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22439295? ago

I thought voat was over-run by the kike and kebab and not actual GAY NIG faggot type

22718657? ago

the ragheads are involved in the slave trade today, koranimals are openly selling niggers as a slave in moslem nations, in fact the founder of islam muhammad was a pedophile, a slaver and a terrorist, they are openly selling negroids as slaves in Libya today. That said you should NOT trust either the kikes or kebabs both religions are full of lying deceptive extremists ... SerbianKebab btw is a piece of shit afriad to call out his jihadi buddies both jew kikes and moslem kebabs made money selling enslaved niggers @Skipberry @DanielR @GeorgeWashingNigger

22718670? ago

pretty low effort now that hidden lol is getting hijacked by worthless shitlamic vs kike politics? @Miklo @Krotik @Albery ? @Dzedo @dirdum

22718673? ago

is SerbianKebab basically another gypsy turk mongrel, an Albanian mudslime sandrat?

22718722? ago

Joe Stalin would airbrush thinsg out of history books, the pallywood is the amateur Arabia moslem tv shit while the Jews are a little better at the propaganda spins? @realmonster @sLnTsRvC ? @Apathy @Penguinpecker

23042433? ago

@randomfuckingidiot and no mention of the jihad raghead and arab terror books and shitlamic texts @fightknightHERO @Call_Of_Goat @TyroneDeNiggero @Sir_Ebral ?