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jthun2 ago


The Chinese are no big threat. It's not like they control hollywood, the banks, the media, etc. Let them fulminate and do what they want, no one buys their whining.

BoomerHater1488er ago

China is just a vehicle for Jewish influence - as soon as they stop being useful to the Kike, the shekels will dry up and China will collapse back into a 3rd world shithole that boils dogs alive and eats bats to give their pp's super powers.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Just to be on the safe side,

  • Women are property
  • Niggers have the brain capacity of retarded children
  • Allah spends his days on a pork spit between to gay pigs, and loves it
  • Spics are nothing more than conquered and rape bred midgets who think Spanish, a language they can't properly speak, is "their" language
  • Pajeet street shitters are niggers who think they are smart because they give themselves university degrees even though 99% of them are illiterate
  • The slope zipperhead midget bug men and women, known as orientals, both have the body's of young boys.
  • Kikes are the result of a tranny named Abraham having gay orgies with weasels, snakes, and pigs. A botched abortion crawled out of a garbage can and Jews were born. We allow them to play pretend acting so we can laugh at the absurdity which is their existence and we give them little papers to count to keep the creatures busy, but we tire of these creatures and will soon have to put them down.
  • White men, we toy with the lesser races out of boredom mostly, but soon we'll grow tired of that and find something more interesting to do with our time.

Hopefully I didn't offend anyone.

spaceman84 ago

I'm no religious scholar so I can't testify to the accuracy of transAbe's bestiality fetish, but the rest checks out so I'm inclined to believe you're correct.

oneinchterror ago


antiliberalsociety ago

Tiananmen Square Massacre 1989

Ruined it for you.

Notimportant36 ago

Do the Google translate for the Chinese symbols and yes, their ISP will kick them off.

CheeBooga ago

kek best post in this thread

Doglegwarrior ago

man that was pretty awsome. only problem is whites are 11% of the population and the kikes, which you described almost perfectly have some how learned to brainwas half that 11% to be traitors to their own people promoting abortions liberalism socialism communism the list goes on and on. I hope you are right and we wake up in time. just think of cucks like joe biden who said when whites are not the majority in america that will be a good thing. had some one walked up and decked him or shot him that would have been a great moment for america.

Phantom42 ago

So cull the herd.

New-World-Ebola ago

china's no big threat.... unless you live in Australia or NZ.

they've bought up most of the countries.

Chimaira92 ago

China is no threat. Its our Jewish politicians who pass laws allowing the Chinese to buy up our land.

However the chinese just dont scare me, they murder themselves at such a rate that no other nation in history can compete with their numbers.

The chinese are their own worst enemy.

New-World-Ebola ago

china is most definitely a threat.

why? they are overpopulated, their demographics are disproportionately male, their communist government HATES the west.

throughout history whenever the male population exceeds the female population significantly, there is a war.

the one child policy in china has resulted in over 100 million chinese males who are unable to marry. Do you understand the problem now?

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RebelJohnny ago

The neocons are trying to redirect rising nationalist angst away from kikes and onto the Chinese. It's fucking blatant but the cuckservatives on this site don't see it, like they never see anything.

Fuck them I'm rooting for China.

slickleg64 ago

Rooting for commies? Fucking retard. I bet you have a gook fetish.

I don’t care about neocons, bunch of v/theawakening tier retards.

Nationalist angst is to preserve a nations culture against ALL outside influence, including Chinese Maoist communism. If you have seen Chinese media, the CCP HATE the west.

I know a threat when I see it. You are too obsessed with kikes to see it. There are more enemy’s to the west in the world. You literally said yourself that you are rooting your enemy’s best ally... cunts like you will be the first to hang being a fucking traitor to Whites.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

these jews try so hard lmao

RebelJohnny ago

Oh, yeah, forgot this...

You are too obsessed with kikes to see it.


The mask dropped, fuck off Schlomo.

RebelJohnny ago

They’re not even communist you dolt. China has lower taxes than the US, and the second most number of billionaires of any country in the world. How the hell is that communism? They just don’t let their country get raped by Jew bankers like we do.

And nationalism is about race, that’s what a nation is. The US isn’t a white country, it’s a hodgepodge of whites, browns and run by Jews. Who cares who the government tells us our enemy is? Our government doesn’t represent us. I have no issue whatsoever with Chinese people, they’ve never done a thing to me or my family. If you do, it’s because kikes told you to.

5B3854C ago

They run China too. Who funded Mao Zedong revolution? Why has China had a Rothschild bank from the getgo? There so much more to understand.

DukeofAnarchy ago

They have influence in China but not on the same level of total domination as in England or the USA.

anticlutch ago

jews hold more control over China...

shillaccount3344 ago

maybe. It would explain why china seems more bleak in terms of totalitarianism while the west is still hiding their power level.

slickleg64 ago

Maoist communism is based of the Talmud. They are the same enemy. If Israel had 1.2bn citizens, and controlled 80% of the world trade, it would be what China is today.

alele-opathic ago

The neocons are trying to redirect rising nationalist angst away from kikes and onto the Chinese.

>Not the jews

You didn't notice the movement was infiltrated a long time ago? Not all Neocons are jews, but the controlled op 'thought leaders' that set the overton window for 'conservatives'/the right are all jews.

freeman84 ago

See: "The Intellectual Dark Web" dark web of jewry more like

rndmvar ago

China doesn't control those things, but the (((things))) that control those, control China's economy.