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Joe_McCarthy ago

From the looks of things you belong in a mental institution. Though you're on Voat so I repeat myself.

Or maybe more seriously: drug rehab.

theoldones ago


you are sitting here telling the rest of you want to see a 15 year old finger herself, you are a porn-spamming pedophile. how many times have you secretly shown us child porn when you claim they're older then 18?

Joe_McCarthy ago

If I'm going to break the law it'll be a lot more interesting than with a 15 year old fucking herself, believe me.

70times7 ago

But you are breaking the law. The same law you forget is damning you as you read this.

Joe_McCarthy ago

My law is hot white females. Fingering themselves. But they've necessarily been at least 18.

Inaminit ago

Hey joe your mother's calling, I think she's stuck under the horse again!!