Timotab2 ago

I remember thinking that they played "...like the coldest winter chill" (Heaven Beside You) by Alice in Chains a lot whenever it was cold and snowy (ca. 1996).

GeneralDisposition ago

Hell within. Is always the key verse. Suicide song.

Merlynn ago

I've always liked rain and cloudy days. Even heavy storms are awesome in their own right. But my favorite is at night when there's clouds but no rain and there's thunder and lighting up in the clouds. It's just awesome. It's very easy to imagine the gods having a fight or something.

I keep telling people I like going out in the rain,but they all think I'm being sarcastic or just bullshitting them. Nothing like a nice drive at night in a fairly heavy rain.

GeneralDisposition ago

I went and laid in my yard and watched a lighting storm. It was pristine. I've seen the northern lights live and got bored. It's just green flickering lights on the sky. Camp fires are more interactive. There are dark dreary moods that mostly come from brittain and it's isles. It shows in their tv shows and music. Techno is shit. Mr bean is repressed. Sorry. You were talking about you. Go on.

Merlynn ago

No,I was done. Go on if you want.

Taydrum ago

yes it is.

tokui ago

Did they keep the nipples? I wonder if they'd get erect if you sucked them.

GeneralDisposition ago

No nipples. Just dueling scars.

theshopper ago

One question I ask myself periodically: "Is this manipulation an orchestrated act or a emergent one?"

Basically, is there a master plan by the wealthy elite for white genocide or is it more of a death by a thousand jews sort of thing. As in, jews constantly subverting and exploiting, each for their own ends but in unison, to create an emergent trend of anti whiteness.

GeneralDisposition ago

It's a hunan cattle thing. When whites get uppity introduce Congolese or a virus. They're chosen you know. Not chosen enough to be great.

GeneralDisposition ago

If you're taught that you're better than everybody.. You become easy cannon fodder. For the glory! For the glory. Long time since a move from the protector...

VapidKoala ago

Do you know what an oxymoron is?

traveler573g ago

I realized something along these lines long ago and mostly cut out tv, radio, etc. Now I only watch / listen, etc using on demand services and I realized I can even change my mood a bit based on what songs I listen to. It's pretty crazy to realize how true this kind of manipulation is, I think there needs to be a lot of exposure to the average person about this type of manipulation or we're pretty screwed as a society.

New-World-Ebola ago

jews and their influence in our society is a literal cancer.

they need to be fucking exterminated.

tv and hollywood are simply unwatchable.

do not get yourself in debt either... that's how you become a total jew slave.

ImReallyHighBut ago

I agree. Let's all blame jews and post videos of black people.



R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

I don't listen to radio or watch TV, for the most part.

I get pissed off when it rains because I have to work with wet feet all fucking day. Or better yet it's my fucking day off and want to go fishing and God is pissing all over my parade.

This shit happens more often then not. If it's not raining, it's blowing 20 mph, or I have other shit to do. I can't remember the last time I was offshore, and been almost a year since I had a redfish in my cooler.

Fuck the rain.

Lokester ago

Why are you watching Talmudvision? I stopped buying Gillette products when I heard about the toxic masculinity advert. Admittedly I was curious and watched it on Jewtube but I was well into the boycott at that point.

Throwawayx123 ago

No. I will not post black pills. I'll post a white pill. I went for a walk in the Canadian spring and found it necessary to remove my jacket it was so warm. Walking in the cool air with shirt sleeves is white af. A brown guy crossed the street by jaywalking when he saw me. Every white guy that passed me said hello.

steven_feelsperg ago

People still watch TV or listen to radio? Did I time warp back to 1990?

Blood-is-Nature ago

There is a much bigger scope of manipulation going on here. If you wanna learn about all the more recent psychological attacks on mankind; read up on tavistock. Change of sounds and vibrations, flickering lights, hotlines to make the human mind run in circles, poisoning food, water and every commercial product imaginable, contradiction narratives against reason, legalese to make the law profession almost impossible for those that are not introduced to what of the endless rubbish texts contains the valuable information, homeland security is all about soft terrorism against civilians and so on. The list is pretty much endless.

Now put all that aside and let's tackle the real juicy parts...English is a designed slave language; a raped bastard child of Latin; stripped of all natural meanings. The Christian calendar is complete bullshit, with the Hebrew calendar being used underneath the lie. Our history is all lies to the point of us not having access to our point of origin as a species. Industrialization of cosmetics was designed to destroy the female beauty by them wearing toxic masks, while the fragrances are distorting our sense of smelling. And one of the most wickedest psychological operations against all of mankind...the clock. Instead of perceiving the sky-clock like every other life form within this ecosystem, they forced timetables and clocks everywhere to create the big rat-race of stress, which in combination with money (latter usury based fiat currency) became the most efficient weapon to destroy our species into the corrupted mess we see today.

SigniferLux ago

"read up on tavistock"

Can you provide a link or something? I'd search but i'm not sure if i'm looking for a book, video, of what kind, etc. Googling on results to a university.

Blood-is-Nature ago

You can start with wikipedia, which tells you a lot if you can question what is presented; like for example...

Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, Tavistock Centre for Couple Relationships, Tavistock Institute of Medical Psychology, or "not-for-profit organization which applies social science to contemporary issues and problems".

That is social engineering. They are designing the human worldview. More on tavistock can be found here. Then you should also check for a list on on all the different institutions operating from within the City of London (which is its own nation state). And E. Michael Jones is a good starting point for all the different social engineering projects plaguing us (just stay clear from his religious agenda). Other than that just shoot me with questions and I try to help, but I'm more into the fundamentals and don't really care for the specifics; if that's what you're after.

BrokenVoat ago

No, the enemy is human with limited intelligence there is no people that are that smart. The most sophisticated psyops and brainwashing was done by KGB as part of the cold war, checkout Yuri Bezmenov.

Btw trying to deflect from the original post is one of those psyop things people like to do as you accomplished with your post.

Blood-is-Nature ago

No, the enemy is human with limited intelligence there is no people that are that smart.

Smart is another term for intelligence, which is just processing speed of comprehension towards the knowledge nature offers. Speed can be substituted by time, and a couple millennia of subversion towards a direction nobody else would go (self destruction by being parasites to their own host) creates a lot of comprehension through persistence (out of how many places where they kicked throughout alleged history?). They are not intelligence; they have just accumulated information, while utilizing it to attack and diminish our comprehension. Now add technology to the accumulation of information (data) and let the tech play the number game for them. Look into gambling and casinos (the bank always wins; baby) to get an understanding on the importance of predicting probabilities. A good example is the jar full of peas, where people are asked to guess the correct number for a price (there's always a stone in the middle). Anyway, did you knew that when you calculate all the numbers together; from the closest to the farthest away assumption, that the collective average will always be close to the real number? Usurer are accountants, they see us as numbers, and they are gambling probabilities against us through social engineering.

Intelligence is not the issue here; it's lack of comprehension, based on holding beliefs, which restrict the consciousness from comprehending reality and towards comprehending according to (false) beliefs, which is why our parasites are using lies and deceptions.

The most sophisticated psyops and brainwashing was done by KGB as part of the cold war, checkout Yuri Bezmenov.

Psyop means psychological operation, which is a obfuscated term to describe "lie meeting belief". The biggest lie is that we require belief, when a system based on TIME initiating constant movement demands constant adaptation for balance. Holding a belief represents stagnation; the opposite. And who told us to believe in what we're telling ourselves (hedonism)? We did, when we tried to shirk our responsibilities for the negative consequences of our negative actions (claiming ownership over that which nature offers free for all) by misusing our consciousness to make up excuses and justifications. We fell for hedonism; and the consequences are a parasite that feeds on that weakness by selling us lies and deceptions in form of endless beliefs.

Btw trying to deflect from the original post is one of those psyop things people like to do as you accomplished with your post.

That wasn't my intention. I use adaptation to whatever people write me; I rarely check what the topic was initially about. As you can see on my voating habits; I don't care at all for (un)social media etiquette; I just want naturally flowing conversations. I just use topics as starting points.

lurklurk ago

That's all our troubles succintly presented. I shudder what they'll come up with from analyzing big data. It used to be that you needed time for gathering behavioral models. But not anymore as you can just spy on everyone constantly.

Blood-is-Nature ago

I shudder when I think about what they'll come up with from analyzing big data.

Pull the plug and ground yourself back into the laws of nature until you comprehend reality, then you may engage with technology, while comprehending the positive and negative consequences of you engaging with it (the negative being the parasites using it as a weapon against the world at large). So you use adaptation to uphold a balance in between the positive and negative consequences of your actions, while using (or not) technology. That is called survial and nature made us the apex predator, so you have access to everything this ecosystem has to offer to protect yourself against anything, even parasitical predators within your own species. The only thing you need to change is your comprehension that the laws of men are lies that oppress you, while the laws of nature are fundamental rules that govern your existence and offer you the liberty of freedom of choice. Nature is in charge; not humans. Follow nature; not self destructive hedonists who want to claim ownership over you.

It used to be that you needed time for gathering behavioral models. But not anymore as you can just spy on everyone constantly.

And TIME will end that as well, because TIME initiates movement, which creates constant change. You are not defined by what they do, you just have to adapt to the consequences of their actions. Withholding information (all knowledge comes from nature for free for all) to control others requires them to trust each other to control the power they wield, but power corrupts and liars and deceivers don't trust (blind faith); they create it for deceptions. They can only create chaos, which will automatically elevate order from within us, because nature strives towards order.

Approved ago

The biggest lie is that we require belief, when a system based on TIME initiating constant movement demands constant adaptation for balance. Holding a belief represents stagnation.

Good point. What are your thoughts on Taoism/Daoism?

Blood-is-Nature ago

What are your thoughts on Taoism/Daoism?

All -isms are tools for social engineering by utilizing natural opposites (believer vs non-believer) to create division, which is why they branded every top level of institutions with -isms (scientism, politism, coporatism, educationism etc.). When you proclaim a belief you automatically create a conflict. A belief in nature is the survial instinct (that we receive from nature) making an assumption towards an unknown under the intent of your survival. That unknown is not a truth, because you don't have to assume a truth, since truth is fundamental. So if you proclaim your belief (an assumption) you're proclaiming a lie, and nature will always enforce order, which in that situation will create a conflict towards your proclaimed lie, which is why a belief (an assumption) will always be challenged by a non-believer. Now ask yourself why you would feel the need to proclaim your belief? For recognition; which is the selfishness (hedonism) of vanity; which is a natural temptation luring us towards the negative consequences of all our actions; death.

Anyway, that's probably not what you wanted to know. Harmony in Dao (the way) is in is essence correct, because "the way" describes TIME initiating movement (constant change), which defines all existence as moving from a beginning towards an end. That is the way (Dao). "Harmony in" describes the necessity of adaptation; of balance; of the natural order in between the beginning an the end (the way).

Two things wrong with it tho...

  1. Dao is an idol; it's a created umbrella term that hides the real natural meaning, which I just pointed out, so that a "master" (obviously a hedonistic human claiming ownership over information, while using secrecy for his own benefits) can teach the meaning to is underlings, which means leadership claiming ownership over others, which creates power, which corrupts into conflict, which then requires laws made by the leader, which turns into more conflict, which requires law enforcement, which also creates conflict, which finally creates religion; belief; the -ism to make people believe in authority to protect the hedonistic leader against his claimed goods, who are being deceived to ignore the laws of nature by ignoring selfishness (hedonism), which makes them hedonists, because they shirk responsibility.

  2. The implementation of finding "harmony in dao" as I see it in the Chinese traditions is hedonistic; is geared towards the one...yourself. As someone who lives a martial arts centered life I can verify the benefits of using motion to go into a physical "zone", so that my mind can grow from it., while my body is completely engulfed in the motion. That's great, but it's for me alone and when I teach my students I cannot collectively go into a "zone" with them. Instead I have to use constant adaptation in-between the needs and wants of my students to motivate them to train (maintain) steadily, which will eventually lead them into the "zone" status. So the hedonistic "zone" isn't a need, but a want; a dangerous temptation that has to be managed and warned against. Take the taste of a strawberry for example, which tempts you to stuff yourself with more strawberries, which will create chaos in your belly. You cannot believe in the initial taste either, because it will change over time, so will the consequences of you falling for it.

Anyway... "mastering" the dao doesn't help the collective; the sum of all things that sustains this ecosystem, which is needed for all creation. That means the "growth" the master offers by being in harmony with the way (Dao) doesn't lead to collective growth, but to selfishness; to the idol of being a "master" to those who aren't.

Now look at our position in this ecosystem and you will notice that we are the apex predator, have the most sophisticated comprehension, the freedom of choice to do anything we want, and a world filled with wonders to create in. Our existence is the gift that defines all value. We already are everything selfishness (hedonsim) wants us to be, but we don't comprehend what our life is (based on identifying as the consciousness over the blood), which is why we fear death (the unavoidable end of that we don't understand; life), which is where our selfish behavior of chasing empty goals and alternatives to death are coming from. If you understand life (through the blood) you comprehend responsibility (maintenance, balance, natural order), which creates purpose "creation in accordance to the laws of nature and for the benefit of all", because that is the only way to create the best possible breeding ground (maintenance) for our offspring; the carrier of our blood; the only way to go beyond death. So "growth" can only be achieve through the ALL (the sum of all things); not the ONE (your hedonistic self).

There is no goal; life is always running out and death always approaching and unavoidable. It's about maintenance; balance; order; about being stewards and reap endless benefits of collectively creating for the benefit of all. Look at predator and prey in nature; one kills the other, but they are not in conflict with each other; they harmonize with each other. The rabbit doesn't spend his life in hedonistic fear, because a fox could get him at any second. The rabbit instead follows the laws of nature by instinct and creates for the benefits of all by breeding, maintaining infrastructure; and being prey for predators. Why? Because a rabbit doesn't hold on to a belief; he adapts to whatever comes his way. Adaptation over stagnation. Why do we fall for belief so easily? Because we misuse our sophisticated consciousness, because we identify as it, based on the ability of the inner dialog. We did something negative (claiming ownership over that which nature offers free for all), we lie to ourselves, we hold that lie as a belief and use the consciousness to justify and excuse the negative consequences of our negative actions ad infinitum. Nothing changed since we took an apple and instead of eating it to calm our hunger, we proclaimed that it's our apple; thereby starting self destructive hedonism. It's that simple.

Approved ago

Because a rabbit doesn't hold on to a belief; he adapts to whatever comes his way. Adaptation over stagnation.

This part I understand.

Someone was saying something similar in response to a post where someone was asking about advice on joining the military, and the response was along the lines of "don't hold strong/fixed political views; ideologies are for slaves".

Seemed to echo what you're talking about.

Blood-is-Nature ago

This part I understand.

Lack of comprehension comes from restricting the consciousness with beliefs, because a belief is an assumption that you hold over natural reality. A belief holds your ability to understand back.

"don't hold strong/fixed political views; ideologies are for slaves".

As a statement that is correct, but for the one joining the military it was a test he already failed by accepting the ideology of false authority that the military represents. Nature didn't gave them authority; men gave it to themselves, based on selfishness in the act of ignorance.

What this is all about is talmudic reasoning applied to contract law, which boils down to the so called jews committing a crime by obfuscating it; like for example the side-effect list of pharmaceuticals, which clearly describe what destructive poison they are, yet the majority of mankind believes in the false authority of science, doctors and the healthcare system and so they put blind faith (trust) into it. The so called jews are reasoning themselves out of karmic guilt for this crime, by putting the blame on the ignorance of those who fell for it. Ignorance is the contract, them shirking responsibility that talmudic reasoning. They applied this to all infrastructures in human society over the last two millennia.

Blood-is-Nature ago

This part I understand.

Lack of comprehension comes from what? It comes from restricting it (comprehension) with beliefs. A belief is an assumption you hold against natural reality. You put more value in your own opinion, than in the reality nature is showing you. That is called selfishness (hedonsim) and it is a natural temptation trying to lure you towards death. Look at the sun. It's a body with a function, but no intention. At the same time it gives life with warmth and light, and takes life with with heat. this is how nature (this ecosystem) is teaching us the responsibility of balance in all our actions. Your intent decides when you had enough light and seek out the shadow for shelter.

the same thing with beleif, which in nature is temporary directed at an unknown; like a young deer witnessing its first thunderstorm. That the survial instinct making an assumption to protect us from the unknown (the deer will be afraid and try to protect itself). This is automatically followed by curiosity (the deer noticed that the older deer are not scared), which leads to the path of knowledge (deer learns that thunder doesn't bring harm). Up to this point the action of believing is on the positive side of the balance (the natural order) just like you enjoying the sun, which leads to survial aka life, but if the deer holds on to the belief that thunder means doom, then the deer stagnates in its actions and a predator can easily scoop himself a snack. Holding onto a belief becomes a negative outcome of the balance (the natural order), which leads to death.

"don't hold strong/fixed political views; ideologies are for slaves"

Correct statement, but just like with the bible believers, it's a test, because the one joining the military already idolizes the false authority of the military, which isn't from nature. Same with idolatry applied to the deity "do not worship idols" yet if you accept you already worshiped the idol of the deity who "allegedly" gave you the rule.

This is designed under so called talmudic reasoning. They test if you are with the alws of nature or if you contradict yourself through belief, which gives them the excuse to further commit crimes against you. It's their way to trick karma, by soothing their intent to be innocent, while blaming our ignorance of guilt. Totally insane, but it works if enough people believe their lies, which the shamefully do.

jimibulgin ago

they forced timetables and clocks everywhere

Who is 'they'?

Blood-is-Nature ago

The consequences of our actions. Parasitical predators within the human species. Mankind corrupted itself out of comprehending its own identity carrier, which is the life essence within the blood, with the blood being the only thing we can pass beyond death through procreation. The blood creates the human natural order, which is blood, family unit (procreator of blood), race (collective of family units), nation (race claiming land), civilization (nation with culture), and the culture is delivered to the nation through the individual traits that the blood is carrying.

Maintenance of the blood demands responsibility, which defines purpose, which is "creation in accordance to the laws of nature and for the benefit of all", which in return gives all the benefits of this enclosed ecosystem back to us, which is the only way to create the best possible breeding ground for our offspring. We are suppose to be stewards to this ecosystem and the ability provided to us to deal with this is the sophistication of our consciousness, which is a tool for comprehension. We are capable to comprehend the consequences for all actions, which makes us mimics, which is why we cannot swim like a fish, fly like a bird or run as fast as a puma, but we can comprehend, adapt, mimic and create out of that information to make it better.

So where did we fuck up? We fell for the natural temptation of hedonism (selfishness) when we started to claim ownership over that which nature offers for free to all. We were born with nothing and we will die with nothing. We were given the liberty to use everything, but not the right to claim anything. This is about teaching us the importance of balance, with TIME initiating the movement that defines all existences as moving from a beginning towards an end, which means constant change, which creates the demand for constant adaptation to uphold balance.

Claiming ownership led to leadership (claiming ownership over others), led to laws (rules by the leader), to law enforcement (abuse of power of the leader), led to religions to quell the resistance against being claimed ownership over, with religions selling the belief (blind faith) to accept (false) authority. As a side-efffect everyone who didn't fell for he religious doctrines was branded a non-believer (atheist, infidel etc.), which according to the laws of nature (opposites must coexist, because they're defined by each other) creates a conflict with the believer, which is the usual division process that all -isms are causing, but on a psychological level the non-believer started to define themselves as the opposition to belief, while growing up in a society based on the rules of believers (also a lie, because those in control don't believe). That creates a longing for alternatives to the unity of blind faith and so they fell head over heels for hedonism, which was sold to them as individuality, materialism and capitalism. That is the cycle of corrupt control that destroys mankind since forever and it is represented in the symbol of the Ouroboros, which is the serpent that eats its own tail. It's hedonist creating hedonists in a circle of self destruction.

Anyway...claiming ownership over that which nature offers free for all puts us into a parasitical relationship with our host and since this is a self sustaining enclosed ecosystem, it cannot expel us like a host would normally do to a parasite, so it had to combat us from within, and how does a host deals with a parasite it cannot expel? Creating an antibody; in this case a parasite within us that systematically attacks the cause of our behavior, which is hedonism. Selfishness is the belief in ourselves over nature and the origin of it is our misunderstanding of the human consciousness, which we identify as, because of the ability of the inner dialog...we deceived ourselves to believe what we were telling ourselves and we misused this to make up excuses and justifications for the negative consequences of our negative actions (based on claiming ownership over natures offerings). So identifying as the consciousness creates the temptation to shirk responsibility easily, by making up and holding beliefs that restrict our comprehension of reality.

The parasite now attacked that flaw of humans holding beliefs with lies and deceptions, which was perfected through the industrialization of blind faith as a means of social engineering (religions), which created the corruption of unquestionable belief towards an authority figure (deity), which is based on the son to father relationship of responsibility shirker to responsibility taker, which acted as a roadblock for human comprehension through the need of adaptation (because belief represents the opposite; stagnation), and which establish the obfuscating of the human comprehension towards the fundamental laws of nature in exchange with their submission (slavery) under the laws of men, which are corrupt rules made by hedonists who claim ownership over them.

Another aspect that feeds into the specifics of who our enemies are is the conflict between living by the natural human order, which means having roots, and those who chose to rebel against it by living nomadic; rootless. Blood, family unit, nation, race, civilization means stationary living, because each part protects those below it. It's a survial hierarchy to protect the blood. The rootless lifestyle happened between the race and the nation, because the nation requires a race to hold land. So what would stop a race to hold land? Conflict and the shirking of responsibility to maintain it. All the conflict stems from human selfishness, because nature shows us that all survial conflict happens while predator and prey share the same land. So they collectively hold the land (akin to a nation) while being at opposition to each other. Why? Because they follow the laws of nature and comprehend balance (the natural order).

Human hedonism (thanks to identifying as the consciousness over the blood) means the shirking of responsibility, so no fucks given about upholding any balance, just open rebellion against the natural order. No roots means withering, because they are not kept in check by their collective. Bullying for example is the collective assessing and attacking weaknesses to the collective, which the parasites obviously totally corrupted into protecting the weakness, nurturing it and breeding that behavior (look into how transhumanism is causing autism, they systematically create the "Sheldon" archetype).

The conflict between roots and rootless creates criminals of opportunity that parasitically leech upon the roots to survive, which creates resistance, which creates more severe rootless behavior, which today peaks at globalism, which is the rootless attempt to uproot all roots by attacking the human natural order from every direction. Usury to take down all civilizations, historical revisionism and copyright to destroy culture, miscegenation in combination with racism (a rhetorical weapon to prevent protection from miscegenation) to destroy the nations, feminism, pornography, autism, marriage, sexual liberation etc. to destroy the family and everything together with as much poison possible to destroy the bloodlines.

You want me to say it's the so called jews? It is, but it's also not, because there is no such thing as a jew in nature. It's a designed front identity for criminals; pierced together out of stolen languages, histories, races, religions, nations etc. It's just a cover they build to protect themselves against reasoning of everyone else against their crimes. They are pathological liars, who groomed themselves into accepting the doctrine of talmudic reasoning to make their lies reality by making everyone else believe it. Behind that cover are ancient bloodlines who rule the world since forever. Neither the Roman Empire nor the British Empire ever fell, they just stopped promoting themselves as such and consolidated their power within the lie they created for everyone else. While the rest of the world was deceived to believe in borders, these criminal hedonists erased all borders from within, eroded the nations, destroyed the races and usurped all the wealth for themselves. What we are now witnessing is the story of the phoenix rising from the ashes, which is their totalitarian control system breaking away the human perception of reality until they find themselves imprisoned in a world they do not understand.

That being said...they are wrong. Nature is in charge and will always reestablish order and they can't do shit to stop it.

peacegnome ago

5 years on voat, you should know. The people in control whose names are never mentioned on the electric jew.

GeneralDisposition ago

Wow. That's a lot of great food for thought. Thank you.

gazillions ago

Oh hell the jump the shark commercial is the SPCA beat up puppies shivering alone on screen so the crying female announcer can implore you to send them good cash money. Zooming in the camera on shivering puppies has replaced the frolicking happy dogs that some newly happy family bought from the SPCA as a selling hook. The shivering puppies shows that life doesn't work out perfectly for every life. It's the idea of a perfect life the crazy marxists are dangerously selling you know. For that they have to be stopped.

They have the same commercial selling jews in Russia as hungry and poor that some group calling themselves "The Christian Jewish alliance" uses to get cash from Christians. Jews in Russia have an imperfect life apparently, and they're shown shivering for the camera too. Just like beat up puppies

GeneralDisposition ago

You're right.

con77 ago

i saw a fucking Ex-Lax commercial that had a nigger in bed with a white bitch! WTF?!

Lokester ago

So she shit the bed?

con77 ago

pow! in more ways than one

Gingercuntfirecrotch ago

If you watch/listen to propaganda broadcasts, expect propaganda.

I gave up movies 5 years ago and picked up programming. The more I spent learning, the less I required media.

cohSh8Ca ago

Exactly. Turn off the Electric Jew.

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shillaccount3344 ago

Trump elected => TV shows like the goldbergs spend all day screaming and screeching like never before so your emotionally charged up to be angry. They crank of the power of the TV/Radio stations to induce stress.

You can check how many watts are flying through the air and it'll go up when they want it to... they take about it in some places.


can't post a link because it's a banned subdomain?

Titanbikes4ever ago

I don't watch commercials, go on social media, listen to the radio, or watch tv

Logansrun ago

virtue signal much

Titanbikes4ever ago

Lol, didn't I accuse you of the same thing and then you lost your shit?

Logansrun ago

Ironic huh

Titanbikes4ever ago

Aww, you don't know what irony means