23256871? ago

Did she flee to isreal?

23248286? ago

Once Milo was out, I left.

23248205? ago

So do it.

23247694? ago

Kikebart and Yidsqus.

23245751? ago

I have been banned by the same shit at least a half dozen times, I just get another e-mail address and keep telling the truth!

23244959? ago

(((Andrew Breitbart)))

Are you surprised?

23244425? ago

Beitbart are zionist jews... what did you expect?

23242029? ago

Disqus is no better than Google or Facebook, if you can't stay away know that it's your enemy.

23240501? ago

Use dissenter

23240091? ago

Andrew Breitbart was a jew...most of the key positions at Breitbart news are held by jews. I've been banned from there several times.

23240873? ago

Irish adopted by Jews, I think.

But yes, it's Jew all the way through. They have a pet Paki in Raheem whatsisname

23239942? ago

I got banned from Breitbart for trying to name the jew years ago. They are controlled opposition.

23239417? ago

It's irrelevant

23238589? ago

I got banned by (((True Pundit))) for daring to suggest Jews may not be exactly everything [they] claim to be

23240860? ago

you mean they aren't selfless humanitarians who are hated for absolutely no reason whatsoever?

23238409? ago

kikebart never publishes my honesty

disqus are cunts depending on the site.... you can say anything on bitchute

23238332? ago

Maybe an alternative is the Dissenter browser, with its own commenting system?

23237898? ago

What the hell are you even doing on ZOGbart? it's literally israeli propaganda

23240484? ago

The wall on the very left edge

Where even are these people?

23237893? ago

Breitbart is part of the other wing of this fake dichotomy kike trap in America. Fuck them.

23237826? ago

BB and Gayway Pundit banned me for asking why Trump would sign yet another horrible bill/budget packed with leftist political pork when he promised in 2016, after that horrible omnibus budget, he'd never do that again, just another big fat lie.

You are not allowed to criticize the great messiah of the brainwashed MAGAtards.

23237391? ago

where are you publishing what you have? don't leave us hanging

23237355? ago

FUCK Kikebart!

23237298? ago

i got banned years ago for saying "feral" referencing niggers. So sensitive

23236859? ago

They're both jewish outlets

23236730? ago

Sounds like it would have had to be Breitbart

23236530? ago


They think they blend in so well.

23236506? ago

Good... Now stop supporting compromised platforms

23244952? ago

Like voat?

23245324? ago

Kek is with us all.

23236346? ago

Welcome to the Breitbart/Disqus/ban club. They're kikes, what did you expect? I got banned so long ago I can't remember why except that my comment was incredible innocuous. Gab plug in for comments on breitbart.

23236315? ago

Disqus is located in Utah right down the street from a NSA data center. Just sayin...

23238864? ago

That figures. If you sign in to discus and then sign out, you're only sort of signed out. It still picks you up on any other discuss plug in site.

mf1776 ago

Yeah, I'm sure most of us have been banned by (((kikebert))) for naming the jew

23240845? ago

the weird thing is that I constantly baited and blamed Jews for tons of crap over the years, posting on Breitbart every day. Never a ban.

I finally was banned for quoting Arab scholars on black intelligence. That is, I was showing that Arabs are racist to blacks, quoted an Arab scholar on blacks being dumb, and then bam... banned.

Never had a problem calling out the Jews.

23249003? ago

Which scholars ?

Symptomatic ago


TrialsAndTribulation ago

Stop fucking around with both Breitbart and Disqus. Both are cucked and converged and absolutely not worth your time. There's nothing to learn there, no one will listen to you there, and they actually do more harm than good by blurring the line between the right wing and conservatives. If you're unaware of the difference, I'll post some links you'll find informative. Sorry for the tough love, dude, but I'm trying to help. Gave you an upvote, though.

23238911? ago

im interested

23241444? ago

Cool. Read about Russell Kirk, who wrote "The Conservative Mind" in 1953, which really defined the "conservative" movement, a philosophy that remained dominant until the 2000s. I don't recommend reading the book because it's an absolute waste of time. Just get the highlights. It's largely academic and philosophical, which means it has little or no real world usefulness.

Conservatism is being slowly shrugged off because those right of center have seen how it's failed in conserving traditional values. In other words, conservatism has never conserved a single thing.

The concepts in his book were picked up by the likes of William F. Buckley, Jr., and the Eastern Ivy League crowd. They acted as gatekeepers for against the right wing for entree into politics. They also never endorsed anything that would have protected America against her enemies foreign and abroad and were silent on the communist threat that was quite real at the time.

L. Brent Bozell, Jr., Buckely's brother-in-law, ghost wrote "Conscience of a Conservative" for Barry Goldwater, who repudiated the only organization who called for strong action against communists in the US, the John Birch Society in exchange for an endorsement from National Review magazine, Buckley's conservative periodical of some influence.

Since the early to mid 60s, no one right of center had a chance of entering politics without getting the endorsement from the conservative gatekeepers. This is conservatism's legacy, complete with it's kissing Israel's ass publicly. Conservatism meant cooperating with the left as long as everyone could get along. They were content to lose as long as they kept face. In other words, they were pussies who lost every time to the left. What they lost was traditional values, morals, defense against communism, and (further) jewish infiltration into power, and the start of neo-conservatism.

No links, but I'm sure you can find this information yourself. I hope this helps. Please post what you find.

23236908? ago

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RoBatten ago

(((KikeBart))) controlled opposition . . .

grandmacaesar ago

It was Breitbart. You can still say that stuff on Disqus, but Breitbart ((( staff ))) controls their comment board.

They banned me for opining the six mill.

23243953? ago

Welcome to the club. U can say anything u want on breitfart about the mulignan menace. Yet say 1 negative word about Schl0m0 Shekelstein & you're KO'd.

23238554? ago

I get banned from Disqus on Bitchute about every couple of weeks. Don't know or care why. 4chan is fucked to and nobody goes to 8kun.top and Voat is being taken over by cripplekikes like Crensh and PuttItOut does nothing.

23246609? ago

8kun.top website doesnt always function so smoothly either

23236838? ago

I was banned by The Gaypundit

23239855? ago

I've been banned by both multiple times. I finally got bored and stopped. Although Kikebart never did ban my account under an email with a jewish name.

23237381? ago

Same here. Fuck the GayWay Pundit.

23236666? ago

Disqus are faggots too. They claim to never censor or moderate but they have a whole policy in their terms of use regarding “hate speech”. If you dig further they have an “abusive use policy” which lists removing comments and banning accounts as their intended course of action.

23236633? ago

breitbart is definitely kikel drivel

hollywood2020 ago

Disqus is pure kike

Symptomatic ago

They don't know what their own Government is really like. That is a problem. They think they are protecting the Tribe but they are protecting war criminals and child rapists.