Azamuku ago

I think i'll have a coke.

Barbarian ago

It’s easy if you try

NiggadermCQ ago

I should clarify..

Non in the future.. small towns still have very few.

chirogonemd ago

I've yet to see any actual proof of this supposed break in jewish genetics

I couldn't hope to prove that to you on a literal genetic basis. But historically, the Jewish diaspora is pretty well-documented. Their intermixing with many different European populations was the result. But there were also the Babylonian captivities and the influx of Edomites into the former territories of the tribe of Judah, such that the few Jews who returned were likely to have lost their purity. That's downplaying the fact that most Jews didn't return from Babylon. It's the eventual diaspora where we get the Khazarian theories, which I find interesting.

I also find the theories speculating the outcomes for the lost tribes of Israel very interesting - these basically point to the fact that the real tribes of Israel fled the region and moved into Europe.

I can't prove either of these. I'm not sure than anyone can. But just given the radical upheavals that have occurred within the population of Jews, I think it's insanity to believe that those Zionists who have returned to Israel today claiming to the the original Judeans are in fact the unbroken lineage of Judah.

AgentSakura ago


SaxonWolfcock ago

I believe in Christ.

Runspotrun ago

Like POTUS I instead opt to imagine a world without YOU


Evil has no place here!

Go back to the DNC

neuschwabia ago

High levels of education, Clean, well behaved, beautiful buildings, great music.

We will not miss them.

chirogonemd ago

I wouldn't argue with your point, but I think the issue is not whether Christ was Jewish, it's whether the people today who say they are Jewish, are in fact Jews. That's a better question, if you ask me. Not an endorsement of Christianity, but I also don't go for the arguments against Christianity that base their position on it being the religion of a so-called enemy. If I had to wager a guess, it would be that the modern "Jews" of Israel are caananites larping as if they were the descendants of the tribe of Judah, which actually disappeared and was effectively bred out of existence long ago.

SaxonWolfcock ago

It is amazing that after all weve been through even goats will try to squeeze one or two niggers and a kike into heaven.

Send more corona the awakening isnt complete.

TabascoTabasco ago


leave em to it. Why give a fuck?

Why not just go for a white homeland?

Throw em out!

Marbolo ago

We'd be so advanced that such thoughts are completely foreign from our minds.

Call_Of_Goat ago



That's okay, let most of it become a nature preserve.

Shotinthedark ago

That's actually a very good idea

MAGA_WAGA_Boomer ago

I'm seeing a few in this very thread.

Phuk_Hugh ago

We have to be willing to spill an ocean of White blood to make that world more than just a dream. We no longer have a stomach for war, only bread and circus.

AgentSakura ago

I agree, war is our only way out of this mess.

tratakat ago

lol. The thing is bro, I don't wanna kill nobody. I just want to live in a HONEST World in which the intentions of the people who push to control it are clear to the people who are partaking in it. That's why learning about and exposing the agenda is my priority.

AgentSakura ago

You'll have to fight for it or try to adapt to the situation which is rapidly deteriorating.

Good luck.

ggolemg ago

Everything is minor in comparison to freeing our planet of the Jew scourge. Fix this and every other problem will be half has difficult to fix. Don't and our world will not survive.

randomfuckingidiot ago

I'm imagining Mars and beyond.

More than 20 TRILLION dollarydoos spent on people that vehemently hate us.

It's about time we get some reparations.

Dr_Phil_DaShowas ago

Imagine by anon:

Imagine theres no niggers

It's easy if they die

All jews below us

Above us Jesus Christ

Imagine all the people

Living for today...

Imagine walls between countries

It isn't hard to do

Something to kill or die for

And no beaners too

Imagine all the people

Living separately...

You may say you are triggered

But I'm not giving a fuck

I hope someday you'll be gassed

And the world is free of cucks

SaxonWolfcock ago


Shotinthedark ago

You're a poet

BoomerHater1488er ago

Above us Jesus Christ

Why do so many whites cuck out and worship a kike god? Why?

YouAreASlave ago

Jesus was a Galilean who hated kikery and was an Aryan Israelite. Don't believe the revisionist bullshit that Jesus was a "jew" which didn't even exist during Jesus' time. Ashkenazi Jews are not Judeans, they're Khazars. Fake Judeans.

David-anonyme ago

Ha ha ha! Happy purim to all of you Aryan pigs!

BoomerHater1488er ago

Jesus was not European. I don't care what he was, he was neither divine, nor of our blood. Stop putting Abrahamic gods above your ancestors natural spirituality.

YouAreASlave ago

Aryans have been around for thousands of years. They are the Israelites.

Your dipshit username suggests you're a kike.

BoomerHater1488er ago

How is it possible for people to be as stupid and clueless as you? It's cognitive dissonance.

Israelites are not European. They never have been European. They're sandniggers. A part of you understands that you're worshiping sandnigger gods but, rather than face reality, your solution is to pretend Israelites are white.

Grow the fuck up you stupid Boomer.

gosso920 ago

Who would you prefer he worship? Some fag with a hammer?

GoyToy96 ago

Top kek

BoomerHater1488er ago

If both are fake news, why not honor the one your ancestors invented over the one someone else's ancestors invented?

chirogonemd ago

Please. Can you trace me a direct lineage backwards from yourself to some ancestor in the 10th century that believed the old Norse? Your ancestors. Haha. We've carried on the culture of those ancestors about as well as Stephanie Meyer carried on Greek storytelling. These things are technologies. They ought to be treated as such, and looked at phenomenologically, not from a standpoint of realism.

What kills me is the same people who run around shouting, "Not real, not real", are fine with mathematics. Find me the number two. Where is it? Sure, you could draw it. But that's a symbol. That's a token instance of the number two. Where is two? Is it real?

No. It exists insofar as it is useful. Mathematics has carried on with human beings and evolved greater and more sophisticated levels of abstraction because it's been useful as fuck. It's the same with religion until the modern (and especially post-modern) era. They existed because they served a useful function. They are "realer" than you think, although I'm not partial to any particular human imago that we'd attach to religion. I think as a technology they can serve us far more fully than that.

alele-opathic ago

This whole comment is gold, and requires prerequisites for its complete understanding (hence his Iam14 response). Nearly nobody has developed their own philosophy to the point where they can even reasonably process what you tried to convey.

Have you been reading either Mathis/Catt/etc or is this one original to you? I was introduced to this concept young so I didn't have time to personally generate it a priori, but this is my first intro to this concept:

Although a cloud cannot exist without edges, the edges of a cloud do not exist They have no width, volume, or materiality. However, the edges of a cloud can be drawn. Their shapes can be manipulated graphically and mathematically. The same is true of the so-called ‘electric current’.

This one, combined with Mathis' bit on graphs, points, and 'instants in time' (re: derivatives), blew my mind at the time.

They existed because they served a useful function. They are "realer" than you think,

I'm just testing to see if you're familiar with the concept: you likely know that, regarding any mechanical explanation, all that can be known or proven is 'wrongness', and nothing natural (i.e. any body of knowledge or logic even tangentially relating to something natural) can be known to be absolute truth (entirely void of wrongness). This will lead you to realizing that wrongness isn't black or white; we discard older explanations because the newer ones are 'less wrong', but this doesn't mean the older ideas never had value in their day, etc. People like to imagine chemistry evolved from a bunch of crackpot alchemists and astronomy from a bunch of crackpot astrologers. Again, you likely know this, but, in case you don't, most modern chemical apparatus were invented by the alchemists, and much of our 'practical' chemical knowledge was invented by them, etc, and a similar story applies to the astrologers.


As an aside, I've been reading your comments - the ones where you seem to be wrestling with the unknowability of life/existence/etc - but haven't directly commented. I don't know if this will help you, but I wrestled with something similar myself.

I should mention that, for our purposes, nothing should be considered that cannot yield further viable observation(s) (that is, further observations can be built upon it, and it can functionally help compose a larger body of knowledge). This can't be used as a heuristic, but as a watchdog (to borrow some CS concepts): once all options are considered, if you have no logical method of deciding the correct option, the most useful option must be taken as least-wrong. There is a lot that goes into this, and I will expound if it will help you.

Or, in short, it doesn't quite matter that we don't know what we are, as we can't either test or falsify any hypothesis/theory/etc (from Popper), so we could never build a body of knowledge on it in the first place. This, when taken to its conclusion, means the question itself is, very literally, meaningless. Big-brains have choked over many such questions, and it is a complete waste of your brain-time (ala cpu-time, processor-time, etc): And I mean 'waste' literally, as anything that cannot produce a product literally wastes all resources spent on it.

The other thing they like about these problems that are too big for us is that they act as perfect misdirection. They want to divert you into these problems, since once you get in you can waste years of your life with nothing to show for it. They keep all the stupid people talking about sports and movie stars, but they know they can't interest you in that shit, so they have to come up with something more cerebral for you. It used to be manufactured Biblical or literary problems that diverted the intelligentsia, like how many angels danced on the head of a pin or how many hexameters Virgil could write without spilling a trochee. Now it is whether an imaginary astronaut will pass the event horizon of the black hole and get burned up or stretched to death. Armchair philosophy posing as science, in other words.

He's right, you know.

chirogonemd ago

That's an extremely interesting comment. The ideas in my comment were something I arrived at independently, and they only led me to more questions. It's how I discovered the positivist, analytic philosophy of the 20th century, and Russel and Wittgenstein. Wittgenstein opened many doors for me. You are correct, I do struggle with these questions and some of them (even taking the answers of the greatest geniuses) still seem insoluble.

It is weird and fascinating that you mention borrowing CS concepts. It hit me very, very recently that the answers I'm after are going to come from machine. I don't have the time to explain why I arrived at that conclusion, and the chances are you might already have that intuition yourself. But it's caused me to want to begin learning CS concepts. As it stands, I have nothing but basic computer literacy. I have a rough understanding of the way computer hardware and software work, in terms of the abstractions away from electricity up to languages (syntax/semantics) but I lack depth. I really would like to dive in and get to know computers deeply. I'm not old, but I'm also not young (30), and sometimes it feels like I waited too long or I don't have the time and I frustrate myself thinking I won't get there. But I'm going to try. Like I said, I am beginning to think - like you mentioned - that a lot of these "big" questions are not meant to be answered, rather, they are acting as a force propelling us forward to become what we will be, and I'm realizing that the human nature I am so obsessed with is probably not going to be human all that much longer.

alele-opathic ago

I'm realizing that the human nature I am so obsessed with is probably not going to be human all that much longer.

I don't have too long for a proper reply right now, but, if I am reading you right, I want to caution you to avoid (((Transhumanism))). It is another of those mentally-fellating traps, but with a darker twist of predictive programming.

Also, everyone who created it is jewish, if that matters to you (e.g. Ray Kurzweil).


To drop some mental bait:

The roots for 'humans just complicated machines' (+ ghost in the machine) runs very deep. Try Computer Worship for a non-initiated man's take on the ritual and weirdness surrounding computing in the 1970s, or research Automata*.

  • this has been deleted from wikipedia when I went to grab a link for you. In the 1800s and preceding century, (((mystics))) would build dolls with the belief that, if the dolls were made realistically enough, they would be alive. The most advanced attempts would have movable jaws and arms and sit over a kettle so that the eyes, mouth, and arms moved when water boiled. This actually derives from an alchemical belief that a substance which shares all salient properties with another substance becomes the other substance. Long story here.

BoomerHater1488er ago

Pseudointellectualism often shrouds itself in false equivalencies.

Mathematics is true because it is true independent of whether humans want it to be or not. Just like gravity or any other natural physical law. Gods are fake no matter what humans want. Don't try and conflate the two

chirogonemd ago

Mathematics is true because it is true independent of whether humans want it to be or not

Interesting. Would there be anybody doing mathematics if no humans were around?

That was not pseudo-intellectualism. It's a skeptical position toward realism. Mathematics is an activity of manipulating numbers, which themselves are symbols of something that is not real. There is no two in the universe. There is a direct analogy to be made between mathematics and Gods. They have persevered across history because they've been useful, not because they are real in the material sense.

BoomerHater1488er ago

Dude, you belong in r/iam14andthisisdeep

chirogonemd ago

Haha. Says the guy with username @BoomerHater1488er who likes to trot around letting everyone know how atheist he is. Unreal.

For reference, it's a problem that was deep enough to create a rift between Russel and Wittgenstein, two of the most brilliant minds of the 20th century. Both were much older than 14 years when they were debating it. They also wrote books on the topic that couldn't be summarized in the span of a fucking Voat comment.

Did you actually link to fucking Reddit? Just go back there and stay. Please. You're the unpleasant perfection of the Redditor who gagged on their nu-atheist cock and loved it, only to go way overboard trying to fit in at Voat after you'd gotten booted from there.

BoomerHater1488er ago

If you ever paid attention to any comments I make on the topic of religion, you'll know that I think of myself as an ethnospiritualist.

Just as the story of The Boy Who Cried Wolf doesn't need to be based on a true story to contain basic truths, neither do religions. You do, however, need to match your religion to your ethnicity, and Abrahamic religions are incompatible with ethnic Europeans.

I'm not a Jewish moral nihilist that you call atheist.

...also, my first account here was u/Thought_Police, and I've probably been here longer than you. And in all that time I didn't know that just typing r/SubReddit would create an actual link to Reddit. Neat.

chirogonemd ago

Listen, I might have overreacted. Sometimes you're on edge, and that comment of yours just got on my nerves. We can agree to disagree on the topic and leave it at that. I believe you when you say you aren't the nu-atheist variety. That's good enough. I suppose we're all searching eh?

The one thing that I can't understand, though, are the implications of your ethnospirituality. I don't know where you come from, but I've assumed all along that it's the States.

If we're going to take an honest look at what has influenced the culture that you were brought up in, and the one that permeates every facet of your own experience, it's not Germanic paganism. By and large it's the Greeks, more specifically what was Greek that was carried on via Christianity, or the Greek vector that remained present in Christianity perhaps. The American project was Protestant through and through.

This is one reason I don't discount Christianity, namely because it doesn't have to rely on the Old Testament, at least in terms of it's philosophy of ethics. Now, to believe that the truth of those ethics is rooted in Christ as divine authority, sure, we can't discount the Hebraic origins. But we don't have to rely on divine authority in the traditional sense for the Christian wisdom tradition to be true or valuable. The thing that is really interesting about Christ is his distinct connection to Stoicism and Cynicism. There are some interesting theories out there that Christ had a lot of exposure to those two Greek philosophies in his early life, and I think this is very likely.

Did Christ preserve Hebrew elements? Certainly. The big one for me is the apocalypticism. The idea that the world was always close to ending. That's very Jewish. But the Cynic elements of Christ's doctrine are unmistakeable. To live a simple life, in agreement with nature, a life pursuing virtue and not wealth or property. That's not Jewish in the slightest. Also the Stoicism: wisdom being the root of virtue, and that life is a battle against ones passions to pursue virtue as a matter of duty.

Christianity eliminated a lot that was characteristically Jewish: reliance on law and the collective way that one found God via belonging to a group beholden to the law. Instead, Christ brought in the Stoic/Cynic emphasis on the individual. Christ didn't just lack emphasis on material wealth, he rebuked it. He warned that possession corrupted the wealthy. This is nowhere to be found in the Old Testament.

My point is that the culture of your ancestors (at least those closest to you for the last millennium) has been far more influenced by the Greek vector coming through Christianity, and eventually Protestantism, than by anything Norse. At what point does that become more relevant than the fact some of your Germanic ancestors believed in Odin? They didn't come to rule the earth and create the nation in the West that resulted in you. You have stronger ties to Christianity than you think.

modsrcuntz ago

Get out of my head

Smallest_Skil ago

Oh man that would be nice, can we also get rid of moslems? please?

BoomerHater1488er ago

Arabs. Islam is a shit tier religion, but so are both other Abrahamic religions. The real problem is race.

I mean, would you rather live in a 99% black, 100% Christian nation or a 99% white, 100% Muslim nation?

Smallest_Skil ago

I mean all moslems. Anyone either white or shitskin that follows that pedoplile fucked up cult should be removed.

BoomerHater1488er ago

But that would leave some Arabs left over.

Honestly, I think the white race really just needs to nut up and extinct non-whites, then delete all traces of non-white culture and history, including the Abrahamic religions so many of us are cucks for.

Then our future would be secured forever.

Smallest_Skil ago

now now dont go all jew on us now ;)

Gopherurself ago

Fuckin neither motherfucker. White muslims are niggers and don't exist.

BoomerHater1488er ago

That's not how hypotheticals work.


Africa should be a FUCKING PARADISE, YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN. and without mestizos, crime would be way very low

SearchVoatBot ago

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Doglegwarrior ago

look at the map that shows every country could fit in africa basicaly. thry have rivers water wildlife. difference is they dont have desire strength and community trust to do what it takes to tame nature... if africans had been in north america bears and mountain lions would still be killing people on a daily basis.

ABastionOfFreeSpeech ago

Don't get my hopes up -_-

ianadba ago

Can I get lyrics and melody to John Lennon and Imagine?

Shitt1ngMys3lf ago

Imagine there's no niggers

It's easy if you try

No chimpin out by coons

Around us only whites

Imagine all white people

building for today (ah ah ah)

Imagine there's no Muzzies

It isn't hard to do

Nothing to kill or die for

And no jihadi, too

Imagine all white people

Living life in peace

You may say that I'm a Nazi

But I'm not the only one

I hope someday you'll join us

And the world will be as one

Imagine no jew bastards

I wonder if you can

No need for greed or hunger

A brotherhood of man

Imagine all white people

Sharing all the world

You may say that I'm a Nazi

But I'm not the only one

I hope someday you'll join us

And the world will live as one

Valcgo ago


Shitt1ngMys3lf ago


NiggadermCQ ago

Or just a small town without jews and niggers.

Ok there might be one token nigger family.

Not sure about jews, but no one is wearing that stupid little hat.

YouAreASlave ago


NiggadermCQ ago

I meant currently, there's no jews in the small town.

Of course in the future no jews.

VoatieMcVoatFace ago

Yeah gotta have the token nigger that shines shoes, and the little fucking jew running a store of some kind to keep the dirty jew jokes alive. It would be a continual reminder of what not to let happen again to our people.

NiggadermCQ ago

No I didn't mean to include them in the future. Just that they are currently around..

Anyway yes it's possible one nigger is almost well behaved. But if the next generation notices this, they will forget why we got rid of them, and think it's ok to feed the animals, and make more of them.. then we have problems again

Well_Deserved_Brew ago

Yeah gotta have the token nigger that shines shoes, and the little fucking jew running a store of some kind to keep the dirty jew jokes alive.

Then someone will start feeling sorry for them and they'll say, "Hey, why can't the nigger vote, go to school with us, etc", then presto, 50 years later we'll be right back here.

No reminders needed. I'll shine my own fucking shoes and pick my own fucking cotton.

tratakat ago

ok fedposter

Call_Of_Goat ago

Feelings hurt?

fightknightHERO ago
