Merlynn ago

Your existence is an affront to them. You must be destroyed. Until you understand that and fight back,they'll keep trying to achieve that.

Inaminit ago

Hacks and kikes always hose anything that doesn't make money or win influence for the tribe.

WhiteChickens ago

i'm not mad, i'm just disappointed.

Good for you.

I am mad, I want my revenge.

Inaminit ago

No need in disappointment; all accounts will be paid in full with interest compounded as per user agreement. If you have any questions feel free to contact customer support @ 1-800-imadumbass -or- visit us @

keksupreme ago

just existing is a trial with the jews. i guess all goyim are supposed to be harassed to death by them just for existing.

what a sad joke

Intrixina ago

That's because these cunts have no respect for others' personal boundaries.

It's why whenever any of those fuckwits try, I remind them quite forcefully that it will NOT be working the way they want it. They tend to fuck off pretty damn quickly when they realise that you're not going to budge from their flavour of mental illness.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

you sound like a flaccid bitch. delete your account.

Inaminit ago

You sound like a cock choking faggot, delete yourself.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

who the fuck are you? op's boyfriend? save your homoerotic fantasies.

Inaminit ago

I'm that nigger who stands up in your moma's ass, girlyboi... Go diddle yourself.

ShakklezthaKlown ago


Inaminit ago

Odd? You should hear that ass moan...

ShakklezthaKlown ago


Chempergrill ago

@theoldones is too scared to ever rape like a real Viking

JustGuessing ago

Cheer up fucker! You'll get there eventually to where you'll be able to look back and laugh about how the faggots were never helpful anyways.

CowboyXero ago

Let me help you out here. First, look into two games; Myfarog by Varg Vikernes and Ten Candles by Stephen Dewey. Neither of these games are cucked and the best part is there's no real way to cuck out Ten Candles. Ten Candles is a tragic horror game where, no matter what you do, all the player characters die at the end. You're not sitting there with identity politics when you're playing that game, you're busy trying to make your impact in some way or another. In both of those games, you can step completely out of yourself and into your character. Myfarg is fucking cheap. You can get every book created (Core Sourcebook plus all other books) for something like $75 and they're print to order. I already have them all as well as some of Varg's other works. They're good and the content is sensible stuff. Anyway, you can write your tabletop games if you like. Truth is, if it's good or has a good premise, I'll buy that shit and probably try to goad friends into playing it. I've already done so with Myfarog and Ten Candles.

Many of us are straight up abandoning the world of online MMORPGs for the reason that these shitbags running around are insisting that we abdicate the digital worlds to them and then bow to their every whim. When we don't, they destroy it completely. Well, the beauty of tabletop and dice is, that's not as apt to happen when you can throw someone out. If I'm running a game my first line is, "there may be politics in the story of the game but the dice control everything. No real world politics will take place in this game. If you have a problem with that, leave. I'm not going to spend any more time on it. You're either in or in the way. We all good? Remember. This is my only warning." Leave it at that.

If you do come up with a good RPG system, definitely keep us up to date because, if the theme is interesting, I'm more than willing to fork over some money to at least try it out. D&D, White Wolf, all those with identity politics one way or the other have lost me as a customer.

theoldones ago

Myfarog by Varg Vikernes i've heard good things about yes

Intrixina ago

If you're into MMOs its better to find a good private server where the staff aren't cucked. You get the game of choice, and its free of SJW fuckwittery.

CowboyXero ago

I used to be. That was long ago. I never go where I'm not welcome.

cyclops1771 ago

What identity politics is involved with D&D?

CowboyXero ago

That mostly has to do with the company Wizards of The Coast, not so much the games themselves. White Wolf and the makers of Call of Cthulhu have been more outright by putting it into the games themselves, WoTC has been shilling for "respek wamen" and basically telling any straight white males to fuck off because they're not wanted or needed.

If I ever feel the desire to play those games, I pirate them. A laptop with "free" PDF files works just as well.

Not only that but look at the prices of the books. Fuck's sake they're approching $50 per book if they're not there already. Tell me something. People like that call you all the names they want, tell you you're not needed, smugly tell you to get used to being replaced...then you're going to pay that colossal price for just ONE of their books? Fuck that noise. I'll steal that shit and they can try coming after me.

cyclops1771 ago

Fair enough.

Especially considering in their newest edition, they have made everything into a stat block. So easy to create your own content.

CowboyXero ago

Pretty much. Now the trick is getting it to market and advertising it well enough for it to turn you a profit. Genesys is a good example of that. It's just a basic set of rules, like a simplified GURPS but you can set it anywhere, any time and build your own world. Makes more sense to play something like that or Myfarog if you want D&D, make your own Cyberpunk, "world of darkness" (Wraith, Mage, Hunter, Werewolf, Vampire, etc) or even Cthulhu Mythos game and just be done with it. I'd be willing to bet you can even make your own Warhammer, Robotech or Battletech game out of it and call it a day. In fact, the three I recommend still are Myfarog, Ten Candles, and Genesys and just abandon all the rest. I dunno if Genesys is independently created but I do know that the book has surfaced in the small gaming shop near me and I've seriously considered buying it.

cyclops1771 ago

Im going to be at my FLGS later this week. I'll look for Genesys. I've delved into GURPS and WHFRPG. Also looked into the apocalypse End of days stuff, where your goal is just to stay alive, AS YOURSELF.

We are thinking of doing super high tech GURPS or the new Expanse system, but space games are always seemingly geared towards corporations or government, so it gets kind of iffy. I prefer the high fantasy stuff.

I got involved with the Greek mythology 5e based game Arkadia, did some in initial playtesting. Do you have a kickstarter for the Norse game, or putting it on Drive Thru RPG or anything?

You can always use

CowboyXero ago

This past Saturday Night we did a Ten Candles game set in space. I really only got heavy handed in one aspect. I made everyone write down their absolute worst phobias and hand them over so, in the darkness, "They" took on the embodiment of the player's most paralyzing fear. In one scene an Ensign had to go down into the bay where one of the nukes was being kept and check on it because it wasn't loading properly. He found himself greeted by thousands of venomous snakes all coming to get him. Another player found herself greeted by ravenous revenant clowns. The part where I lucked smooth out was that the player playing the captain put Secretive as one of his "Vices" which meant he had to keep the secret that the mission to restart the sun with nukes was a suicide mission. They didn't have a full enough compliment to get back to earth and the tech on the ship was failing. When the crew discovered that, naturally there was panic but with floors dropping out (someone was acrophobic), clowns, snakes and rotted rage zombies constantly going after the crew they didn't have enough time to worry that their captain had kept it from them.

cyclops1771 ago

That sounds like fun

CowboyXero ago

It was a fuckload of fun. That's why I recommend it.

HorrorWithin ago

D&D got cucked by 2nd edition, which was before Wizards of the Coast. The rule books would literally switch between male and female while talking about the same abstract person.

I saw something like this: You can play as a stalwart warrior. He will be mighty. Her main focus is with weapons.

The "try-hard" was pathetic. I still played it.

CowboyXero ago

I've seen that too. I no longer own any of those books unless they're pirated.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Depends on how much you go online. Ranges from none to full blown twitter instagram bs.

I saw a guy come out as bisexual just to get the liberals off his back for something he said.

cyclops1771 ago

Ah, I don't do online much. Just here.

Whatever happened to just saying, "hey, I don't like that kind of language, can you keep that shit to yourself, please?" instead of fucking "CANCEL YOURSELF! DIE! YOU NEED TO LOSE EVERYTHING BECAUSE OF MEAN WORDS!"

clamhurt_legbeard ago

this way is more useful for the jews

cyclops1771 ago

But it is so horrible for everyone else.

I liked live and let live so much better than If you DARE to live, we will RUIN you to enliven my own pathetic life for 15 minutes before I go back to staring at my rectangle friend for hours on end.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Reality isn't how we want it to be, it is how it is.

I prefer the stories others tell themselves, but there's no point in me pretending what they say is true when I have seen evidence of reality.

Inaminit ago

Damn Clammy, that's deep...

clamhurt_legbeard ago


SquishedSpam ago

You are a sensitive little bitch and you start fights you aren't equipped to win.

You seem to imagine yourself some great Knight of Justice but all you do is whine and throw out so many false accusations that you distract from real pedo filth.

Inaminit ago

Hey... If we wanted any shit out of you, we'll just squeeze your head, ok?

SquishedSpam ago

Fight me, pussy!

Inaminit ago

No thanks, got a headache... Talk to my ass, my head's busy.

Argumentative ago

what tabletop gaming you into lad?

theoldones ago

im currently DMing and attempting to write out a free homebrew

TLDR norse. nothing but norse. 100% norse

Argumentative ago

ooh interesting, have a wee read at that later on cheers sir

BrennKommando ago

Hey, I told you a while ago that if you see things out there in the big mean world that you want no part in, you don't have to participate in any of it! If you keep finding yourself running into shit that upsets you, you clearly didn't listen.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

I'm sorry fucking your sister when She's legal.

Inaminit ago

niggers get sloppy seconds...

The_Venerable ago

My game is the only thing keeping me sane. No matter how fucked up things get I will always have my code to dive into and get lost in.

Blompf ago

They tried to take from us the things that make life enjoyable. So now we must fight. The fight is what we have left.

steven_feelsperg ago

The fight is the new game.

Inaminit ago

THIS... You gotta fight fire with 火 ... Let the creators of degeneracy be consumed by it.

Blompf ago

That was their greatest mistake.

Goys-R-Us ago

What is the general gist of your game? What language are you writing it in? I'm trying to decide which language to learn and I'm thinking either Python or C++. Waddya think?

cyclops1771 ago

It's a pretty sweet spaceship builder, from what I have seen. Amazing art and technical aspects.

The_Venerable ago

It's an online RPG, kinda like diablo except 1 persistent world. I don't have any experience in Python or c++. I am using c# and unity. I think C# is pretty fun. Once you get the hang of it, it feels like your just naturally typing in instructions. It's easy to just make something work. If you have limited programming experience this is definitely the route to go. If you want to learn c++ I think learning c# first will make it less painful.

Goys-R-Us ago

If you want to learn c++ I think learning c# first will make it less painful.

Interesting. I know C if that helps.

The_Venerable ago

If you already know C, then learning C++ shouldn't be an issue. Still though, I'd go c# and Unity if you haven't made a game.

theoldones ago

right now im supposed to be making a star heat and effect the spaceship in my spaceship sim.

somehow, instead, i have to deal with some degenerate openly chasing 15 year old girls. what the fuck even.

Joe_McCarthy ago

From the looks of things you belong in a mental institution. Though you're on Voat so I repeat myself.

Or maybe more seriously: drug rehab.

theoldones ago


you are sitting here telling the rest of you want to see a 15 year old finger herself, you are a porn-spamming pedophile. how many times have you secretly shown us child porn when you claim they're older then 18?

Joe_McCarthy ago

If I'm going to break the law it'll be a lot more interesting than with a 15 year old fucking herself, believe me.

70times7 ago

But you are breaking the law. The same law you forget is damning you as you read this.

Joe_McCarthy ago

My law is hot white females. Fingering themselves. But they've necessarily been at least 18.

Inaminit ago

Hey joe your mother's calling, I think she's stuck under the horse again!!