DemocratsAreAssholes ago

We only have fucking millenials to blame.

Fuck them all to hell.

whatisbestinlife ago

partly true. while jj abrams would be gen x. and so would most of the string pullers and producers, the physical making of the shows are millenials. much of what you see is millenial's work, most of the writing is millenial and gen x females. one of the shows boasted that it had no male writers. the higher ups are boomers and whatever generation came before that which are still in the game and refuse to let go. for multiple reasons.

FridayJones ago

Not in movies and television is our culture, no. In BOOKS and SONGS is our culture, yes. Begun the culture wars have. Live long and prosper, you must.

Floppyhorsecock ago

Original star wars is a western in space, hardly propaganda.

whatisbestinlife ago

cept for those 2 incest kissing scenes

calfahul ago

I'm over the breakdowns of Hollywood bullshit, and I never liked capeshit in the first place (though I did like Star Trek), but Dave Cullen has two channels on youtube that do good breakdowns of these things if you want to torture yourself:

Mah_Selectah ago

I would like to think they tried to change our tastes by altering established franchises in the Hope's we would be swayed. That way when they fail, it hurts them.

The more probable answer is that they purposely destroyed those franchises just to take something away that is widely loved.

whatisbestinlife ago

they destroyed star wars on purpose yes. that was their first priority with the franchise. making something decent to watch for the new "fans" was a minor note. and with the star treks it was a slow sinking pit. in this new trek series they seem to be killing off all the male leads that could further a story that would be connected to the TNG era including picard himself. watching youtubers who make a living off of talking about lore from tv and film they seem annoyed if not irate

WhoseTolerant ago

Maybe our addiction to being entertained is the issue, too much money funnelled to kikes.

Way too much money is funnelled to hollywood kikes.

NiggadermCQ ago

And Dr Who

ketoll ago

"Nerds are angry and frustrated"

Maybe they should stop hinging their lives on next product, start a family, and grow up.

Lal ago

Nerds/pop-culture - pick one

whatisbestinlife ago

nerds became pop culture (facebook movie, big bang theory, etc)

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

Hey Nerds, sorry the scifi fantasy worlds have all been ruined, that studios abandoned canon to make a few bucks. There is one series that is still pretty good, it's called Mien Kampf, give it a read sometime!

SparklingWiggle ago

It ended very badly.

OldManCountry ago

I liked my favorite Martian

Computergeek01 ago

Warhammer 40K is still true to it's origins for now. It's not for poors, but who cares about those?

whatisbestinlife ago

i heard they were revamping their lines to include women or minority figures. besides citadel sold out because look at all the crap video games with a license now

Argumentative ago

minority figures

then just don't paint them black i guess* :^) it's about " your dudes" they cant take that away from you

*unless salamanders because lore

whatisbestinlife ago

i saw on alibaba that you can buy an eldar army for $40

figures look fine? but if i wanted to play again i would just 3d print my entire army. fuck their prices.

Argumentative ago

i would encourage that i see fuck all wrong with printing your own models, i do however have a problem with fuckin knife eared scumfucks :^) fuck yer eldar pal dark angels ftw, alpha legion for chaos and orks for xenos lol

whatisbestinlife ago

when your friends all played sp and csp you pick something different to play on the table

Argumentative ago

oh i understand i just have a dislike for them, its personal opinion that the fuckers should die off. don't get me wrong i don't mind eldar players or fans but the eldar themselves are scum, and whats the internet for if not for bitching at other peoples opinions :^)

lion4liberty ago

Aww the poor neck beards...maybe with the removal of the escapism entertainment they will do something about the state of their world.

whatisbestinlife ago

i think it actually will. i watch a few guys yesterday and he was sounded like he was pretty much giving up on it and what he was doing on youtube

Rabid_Robot ago

It's impossible to make a decent tale of science-fiction heroism in this day and age simply because the definition of heroism has been corrupted beyond recognition. Heroes used to stand for morality and decency whereas villains were always purely diabolical even if an audience could sometimes sympathize with their reasoning. Now, the whole thing is backwards. A large fraction of our society believes that it is decent and moral to punch your enemies for simply speaking their minds and stand for self-mutilation and a "religion" which seeks to enslave the fairer sex. How the heck do you make a decent science-fiction story of heroism which includes what is clearly pure evil as decent?

whatisbestinlife ago

agreed. and how do you solve such problems? answer: iron gauntlets.

1Anon ago

-We're "heroes" if we do things that weaken / destroy ourselves and our own future.

-We're antisemitic, racist "nazis" if we do things that (they) don't like: exposing the truth about our reality or wanting to raise our children with dignity and good character.

This is the non-stop message that is being pushed by (them) through corporate media of all forms.

Have an upvoat for seeing this as well.

Rabid_Robot ago

You're absolutely right.

Zinnsee ago

It's what (((they))) do. Take something the goys love or respect and then fuck the living shit out of it.

Heathcliff ago

It doesn't bother me that Star Wars and Star Trek suck now. I just don't watch them, but I do wish there was more new stuff to watch and read that wasn't complete garbage propaganda.

PygmyGoat ago

Thank god I still have the original three movies on laserdisc untouched by all the Lucas “improvements” and it says Star Wars, not Chapter IV: A New Hope.

Mr_big ago

I have not watched picard yet. Tell me it is not like startrek diversity. I so want to watch a startrek without white man bad. Space nigger or whore saves the day

Heathcliff ago

Haven't seen Picard but has everyone forgotten The Next Generation? The show was already SJW nonsense even when it wasn't cool. Make officers wearing skirts, and Riker falling in love with a gender fluid alien. Don't even get me started on how commie the whole thing was. The Fernengie were supposed to parody Americans for Pete's sake.

Mr_big ago

The frengie were space jews. They were money grubbing assholes that would stab their mother for a gold pressed latinum. They schemed against everyone and were un trustworthy. The rules of accusition Was the talmud. And their huge ears was the space version of a jew horn

whatisbestinlife ago

its a fire sale of a show. they keep killing off people and picard has announced hes about to die in the show

RebelJohnny ago

From what I understand it’s basically about evil white people being mean to the poor refugees and Picard has to save them.

Mr_big ago

Shit first diversity and now picard. The franchise is dead i guess

19810708321b ago

Poor bastards might actually have to start reading nonfiction.

AffirmativeApartheid ago

Who cares. Star Fag shit. Get over it.

SharpSliceOfMango ago

They tried to cuck Warhammer 40k but everybody started screaming Heresy at each other.

Reinhart ago

I dread the day when they finally cuck out and retcon decades of lore to make female space marines.

lion4liberty ago

Uhhhhh they made them years ago dude.....sisters of battle

Argumentative ago

sisters aren't Astartes lad :^) just bolter bitches but the new sculpts are pretty cool

Reinhart ago

They have power armor and boltguns, sure, but not much else in common with space marines.

I'm talking some full-on cuck-out retcon like "oh shit, we found the legendary 21st primarch! Her name is Cuntius Maximus and she leads an entire legion of strong, independent space marines who don't need no man!"

And then they'll make Cuntius the Emperor's mother, and her entire legion will be Primaris marines but with an improved statline and they all have plasma weapons that never overheat.

I'm obviously exaggerating, but watch: they'll hire some purple-haired gender studies non-binary woman who "just loves the game so much and all the established lore" and then will bitch about equality until she gets her canon female space marines.

Argumentative ago

they can't take away my already written books though, thank fuck

Reinhart ago

True. Plenty of good reading there. The Horus Heresy series is great.

Argumentative ago

aye its well good, I just got my saturnine book last saturday for the siege series

bunnysupreme ago

they fucked up Doctor Who too.

whats annoying for me is that there is still no recognition at disney ,that what they did to Star Wars was plain wrong. Even with falling DVD sales &falling toy sales, disney corporation refuses to accept they crapped all over a beloved childhood series.

and to all the idiots who paid money to see ROS; what were you thinking?!

whatisbestinlife ago

there is a bit. someone is talking over for kathleen kennedy but its all too late now. unless you plan to remake star wars 789 your napalmed your fan base

toobaditworks ago

They took it over to ruin it. That's how social justice marxists operate. They think they can brainwash using things that people already like and don't care if they destroy it in the process. They want want to show you how it "should be" (in their minds). Of course none of it ever ends up making any sense and only a few mentally ill retards or brainwashed echo chamber victims end up liking it.

InyourfaceNancyGrace ago

and to all the idiots who paid money to see ROS; what were you thinking?!

Man I usually torrent these movies purely out of curiosity, and I had completely forgotten this came out. The previous movies left me so disinterested that I don't even have the desire to see the movie for free.

ant_earth ago

The stuff is probably just doing poorly among whites but is still successful enough with regard to the nu-human audience. Since they’re actively working on eradicating whites it wouldn’t make sense for them to invest in media that appeals to whites

biscuitrage ago

Either way, they have won this battle. But, movies/television are shit anyway. Good for everyone to ignore them.

Cebi ago

Amazon is going to Ruin Lord of the Rings next.

I wouldn't even be surprised if they get JarJar Abrams on board; because we can't have a destruction of a franchise without this hack involved.

TheMatrix ago

'Directed by: Michael Bay'

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PygmyGoat ago

Wait... Amazon is doing another LOTR?? Oh I get it. There wasn’t a strong female lead in the last version, so they’re going follow the current trend of rewriting it to make it more “progressive.”

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

get ready for nigger hobbits and trans wizards

Monstrum ago

Hobo bagginz and Gandalfia 41%

tokui ago

Can't stomach the diversity pushing. Sick of "shitskins in space" and "evil white males".

Attac ago

The Mandalorian was pretty good imho. Besides the episodes with the strong female character, I can recommend it.

whatisbestinlife ago

and the blacksaber...

Attac ago

really bad choice

whatisbestinlife ago

im told the inclusion and him having it is not canon and fucked up some story line

lanre ago

Yeah, he was a terrible actor, doesn't seem menacing at all, and felt like a shitty villain shoehorned in. The bull-dyke also ruined some episodes.

whatisbestinlife ago

looking at the story art during the credits and then looking at what they produced this is truly what the current employees are capable of. this is your diversity and female hiring process. this is what lesbians are capable of. hyper simplified scenes that look like a parody of previous works that share the title.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

The Mandalorian was pretty good

It's still jewish propaganda.

Comforting yourself that one particular piece of propaganda is "not that bad" is like being thankful that on weekends, your slaveholder isnt raping you that hard.

Phantom42 ago

Guess I'll give it a go.

Pulverizor ago

Bad Reboot Robot should be spat on and booed off stages & social media.

gazillions ago

It's incredibly retarded to make hollywood movies the definition of a culture

Passive one way entertainment isn't culture and never was. It's always been brainless propaganda that stops you from thinking.

nonanonanon ago

Having read through your comments I see you have a valid and nuanced point. However, the Grimms, at the urging of Herder, did indeed consciously seed a culture using stories, many of which were not true folklore but adaptations of Perrault et al. Stories help define a culture. And it is incredibly reductive to dismiss the investment of energy in fan fiction, Klingon grammar, and other universe building that has gone on with Star Trek as ‘one-way entertainment’. Star Wars had similarly been built out by the fandom and think of the accumulation of European art music embodies by its soundtrack alone.

I went on a hunt to find out Kevin J. Anderson’s ancestry and was stymied. But I did find this delightful read:

And if we can’t blame his ethnicity, surely Brian Herbert was taking revenge for his father’s healthy homophobia by covering the Dune canon in such a spew of slig filth that the culture-building work there has been well-disguised to future generations.

Heathcliff ago

Americans watch 5 hours a TV per day. It's stupid that that is our culture, but that is our culture.

gazillions ago

No. Your culture is the courtesies shared by most. It's how you deal with hierarchy and the poor and the rich. It's how you treat animals among many other things. It isn't commercial entertainment or the countless hours spent sitting at it.

Heathcliff ago

And when most people sit and look at a screen more often then they work then sitting and looking at a screen is part of the culture.

It sucks, but our culture sucks.

gazillions ago

There's so many people that have been affected by that really stupid brainwash of "you have no culture" that they aren't able to identify a culture. They may be accidentally half right because when you are sitting alone in your room staring at a screen, you momentarily have no culture, because you are not experiencing your culture at that time. You are experiencing a one dimensional and very shallow, vague, partial, commercial representation of a culture.

Heathcliff ago

I don't know of we even disagree. Watching TV is not the totality of American culture, but it is part of it. And culture dies slowly. The great art and literature of our past is still part of our culture today, but it's becoming less and less so for a variety of reasons.

gazillions ago

Our literature is not going away. It will never go away. It goes through dips and valleys of popularity as Christianity has for two thousand years. We aren't progressing. There's no goal to the end We're just in our own time that's all.

ant_earth ago

That’s not culture. Culture involves more than simply existing

binrobinro ago

Culture is an umbrella term which encompasses the social behavior and norms found in human societies, as well as the knowledge, beliefs, arts, laws, customs, capabilities and habits of the individuals in these groups.

Heathcliff ago

It should, but we've become the lotus eaters.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

the original star wars definitely is part of American culture

not all movies are jewified trash

no-hurry-no-pause ago

Both the orignal star wars and star trek are jewish demoralization propaganda.

Making enemy propaganda your culture is a recipe for national suicide.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

lol what

gazillions ago

If you define culture as simply something every knows about, then there's nothing that isn't culture now.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

culture is defined by way of life, so yes technically everything is part of a country's culture

ant_earth ago

That’s the same argument that jews use when they want to claim that degenerate marks on a canvas constitute art. “Everything can be considered art” - except it can’t. Also, how can this ‘culture’ be a way of life? If anything it’s a way of slavery, stagnation, degeneration, and death.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

i dont know if youve lived under a rock the last 40 years but the original star wars has been one of the biggest cultural phenomenons thats came from film

ant_earth ago

modern art has also had a very significant impact on the art world, except for the fact that 'modern art' isn't actually art

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

false equivalency.

what "modern art" has had an impact on our society on the same level as star wars?

SumerBreeze ago

nah star wars is pushed as culture, but its mindless propaganda about ww2, nazi stormtroopers, etc

PygmyGoat ago

Battlestar Galactica was also destroyed.

hermes3xx ago

Too bad they killed Caprica. I watched the first episode and knew that it would never get a second season. I thought it was a great series.

PygmyGoat ago

Sci-fi, syfy, whatever they’re calling themselves now has a habit of killing shows just as they start gaining traction. Just like Firefly. I actually liked Caprica too.

Alt_Account_No_738 ago

That one confused me. The cylons were made long ago (decades), except in Caprica we were told they were invented "last week... By this guy... Who is a friend of the suddenly mafia Adama family." That is some JJ Abrams/I didn't actually think this through-level shit.

Wonder_Boy ago

Don't get me started

PygmyGoat ago

Oh c’mon.. you know you wanna rip on the decision to make Starbuck and Boomer women... Also the human-looking Cylons... let’s have at it.

Sheitstrom ago

Picard is a fucking abomination.

InyourfaceNancyGrace ago

I haven't seen it nor do I desire to, but in rewatching TNG I notice a lot of primordial SJW stuff. Like the episode where the kid believes he's an android as a coping mechanism for his parents' death, and Troi, instead of being like, "Well, maybe we should remind him that he's human and that's okay. You know, before he hurts himself by doing something like trying to work in hard vacuum because 'androids don't need to breath.'" She goes with "Well, it's his identity, we gotta roll with it. Maybe he'll snap out of it."

Naturally nothing bad happens to the kid, but the whole "we need to indulge his delusion" was certainly strong in the episode.

Anyway out of curiosity, what are some of the bad parts of Picard?

SilverAirplane ago

Entertaining reviews from The Critical Drinker:

Star Trek Picard - Episode 1 Review

Star Trek Picard - Episode 2 Review

Star Trek Picard - Episode 4 Review

He makes some very good observations about the Picard series.

phillyjoe ago

Hammer on that nail. It's always bothered me where that seed of playing into their dellusion was planted, but God damn that fucking android kid might be patient zero..

A kid from college I used to trade warez with on floppies, it was super early 90s and out grade Z school had no dorm networks) loved that episode.

I think his dad died or someone, and he went full android. Cringe as fuck. I started buying software after that.

toobaditworks ago

There's a lot of swj shit in it.

memik ago

The romulans destroyed Mars and false flagged the androids.

phillyjoe ago

At they stunning and brave?

toobaditworks ago

Yes. I didn't know this but apparently 7 of 9 is gay.

Jeri Ryan's reformed Borg drone was introduced to Star Trek: Voyager with a lot of fan hope and speculation that she would be gay, but that never panned out. However, with Seven of Nine's appearance in Star Trek: Picard, the showrunners are finally giving fans what they've long waited for!

Like who was hoping she would be gay? Seriously.

lanre ago

What's with all the gay eyepatches?

toobaditworks ago

Probably some Illuminati thing.

phillyjoe ago

I guess those 'shipper' people...? I don't know other than they cater to sex weirdos, they don't care about the 99.9% of us normal people.

Sheitstrom ago

It has kind of a sadistic violence in it that is unsettling. A head gets chopped off, an eye gouged out, but in really really gory detail, like the Saw horror-porn series of movies. It sort of gleefully centers itself on the violence, in a really creepy way. Seven of Nine kills Icheb, one of Voyager's most young and vulnerable characters, and it was just brutal and heartbreaking and totally pointless. Another man down.

But Hugh, the Borg is back...and...of course he dies. Another man down.

Riker has a son...but he died.....

There's a riff on Game of Thrones with gross brother/sister incesty action...Think low-rent actors doing Cerci Lannister etc.

There's a fucking elf. An elf that follows Picard around with a sword when everyone's shooting lasers. It's so fucking beyond terrible.

But for levity, there is swearing (fuck), and everyone treats Picard poorly so that's funny right? Picard is kind of a doddering old man, who in pure cringe is called "JL".

There is no real story arc, it kind of meanders along this way and that way and you never get the sense anyone created a full backstory for this series

There is nothing to like about this show. It's dead inside, like the writers, and it offers nothing but hopelessness.

Heathcliff ago

It sounds almost and fucking terrible as I assumed it would be. Why do you even watch this shit?

Sheitstrom ago

I really hoped it would be something different. Talk about a glutton for punishment.

lanre ago

Give us a review for the Witcher next. I couldn't take any more and gave up almost immediately on it.

Sheitstrom ago

Never played the Witcher or have seen the show...but the game is on my list of things to do. I've heard the game is great.

lanre ago

Yeah. The 1st game looks dated now. I haven't played the second in awhile but despite being clunky I'd play it once or twice just for the RPG aspects. There's a decent number of mods for the combat in the 3rd you could try, but it's fine without them IMO. It's not like Skyrim or something where the story sucks and you need better combat mechanics or it's not a very fun game.

lanre ago

A samurai elf to boot...

Sheitstrom ago

Didn't your brain just explode when the elf appears? You're ELF? An ELF in Star Trek land? What...what...DOES NOT COMPUTE ERROR EORRO

lanre ago

I didn't watch it so no, thankfully. But I looked it up and it was pretty ridiculous.

InyourfaceNancyGrace ago

Well god damn that review is so good and the show sounds so bad that now I kind of want to see it out of morbid curiosity. Before I was like, "Meh, can't be that bad, just sounds boring and an unnecessary revamp of a dead franchise." But you make it sound like a gruesome train wreck that I just gotta have a peek at.

Then again I've seen enough TV train wrecks in this day and age so my motivation may falter.

Sheitstrom ago

First two episodes are watchable. After that it hits the wall.

DoubleHappyDog ago

Sonic The Hedgehog was good. Also, join /v/theorville!