it. Also, it isn't specifically an issue of keeping it a secret, per se, but rather that it's just highly intuitive and unformulated at this point. I'd rather keep it to myself in terms of the more detailed elements, because I do believe there are some good ideas there (whether I ever do anything as far as publishing them is another story). I could probably give a rough outline though if you're interested. There are still so many questions involved with it, again, you may not get much mileage out of it.

Lokester ago

Saul Goodman. Even if not fully fleshed out, I'd be interested in the broad outlines.

475677 ago

The core of their being is deception so by being exposed you rob them of that ability which they take as a personal attack.

sinclair ago

It's the same shame that you feel knowing your sister and mom double up on fucking niggers; and people know you're related to them.

tempuser2 ago

"Let's name this one Ishmael."


Maddmartigan ago

He seems upset knowing that the AI can figure his jewishness

NiggadermCQ ago

He nose something like Google Glass is coming soon.

Maybe contact lens screens, wirelessly connect to a phone.

Niggertoes ago

"Oh no, I've been found out"

albatrosv15 ago

It's so automatic.

subscribetopewdiepie ago

It will make it much harder to fellow white people, they need to find a way to shut it down.

King_Leopold_II ago

I'm not the most tech savvy, is that an app?

Rajadog20 ago

I think it's Snapchat. It "spins" random countries and stops when you open your mouth. Or something

SpiritExpedition ago

Bump. Gonna need this app for the post Apocalypse tribe rebuild.

Crabapple07 ago

I think it’s fake? I went to instagram filters by korobov_denis, it’s not there.

gazillions ago

They're calling it "DNA facial point connectivity"

Jewelry ago

The jew seems to be using a filter on either snapchat or instagram. Those social sites tend to feature apps like that in their selfie function for a limited time. There is a separate standalone app called Gradient Face Symmetry. I just tried it and got 40% Finnish, 26% Dutch, 25% Swiss, 9% German. Strangely accurate

fourdeesixntwo ago

My results also shows finnish and swede, some german. Also high percentage of Scottish in another photo, which is more accurate. No Jewish results... I win!

SpiritExpedition ago

I got 68% Finnish, 14% Swede and French. Not totally accurate for me but it feels good to not be a nigger nonetheless.

PagingDrBenway ago

I got 53% Danish, 41% Irish (been here as far back as records show), 3 Norwegian, 3% German.

This app either really likes Scandinavia, or else we all white as fuck.

glownig ago

If you get a "for fun" DNA at home profile, and give your DNA forever to a jew database (fact)... then if you get the SAME result..

then you, like many modern Irish, have invader Viking DNA in you.

Fun fact... the accurate DNA profiles show a staggering percent of higher IQ british all have ROMAN INVASION DNA from 2 thousand years ago!

And 30% of british have GERMAN invader DNA ! :


How? How can british high IQ people ALL have so much roman legion DNA and so much germanic DNA?

Simple. TIME and evolution.

Despite normans and saxons being famed invaders, the ROMAN IQ genes and GERMANIC IQ genes eventually outbred lower IQ people.

Modern romans are not high IQ, sadly. Too much moor DNA.

But the proven roman legion DNA in british really thrived over 2000 years.

China too! Wherever Roman legions camped the women desired to have sex with the tall white soldiers, and the DNA in China thrived so much for 2,000 years that SOME villages in far east china and upper chine are over 60% roman DNA!!!! BLue eyes, green eyes, etc. see:


I got 75% Irish (family have been here as far back as records show), 20% Scottish, 4% Finnish, 2% Norwegian.

A distant ancestor preferred to have sex with a Viking Warrior invader. The reason they invaded was not for treasure or land, it was for sex slaves to take far away and sell. The most treasured humans on earth, worth 50 times as much as a black haired sex slave, was a red head teen.

PagingDrBenway ago

It's content like this that makes me happy I migrated to Voat. When I am active here I am constantly learning novel, meaningful information from some no doubt legit individuals, and that makes me happy. Now that you mention it, that does make a lot of sense. I am abnormally large (as are my brothers), and also fairly ferocious in certain contexts. I am even more interested in getting a DNA test now, any ancestry sites or services not connected with the eternal jew? Whatever I am, I am a fairly rare expression of a particular type of something compared to most of my fellow locals. It bothers me how duped and afraid to think people here are.

I have only really been developing my understanding of my people the past few months from a properly racially-oriented stance, and it is really giving me a level of internal peace and coherence that I found difficult to maintain in the past. Know thyself, right?

OMGBeckythatbutt ago

You have a Viking ancestor

PagingDrBenway ago

Maybe I should get a DNA test.

OMGBeckythatbutt ago

Nah don't do that.

PagingDrBenway ago

Really? Why?

OMGBeckythatbutt ago

Why give your DNA to the jews voluntarily?

PagingDrBenway ago

In an attempt to better understand my genetic lineage.

Hey_Sunshine ago

What's the name of the filter?

SpiritExpedition ago

Ai country estimate. It's like the second one on there. I used that gradient app mentioned. I don't know anything about Instagram or Snapchat. Never used them

Atkho ago

That's a trial app that charges 30 a month after 3 days.

Jewelry ago

Interesting. Never had to pay. I just X out the subscription menu

King_Leopold_II ago

Interesting and thanks.

daveywavey86 ago

rofl, he's from the "cum town" podcast. its actually pretty fucking funny. but yeah, he's absolutely a jew, and he is constantly belittled on the show.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

quit listening to gay jew propaganda, or at least keep it to yourself when hanging around adults

BalfourYourFace ago

Cum town is awesome, they are very based and kikepilled

Aaronmatic ago

What are you, a Woodrow Wilson fan?