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oar ago

Jews and Jewesses tend to like morbid humor, even scatological, and jews enjoy a good Holocaust joke among themselves, but that guy is a true baller to push that chat-up line to that hook-nosed jew girl. What a Chad! If he is tall or rich enough, it got her jew panties wet.

Plus he could have pointed her to science on Jew stenches and odors if he really wanted to flirtingly irk her.

Jewish Women, to all humans, even jewish men, smell LEAST attractive in double-blind science tests based on rating and ranking soiled cotton t-Shirt undergarments.

No one knows why, but jew females give off "your sister" smell mammal repellent , and are unwholesome to consider fucking.

All males excreting enough testosterone, have undergarments attractive to all females, even male jews undergarments, but the more genetic similarities to a females 6 core immune system markers used in organ tissue matching, the more familial, the more "smells like a brother" ... then the LEAST attractive the man. Too much genetic similarity.

Mammals , especially female hominids, seek out interloper invader sperm, invading the hominid troop, not just in Pan troglodytes, but ALL apes, lions, most mammals with colonies, etc. The females fuck highest testosterone virile temporary invader, so long as the females can use local pair bonding with a cuckolded male to raise and provide for the bastard.

The famed 'fun fact' reiteration of the above :

FUN FACT #873 : Humans have about 6 chemical signature markers to prevent attraction to siblings, yet ironically, a non jew ranks a sweaty shirt worn by a female jew as LOWEST in sniff sex attraction tests!

Some scientists think it could be lifestyle related (herbs, garlic, unknown), but it is a FACT : JEWISH WOMEN UNDERGARMENTS are rated LEAST ATTRACTIVE SMELL to all men, in many studies.

Most mammals have various anti-attraction chemical pheromone-like chemical markers. Its a freak of nature that human jew females trigger all males to stay away.

The "jew repellent" is discovered whenever smell attraction tests are performed on groups, then the fact shoah'ed. :

The author and her jewish face violently repelled men with her double-blind sweat odor test, but large papers also concur. She , Mandy, wrote with shock :

"The vast majority of smell daters sniffed me, and passed"

Her ✡ face (hidden from odor test subjects) :

The germans knew of this subtle jew smell and wrote about it , then book publisher got executed by allies for this WW2 era german book : “Der Giftpilz,” a children's book published by Julius Streicher. Julius Streicher was executed by (((allies))) in 1946 for being editer of "Der Stürmer", a publication that enraged Jews. In the book it stated :

"Jews often have an unpleasant sweetish odor. If you have a good nose, you can smell the Jews."

Read it yourself from that book that got the editor executed (Crimes Against Humanity as a Book Publisher!) for printing the truth on Jew Smell :

When you are executed for printing childrens books, you know you are over the target.

JEW SMELL IS HISTORIC to many science papers :

And modern 21st century science tests confirm this... for female jews.

By the way , in the 1700s, scientists called the smell of the Jew : ..

foetor judaicus

in journals on Jewish detectable body odors. "Foetor Judaicus" :

Also nonfiction treatises : Foetor Judaicus (The Other Jewish Question) (Jay Geller):

archived :

In the periodical Forschungen fur Judenfrage (Researches on the Jewish Problem), Baron Otmar von Verschuer wrote, “It has also been claimed by various sources that the Jews are characterized by a particular ‘racial scent’ "

TL/DR: For a non-jew, The female jew smell in that airplane would put you off. Science concurs. Recent science research papers, and past science papers concur.

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DamonAxemaker ago

When I was a little kid, before I knew better, I had this Jewish friend with a very weird home life. The area I grew up in was majority Jewish so it was hard not to have Jewish friends but when i went to his house it always smelled weird, kind of...mucusy. For that reason I never liked going to his house.

Many years later, in another part of the country when I was a teenager I had to go to a Jewish Community Center and as soon as you set foot inside you are assaulted by the same smell but a hundred times more intense. I always figured it was matzo ball soup but man, that community center smelled like ass. It wasn't just a one time thing either. It always smelled like that

Son_Of_Hate ago

This guy. He can not only smell the Jew, he can back up his ability with both science AND history. Let's see Toucan Sam try that shit!

tury ago

What an amazing post... You should make a new topic dude... really good info.

Slipstream ago

Holy fook bro, I'm dumbfounded!


How the hell did I not know any of this? This is amazing! I can offend the "jewess" with little more then a crumple of my nose accompanied by the slightest of frowns?

Slipstream ago

Or you could call her a goddamn kike. Your choice.

PinkiePunk ago

Chad?? That's classic neckbeard.

Everything else you said is also bollocks.

oar ago

Hmmm.... I smell a short jew!

I gave citations and links.

PinkiePunk ago

5'8 is tall for a woman. Also not jewish.

d1a ago

Get off Voat you dumb fucking whore.

Varlet ago

This is probably why jewishness is maternal. Meaning that; in order to be a pure jew the female side of your family tree must be Jewish.


The female line also ensures even in the event of a "rest of the world" vs. jew war where every single Jew make was killed the jew line would continue ALMOST as if nothing had happened at all. It's realizing stuff like that that causes me to give a bit more credence to the supermarket claims regarding jewish family line.

Slipstream ago

supermarket claims regarding jewish family line

For us dolts?


Lol. Meant to say "supernatural". Damn autocorrect.:)

Slipstream ago

lol, was definitely puzzling over that one.

lanre ago

I can't believe I'd never heard of that book publisher until recently. Amazing how that got skipped in history class, but Nazi book burnings were covered.

PinkiePunk ago

That's because they tend to not teach the ramblings of weirdos in school. I mean, not in History class, at least. That would be english lit...

Misanthropadapolous ago

And the books burned were from the archives of the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft, a laboratory/University for homosexuals across Europe and they even performed the first gender reassignment genital mutilation scam. Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld and friends were the real butchers and psychopaths.

It was those books that were burned. Books about all the depraved sexual activities.

AntiMason ago

Science on jew stenches?

PinkiePunk ago

The wild imaginings of a rotund young man who has never smelled a woman. In person. With her knowledge and consent.

celestial-skylord ago

The definitive jew research subject: how fuckable does your taint smell.

oar ago

I wonder if for 5 days a month a Jewess smell is semi-attractive or not? Ovulation trigger smell along lower stomach skin.

According to research published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B, women are actually most attractive to men when they're at their most fertile due to a special scent released by the body:

When women are at their most fertile time of the month, they SMELL BETTER to men:

Even strippers get up to 50% as much extra tip money when ovulating over a 5 day range.

Ovulating Strippers Make Bigger Tips:

But though THOSE science papers get to be mentioned in Scientific American, the WELL PROVEN FACT THAT JEWS SMELL UNFUCKABLE will never be printed often in (((media))) nor in ((academia))).

The fact regarding Jew Women odor repulsing men is shoahed, despite trivially proven again and again in studies.