If you have an elementary school with 1000 kids, that's give or take 90 teacher PLUS administration, staff for janitorial, cooks, etc. Plus the school itself. What is that school costing? $4M per year? Maybe a little less, but damn. Now what if parents collectively schooled their own children.
The biggest issue is that all minorities will claim they are homeschooling while sitting on their fat asses while their kids commit crime, but imagine if a white community taught based off their beliefs, and received a large tax credit for doing so. They'd be doing it because they WANT to which helps ensure good, quality education. Yeah, you'd lose teachers but most are leftist academia faggots teaching your kids about how to put a condom on a trans dick before it penetrates them at 10 years old.
El_Syd ago
As an alternative, why don't we fight to get the teacher's unions out of our public schools and give the ability to fire teachers back to the community?
GrizzlyDark ago
Just replying this to all who replied to the OP so they see it (NVM Voat's anti spam defense system is correctly telling me I'm posting the same shit too often and to fuck off)
This is what I mean - for those that care but can't afford one parent full time homeschooling. Out of that 1000 kids, maybe 100 have parents who care enough to want to homeschool. If they pool their resources, they could easily provide a quality education to their kids. Especially when you consider empty nesters, retirees who care about community, etc. Those students could also do some of the stuff (mow lawns, shovel snow) for those who help out.
LexOrandiLexCredendi ago
Some parts of the US will allow homeschooled kids to use public school facilities and play sportsball for public school teams because of paid taxes.
Not really a "win", but better than nothing.
Blood-is-Nature ago
No. Tax cuts means going into a contract with the criminals you fled from in the first place, and every contract has terms and conditions, which means you sign the children back into the control of the criminals. You just do realize it, because they make you think that you are in control, while they are deciding what you are allowed to teach them and what not. Like, good luck using homeschooling to teach your children holocaust deprogramming, while contractually receiving tax-cuts.
FashyOnRunescape ago
Canada is a good example, possibly the best. Laugh if you want but the citizens are so widespread that it's impossible for the government to interfere, so they legalized homeschooling and keep their distance. Temporary I'm sure, but there is much to learn from it. If you're Canadian, homeschool while you can. As a kid I was best friends with the son of a woman who was a stay at home mom and babysat over 12 kids every single day. I made great friends and learned about the bible daily. We'd have daily bible study for maybe 20 minutes, then free reign to play hockey and go outside. Guess what, her 4+ kids were all homeschooled and are now successful lawyers, electricians, tradesmen, etc.
123456788 ago
Same if you choose to send your kids to private school.
calfahul ago
Home schooling is illegal in parts of the world, and I'm guessing it'll gradually be made illegal in the US over the next decade or so. It's every parent/community's responsibility to do so, though. Talk to your neighbors, make the effort to live around people who share your values, and figure out how to make it happen. A few adults as full-time educators can give several dozen kids an education incomparable with the indoctrination they'll get at public schools. Make that your priority, find a way to pay for that.
GrizzlyDark ago
Just replying this to all who replied to the OP so they see it.
This is what I mean - for those that care but can't afford one parent full time homeschooling. Out of that 1000 kids, maybe 100 have parents who care enough to want to homeschool. If they pool their resources, they could easily provide a quality education to their kids. Especially when you consider empty nesters, retirees who care about community, etc. Those students could also do some of the stuff (mow lawns, shovel snow) for those who help out.
calfahul ago
We have no shortage of talent, we just need organization and we need to call people to duty. Log off of social media and get out there and care for your community. It'll piss some of the more entitled boomers off to hear it, but fuck em.
Intrixina ago
Plus homeschooling takes away all of the leftist faggotry and replaces it with actual education. This is the reason why homeschooled kids are several years ahead of those at the local school.
Chimaira92 ago
That and the retarded notion that schools have with the "no kid left behind" initiative. They intentionally slow down the progress of smarter children so that the slower kids have a chance to catch up.
Intrixina ago
And said smart kids end up resenting school and acting out as a result.
SpiritExpedition ago
Local school should have to cut you a check. Ask for that, settle got the tax credit.
OutlawCountry ago
Government funded Marxist idoctorinnation centers are big business, they're not going to have any of that, education is not their main goal.
I agree with what your saying, though.
Plavonica ago
Under a system where only net tax payers get to vote it would automatically incentivize non-public options. The idea being that you would keep your kid out of public schools to avoid starting them off with a tax burden that needs to be paid off.
This incentivizes creating community schooling like you want. Other options include hiring a tutor or tutors, having the mother (stay-at-home obviously) teach the children the basics then either hire a tutor or, if you are academically inclined yourself, do it yourself.
There are other options as well. Like round-robin teaching where a small community will have the children hosted at a different teacher's place each day or week or whatever.
Or rent out/build a small schoolhouse and have different parents teach what they specialize in on different days, with the basics being able to be covered by anyone. If there's nobody in the community willing/able to teach a subject offer cash incentive or hire a tutor to fill the spot.
GrizzlyDark ago
Just replying this to all who replied to the OP so they see it.
This is what I mean - for those that care but can't afford one parent full time homeschooling. Out of that 1000 kids, maybe 100 have parents who care enough to want to homeschool. If they pool their resources, they could easily provide a quality education to their kids. Especially when you consider empty nesters, retirees who care about community, etc. Those students could also do some of the stuff (mow lawns, shovel snow) for those who help out
TradRight14 ago
I wish. But no vaccinate your kids and send them for diversity enrichment and pay for illegals shit spawn goy.
DestroyerOfSaturn ago
Letting the governmemt know what you have is where ot falls apart.
BushChuck ago
Never going to happen.
Gigglestick ago
It’d more than likely turn into the exact opposite...
BushChuck ago
Never put yourself on a list.
Chimaira92 ago
As long as Jews exist.