Did Corona Turn Voat into a ShillsVille Website? They always flood in when they get worried. The Spammers on overdrive trying to push long debunked lies. (catbox.moe)
submitted 4.9 years ago by 3758697?
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23341487? 4.9 years ago
As long as the stupid keep dying, I'm happy.
You morons don't even know what reality is anymore, just like the rest of the cursed Abrahamists.
23348246? 4.9 years ago
Small business getting wrecked? https://voat.co/v/whatever/3758432/23339724
23348290? 4.9 years ago
What are you asking, and HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT WAS ME?!?!?
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23341487? ago
As long as the stupid keep dying, I'm happy.
You morons don't even know what reality is anymore, just like the rest of the cursed Abrahamists.
23348246? ago
Small business getting wrecked? https://voat.co/v/whatever/3758432/23339724
23348290? ago
What are you asking, and HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT WAS ME?!?!?