Logansrun ago

Those are great!

ginx2666 ago

Chink flu kinda took the main stage.

modsrcuntz ago

It's no fun anymore once you realize majority of your pictures are blue

Tallest_Skil ago

It, like everything else created by jews to make retards think that peaceful solutions exist, petered out. Right on schedule.

Fuhrer1488 ago

Peoples hands started cramping from using photoshop all day, too many jews to color correct.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/OccidentalEnclave submission by @Joe_McCarthy.

Posted automatically (#101927) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Sir_Ebral: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Joe_McCarthy)

zx9000 ago

It needed an app to go thermonuclear.

Without an easy 1 click app for the masses to make more, it was too easy censor.

Logansrun ago

Awesome idea

Not_Your_Normal_Goat ago

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't nonjews start getting blued? As in people associated with jews also got blued. That would make it lose some effectiveness as basically everyone started getting blued. People would research a nonjew blue, expecting them to be a jew and finding out they are not would cause the researcher to lose trust in the blueing.

Logansrun ago

Those that served them were suppose to have the mouths blued. I could see them blueing everyone to cloud the waters.

Still we shouldn’t of stopped

PhilKDick ago

Now it's flu the jew!

uvulectomy ago

Not that I know of. IIRC, Alison is even frumpier, and has her father's beak.

uvulectomy ago

I made a quick & dirty one a while back. Wrote it for Photoshop, but the principles should still apply to GIMP.

gloam_lurker ago


gloam_lurker ago

Is this your buddy or alt? I respect you. Everything about that account just reeked to me. Maybe I was wrong. I really don't like it's name.

last18500 ago

Been wondering the same thing. I want to learn it, know it, live it.

Niggertown ago

Because the nose was already the giveaway. I would much rather people just enlarge the noses of known Jews.

CanadianNatSoc ago

I honestly wonder if blue the jew and ioktbw posters were psyop memes to measure the spread of the far right, a last-ditch effort by share blue. Remember last halloween when everyone agreed to post posters? Seemed inorganic

Logansrun ago

It highlights just how powerful they are and just how much they hate Europeans

uvulectomy ago

Some more I've done since it started. You might have seen them, you might not have. But here they are for your entertainment (all names assumed to have ((())) around them):

I had a few others that turned out really well. But unfortunately I was an idiot and put them on magaimg before deleting the local copies. One of them was Lt. Col. (((Vindman))) from the impeachment circus.

Logansrun ago

That was great! Saved them

Logansrun ago

Nice work!

uvulectomy ago

Oh, and just for shits & grins, a special AOC recolor from a while back.

Minkxy ago

I miss it. Was a good idea

Hoodboarder ago

can we bring back the blue jew please

kingssman1 ago

blue the jew got stupid and eventually everyone in a picture was blue. the sky was blue, the blue man group was blue.

It was supposed to be "blue the jew" not blue every fucking person in an entire crowd.

KikesOnTrikes ago

I was wondering that the other day. Probably lost steam when they started sending out memes with non jews blue too. Lots of pictures going out and trending with bad information.

Whatsamannar ago

I think a lot of people already know about the JQ. They just feel helpless to do anything about it. What good is knowing if you say or do anything to correct the problem you end up losing everything. It’s just not worth the risk. The people seem defeated. If only something could happen that would make everyone equally desperate....

Logansrun ago

Thought it was eye opening, had no idea there were so many in power

RM-Goetbbels ago

We enjoyed it for awhile and then let it pass.

The same with replacing nigger with "Google" when we post because of google censoring posts that say nigger.

The same as we don't post Sheeiiiiit! so much anymore.

The same as Remember Seth Rich posts.

I;m the first to admit these are, and still can be fun, but they've been "done". We're all red/black/green/orange pilled and we are no longer accepting newbies because I couldn't behave myself when we did. Sorry guys, I was bad. Putt put me in the corner for awhile, several of you faggots know though, SINCE YOU WERE WITH ME.

maaaxheadroom ago

Green pilled?

RM-Goetbbels ago

Idk, there are all these "classifications" these people come up with that I can't keep track anymore.

So? There is an orange pill? omg.

ConantheLibrarian ago

It needs to be "highlighted". Maybe we should switch from blue to yellow.

PygmyGoat ago

People would think they were CCP puppets if they were yellow.

Logansrun ago

Ya but blue rhymes

SithEmpire ago

I did a few of those; the main thing isn't so much the image adjustment, rather the energy investment to grab pictures of panels and line-ups plus research to ID the kikes.

I could get back into it though!


It was too powerful

Titanbikes4ever ago

Make it yourself, don't just be a spectator

Akas ago

Too complex: people posted a tutorial on how to do it, which included things like Photoshop and like 15-20 steps. Couldn't achieve the same effect with paint or whatever, so most people just shrugged and moved on.

Things have to be simple for most people to pass it on: 4-5 words like "Epstein didn't kill himself" or "It's okay to be white" are ideal.

VoutGuy ago

Ran out of blue.

Gorillion ago

We ran out of blue!

totes_magotes ago

The virus. It's their revenge for being outed so effectively. They had to shut it down.

blindwebster ago


Every top negative is from a jew, except that malpracticing unhinged doctor.

Ihatesports ago

People burn out and quit the fight. Same as always.

SocksOnCats ago

Never capitalize ‘jew’! Nor should you capitalize anything jewish! Never!

uvulectomy ago

It's still a thing. I did one recently for Agnès Buzyn, the former French Health Minister who declared chloroquine a "poisonous substance" in January, despite it being OTC there for fifty years.

"Buzyn was born to two Holocaust survivors, her father Elie from Polish Łódź, who survived Buchenwald's death march at age 16, and a French Jewish woman, Etty, whose family hid in France during the war; she became a well-known (((psychoanalyst))) and writer."

Logansrun ago

Nice, just haven’t seen it in a long time

HeebSlayer ago

/pol/ stole it from the Moon Man song "Paint A Faggot Blue".

InClownWorldSellPnut ago

Ran out of blue crayons and dried out all my markers trying to color in DC.

Broc_Lia ago

Honestly? People are lazy and adding (((echoes))) is easier than spending 30 seconds in gimp.

I've no idea how googles and skypes got unpopular though. That was low effort and a very good idea.

smokratez ago

They owned it and started blueing themselves.

Logansrun ago

Doubt that, it called attention to jewish supremacy

smokratez ago

They turned it into a joke. Posted blue avatars on twitter and such.

Logansrun ago

Still effective though, kind of takes the wind out of the sails of “fellow white people”

gosso920 ago

Somebody fucked up, and blew the Jew.

PygmyGoat ago

That was Nancy Pelosi.


Logansrun ago

Nice one! Captures the one who are and those that serve them

SocksOnCats ago

You mean jew. Please don’t capitalize that or anything jewish.

gosso920 ago

That only applies if you're using the word as a verb, i.e., "My cousin tried to jew me out of my inheritance."

SocksOnCats ago

No! You're talking syntax and I'm talking reality. Further, I graduated with an advanced degree in the English language, so i'm making the rule on this one (something for which I actually have the authority). jew is never, ever to be capitalized. The same goes for anything related to judaism or israel or being jewish. Never capitalize any of that shit. Let the world know by force how disrespected it is.

gosso920 ago

Oh, an advanced degree in the English language. That makes you distinctly qualified to take my coffee order.

You should have learned to code.

SocksOnCats ago

Hah! That's honestly hilarious. I've been coding for over 40 years now. Started when I was 9. Released my first game at 11. I used to code for Apple on OSX back in the early 2000s. These days I'm a high end data wrangler. I don't rely on my English degree - although it does come in oddly handy when dealing with people from other cultures (think H1-B). And I happily know exactly nothing of making your coffee - I detest the stuff.

slapstick2 ago

The whole conversation.

It was derailed by the qtards. They are here to distract us and tell us to trust the system. Qtards need to be banned

Kleemin ago

"need to be banned" this isn't reddit you weak minded faggot, unless it's some kike spamming a specific sales websites we shouldn't ban anything. Keep this this site free of censorship. If you need a moderated safe space you are literally a faggot.

Tallest_Skil ago




Commit suicide, jew.

Tallest_Skil ago



Commit suicide, jew.

slapstick2 ago

It is kikes spamming at this point. Ur the faggot

Kleemin ago

I'm not a qtard, check my history you lazy faggot, it's real easy.

"you're the faggot" witty comeback you fucking cock gobbling mongoloid.

Rotteuxx ago

Spoken like a true goat!

Logansrun ago

“Do nothing trust the plan” lol

freeman84 ago

They shut it down. It was too effective

Armpit_and_Ass ago

So make some blue jews. Nobody's stopping you.

Logansrun ago

Not that tech savvy. They just stopped, just making an observation

aztlanshark ago

People were blue-ing basically anyone they disagreed with politically. I think that caused it to lose its impact.

version7 ago

Probably need it now more than ever.

Macska ago

Hoarding toilet paper became more popular.

tratakat ago

whats this?

PygmyGoat ago

And here I thought blue the jew was in reference to zyklon B.

kammmmak ago

They don't open

crazy_eyes ago

Do you have the one with the jew in the landing craft at normandy on D-Day in the boat to shoot the soldiers who refused to leave the boat into the machine gun fire?

Rotteuxx ago

You screwed up your copy/pasted links ;)

Logansrun ago

Did you post examples? They’re gone...

Logansrun ago

Jewish people in media, politics, finance etc... were given a blue tint in photos showing the influence this small group has on our lives

SocksOnCats ago

You mean jews. First, never capitalize anything jew, even if the first letter of a sentence (that makes it stand out even more). Second, never refer to jews as people. They are not people - they are jews.

tratakat ago

Sounds like a cool idea. Care to share some?

Logansrun ago

Unfortunately I didn’t save them, it was popular for about 2 weeks then they disappeared

1HepCat ago

Here's one I did a while back for a shabbos goy: https://files.catbox.moe/vk69j2.jpg

Logansrun ago

Had high hopes for him, disappointed shorty after

PygmyGoat ago

Yes turned into another RINO unfortunatey.

FreeinTX ago

Yes. That was a fantastic idea.

Morbo ago

The coronachan distraction stopped it along with everything else. Voat has turned full coronachan woke now and we just fight over this whole thing be fake or super-serial. No one has even said "Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself" in a month. This is the absolute state of Voat now.

Luis_Sphincta ago

No one has even said "Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself" in a month

We're just holding fire before we have to start explaining "Coronachan didn't kill weinstein." a thousand times over the next month or so.

angryspin ago

Haha, that one is coming for sure.

dublin5 ago

Epstein didn't kill himself.

EpsteinsGhost ago

Right? I for one, am disappointed.

zxcvbnasdf ago

More like, it was banned on 4chan. Every thread started was nuked by the jannies.

It's been more or less memory holed.

Logansrun ago

It disappeared here too

Logansrun ago

Yes we’re china aids obsessed but Blue the Jew was shut down weeks after it surfaced

GuyIDisagreeWith ago

So "Yellow the Chinese Shill"? Better yet, "Red the Commie". Admittedly they don't rhyme but you can't have everything.

ChiCom ago

At this rate jews will just end up brown and black from all the colors mixing...

bdmthrfkr ago

I blued a fair few jews myself, but I have worked extensively over the years with graphic image editing software. The will was there but most people just didn't know what to do.

Hoodboarder ago

I also miss the blue jew

jimibulgin ago

Be the change you want to see in the world.

ChiCom ago

It now carries 20 years in prison in FL, NY, NJ, CA

Astroqualia ago

Wrong. Retard gullible conspiracy theorist detected.

ChiCom ago

Or a blackpilled joke?

Scroobius ago

ur the gulilble one nigger

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

no it doesn't.

ChiCom ago

Seriously? Seriously? Fucking 20 years and you are wondering if I might serious? Things have gotten that bad?

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

show me anybody whos gotten 20 years in jail for blueing a jew.

ChiCom ago

I sure hope they haven't! It was a blackpilled joke.

The scary part is that you think it could be possible.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

no i dont think its possible, which is why i said you werent telling the truth

ChiCom ago

We literally have a law in FL now against talking about jews..

Give it a few years if we don't resist and it may be possible then.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

take it to the supreme court

freedom of speech baby

5B3854C ago


whatisbestinlife ago

cant verify but it was the third one on google. same dates and info


Astroqualia ago

That only applies to colleges, with regards to administration faculty. Learn to read better next time.

gloam_lurker ago

Here's some sauce for you. Fuck off. You are the second person I ever downgoated because I know you are a kike.

subhuman_goys ago

Have you low IQ apes ever thought to yourself Geeee.. mayb the jews own everything and rule the world because they are superior to us? Mayb God did choose them to rule over us? Your shit for brains cant even come to that logical conclusion after mountains of evidence smacks you right in the face lol...

Gunk ago

Off yourself, kike pedo.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/OccidentalEnclave submission by @Joe_McCarthy.

Posted automatically (#101926) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Gunk: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Joe_McCarthy)

Eualos ago

Except the stuff they rule turns to shit without help from people better than them

toobaditworks ago


everything good in the world is beautiflul and people see it and gravitate towards it.

every jew in the world is ugly, behaves nasty and nobody wants to be around it.

God's chosen people...

Merlynn ago

If jews were meant to be leaders,they would lead. Jews don't lead,they destroy. Mindlessly,uncaring for the consequences. Even if it hurts themselves. Without jewish influence,we'd already have space travel and an entire universe to explore.

Instead,we're arguing about what words mean and killing each other. Thanks,jews. You are truly Satan's chosen people.

Argumentative ago

wow a real life kike in the wild, go fuck yourself wildkike :^)

xenoPsychologist ago

its encounters like this that remind me that they are real.

NPCGator ago

I guess in your retarded mind jews were expelled from countries 328 times over 2700 years for being superior, you would think if they were so superior they could have stopped that from happening, they sound more like dumb parasites to me.

NamelessCrewmember ago

Those that have for thousands of years taken more than their share at the expense of others, that have been thrown out and persecuted by nearly every other culture on the Earth for thousands of years, are doomed to have it happen again.

Tldr, nah, they just greedy.

crazy_eyes ago

so, nepotism is a superior policy than merit?

Sernie_Banders ago

Practicing tribalism in western societies attempting meritocracy doesn't prove superiority.

HeebSlayer ago

Awe. Looks like rabbi foreskineater is experience withdrawal from sucking on baby dick.

Logansrun ago

That’s like saying murders are superior because they kill better than us

notvirge ago

It got old pretty fast when 90% of the images on the Internet were blue.

Logansrun ago

Very true, but knowing never gets old