And I'm like super pathetic so that means a lot coming from me. You guys create this stupid online drama to give you some feeling of a purpose in life yet in the back of your mind you know it accomplishes absolutely nothing whatsoever. You are making no difference for yourself or anyone else by doing this every single day. It's just stupid, really stupid, far dumber than what I do even.
You're doing voat all wrong and acting like emotional women who like to bicker with each other nonstop. Let me give you some free advice: start spending a little chunk of the time that you normally spend manufacturing this online drama in the gym and do some actual good for yourselves you pathetic XL turd worthless fuck sticks.
Nobody here cares about your online feuds with other users so stop posting about it. All of you. Its boring.
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kammmmak ago
You ARE that very actual drama bitch that never stops on Voat always changing your account every month or so. You frustrate so easy. You cry when Voat don't give you attention like it's your birthday party at your house and no one includes you actually makes you center stage. You define faggot whore.
antiliberalsociety ago
I've noticed a trend, posts like this seem to pop up in the wake of posts like these going bad on the OP.