ExpertShitposter ago

its you then?

theBreadSultan ago

Wow - did someone not get their jidf promotion?

And why has nobody sent tits to my inbox?

ExpertShitposter ago

And why has nobody sent tits to my inbox?

You didn't simp hard enough.

BalfourYourFace ago

man, how do you have so much time

RM-Goetbbels ago

We all hate the SBBH homos, he's not special.

If I had to choose between gassing jews and gassing'd take me a minute or two to decide. Aww fuck it, why not gas both?

ExpertShitposter ago

what upsets you about it?

RM-Goetbbels ago

It's chatter, white noise and serves no useful purpose. Plus I'm benned I'm mad they won't let me play. Stoopid homoze.

ExpertShitposter ago

You also probably don't serve a useful purpose.

RM-Goetbbels ago

So you don't deny that they're homos.

Glipglup ago

He's right about SBBH though, you guys are a bunch of creepy pedophiles.

mitoriomyt ago

Looks like the jewess likes both her bagels and her burritos, probably in one sitting.


clamhurt_legbeard ago

i dont even remember modding you

thats how much respect i have for redhead snatch

also he needs to get in line

bushcuck threatened to kill me and even gave a timeline

that was like two years ago

White_pride_cis ago

Eh... the consensus of scienctists has found them to be disappointing. What a shame.

MinorLeakage ago

I like Voat drama. It's the only reality television show I'm into.

And for the record, doxxing is always a self-inflicted wound. It can only happen to an actual retard, and the solution is also really easy. It's like "cyber bullying". Do these people realize they can just go outside?

uvulectomy ago

Outside? But....that's where the niggers are!


Do these people realize they can just go outside?


Floppyhorsecock ago

Where are the titties?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

The big beef taco shell kek

clamhurt_legbeard ago

im collecting screenshots of my crunchy pms for you

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Chico has been all over dat sheeeit

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Cheesebooger exposed and called him and Sarzie out before any of you fags did. You're riding his waves. It also exposed Crensch's group who helps him.

ExpertShitposter ago

That's true, but nigga, Cheesebooger is SBBH.

VoatContainmentGuard ago


clamhurt_legbeard ago

dude theyre great

its all stories about jews

one time this jewess gets raped by the prince

and then comes back to marry her

because obviously jew pussy is so fine

so the family is like ok you can marry our sister but you have to circumcize yourself and all the men in your city

so then they obviously did that

again because man jew pussy is so worth cutting part of your dick off

and then while every man in the city is in agony over bloody dick wounds

the brothers come in and stab all the men to death

then steal all the treasure

and take the women and children for rape slaves

literally in the bible im not making any of this up

genesis 34


@vindicator has 33,000 posts though! He must be legit!




blumen4alles ago

@crensch, you should have gotten in the box (and never banned me from a sub I wasn't even posting or commenting in)

ExpertShitposter ago

LoL @SeanBox what did he hire you for?!?!?!

SeanBox ago

I was doing the voice acting for his podcast/game he was making. He paid me in bitcoin for 4 episodes then got butthurt over ZyklonB and “fired” me even tho I hadn’t worked in several months because he had no lines written. I have other jobs. I’ll probably still eat food every day without him.

ExpertShitposter ago


@theoldones hire him back RIGHT NOW or i will pirate your games.

theoldones ago


buff jingles and his planet are gonna get wiped off the map as yet another doomed world.

ExpertShitposter ago

you are mean

theoldones ago

you assholes threatened to shoot a child.

it's impossible for me to be worse then you.

ExpertShitposter ago

Nah, only z-man. It was the meth talking.

theoldones ago

It was the meth talking.

you all enabled him.

ExpertShitposter ago

We didn't know how to handle it.

theoldones ago

and you still don't.

Rotteuxx ago

Le KeK !

Rotteuxx ago

Deshy ago

Hugs! Lekkah like a crackah! :p

Have a good day madame’ is good to be white!


be careful, those images might be cursed ;)

clamhurt_legbeard ago

God is a sadist

fucking truth

you ever read his novels

theHare ago

I've never read or cared about the disputes between users here. Never have I thought it worth my time to spend more than 2 minutes of my mindpower responding to crazies. Everyone involved seems a bit, eh, petty?

HbMcNutt ago

For me its con77. He seems like a genuine old dude who's down with getting further redpilled

armday2day ago

Op, I say what I'm about to say with genuine concern for a stranger: have you considered that you may be autistic? Do you take meds? Are you seeing someone? Documenting and commenting on content like this, in this volume, is not normal. There's no way this is normal behavior. To be honest the way this is formatted is what convinced me that you may have a condition. I'm not trolling. I'm being serious here.

ExpertShitposter ago

I didn't do this over time. I did it all at once. Took about 1h to screen cap it all, and 1 more h to meme it out with text and colors.


I attended UCSB when Rodgers happened.

Now I'm one of the users Rodgers 2.0 is targetting.

talk about luck.

AR47 ago

You want to know how to get that persona to leave and never return?

Stop giving them relevance... seriously why do you continue to waste all that time on something so insignificant? This site can honestly disappear at any time and these decent people that are here you could have missed the chance to ever know them.

I have got to know quite a few....many I would call friends too. If I would have kept with the drama and bullshit then I never would have met them....I just don't know why I wanted all that time, and why you continue to do so.

ExpertShitposter ago

Its a funny post, that's why.

AR47 ago

Is it really?

Seems like just going over the same stupid shit again. Everyone on voat can take one look at the subs that user mods, or the posts they submit and see that there isn't any humor to a damn thing.

GA is restricted upon submission to control the flow of narrative, the parody of protectvoat is even more of a cry for attention. Why feed the troll? Just ignore them. Make them realize they are alone in their life.

Seriously if you want them to commit sucide this is how you do it.....look at what it is they want the most.

Obviously it is attention. If you deny them will see desperation, then bargaining, finally resolve.

I swear that many people here.....the closest human contact they get is when they go get a hair cut and some stranger washes their is the highlight of their month. The people here that instigate so much are just so lonely.

Now you can use it against them.....or you can help them.

I have been against so much for so long and it didn't I have decided to help them as much as I can. Same with everyone here.

That first person I helped with my Friday thing @anothergrayman was a decent guy.....he was just isolated and so damn lonely....he didn't need money or groceries.....the guy needed a friend, and someone to just talk to.

Someone to say ...shit ain't so bad, and your circumstances are not so damn hopeless. I was happy to meet him and make a new friend. Since then I have helped many others, but he is the only one I have actually got to shake his hand with this.

Hope to meet more, but now I have pushback from a select group of users. They make stupid claims and twart any effort I have to just help someone.

Last week I didn't even get a I know there are people out there that need help...there always is, and this you see is fun?

I get it because I was there, and I grew past it. I wish you could as well.

ExpertShitposter ago

Some people cant be helped. If some one is actively attaching you every day, you can ignore them or fuck with them, or switching between the two, (what i do). But you certainly cant help them, because they genuenly hate you. Real mental illness cant be fixed over the internet. It requires family and professional help.

AR47 ago

You think they hate YOU when they do shit?

Lol no that is completely wrong...they hate themselves which is why they are so dismal and depressed all the time. They see negativity in everything around them and look for the most vibrant within all around them to destroy.

I am willing to bet that most of the accounts on voat that promote the bullshit are lonely women. It's the only thing that makes sense. They refuse to let go of anything....just back and forth with all they can.

Voat needs male Leaders that can just leave that shit in the dust.

Really this place was so much more back then. We had dominant male Leaders within select subs that actually moderated and grew community. Now we have strife and resentment within each post....just look at comments and you will see the distain dripping form each one.

ExpertShitposter ago

That's because the builders (real actual builders, not the running joke from putt) left, due to the toxicity of the environment. What's left is the spergs from 4chan.

This was meant to be a free for all no consequence zone. What is happening is a somewhat natural outcome. A place like this is necessary, as are other places that are moderated to various degrees. You need it all.

Anyone can make a forum. Voat was meant to be the wild west in my eyes. Real place for builders to build in is the real world anyway. Building online can only be a information exchange supplement to what you are building in real life.

AR47 ago

No they didn't leave......all of them are still here, but changed username.

This place will never get rid of the old guard. We all can't just leave......we made something good and for the real builders as you say.......we know we can do it again and just wait.

ExpertShitposter ago

Some of us are hanging in there, but a lot of good people left. Let me give you just one example.


Absolutely awesome down to earth guy. Got laughed by people because hes a man that's into gardening. Got bullied off voat by kreschy. He labeled him a jew, just because he didn't subscribe to the furthest right wing views. Massive hypocrisy considering half the Q boomers are semi-leftards. Kevdude gave him shit for being a bit heavy handed at moderating his justgrowit subverse. Eventually, enough people were harassing him that he just picked up and left.

Guy just couldn't ignore it. This is just one very notable example but there are many more such cases.

moodle_pooth ago

These are very nice things to say about me!

ExpertShitposter ago

woha m8, is it really you. I wil need time stamped pic of male tits next to exceptionaly healthy flowerplanet, along with a cutoout of the todays paper, before i will believe it.

sorry, i abit drink and angy atm about soem stupid oomer whore andwhores and zoomers in general.

moodle_pooth ago

31 year old boomer, checking in.

ExpertShitposter ago

Hahaha awesome.

I would like to link this in SBBH/disabled if you will allow it.

moodle_pooth ago

Go for it, don't bother me at all.

Rotteuxx ago

I've met awesome people and poked incredible retards on here.

You really have to try and experience Voat to it fullest while it lives :)

AR47 ago

I will NEVER forget how this place saved my ass once, and you sir were a part of that. Many people that I know had a skewed idea of this place, and I told them my experience. Some understood, while some dismissed it as a freak event.

I think that it could have happened to anyone and likely still could. This place protects its own oddly enough.

It's why I am doing what I am now with dinner on Friday nights, and even vday.

Someone posted a video last night that I saw before I went to bed of a child hearing her echo for the first time.....there was actual good comments on that. I wish people could just promote community here so much more.

Rotteuxx ago

I hear ya, I loved that echo post.

For my part, spending less time online and more on my home projects is one of the factors behind my letting go of my old posting habits.

I'll say it again because it's too ironic. Mass immigration without integration killed this place's beautiful culture we once enjoyed. It became a civil war because the immigrants were too different from the native population & didn't feel the need to assimilate due to their numbers & "quiet little corner where they weren't bothering anybody."

AR47 ago

Remember traditionalhusbands?

Man I loved that place. Actually helped quite a few people there....we were doing good back then and I kept trying until I killed my old account, but people became obsessed with the same shit you talk about....the voat immune system.

Somehow giving new users ridicule became more important that finding what they could offer.

I am ashamed I was part of that, because I contributed to the downfall of this place, and for that I am ashamed.

Rotteuxx ago

Quoting myself from a few days ago :

Back in ye ol'days there were very smart users around, engaged in building up the community, participating a lot & forming frenships... a lot of them also enjoyed good shit posts. They were also part of the famous Voat Immune System before it became a hijacked ritual to simply be an ass to new people instead of being about breaking newbies' conditioning to weaponized language & explaining the culture of Voat.

Shills weaponized the immune system, edgelords were the useful idiots.

The downfall wasn't that imo, well in part... fucking incompatible immigrants !

AR47 ago

Turned my twitch on....wanna see Mississippi?

It's ferretdrives on twitch. Should be live.

Rotteuxx ago

What's twitch ?

AR47 ago

Streaming service

Rotteuxx ago

Lol at the serial dowvoater thst just went through this entire post.

AR47 ago

I don't think the newer users were the thing that brought voat to where it is in respect of community.

I know those people that brought it down ....they were always here. Had so many sleeper accounts try and accuse me of something nefarious. I blocked them all rather than engage it's what I do now. It's pretty bad when they have gotten so lazy their social engineer skills have even dropped in quality.

Hopefully this place stays and eventually just sheds these people. I have confidence that it will as they lose interest.

Rotteuxx ago

There ya go again trying to cuck me with flattery... freakin' wamyn !

that stopped me ghosting this place. :)

So that why Putt is mad at me...

A well, frens before admins !

KatTheHun ago


Deshy ago

Self control is a gift of the Spirit though, guess no one teaches that in Church aneemore... go figure huh...

Hellooo! :)

White_pride_cis ago

So who has the photos of her Khazar milkers? I would like to see them... for science

ExpertShitposter ago

Krenschy boi has them. We only ever saw the the PG version.

Armpit_and_Ass ago


nigger wtf are you doing

ExpertShitposter ago

Hahaha. People were complaining about my 4chan screen caps, so i uped my game even more.

Armpit_and_Ass ago


Rotteuxx ago

You know I'm not mean to anybody, just an asshole when the situation calls for it :)

BoomerHater1488er ago

I seem to remember @Crensch being relatively normal about three years ago. What the fuck happened to that sperg?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Was he normal when he tried to destroy the niggers sub three years or so ago?

ExpertShitposter ago

Khazar milkers applied onto innocent eyes.

He turned on everybody, including his best former friend kevdude.

i_hate_sodomites ago

Um, yeah, couldn't be bothered. A huge wall of text for what? To prove that you're a fucking mangina? Not sure what you were trying to accomplish here, other than boring me to fucking tears......

ExpertShitposter ago

bored but took the time to reply?

k. move along to the next post.

i_hate_sodomites ago

I'm trying to teach reddit losers that 'walls of text" don't work on Voat. Apparently you're too much of a faggot to understand this.....

ExpertShitposter ago

maybe your brain is a bit simple if you are afraid of text? did you ever read a book?

also, the red text literally tells you to just scroll past the middle section.

i_hate_sodomites ago

Oh my lord, another fucking kike from reddit. Do you idiots have any idea how tiresome you are here, or do you still think you're the pseudo-intellectual geniuses you were on reddit? Seriously, everyone here says "niggerfaggot" and ignores you; don't you get that already???

ExpertShitposter ago

Shut the fuck up you 4 month old nigger, i was here back when you were still bitching about who is CEO of reddit and what will they be like. Unlike you, i never had a reddit account in my life.

i_hate_sodomites ago

Trying so, so hard. If you read my comment history you'd know I've been here since Whoaverse and deleted my old account due to doxxing. But you're too stupid to do that, aren't you kike?

Repeat after me, like a good little goat: kikes are losers, kikes are inbred, kikes are faggots, kikes are child-molesters - and all kikes must die. There's no such thing as a good kike, all kikes are evil little shits and must be exterminated.

Go ahead, kike faggot - repeat what I said. Prove that you're a real voater. Can you even do it?

ExpertShitposter ago

I agree with about the kikes, but it has nothing to do with this thread. You should calm down, you are sperging out just like krenschy.

i_hate_sodomites ago

Doesn't matter. I want to hear him repeat what I said and confirm it as true. If he can't - he's a filthy kike faggot. Easy enough. Simple test. Go ahead, ExpertShitposter, show us you aren't a verminous, evil filthy inbred kike piece of shit. Should be a simple walk in the park for you.....

ExpertShitposter ago

You actually want me to copy and paste a bit of text as proof of my political afiliation? Damn, you would not make a good SS interrogator. How is this?

kikes are losers, kikes are inbred, kikes are faggots, kikes are child-molesters - and all kikes must die. There's no such thing as a good kike, all kikes are evil little shits and must be exterminated.

kikes are losers, kikes are inbred, kikes are faggots, kikes are child-molesters - and all kikes must die. There's no such thing as a good kike, all kikes are evil little shits and must be exterminated.

kikes are losers, kikes are inbred, kikes are faggots, kikes are child-molesters - and all kikes must die. There's no such thing as a good kike, all kikes are evil little shits and must be exterminated.

kikes are losers, kikes are inbred, kikes are faggots, kikes are child-molesters - and all kikes must die. There's no such thing as a good kike, all kikes are evil little shits and must be exterminated.

kikes are losers, kikes are inbred, kikes are faggots, kikes are child-molesters - and all kikes must die. There's no such thing as a good kike, all kikes are evil little shits and must be exterminated.

kikes are losers, kikes are inbred, kikes are faggots, kikes are child-molesters - and all kikes must die. There's no such thing as a good kike, all kikes are evil little shits and must be exterminated.

kikes are losers, kikes are inbred, kikes are faggots, kikes are child-molesters - and all kikes must die. There's no such thing as a good kike, all kikes are evil little shits and must be exterminated.

kikes are losers, kikes are inbred, kikes are faggots, kikes are child-molesters - and all kikes must die. There's no such thing as a good kike, all kikes are evil little shits and must be exterminated.

kikes are losers, kikes are inbred, kikes are faggots, kikes are child-molesters - and all kikes must die. There's no such thing as a good kike, all kikes are evil little shits and must be exterminated.

kikes are losers, kikes are inbred, kikes are faggots, kikes are child-molesters - and all kikes must die. There's no such thing as a good kike, all kikes are evil little shits and must be exterminated.

kikes are losers, kikes are inbred, kikes are faggots, kikes are child-molesters - and all kikes must die. There's no such thing as a good kike, all kikes are evil little shits and must be exterminated.

kikes are losers, kikes are inbred, kikes are faggots, kikes are child-molesters - and all kikes must die. There's no such thing as a good kike, all kikes are evil little shits and must be exterminated.

kikes are losers, kikes are inbred, kikes are faggots, kikes are child-molesters - and all kikes must die. There's no such thing as a good kike, all kikes are evil little shits and must be exterminated.

kikes are losers, kikes are inbred, kikes are faggots, kikes are child-molesters - and all kikes must die. There's no such thing as a good kike, all kikes are evil little shits and must be exterminated.

kikes are losers, kikes are inbred, kikes are faggots, kikes are child-molesters - and all kikes must die. There's no such thing as a good kike, all kikes are evil little shits and must be exterminated.

kikes are losers, kikes are inbred, kikes are faggots, kikes are child-molesters - and all kikes must die. There's no such thing as a good kike, all kikes are evil little shits and must be exterminated.

kikes are losers, kikes are inbred, kikes are faggots, kikes are child-molesters - and all kikes must die. There's no such thing as a good kike, all kikes are evil little shits and must be exterminated.

kikes are losers, kikes are inbred, kikes are faggots, kikes are child-molesters - and all kikes must die. There's no such thing as a good kike, all kikes are evil little shits and must be exterminated.

kikes are losers, kikes are inbred, kikes are faggots, kikes are child-molesters - and all kikes must die. There's no such thing as a good kike, all kikes are evil little shits and must be exterminated.

kikes are losers, kikes are inbred, kikes are faggots, kikes are child-molesters - and all kikes must die. There's no such thing as a good kike, all kikes are evil little shits and must be exterminated.

All good? 100% verified non kike?

i_hate_sodomites ago

Nope, you're still a kike. I remember you from my old account and even after 4.2 years you have nearly as little karma as I do??? Really??? I shit-post and troll CONSTANTLY and yet my karma rivals yours; how the fuckety-fuck is that possible if you aren't a kike shill? Really?

I mean, seriously: I go out of my way to piss people off, just because - exactly as I did in my old account. I LIKE pissing people off; and yet here I am on my new account with a karma score rivaling your own. What the fuck is wrong with you, kike? Are you that clueless? Are you that autistic? Or have you just sucked so many baby dicks you just can't get past the whole jews-molest-children thing?

ExpertShitposter ago

OK pussy.

ExpertShitposter ago

Besides his VPN jews.

ExpertShitposter ago

Keep this circle-jerking shit in your containment board.

make me pussyboi

TopTierCIAShill ago

Fucking retard, learn to spell

TopTierCIAShill ago


ExpertShitposter ago


goatboy ago

This post proves if the shithead starts shooting the FBI was forewarned and it’s on them, not voat.

Astupidname69 ago

But voat is the FBI!


we the fbi now boi

Acerphoon ago

He's right about SBBH though. It may be just me "not getting it", but it really seems like a strange sub.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

It's a group of friends who hang out and make in-jokes. He acts like it's literally a, IDF Unit 8200 cell plotting to overthrow Voat.

visit v/soapdoxbanhammer

ExpertShitposter ago

The more you try to "get it", the harder it gets!

Goys-R-Us ago

I understand he was a tweaker so maybe. Gothamgirl probably knows but the last time I brought him up to her she didn't want to discuss it.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

ive seen actual autists here on voat

they do way better than crunchy

hes got terminal virginity

clamhurt_legbeard ago

pussy can drive a man insane

why did god give that power to WOMEN

clamhurt_legbeard ago

god damn dude

you can be living in some fuckers head rent free

but seeing a tally of the damage still blows you away

amazing and shocking

Goys-R-Us ago

Z is in a county lockup somewhere is my guess.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/whatever comment by @ruck_feddit.

Posted automatically (#95157) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@ExpertShitposter: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @ruck_feddit)

headfire ago

Everyone involved in that drama is mentally ill by choice.

Much like jews.

Broc_Lia ago

No offence, but you seem almost as obsessed as he is. How long did this take you lol?

ExpertShitposter ago

Probably 2h i gotta admit.

Deshy ago

Dude, keeping busy huh? :)

crazy_eyes ago

and I thought I was crazy

Deshy ago

Just the eyes bro, the rest of you seems fine!

crazy_eyes ago

That's right! That's funny

Deshy ago

Well duh... two cups of morning coffee, good brekvis and we are fighting the good fight!

Have a cracking day mister you!

crazy_eyes ago

Heck yeah, have yourself a wonderful day as well

ExpertShitposter ago

Technically speaking, i got paid for it too.

Professional shitposter?

Deshy ago

Expert even ;)

Broc_Lia ago

Well, marks for effort, that's for sure.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

2 hrs while at work

That's basically the company being obsessed at that point.

blumen4alles ago


R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

Ze Jews.

dirt_reynolds ago

Waaay too much mental illness for me to even understand wtf is going on.

Deshy ago


clamhurt_legbeard ago

hes obsessed with attacking his perceived enemies

he runs the third or fourth largest q sub with an iron fist so you think hed be interested in posting

yet three quarters of all his posts are whining about sbbh lol

RabbiMohel ago

@crensch you puttz, I tried to hook you up with Rabbi Schmengi's daughter Menses, what could you possibly have found wrong with her. She had all her shots!

spikes4kikes ago

i couldnt care less about this namefagging horseshittery, but ill upvote for the sheer effort put into a dunk, A+

HelpAcct123 ago

Appreciate the effort

Ina_Pickle ago

He’s just an adorable kid. I legitimately thought he was an adult. I feel kinda bad now. All this time I thought he was an asshole when all he is is a little hormonal shit. :(

Broc_Lia ago

If you're talking about the pictures at the bottom, pretty sure those are Elliot Rodger.

gabara ago

Oh no, someone posted this in anon recently:

He's a kid. @Ina_Pickle

ShitskinsFuckCorpses ago

That's from 2012. He'd be around 26 now

gabara ago

Yeah so Im old enough to be his dad

KatTheHun ago

If he is young he is old enough to drive and make pizza deliveries.

Broc_Lia ago

If that's actually him then he's in his mid 20s, not a kid.

gabara ago

Still half my age.

albatrosv15 ago

Whaaaaat? I always thought you were some kind of 15 year old child with some kind of mental illness.

gabara ago

I'll have you know I'm an adult with autism.

Broc_Lia ago

I was going to call you a boomer then I realised gen-x are 50 now. I'm getting old.

gabara ago

Yep, GenX master race here. The last heterosexual generation.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

mother fucker went to prom

i didnt get a prom

man fuck that shit

gabara ago

Oh fuck, thanks man for putting it back into perspective.

Ina_Pickle ago

Oh good grief. He’s a crippled little shit. This explains a lot.

gabara ago

MS, like my aunt. I feel bad. Really I do @crensch.

Ina_Pickle ago

My first instinct is smother him with motherly affection, but I don’t know if @crensch would appreciate the 180.

gabara ago

I figure @crensch has me blocked by now, but if not, I'm sorry.

Rotteuxx ago

Don't worry, @Crensch gets alerts so he doesn't miss a thing.

Your sincere words of compassion will reach him :)

Ina_Pickle ago

I need coffee.


I wonder what Crensch learned at Carnegie Mellon?

@ColinRensch: @mellonscholars Testing

@ColinRensch: Having a social media info session!#IDS181

"IDS181" is a Social Media MGMT class Crensch took in 2014


As the second half of a year-long seminar, this course is designed to continue to give you foundational tools in the liberal arts: critical reading of primary sources, analytical writing, oral presentations, and research dissemination of new media. Whereas last semester introduced the study of the fine arts, this semester shifts to the humanities: history, literature, philosophy, and religion. Our focus will be on understanding Hope College in the context of Western culture in the modern period, since about 1500. Some basic skills we will work on this semester include: asking good questions of primary and secondary material and of each other, the rhetoric of entering into academic conversation, and digital research and presentation.


-Graff and Birkenstein: They Say / I Say

-González: The Story of Christianity, Volume 2: The Reformation to the Present Day, second edition

-Delbanco, College: What It Was, Is, and Should Be

-Kennedy and Simon: Can Hope Endure?

-Voltaire: Candide (any translation/edition will do)

-Shakespeare: A Midsummer Night’s Dream (any edition will do as long as it is in the original, early modern form of English)

-Mandel: Station Eleven

@Dorotheian: A topic I might like to research in the future are alliances between ethnic activism groups in America during the ‘60s. Suggestions? #IDS181

@Dorothean: Population migration and an example of effective use of the Circos data representation. #IDS181

@erikaschlenker: @mellonscholars hey! I'm really excited about this twitter project. #IDS181

@BillGetschman Another useful timeline tool is TikiToki. #IDS181

ExpertShitposter ago

LoL at that pic.


the memes write/(rite)/(right) themeselves

gabara ago

He’s just an adorable kid. I legitimately thought he was an adult. I feel kinda bad now.

Same here. I thought I was messing with some old fucker, so gloves were off. Now I feel like a jerk.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

gotta toughen the kid up so he stops acting like a little shit

gabara ago

Seriously, he probably only has a few years left to live due to his condition.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I hope he has sex with a nice girl before he succumbs.

Rotteuxx ago

I'm sure one of his loyal patriots will take one for the team.

ExpertShitposter ago

Eh, idk, just because hes hormonal, doesn't mean he's not in his mid 30's.

Ina_Pickle ago

You think? He looks like he’s barely out of high school to me. Maybe it’s the lack of muscle mass or facial hair.

ExpertShitposter ago

LoL those arent his real pics. Thats the actual Elliot Rodger.

Ina_Pickle ago

Oh wow I am slow this morning.

tokui ago

Selective editing.


ExpertShitposter ago

This is every single post he made in the past 3 months. All of them, no editing. Check his account and compare to my pic, its all there.

tokui ago

jfc fine. Since you're so obsessed with said faggot that you went to all this trouble, I'll have a peek.

ExpertShitposter ago

Also i don't know what is that last post he made about you. I just included it to point out the "3 months ago" vs. "5 months ago".

ExpertShitposter ago

What can i say, slow day at work + sometimes i have a need to talk shit.

blumen4alles ago

Seems your an expert at that.

FightKevinOwens ago

^^^ pedo

tokui ago

^^^ moralfag

gabara ago

^^^ Bosnian

tokui ago

^^^ a beta male who acts female larping as non-binary on voat

gabara ago

u mad.

tokui ago

cause you're the superior larper.

Battlefat ago

Sometimes, it’s advisable to go outside, and other times it’s necessary

BrennKommando ago

Holy shit lol

Rotteuxx ago

Expie never disappoints when he says he's working on a post.

1skidoo ago

So do we call a doctor or the police?

ExpertShitposter ago

Gonna need RWDS for this one.

Native ago

He already admitted that he is in his 40's working some desk job. At this point i'm convinced he's paid to be here.

fightknightHERO ago

"i deserve a nice jewish wife"

this makes me wonder, are all these (((MGTOW))) faggots just projection how horrible their (((women))) are?

RodentLord ago

Tbh I'm probably projecting my degenerate sexual history onto all these women cuz my brain can't tell the difference between a pornstar and a chick at the grocery store; they're both femoids lol.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I think we should spread this idea around and see if it resonates.

The women they fear are Jews or trained to behave like Jews.

This may be true.

LlamaMan ago

I think, maybe, you both spend too much time here.

ExpertShitposter ago

I just ignore all his posts. After 3 months passed, i just took a cap of the past.

VicariousJambi ago

And here I was going to call you a faggot for getting involved in e-drama.


4-d(ick) chess

gabara ago

Are you sure this is who you want to hitch your wagon to, @theoldones?

Native ago

We are a few days away from an Epic dox from egg sandwich eating Crensch. Can't wait to see what that faggot does.

Are we sure he isn't amalek?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Amalek had a good grip on reality, if I remember.

Native ago

Time is going by so quick I barely remember, other than the extremely long comments with a million sources. Now that I think of it, there’s another account that still does that occasionally

clamhurt_legbeard ago

honestly he was mostly before my time

i saw him a little

and years later i talked to him a couple times on an alt

but i didnt see much of his work

i think i was still only looking at fph at the time

ExpertShitposter ago

He made a super dox announcement?

Native ago

Native ago

He makes a fucking doxx every 6 months. We are long over due, his last one was a year ago which lead to a putitout intervention where he banned a shit ton of people including zyklon. That's right around the time where the whole 'builder' speech came from.

Rotteuxx ago

Oh ! So you'll reply to Expie but not to me, huh...

It's the last time I'm cucking myself for a wamyn !!!

gabara ago

RIP @crensch.

ExpertShitposter ago

your trail of destruction still reaps lulz

Holy fuck.

Rotteuxx ago

Fucking gold !

Thx for taking the time to tally all this up, maybe having a visual aid will help our fren realize how sadly ridiculous he's become.

@Crensch, time to get a real GF bud.

obvious-throwaway- ago

I'm not sure what all this is about, but I definitely remember @Crensch banning me for a post in a different forum from some forum he was a mod from and then telling me to get fukt and he can ban anyone he wants without repercussions because "rules". For any other Eddit mods who come to voat to attempt to turn this into Reddit 2.0, take note.

ExpertShitposter ago

I'm just trying to save him from himself.

Rotteuxx ago

It's our white empathy at work, we don't like to see people suffering needlessly :(

clamhurt_legbeard ago

jews arent people

SeanBox ago


theoldones ago

you people are pedophile enabling doxxers.

seanbox, i never should have hired you. i regret ever paying you a cent.

Soyboy69 ago

Everyone is a pedophile to you aren't they?

ExpertShitposter ago

SBBH is innocent of these crimes.

theoldones ago

SBBH is innocent of these crimes.


the rest of us have shown extensive evidence.

zyklon, a pedo, threatened to shoot srayzies children as he doxxed her, you all helped him along, then he died of meth.

ExpertShitposter ago

Zyklon was puttitouts alt account. That's the real dirty secret, hiding in plain sight. We were powerless against him. If we turned on him, there would be no voat today if you understand what i'm saying. I can only say the truth now since putt no longer cares.

theoldones ago

bullshit, putt tried to defuse the situation.

ClAsockPuppet ago

Guys wait - this could be considered doxxing by the (((authorities)))


I wonder what Crensch learned at Carnegie Mellon? @heygeorge @shewhomustbeobeyed


@ColinRensch: Having a social media info session!#IDS181

@Dorotheian: A topic I might like to research in the future are alliances between ethnic activism groups in America during the ‘60s. Suggestions? #IDS181

@Dorothean: Population migration and an example of effective use of the Circos data representation. #IDS181

@erikaschlenker: @mellonscholars hey! I'm really excited about this twitter project. #IDS181

@BillGetschman Another useful timeline tool is TikiToki. #IDS181

shewhomustbeobeyed ago



if Crensch is Colin Rensch, he was involved in a Carnegie Mellon "Digital Humanities" program.

he was trained to manage forums

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I was just kidding. I read the very first dox that was posted about him. Makes me sad.

Been praying for his family.



shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I find coffee helps reduce that scalp breeze in the morning.


joe kicked me in the head.

zoom in on the presentation

shewhomustbeobeyed ago



“Lessons Learned Teaching Digital Humanities: Tips and Tricks for Integrating DH Into (Nearly) Any Classroom”

Kristen Mapes will speak about ways to integrate digital scholarship into your pedagogy. She will share her experience teaching Introduction to Digital Humanities in Fall 2015, focusing on the successes and challenges of teaching students to critique digital projects and letting them loose to conceive of and create their own project. She will also introduce simple ways to bring some of those experiences into a disciplinary classroom. From project management tools and tips to self-critiques using text analysis tools, this hands on talk will provide you with a window into digital humanities pedagogy, both as a field on its own and as an approach to employ in your own discipline.

ExpertShitposter ago

I hope this isn't the one post that makes him pick up a gun.

SeanBox ago

If you ever see him with a gun just go upstairs.

ExpertShitposter ago

fuck lol

gabara ago

Don't come into the Hospital tomorrow.

ExpertShitposter ago


friendshipistragic ago

Some of you guys are ok

gabara ago

I so wish I'd known he was just an eager kid instead of a nasty old fucker like me.

heygeorge ago

just an eager kid instead of a nasty old fucker

If you think about it for a moment, his actions and behaviors add up a lot more this way. And it explains the mgtow persona, falling for titty pics, just so much.

gabara ago

I feel bad. What should I do?

HbMcNutt ago

Bury him in voat history and find more wannabe rabbis


we should all send him pictures of our tits as a parting gift

I wrote "fuck censorship" on mine

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

we should all send him pictures of our tits as a parting gift

What is it with you men and boobies?

And if you all are sending tit pics to crunchy, could i get some copies for the archives, please.

For educational purposes, of course.


clamhurt_legbeard ago

im fucking ready

rifles go through wheelchairs lol

gabara ago

Yeah but my mother was a Special Ed teacher so... this is awkward for me. @crensch, you have to tell me these things.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

i have no remorse

he does though

i have his pms talking about how he hates his doxxing posts


Deshy ago

i have his pms talking about how he hates his doxxing posts

Sounds interesting...

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Crunchy considers making me a Mod on GA to help after Srayzie left

I say he's less prone to drama than srayzie lol

How wrong I was

Then he states his intention to destroy v/GreatAwakening

A year later, we see he succeeded!

Crunchy apologizes for attacking me

Crunchy's secret desire to be a shitposter like me

Crunchy says he's about to destroy u/trigglypuff


I couldn't find him pouring his heart out about how stressful his "dox" posting is. I hit the 100 page limit. I'll clear out my inbox and go back further.



Rotteuxx ago

Funny how he progressively added people to the "friends with Zyklon" list as time went on because he needed more people to prop up as enemies. I've told ZB I wasn't "with him", just walking "there besides him" but apparently that means I supported him, kek.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Yeah. Look how I was his close ally, but now I am one of his most hated enemies (70%)


Rotteuxx ago


We all know PMs of this nature are cleared for distribution ever since the Srayzie Act of 2019


Deshy ago

Haha... dude that ruling (Srayzie Act 2019) got pushed through without reaching an overall consensus on Voat. She touched the no-no place many, many times I hear.

It was dodgy mate but under the table dealings is known for (((them))) kind and I wouldn’t expect less tbh.