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I try to help out when I can, good on you man. Thats how life is supposed to work,

NakeFews ago

This dude virtue signals on what he thinks is his blog all of the time. Fuck outta here with that shit.

SchwiftyJew ago

Good Job man.

SearchVoatBot ago

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VapidKoala ago

Nice mate. God bless you

AnotherGrayman ago

ITT: wicked people who don't understand the purpose of pay-it-forward stories

OP isn't virtue signaling for social approval, he's trying to inspire you hate-filled faggots to go outside and do something selfless for your people instead of staying indoors and screeching online for social approval.

AR47 ago

Yeah well they can keep the one here wants to fight for it, and I am done trying.

I am positive that I can find far more effective ways to make that positive influence around me than wasting my efforts here. What is so disheartening is that the only reason many here are this way is that they can't do it with money....they think that is the only way too.

Shit you could go mow your neighbors yard while doing your own, help some short person reach that last roll of toilet paper, or anything, but this place doesn't want to be better or even try. It wants to maintain the hatred and keep the anger flowing.

This Friday will be the last time I post for buying dinner. Or any form of assistance because it doesn't seem to be helping anyone. Last two times I did it was for two people I had helped before. So it seems that no one gives two fucks.

First and second times I had people comment and message me they wanted to do it as well ....then nothing when I sent them messages to the new post.

Oh well .....offer still stands for you of course. I hope your situation is getting better....really I do. I could see the difference in your eyes when you saw that some random faggot just gave a damn. I still do, but if I can't see who I am helping then I won't do shit anymore.

On a good note.....I am going home in 2 weeks. Can't wait to be in my own bed. The hotel I stayed in last night was a wreck lol. Goddamn celling opened up and dumped water all over the room at 2am and hotel was sold out. Lol

Had to stay in my truck, but at least the room was free....they gave me my points back I used to book the room.

ExpertShitposter ago

Well if you are gonna donate to someone, that's the way to do it. Most charities are scams. This way, 100% of it goes to the person in need.

AR47 ago

Every single negative comment assumes that I ment the edit for praise which I am pretty sure you know it wasnt.

I said that part of no one speaking up to mean that very few put humanity back into this site. Really it is the goddamn Q types that are the most empathetic. If it isn't bitching about games, some form of racism, or anything about drama....voat hive mind doesn't wanna see it.

The moment you try to just help someone you are obviously doing so for some sort of gain. Lol I am actually being accused of having ties to the Texasvet account now lol.

Just done with this place....people don't want to fight to keep this place. No one gives a fuck unless it directly effects them, and they can get by with the least amount of effort expended to feel they did "something".

I am just going to focus on people I see out and about. Like I said "at least they smile"

ExpertShitposter ago

People have gotten bitter. That's all. The only reason i'm here is because there is chill in the shitposter realm. If it wasn't for the SBBH stuff, there would be no reason to come here other than non fake news for 5 minutes per day.

AR47 ago

No people have an agenda.

I want you to look at these comments and decide if it isn't coordinated. It is a prevention to form bonds within community and it's to keep everyone panicking so they will only focus upon negative shit.

Unhappy people buy shit to make them happy period. They make themselves complicit to the world around them and become demoralized, and unable to resist.

Happy people within a strong community will maintain the relationship and cast doubt upon others that seek to destroy it.

Way I see it is that admin doesn't care, legacy voat users are ALL GONE now. I honestly haven't seen any of the others that were here before it was voat. Now it is just victim shaming, female bashing, racist comments, and homophobia. That is all that is left from a year of all of us working to make whoaverse into voat.


These assholes want to blame Jews and niggers.....well they did this. Wasn't kikes or was just lonely fucks that can't control any aspect of their lives, so they want to influence someone elses the only way they know that works.... negativity.

shillaccount3344 ago

I think everyone has already said what needs to be said.

Here's my 2 cents: I'm not sure how you got upvoted 173 votes for this.

i_hate_sodomites ago

I paid for some dude a few days back... he was poor and white and wanted to give me this cute little wood pony thing his grandfather made him. Very ingenious, really fucking awesome. I admired it for a moment, thought about how cool my son would think it was, and then said "no, dude, give that to your daughter; she'll love it" (he had a 3-month-old daughter in the car with his wife).

Goddamn, white people are fucking awesome.....

edgydude69 ago

Two grown ass adults can’t hustle enough to get gas money and I’m supposed to break down? Motherfucker, come back when you got a story about a sick puppy dog or some shit. Yeesh.

toobaditworks ago

That was me. He paid for my gas because he ran into my vehicle while watching pornhub videos on his cell phone. I don't even have kids but my girlfriend slapped the shit outta him for making her drop her drink on her new dress. The dude didn't even apologize. I would've called the police but he destroyed my cell phone when he hit my vehicle. He had the nerve to say "have a better day" to me after all that shit went down. Fucking piece of shit. I was on my way to my granny's funeral. What kind of jerk says some shit like that? I told him to fuck off and to drive better.

800 views. 2000 upvoats. Thanks guys for all the support! I couldn't do this without you.

G0P2 ago

You done good

HitlerDinduNufin ago

Just people that want to look, and not even bother to say or do anything?

You want a fucking cookie? Maybe next time you do something nice for someone, just do it instead of going online with your stories looking for internet goodboy points.

You sound like a fat liberal who just "punched a nazi".

TooMuchCoffeeMan ago

What do you expect from us... a medal ? Why the fuck does the guy have a kid and wive while he cant even fill up his tank ? Id say. He cant pay for thay privilege called a family. And he should sell em on ebay to fill up his tank.

TittiesLit ago

If you put out positive you usually receive it back. For me happiness is a choice. I want to be so I choose to be. Something like that.

RedWolfTheAnimal ago

Fuck you attention whore I don't owe you shit.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Some of us don't feel the need to virtue signal by posting publicly about helping others in need.

DrSelfAppointed ago

733 views as of right now, and only 40 comments which over half are this what voat has become? Just people that want to look, and not even bother to say or do anything? I mean if that is the case so be it, but I really think there are more people out there that are in the same ability to do as I am, and they just don't bother to add that humanity back to this place.

Why wont anyone pat my on the back, why can't I get acknowledged for my good deeds?! Oy vey, why doesn't virtue signaling work here on Voat?!

make you a deal, you post photographic evidence of you merking a nig, spic, or kike our of existence; I'll sing you praise like there is no tomorrow.

Iamthelightning ago

One time at a red light at a huge 4-way junction, three lanes each road, some young white rednecky looking dude in an old bronco next to me yelled out his window. He was asking for help pushing his car, said he was out of gas. Immediately I thought no fuck off but noticed his kid in a car seat in the back. Then he said he just needed help getting to the gas station and he had cash for gas so I said yeah wait there, drove through the junction and parked, ran back and helped him push. His truck was heavy as shit but the two of us pushed it across the massive junction and into the gas station. He was grateful and started filling up his car. I gave him the only cash I had which was $5 and he didn't want to take it at first. And I said the douchy "you probably need it more than me" line which I still get douche chills about today but he took it.

And I was just driving back from the corner store with booze like a giant piece of shit.

I don't know what my point is really, other than after seeing all these cynical shitty replies that we need to do more. I know we're all so fucking tired of being scammed and lied to and taken advantage of. There has to be something left though if we are to make it through this. Please look after each other.

AR47 ago

I get where you are coming from. Every Friday I offer to buy someone dinner and PayPal them anywhere from 20 to 50 bucks. I don't know what they do with it. I hope they use it for intended purpose, but I keep faith that no matter what it helps them do something positive for themselves.

Key is to stay positive and try at least to see the good in all things.

capnflummox ago

Dumb as shit post...

Chupacabra21 ago

What a bunch of bullshit. Its like thinking helping a crackwhore or nigger with 20 bucks is going to change their lives for the better and then getting all Greta on everyone for you being a pussy.

1488skier ago

I like your message. People are giving you shit because of the way you presented it. Your post reads as self praise, and a description of a great thing you did and how great a person you are. This sets you up to seem egotistical and makes people dislike you and ignore your message. You you want to encourage people to help each other, you should focus on appealing to the values and ideals of voat. What do you think might motivate a voat user to start helping his people? Is it really a post like yours? I think the results speak for themselves.

Put some more effort and thought into your posts, and I think you will find better results. I was going to critique your title as well, but it seems like you had no problem getting attention...

AR47 ago

Maybe you are right, but if you look at the subversive element and go look at older posts I have made....there is a commonality. It's selfless I assure you. My standing here is meh. Those that know my identity I actually am in contact outside of voat.

It's more about the distraction of community here than what I said. It is just how they use mental gymnastics to accomplish distrust.

This place wants misery and hate doesn't want humanity or empathy. It used to....was when voat was at it's best.

Admin was involved, people helped each other. Just a good time.

Now it is OH LOOK AT THIS POLITICAL BULLSHIT, MAKE FUN OF HOMOSEXUALS, do everything you can that involves the least amount of effort while you maintain your impotent rage.

itssomatic ago

Stick it up your ass, Agent Thunderheart.

antiliberalsociety ago

No, it's your virtue signalling and taking both sides all the damn time that causes us to distrust you. Instead of reviewing your stance, you double down just like TexasVet does and blame the masses that call you out on your bullshit. And now you've graduated to blaming the whole website. Outfucking standing. Perhaps you're related to ol' Sean seeing as you not only know more about him than he does, but you two share the same exact MO.

SpiderSpawnX ago

Help a brother out, but shoot him if he steals your garbage.

letouejil ago

That was really sweet of you!

ImmaLueserBaby ago

What's it like living in Mississippi? I'm also in the south, but my state is overrun by yankees.

AR47 ago

I don't live here....just working till the end of the month.

Hey_Sunshine ago

Don't mind the assholes, they're being paid to be here.

SpunRecord ago

Good job man. Sometimes taking one edge off can send a person's life in a whole new direction.

stray502 ago

Yeah they are pretty nasty on here lately. Must be shills. Good job it was nice of you to do that. I gave a kid $20 last Friday couldnt give him any more than that but he was appreciative I think he went and got something to eat. Everyone should pay forward when they can. It would make a much nicer world.

Attac ago

You're a good man. And I aspire to be half as good as you. Most people who beg for money are bums and junkies, because there aren't any poor people around me since I live in Central Europe with one of the best social security systems, so real poverty is hard to spot, but I like your example.

AR47 ago

Don't be like better.

PurplePimps ago

Why do you feel the need to virtue signal? True good, honorable deeds are done between the giver and the receiver and God. Voicing a deed is hypocritical and bitching about not receiving enough feedback is immature. Shame on you.

AnotherGrayman ago

Dude, go kill yourself.

You literally just told someone they should be ashamed because they did something nice, and then talked about their day.

I had a bum in Virginia Beach ask me for five dollars so he could get a plastic 4oz vodka bottle to keep him warm.

I bought him a handle of top shelf and a bag to carry it in, and he cried on the sidewalk and hugged me.

Go do a good fucking deed you evil faggot, instead of shitting on other people because you're angry that your aren't as nice.

PurplePimps ago

See, you also needed to virtue signal! I didn't ask you about your good deed, you decided to impose it on me anyway. You're just as guilty as op

AnotherGrayman ago





-PurplePimps, 2020

PurplePimps ago

Go get help buddy, you're the miserable one calling people names, using big insulting words behind your keyboars, what a sad little person you are, you dorito fingered, cheetos dust infected pathetic piece of shit.

AnotherGrayman ago

White cheddar CheeseNips or GTFO

PraiseIPU ago

.is this what voat has become

yup since putt locked it down to chase off the Qtards. well guess what? every other good person left too. now all thats left are 4chan trolls.

AR47 ago

I bet that 80% of this comment section is negativity....nothing and I mean nothing that bonds community is seen as welcome here. I know why empress left now. These people don't want anything short of the spread of misery and hatred ...for what?

I mean it too...what does it give them in return...more loathing and misery? How could anyone want that?

Ugh this place is just the worse.

I wanted to make a difference here and all it did was bring out more and more hatred. Last time I do that shit is this Friday

No one else wants to even comment....last few were actually in the negative for vote counts because people don't give a fuck, and even messaged puttitout to sticky it once..nothing. fuck it they can have this place because no one wants to fight for it.

I will stick with just helping random out here in the road from now on. At least they smile.

PinkiePunk ago

Thank you. This place can be so... its like people assume that a response is an argument. I came here to listen, not argue.

Maybe we should band together and take over a dead sub.

PraiseIPU ago

I mean this post is at 180 positive

so it seems mostly the self loathers comment

channers come in, shit on everything then say "look how shitty this place is"

keep spreading love.

AR47 ago

I will, but just find a better way

antiliberalsociety ago

Empress left because she was getting attacked viciously with every post and comment. She was also going through real life shit and probably had no time or energy for this place.

You whine like every liberal faggot I've encountered.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Was that during the 'niece' episode? Man, that sure turned out differently than she expected.

Slipstream ago

Backstory? All I member is she was pregnant (with twins I think). Niece episode?

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Her niece was coming to visit, and was some kind of 'kid leftist', or similar. The plan was essentially to 'redpill' her and post about it, but I think she already had too much on her plate and it all went wrong. Lots of hate in voat comments, and I think it caused family issues.

Slipstream ago

Oh that's not good. Never talk politics or religion at family gatherings.

PinkiePunk ago

If it is unavoidable, try to use subtle eye-signals to assist your friends in herding the spoilsports into a big group. Take it in turns to drop out until just one of you is left. Then ask a wide-ranging political question and duck backwards going 'uh-huh, that's so interesting until you are able to just turn from the newly expanding drum circle of hell and leave them to devour each other.

CoronavirusPatient0 ago

You ruined a perfectly good post by complaining about people's reaction to it.

Dambuster ago

Good on ya.

Mikaasaurus ago

Positive mental attitude all the way. Thank you for sharing

Lokester ago

In light of your edit : so you did a good deed - don't bring your ego into it. That is all.

TomServo79 ago

Hey bro, that is the way to be. Help out when you can.

Hats off to you sir.

AR47 ago

Just a nigger faggot helping out another nigger faggot is all.

Divinelight ago

I tend to read, upvoat if deserved and continue.

I choose to believe your story, it's the type of action that just makes you feel good. Well done.

HorrorWithin ago

733 views as of right now, and only 40 comments which over half are negative ...

If the comment ratio to views is low, that is probably a good thing. To me that implies tacit approval, well, minus the bot army. Also, you probably don't want others posting shit comments like "This!" and other time wasting variants anyway. I try not to comment unless I feel it is at least marginally useful, unless I am drunk, in which case I wrongly believe you all need to read every stupid thought in my head.

WillowsRecipe ago

Doing small things around you is always worth it, even if no one else notices.

ginx2666 ago

And then gas pumps started clapping.

That man's name? Adolf Hitler

AR47 ago

Long as it isn't a nigger I would likely help them....well not I won't help middle eastern fucks either.

Moonlightequalibrium ago

All they ever say to me is that they are from 60 miles away and need a few dollars in gas to get back, with their sunken in meth face. Has one approach my wife from behind while she was putting our kids in the car and I was walking back from returning the shopping cart, almost shot that clown show faggot. It really depends, you never really know what someone else is going through, but, in my area, more often than not, they are looking for the gibs. I don't have to deal with niggers very often, and I'm thankful for that though.

absurdlyobfuscated ago

The problem is that most decent people who are genuinely in need don't want to debase themselves by asking for handouts. So the ones that do ask are mostly con artists or junkies. Too many people out there try to prey on your sympathies.

AR47 ago

I mean hey you know your situation better than I do. I won't help a junkie anymore....did it over on Reddit recently and didn't help, so I told him no...fucker sent me over 100 requests for money.

People here that I have helped haven't done shit like that.

antiliberalsociety ago

did it over on Reddit recently

And there we have it, your virtue signalling explained.

RoboGoat2000 ago

So, you came here to post about it and get some social recognition? Keep doing good deeds, but don't publicize them. Doing good for others is reward enough. Don't seek praise for your good deeds. That's not why you do them anyways, right?

AnotherGrayman ago

Keep doing deeds, but don't publicize them

Why the fuck not? Some of you shitheads on this site NEED to be reminded what kindness looks like.

Most of you are just here to spit venom in every direction because you're pissed that you can't change real life.

Telling someone you did something good and sharing the positivity isn't the same as being a faggot virtue signaler who wants attention.

Jesus fucking Christ, have you ever heard the phrase "setting an example?"

Iamthelightning ago

The OP is the kind of thing we need to be reminded that we are naturally inclined towards. Shit has gotten so bad that most of us have forgotten that we would naturally do this when we're not in a hostile environment.

Hostility is today's default, though it is not our default.

Our default is cooperation.

AR47 ago

Not seeking anything but others that can to do so. And in turn spread some of that humanity here as opposed to all the negativity

whitesilk ago

Don't you know guys here curse each other as a sign of affection?All guys do that.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Good stuff, man.

petevoat ago

Voat is not real life. Get over it.

But nice story of you helping out.

AR47 ago

Why isn't it real? I don't act any different here as to what I would if you were to meet me.

That is the problem I feel. People would do such things here they never would and in turn they are lying to themselves.

Seems worse to me, doesn't it to you?

petevoat ago

You are complaining that you are getting negative posts.

These are from online strangers. That you don't know.

AR47 ago

No not complaining. Why would I do that? Serves no one really.

I am asking how it is that so little humanity is expressed upon this platform...always with such anger and hate, that the moment anyone tries or does something like this all the replies are like yours....think I want attention.

How does that help anyone?

turtlesareNotevil ago

White people should definitely go out of their way to help out other white people.

High_Sierra_Trail ago

The negative commenters are worthless. You made a positive difference in the lives of strangers because of compassion. Those who find fault wuth this are degenerates.

psilocyb ago

But who walked the dinosaur

Ocelot ago

733 views as of right now, and only 40 comments which over half are this what voat has become? Just people that want to look, and not even bother to say or do anything? I mean if that is the case so be it, but I really think there are more people out there that are in the same ability to do as I am, and they just don't bother to add that humanity back to this place.

Faggoty edit

AR47 ago

So what you are saying is

So be it

Ocelot ago

No, I'm saying that your edit made me feel like I was reading a reddit feelgood post.

Simonsaysgoat ago

This is what whites should be doing for one another. I will continue this amongst our own.

AR47 ago

Hey that is great....really man even you thinking of doing it is a start. Also you will know when is a good time to help someone.

Simonsaysgoat ago

I always go out of my way to help whites when the opportunity presents itself. I just had my first child so it may be a while before I can afford to spread money around. Anything else I can do to help I take the opportunity.

AR47 ago

Dude you did more than I can with these small acts. You made a person that can maybe change the world.... congratulations.

Simonsaysgoat ago

Thank you. It's the scariest and most rewarding thing I have ever done. I will raise him right

JohnGoodman ago

I once paid for a negros gas! It wasn’t by choice though, he asked me for spare change so he could get home, then pointed a gun at me through the passenger window. Good times

GeneralSkidmark ago

Sad how many people can't imagine something like this actually happening.

AR47 ago

It's is because they base experience off personal feelings.

They would never do it so how can anyone else?

DestroyerOfSaturn ago

Such a cuck move.

BentAxel ago

I would love this story to be real. Someone needed help, didn't ask for it but another human saw he could help and did. I hope it's exactly that way. I'm cynical. I've seen the worst and what people will do, put their own children into to avoid a job.

I hope this was all real.

AR47 ago

It is as real as me doing the thing where I buy dinner for someone on here every Friday, or at least I try to....sometimes no one takes me up on it, but seems the people I have done before are coming to me again.

Kinda want new ones is all....twice is ok, but more than that it seems like they are getting used to it is all

Thing is that as cynical as you are....others are worse. Accuse me of doing this to gain information to be used against them for some nefarious purpose or to dox them. All I ask is an email to PayPal the money too...

Of course others suggested Bitcoin, but I don't trust that method. It isn't quick by any means...hardly anyone takes it as payment for a meal....and it's just not convenient.

Working on getting egift cards to give to people. (Just a set of numbers one can use for their online ordering)

Same with Amazon gift cards for Xmas to give to people. I rack up points with my hotel stays and usually I give it to my son's teachers, or others in line at black Friday while waiting to pay for my shit.

Thing is that what good is money if it doesn't help someone smile? There is decent people out there other than myself..

Tandemlee ago

Hello rabbi. Good effort going through making this post to pain the picture of an altruistic person so as to raise less suspicions when you use a dinner offer as a means to get a users personal information.

Good effort Levi

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Yeah, working overtime to respond to every fucking comment. This thread has really opened my eyes.

AR47 ago


Love how voat always has the same subversive element, but always has a new user name to throw an accusation.

Tandemlee ago

You love how different users on this website are able to spot the truth about your bullshit ?

AR47 ago

Ain't no bullshit. Just someone out in the world that wants to help others because they finally can is all.

I get that your pessimistic nature, or whatever keeps you from bothering to even consider such a thing is happening, but it is, and with me I feel like giving back.

Besides there is enough negativity here.....why not add something a bit different?

Tandemlee ago

Because in the very nature of this site is an importance for users to remain anonymous. You know this, as do the users of this website. In fact in the user agreement you are advised not to share personal information with other users. Which is good advise on any forum website, but especially on one with this with such uncensored controversial topics and discussions.

If you want to help you could do something to help someone somewhere where it is not important to remain anonymous. And that is why you made this post, to counter this statement.

In fact your entire post is counterarguments.

.sometimes no one takes me up on it, but seems the people I have done before are coming to me again.

Kinda want new ones is all....twice is ok, but more than that it seems like they are getting used to it is all

Counter to why you don't give the same needy people a meal every week if there is no one else who wants it.

Of course others suggested Bitcoin, but I don't trust that method.

Counter to why you don't use bitcoin.

Working on getting egift cards to give to people

Counter to why you don't use egift card. Not sure if this is more shielded than what you're doing currently.

You are lying to people and doing more harm than good by tricking users on this website into doxing themselves in return for one meal.

Mind_Games ago

Obvious Jew bullshit stories on the internet are the fucking worst.

fuspezza ago

God bless

Hey_Bud ago

Last time I tried to be good natured like this, the asshole shit bag not only filled up his car but all his buddies. 275.00 later.......

Flirp ago

Damn, next time stick around until he hangs up the pump. That sucks.

heygeorge ago

Also that didn’t happen

Gingercuntfirecrotch ago

Wife and kids in the car and their going to work? I don’t buy it.

ShalomGoyim ago

TexasVet, LYING?


GeneralSkidmark ago

Maybe the wife needed the car while he was at work? Sometimes the expense of two cars isn't worth it. My husband and I share a vehicle.

JohnGoodman ago

Your husband... user name skid mark.... FOUND THE FAGGOT GUYS

GeneralSkidmark ago

I'm female you fucking retard

UsedToCuck ago

No girls on the internet

GeneralSkidmark ago

Yeah, I know

Bobtheviolent ago

Or the clothes washer

AR47 ago

Your right won't and you didn't..I did.

whitesilk ago

I had a black guy come up to me in the grocery store parking lot yesterday. He asked for gas money to get to the next town because his grandma died. I said I have heard that one before.

toobaditworks ago

I look at them as they walk over and before they say a word I shout NO. They get so mad. Ay mayn you a asshoe. LOL

It makes my day better every time.

Lokester ago

His response: ?

Mughsifileishiiitetttfwhiiwtefuckennnpoischit. Am I close?

observation1 ago

Theres a guy in Nevada who used to run that routine with his 8 year old. His 8 year old probably 25 now and I bet hes known for a long time just how pathetic his dad is.

Lokester ago

I think I met that guy once. I only had a credit card and he was looking for cash.

SMH :-(

absurdlyobfuscated ago

I've run into grifters like that. Their car is out of gas, or they got kicked out of their home, or some sob story that just feels like it must be true that they tell oh so convincingly, where just a few bucks will really help, man. I always offer to pay for something with a credit card. "Sorry man, I don't carry cash." See how they react. A con will recognize that I won't give them anything and move on to the next mark. A person genuinely in need will take me up on the offer.

I've had my generosity taken advantage of too many times.

Lokester ago

I've had my generosity taken advantage of too many times.

Same here.

In that instance, I did have cash but I put on mental armor before I go out, especially in a place like Vegas. They guy was clearly full of shit and I wasn't in the mood. I'm sorry his life sucks and he's a drug addict or gambling addict or whatever his problem is life sucks too and I was there on business doing work I don't really like to put food on my family. :-)

I give to charities that I think do good work. So fuck that guy, lol.

con77 ago

Dang white people and their being nice to others!

AR47 ago

I ain't white ..I am injun, but I don't mind helping the privilege class.

whitesilk ago

I am nurse and they are always begging for nurses to work on the rez. Except you can't have your horse or dog seen from the road or the drive by natives will shot it for fun. No thanks

AR47 ago

What can this site offer me other than skepticism? Seriously I don't want a fucking thing tangible from this place and I never have.

Every since I have began to give back on here it has been met with criticism. 99% of the comments are from people that think it is for nefarious purpose. Lol as if there is anything that anyone would want from this place that involves the slightest bit of humanity.

I am just crazy and think it is here, and I am going to find it.... persistence beats resistance.

The only easy day was yesterday. It pays to be a winner.

con77 ago

Im so privileged Im $91 overdrawn right now.

AR47 ago

Do you have PayPal?

If you can wait till Friday I can send you 150 so you ain't and you can have dinner on me.

con77 ago

I get paid at midnight. But thanks

AR47 ago

Alright. I would have done something now, but made a massive investment into my Roth yesterday.

Seriously if you want dinner on Friday message me.

con77 ago

I appreciate it. Give to a veterans charity. Not wounded warrior.

AR47 ago

Well definitely going to the nursing home near the house when I get back. I have a rain check on a chess game with this guy.

con77 ago

Are you for real? I have volunteered close to 1000 hours for a local veterans charity over the years. I may be broke but not spiritually. I was a nurse but my arthritis got too bad and I had to quit working. Im looking to get an attorney and try to get disability. I currently work part time on weekends. I own a modest home and a 4 year old truck. I get by.

AR47 ago

Yeah my son and I go "adopt a senior" most of the time we get vets. We take them to the range, or wherever they wanna go or do. I have a standing appointment to play chess with this one guy.

My son builds the puzzels with the women and whatever else he can do for them.

Cat-hax ago

In my town the pump jockeys are going to spread Corona, the touch every one's cards.

AR47 ago

It's why I pay in cash when in NJ. Won't let them handle my card. Mother fuckers, ain't a one of the white either.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Cash money is the vector to avoid.

Shotinthedark ago

Good on you bro!

Ina_Pickle ago

I love Vicksburg. Stopped there for a random weekend get away once. Still one of the best trips I’ve taken. Enjoyed it more than standing in line at Disney for a 30 sec ride.

AR47 ago

Lots of casinos for damn sure, but seems pretty relaxed and happy here.

Love watching the boats going up and down the river ...can't wait till this weekend when I go get a drone..need to add some content to this site and some of these places really need to be seen.

tokui ago

Cool story, white boi.

The_Venerable ago

That's cool. We need to have each other's backs.

ShalomGoyim ago

Too bad this is Texas vet, and he's a lying scheming scamming stealing fucking rat, and the chances of this having happened are NIL, he's more likely to have stolwntthe locket money of the guy in front.

Just do a website search for TexasVet, you'll find that you're looking for.

Lokester ago

Read that as : We need to have each other's blacks.

Thought: Fuck you, I ain't takin care o yo nigs.

spaceman84 ago

Brother, I will return your escaped slaves to your plantation without expectation of recompense. I simply hope you would do the same for others. It's the White thing to do.

Lokester ago

Indubitably good sir.

AR47 ago

Thing is that if you put positive actions into the world it's likely you will get the same in return. Always going to be that subversive element that wants to spread misery, but I just ask that they have a better day than yesterday.

Genocide ago

I think helping others is in actuality the subversive act in our current world.

gazillions ago

NO, the world isn't following you around to reward your "positive actions" You help people for practical because YOU decided they needed it, and it didn't hurt YOU to help. For all you know something really bad could have happened to that entire family because of what you did. You could have set in a chain of action you will never know about.

This is why help should be anonymously given whenever possible, and it isn't a thing to brag about. If there was a such a thing as positive and negative justice retribution in the natural order of things, (There isn't, societies invent their own version of positive and negative and mete out their own justice to enforce it, otherwise there'd be chaos because the universe doesn't give a shit, and you aren't the center of it) you'd be punished for that bragging.

prairie ago

My justification for helping people out (occasionally) is the mindset it fosters for me. I tend to focus on negative things and holding people accountable, but that just enhances my radar for that kind of thing. Helping random people out where it's not much cost to me encourages the mindset of looking for ways of bypassing stupidity and moving on, so you can be creating more value rather than trying to make people pay (zero-sum).

antiliberalsociety ago

The best way to help is education.

Here's how to not fuck your shit up like this again in the future

gazillions ago

Half of all people in the United Sates are dependent on taxpayer provided money to survive. You're no better than the assholes that are willing to accept food banks as a solution to homelessness because it makes you feel good. Ending this crap wouldn't benefit you, or people like you in any way so we live with homelessness and poverty because of people like you.

prairie ago

Not sure what "people like me" are. Food banks are better than giving money to people soliciting near traffic lights, just as private charity is better than government handouts: more accountability. I don't really have any opinion of food banks (privately funded) in particular. A solution to homelessness? Well, you first have to focus only on those who want homes. The long-term solution is a free market, minimal or no government. A lot of problems just disappear because you don't have a massive tumor sucking resources from people who can use them productively.

Still not entirely sure what you've pegged me as, or what you think my positions are on things. Feel free to ask questions so you can offer a more coherent critique.

gazillions ago

You really don't get it do you. It's mind boggling how thoroughly the narcissism of giving takes over people's brains like a fucking virus. Until the 1980

Until the early 1980s there were no food banks because no one needed a fucking food bank. The need for food banks is there to serve the givers, not the needy. We'd wipe out that need if people like you didn't get off so much on your giving bullshit.

prairie ago

You even think anyone is interested enough in YOU to ask you questions about how your brain works.

If you're going to critique someone and offer advice, you have to understand where they're coming from. You don't seem to understand my mindset which is why I offered the opportunity to educate yourself. Further, most humans enjoy learning about each other and gaining wisdom from this.

We'd wipe out that need if people like you didn't get off so much on your giving bullshit.

That's nice, except I don't donate money, nor give much of anything to people besides picking something up they dropped, etc. Actually, an exception: I pay taxes, so I'm supporting the disgusting welfare state.

gazillions ago

I don;t need to be educated on YOU. Nobody does, except possibly you and your mommy.

I don't care who or what you give to. You chose to tell me earlier that you GIVE, and people do that to inflate their own self estimation. You've completely ignored the part where I said in so many words that continuing to give stops any fixing of the problem. I don't like people that say the things you say. They're damaging, detrimental and hurtful to people and they don't appear to actually give a shit about anything but demonstrating what a great and wonderful person they are - specifically because they aren't.

prairie ago

Well I agree with you regarding giving to feel good about oneself. I think that people should figure out the selfish reason they do things, because everything is motivated by that. Not suer why you're against being selfish, because it's the only way you can be, the only question is whether you are honest about it or wrap it in a lie that it's purely for other people.

gazillions ago

You aren't very good at psychologizing people, so you should probably not waste your time with that.

AR47 ago

The world has really fucked you up man....I hope you have yourself a better day.

gazillions ago

Typical. Instead of questioning yourself, you throw it out externally for blame. Let me guess; you've been heavily involved in self improvement all your life, and now you're better than yourself and anyone that points out your errors.

Titanbikes4ever ago

Nah, he's a lonely fat drunk that is paid to get information on us(voat users). He's sharing fake stories to try and become our friends. A lot of people know he's a bullshit shill.

Whenever anyone points out his flaws or disagrees with him, he always says he hopes they get happy someday. Lol, caring about happiness is so stupid anyway. The only thing you can do is set your life up to be conducive to those fleeting moments. He should be concerned about propagating the white race, but he's not, he's a dumb agent that drinks a lot.

AR47 ago

No I don't know shit about self improvement.

I know that when I was as cynical as you and many others within this thread shit was always a struggle, and since I have just been positive it hasn't....

I mean there has to be something there.

antiliberalsociety ago

No I don't know shit about self improvement.

I know that when I was as cynical as you and many others within this thread shit was always a struggle, and since I have just been positive it hasn't....

I mean there has to be something there.

Sounds like some faggoty Yoga shit. Did you give up eating meat as well? It reminds me of a quote from Yuri Bezmenov:

We really pushed the Beatles going to India and making Yoga popular, my superiors in Moscow LOVED this idea. They said 'Really? All you have to do to solve your problems is concentrate within?' The useful idiots ate it up instead of fighting the corruption causing their problems in the first place.

white_male30 ago

Strawmanning and handwaving at the same time, nice. Where can I find the 10 commandments of Yuri Bezmenov? Didn't know his opinion mattered this much.

antiliberalsociety ago

Funny how some random alt comes out of the woodwork to defend this piece of shit, using a strawman accusation whilst strawmanning. Yuri has more credit than you do, so go youtube him and take notes, you might learn something.

white_male30 ago

No one was talking about yoga, you fucking retard. You brought it up and shot it down by quoting some offhand remark. And I don't defend anyone, just pointed out your bullshit argument. You're the one that's strawmanning.

"Yuri has more credit" is an appeal to authority and not a valid argument, I already know who he is, unlike you I don't pull comments out of my ass.

antiliberalsociety ago

You must not know any liberals then, all those yoga faggots do is talk about positivity and charity bullshit, preaching in the same virtue signalling manner as this faggot.

Yuri spoke on this topic in great detail, farther than you'll ever venture in your pseudo argument.

An appeal to authority

How the fuck is this even an argument? He was Soviet trained KGB that knew every trick in subversion, are you saying he isn't credible on the topic?

I don't pull comments out of my ass

Don't look now, but...

white_male30 ago

You must not know any liberals then

"You must be a shill, because you don't jump to conclusions like me"

How the fuck is this even an argument? He was Soviet trained KGB

This is besides the point, but going by your assumption I should support gay marriage (I don't) because Obama was president and probably CIA trained (position of authority), all it should take to win me over is to be presented with some flimsy argument, otherwise I'll look unreasonable, that's typical goy cattle thinking.

Yuri talks about yoga as if it's the same as the government-backed hippie movement, which it is not. It's a common soviet trick to demoralise others in every way possible, the government is shit and ever reaching, everyone's out there to trick you, etc. If he's such a smart person, he would this is not the case, so he's either a moron or malicious, either way I don't fall for some old man's bullshit.

You're acting more like a shill, @AR47 tries not to be a dick and you try to bring him down to your level.

antiliberalsociety ago

You're acting more like a shill, @AR47 tries not to be a dick and you try to bring him down to your level.

And you say you aren't defending that fraud. Kek. He defended the fraud @TexasVet committed, how do you get around that one? He's virtue signalling us to dox & post pix of our kids on here, and you gloss over those facts cuz "tries to not to be a dick".

You have yet to present a valid argument. Split hairs all you want, Yuri spoke the truth which Obama did not, what a fallacious argument. And now you put fee fees above logic & fact, wew lad!

gazillions ago

Cynical is a corespondents in your divorce case with reality.

AR47 ago

Maturity is what you think you have when you call someone a twat?

We are done here because it is now you lashing out with anger and hatred...stopped being a discussion a while ago it seems

I hope you have yourself a better day deserve it.

gazillions ago

You just may be the phoniest person I've ever seen post on Voat.

GodsLikeUs ago

I have no idea what any of you are on about but this "have yourself a better day" business makes me want to kick you in the balls. Don't be telling me how to have a day cunt.

AR47 ago

Well you deserve to have a better day than yesterday.

antiliberalsociety ago

You argue like a pseudo intellectual

PinkiePunk ago

That's nice :) good philosophy.

AR47 ago

Seems to be working for over a year now. Think I am gonna stick with it.

PinkiePunk ago

I've been doing something similar. It's just a better way to live.

NamelessCrewmember ago

Good on you.

Bushtaco321 ago

Went to shake my hand and I was like na your black. Just do me a favor and dont rob anyone today.

Lokester ago

Goddamn, I just bust a gut!

AR47 ago

Nope was a white guy.

Bushtaco321 ago

Yeah I went out on a limb with that. I just guessed cause of the south and all. Good job tho. Mad props. Hope he pays it forward. I almost did not post but I was like shit I am anonymous so fuck it.

AR47 ago

Doesn't I usually stay clear of niggers due to personal preference anyways.

ShineShooter ago

*Group preference.

BentAxel ago

And white guys are absent of all wrong.

Landrictree ago

Establish dominance, breed his wife.

AR47 ago

Na he had a family and I got one of those too....pretty sure he just needed some help is all. Didn't need to be a home wrecker

slumbermachine ago


Cransch ago

Your fake blog posts always make my day.

White_pride_cis ago

As a vet, @texasvet is a faggot and a cunt. He reminds me of the obese army wife who screams she doesn’t get her 10% discount, as her 3 little mixed nigglettes let’s run around unfettered. Fuck that guy. @crensch are you him?

Lokester ago

How the fuck did you know this is TexasVet? Haha, I see he's not denying

antiliberalsociety ago

It's not him, he was talking to him in agreement with what TexasVet did. I noticed he's always taking both sides.

Lokester ago

Oh, gotcha. I like @AR47. Seems a decent dude to me, feather and all.

AR47 ago

I will make sure I do a rain dance for you when I get the chance.

edgydude69 ago

Can you make it rain pussy?

Lokester ago

Can you make that snow? I like cold.

AR47 ago

Wasn't a GoFundMe. It was mostly sent to a Bitcoin wallet that I set up and posted.

Paid rent, utilities, some dietmesous Earth for the fleas on the doggo, and groceries. Most went to rent as I said it would and I posted the receipts for all of it in traditionalhusbands. Just as I said I would in my original post


blackzetsu ago

Hold on, are you admitting to us goats that your selling people a guilt story and taking their money? Almost like a scam? I'm not judging, just curiois

AR47 ago

Did you bother to look at the context of the comment that person linked?

Did you bother to look at the age of the comment they linked?

Lastly did you even look at my history to see what I was even talking about?

I am betting it was no to each of the questions I asked. Now you can reply with some absurd and completely useless comment, or you can take some time to answer the two easy ones and then...only then will I continue to answer you.

antiliberalsociety ago

Oh, I think you answered quite clearly whether or not you intended to.

antiliberalsociety ago

I agree the money was yours to do with what you wanted, and even when I had people on voat give me money I did with it as I saw fit, but I also gave detailed expenditures to those that asked.

Here you are agreeing with @TexasVet that using the money on something other than what he claimed he needed it for, which we all know is fraud. Then you turn around and encourage doxxing like it's some kind of bait. Then there's your virtue signalling us to post pix of our kids on here when you posted yours at the range (if it was yours) despite being "doxxed" and visited by the ATF over Voat posts.

AR47 ago

Are you bored? I mean really you just keep notes on everything that happens here so that you can what exactly? Index users comments to try and frame them within a different meaning.

You want me to justify all that bullshit you did mental gymnastics on when I am the one that gave you the info I found one him as well

Yet somehow...I side with this guy?

I am going to just block you because you need someone to hate, and well I don't need that negativity in my life.

DrSelfAppointed ago

Why don't you post as TexasVet anymore? Is it because your name is so sullied that you can't stand being called out on a constant basis? You give vets a bad name, you worthless shrew.

antiliberalsociety ago

Truth fears no investigation. You defended that fraud, that was all the reason I needed to keep an eye on your actions. You act just like he does.

AR47 ago

You do yourself a favor and have a better day.

ShalomGoyim ago

Do yourself and everyone else a favor and gas yourself you lying scheming fucking rat of a content stealing wannabe kike.

Cransch ago

Why? Most of you will all die soon.

AR47 ago

Everyone deserves to be happy about something. Makes the day go by faster.

Fuckle_Chucks ago

Most will not die soon enough, unfortunately.

Lokester ago

Not me. I will die not soon enough. HA!

Fuckle_Chucks ago

You must be a god!

Lokester ago

Would a God not understand the last thing he posted? I know i will soon enough know that I'll die enough soon. And you can take that to the knab.

Cransch ago


KatTheHun ago

I second this agreement.

Now ban me from your precious private sub that somehow appears on the front page as if it was impossible to block and unsubscribe from it or something.

Shit. If you do not ban me they will know I I am your alt. Or something.


Cransch ago

What sub?

KatTheHun ago

Lol tis good spelling of name. Well done.

KatTheHun ago

Damn it I have been fooled again.

Cransch ago

WhiteRonin died for our sins.

KatTheHun ago

So did Beatlejuice.

Cransch ago


Crensch ago


KatTheHun ago


Crensch ago


KatTheHun ago

This is true.

You! You ban me from wherever the fuck you wanna ban me from, k? I feel left out.

BillyLuath ago

Well, that was negative.

Cransch ago

Reality tends to not be pretty.

BillyLuath ago

I don't track voat personalities, except that one retard.