Gargamel ago

Trump is a promoter, a cheerleader for america, expect exaggeration.

CHeritageP ago

So here is the point that someone made in r/stockmarket that made sense.

The oil and the virus hit at the same time and SMOKED the market with one thing in particular.

Indecision. The big players had no idea how this is going to effect the market, and now that they feel the economy isn't about to implode from the virus and millions and millions dead, people are re-investing.

IAMthePie ago

I say we drive the debt up to 100 trillion gazzilion dollars. Then buy 6 months worth of food, then the entire country refuses to show up for work. Boom! Their entire fiat money, racket driven economy crashes. Then we start over. And have local economies only. The elite will starve, not us. Their 150 billion dollar fortunes will be worth a big fat zero because the computer screens at their banks will not be on.

xenoPsychologist ago

is it time for dotr?

notvirge ago

It is.

xenoPsychologist ago

people should start gathering into groups to march on the traitors, if they can.

Drenki ago

He's also doing something sneaky with medical supplies. Federal government is outbidding states / seizing deliveries and then turning around and sending less to the states that originally ordered them. I don't know if they're being sent free or the states still have to pay. No one's asking smart questions on it.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

The economy is not dead. We are living off of our wealth at the moment - that is all.

When the return to work happens, the markets will be so overwhelmed with good news, the stock market will return to a vastly over inflated state.

We will be pretty much back where we started, less a few businesses, replaced by new businesses. Don't forget the remaining market players get to exploit all of the newly available market share, and will be hiring to fill those needs.

If we are lucky, the fear generated by all of the shortages will lead to a transfer of much of our manufacturing back to our shores, and declarations of categories of goods and services that will now be forced to made domestically, creating many millions of additional jobs above and beyond those we had before the crisis. Toilet paper can be made here, as can everything else.

Fuck China. They can dig themselves out of the pit they have created. We will do well to root the Communist fucks out of the strategic areas of our society. Starting with our schools.

notvirge ago

We will be pretty much back where we started, less a few businesses, replaced by new businesses.

Complete and utter horseshit. 11 million plus unemployed and the regulatory barrier of entry for small business is near insurmountable without angel investors stealing your company.

You're naive as fuck.

RustyEquipment ago

mine was when he gave money to israel and never imprisoned killary...

of course i never really cared for him that much... makes me laugh when he rips into other retards, but that is not what i want leading my country.

of course, we had no better options and i was the only person who voted for me...

gazillions ago

I get pissed off too. Here's what pisses me off: You have corporate executives buying each other's stocks and gaming the market. Fair enough. You have initial IPOs based on evaluations they pulled out of their ass and no one goes to jail for that, Not fair enough.

You have stock in facebook and twitter? Fuck off and starve you amoral bitch. What really pisses me off is the amount of people that will shovel all their money into franchise head offices buying shitty fried food and levis and pretend they're buying American when they're buying GlobalCorp, who thinks giving back is killing off so called marginalized people by funding their fucked up asshole non profits. Buying from WalMart and Amazon and complaining about the lack of life in free market capitalism isn't making anyone anything except complicit, brainless and suicidal sheep.

People get the government they deserve because it's about individual morals and ethics and consequences about what you buy and who you buy it from, including a stock portfolio where you don't even make any decisions about what stocks you hold.

tourgen ago

My decisions have consequences!? NNNOOOooooo! I'm here to complain about how unfair thnigs are, not take responsibility. You absolute asshole.

Ghetto_Shitlord ago

First time? Really?

mf1776 ago

You've been consuming too much MSM fear porn, faggot.

Jobs are lost only because they were FORCED to by the government. We are at or near the peak of the "virus" which means everything will reopen in a matter of weeks, not months. Then businesses will reopen, people will get jobs, and all will continue as before.

Take your Jew chicken little act and shove it up your ass.

743v ago

these guys are out of control but it's funny let them over react.

Trinity999 ago

I bet you’re “literally shaking with anger” too.

derram ago :

🔴 LIVE: President Trump Coronavirus Press Briefing with White House Task Force - YouTube

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christophoros ago

when the corona mess is over, with a merged fed, recovery will occur exponentially. So what do you expect him to say " go kill yourself the democrats shenanigans have won and we are all fucked".

Hey why not grow up and get some perspective on how many many many fronts Trump is fighting. Optics, especially to left wing sheep, are important. Do you speak publicly at work the same as you speak privately?

thisisarealusername ago

People are tricked by what he's saying is the problem.

The people who are in the know are being lied to, bold faced. You think people appreciate that shit? It just shows trump doesn't have a plan for everything - no 4d chess, just mistakes from time to time.

christophoros ago

If he fails we all fail> If he is just a man with no real back up then we are all fucked and agenda 2030 with 5G will finish us off

thisisarealusername ago

Just let it collapse, people will rebuild in all circumstances, I promise

Reinhart ago

This isn't a q sub. Are you lost?

Chimaira92 ago

Theres always an excuse to dismiss the actions and inactions of control opposition Trump.

LetTheMongoloidsDie ago

Stocks bottom well before the economy.

The moment Trump takes the boot off, we rocket back fast. The longer we wait, the weaker the rocket.

Unreasonable ago

Yup. This is a disaster bear market. Once disaster is over stocks go back up because fuck, one or two bad months isn't the end of the world. Pent up consumer demand will be unleashed and we'll be at all time high by end of June.

Mark this comment if you like.

Cat-hax ago

Unless we stay in shutdown for way longer

Unreasonable ago

Not gonna happen. They won't be able to keep justifying it when it peaks at 30k deaths.

BalfourYourFace ago

You're naive

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zebrastripes ago

high IQ comment

ArielQflip ago

Sry your losing your precious GOD, the fiat do$$ar.

SpottyMatt ago


There probably isn't a national leader in the world that would go out to address their people and say "hey just FYI all of the economic numbers we track & work we do are made up and don't matter."

Counterpoint 2: The people that caused this economic mess are also likely the people who will be helped by an improving stock market.

He's at best chaotic neutral.

philomath ago

Counterpoint 3: If he doesn't show confidence, the people he's been elected to lead won't have confidence. He knows we're in a bad spot, but has to do what he can to calm the masses and avoid complete and utter failure. Runs on banks and what not.

NoBS ago

You think only Soros and Co can drive a narrative?

cakealwayslies ago

thats not a narrative, thats a lie