Locked in with films and books?? Movies to watch, video games to play tv shows to see, books to read during the Cornoa Apocalypse? (invidio.us)
submitted 5 years ago by 3706397?
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22910438? 5 years ago
many good books!
22945344? 4.9 years ago
TV The X-Files through story (in order):
S1E1 "Pilot"
S1E2 "Deep Throat"
S1E10 "Fallen Angel"
S1E17 "E.B.E."
S1E24 "The Erlenmeyer Flask"
S2E1 "Little Green Men"
S2E5 "Duane Barry"
S2E6 "Ascension"
S2E8 "One Breath"
S2E10 "Red Museum"
S2E16 "Colony"
S2E17 "End Game"
S2E25 "Anasazi"
S3E1 "The Blessing Way"
S3E2 "Paper Clip"
S3E9 "Nisei"
S3E10 "731"
S3E15 "Piper Maru"
S3E16 "Apocrypha
S3E24 "Talitha Cumi"
S4E1 "Herrenvolk"
S4E8 "Tunguska"
S4E9 "Terma"
S4E14 "Memento Mori"
S4E17 "Tempus Fugit
S4E18 "Max"
S4E21 "Zero Sum"
S4E24 "Gethsemane"
S5E1 "Redux"
S5E2 "Redux II"
S5E6 "Christmas Carol"
S5E7 "Emily"
S5E13 "Patient X
S5E14 "The Red and the Black"
S5E20 "The End"
The X-Files (Film 1998)
S6E1 "The Beginning"
S6E11 "Two Fathers"
S6E12 "One Son"
23039297? 4.9 years ago
@tokui @Sheitstrom @whatisbestinlife @Cebi so these culture things Star Trek and StarWars are done? https://voat.co/v/whatever/3721377/23031220
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22910438? ago
many good books!
22945344? ago
TV The X-Files through story (in order):
S1E1 "Pilot"
S1E2 "Deep Throat"
S1E10 "Fallen Angel"
S1E17 "E.B.E."
S1E24 "The Erlenmeyer Flask"
S2E1 "Little Green Men"
S2E5 "Duane Barry"
S2E6 "Ascension"
S2E8 "One Breath"
S2E10 "Red Museum"
S2E16 "Colony"
S2E17 "End Game"
S2E25 "Anasazi"
S3E1 "The Blessing Way"
S3E2 "Paper Clip"
S3E9 "Nisei"
S3E10 "731"
S3E15 "Piper Maru"
S3E16 "Apocrypha
S3E24 "Talitha Cumi"
S4E1 "Herrenvolk"
S4E8 "Tunguska"
S4E9 "Terma"
S4E14 "Memento Mori"
S4E17 "Tempus Fugit
S4E18 "Max"
S4E21 "Zero Sum"
S4E24 "Gethsemane"
S5E1 "Redux"
S5E2 "Redux II"
S5E6 "Christmas Carol"
S5E7 "Emily"
S5E13 "Patient X
S5E14 "The Red and the Black"
S5E20 "The End"
The X-Files (Film 1998)
S6E1 "The Beginning"
S6E11 "Two Fathers"
S6E12 "One Son"
23039297? ago
@tokui @Sheitstrom @whatisbestinlife @Cebi so these culture things Star Trek and StarWars are done? https://voat.co/v/whatever/3721377/23031220