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23348026? ago

A Greek-Tongan descent guy arrives in Aus takles drugs and goes into jihad mode now there are big blocks to stop these attacks.

Also there were a shit ton of islamist vehicle attacks across Europe

The banner is maybe on a Roman Catholic style church, but yes sometimes the kikes and kebabs are involved in human trafficking and the refugee thing. This building looks like a Medieval style Western Roman Catholic some Episcopal Church and other church have this style but it speaks Rome, look at the arches, doors, the stone and window although some of the stone gives the impression of masorny, maybe jesuit links. You see similar design in Saint-Stephen Cathedral, Metz, France the Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist Charleston, Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral North Carolina, St-Gervais-et-St-Protais in France its like the mix some old Roman Renaissance with new Baroque style and some Gothic architecture, later they would become more High Victorian Gothic style or like St. Andrew's Cathedral Victoria, British Columbia Canada or like St Marys Sydney Australia

23348087? ago

Maybe Joe Mac has a point about the Low IQ nut-zis here ... This banner is on a Christian church is it not? @New-World-Ebola @WhiteChickens @dummythicc ??

23349537? ago

Alex Jones infowar said blame Mao, the yellow korea Japanese type, the Vietnam guys, the Mongolid, the Chicoms? Strange how he wont speak against corrupt churches and will not name the jew anymore

23490541? ago

Poor Alex Jones, got co-opted. Chicom here, Chicom there, Chicom everywhere.