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22526348? ago

Last I heard it was voluntary. If you want to go to public school you get vaccinated, otherwise you're free to home school or do something else. Did that change?

22527897? ago

It’s not so simple to homeschool anon. It’s a very serious commitment. How would a household that most certainly needs two incomes nowadays, have the time and resources to home school? Don’t get me wrong, I made the ultimate sacrifice, here in Michigan but how many can do this? I’ll tell you from my own experience that it’s not too many anon. If (they) hadnt made us so stressed and so busy (by design) then we could do this but until something changes, there aren’t many folks in position to do this.

This is another freedom that they have been able to take from us.

22530072? ago

Are there any groups? This is why people need to stress not even just local, but even neighborhood level communities. Like a group of a couple hundred parents who think that schools are shit, want to homeschool, but know they can't do it alone.

Something where you have empty nesters who volunteer to help out because they believe in the cause. Maybe they teach certain subjects or ages. Then some parents volunteer to teach on certain day (s) of the week. Maybe part of the education is helping some of the teachers out by shoveling their driveways or mowing lawns.

Literally just good people being good people and helping each other out. I don't suppose groups like this get much help from (((Media))) but I'd bet there's enough people out there who think public schools are trash and want to explore other options for their kids who can't afford private schools or to have one parent stay home and earn no income.

22592916? ago

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22530178? ago

Sorry but I just have to comment again on what a revolutionary idea this is.

22530166? ago

Not sure if you’re the original commenter that I was conversing with but these are fucking excellent thoughts and is the reason why we need to have honest, intellectual discussion on this issue rather than insults and attacks like what happened at the beginning of this conversation thread.

22530457? ago

Kek, you spelled racist antisemite wrong! j/k, but that's normally the response to any of my words.

Wasn't OP, but these thoughts run through my head all the time. "We need big government to run our lives" is what prevails. Need to pay taxes for muslim invaders to live here and "Integrate". It's so god damned stupid to me I just don't understand how nobody even questions it.

But it all starts at the community level. You want a better community? Fix it. Sure, there is some level of effort but it's not necessarily hard and will benefit all, including yourself.

In this example: Parents in a community of like minded people can do their best to teach what they deem necessary. Maybe that means learning to balance a checkbook or how to take care of a wound instead of learning the 78 genders or how to have anal sex at age 10. Maybe they want their kids' time spent learning instead of keeping their head down while niggers chimp out and the teacher can't even kick the chimps out of class anymore. Maybe parents want their kids to know what really happened during the times where Jews made white men kill 100 million of themselves all for shekels and control, and israel. What a wild concept!

So communities should bind together and adults should put effort in solely for the kids to benefit? Sure, but it's not just for the kids. You don't think a lonely widow or even an older couple whose kids are busy and live in a different don't think they would benefit from teaching kids? Developing a real relationship with the kids and parents of the community around them and not being sad thinking about how their kids are gone and all they do is talk to each other and maybe a handful of friends? I mean retirement sounds nice, but most people I know would be driven mad without something to work for. A goal, a cause, etc.

It's almost like pure ideological socialism on a small level where everyone helps each other out and in the end everyone benefits in many levels, including the "Feeling" of being a part of the greater good... The difference is its not forced onto those unwilling to do their part. For this to work, it has to be a white community (Maybe Asians could pull it off too). Sure, some blacks or Mexicans or Asians can be a part of it. BUT they A) could likely not be the majority and b) would have to understand that learning about race and IQ is not racism, it's just reality

22530717? ago

Again, great post anon.

22530708? ago

Amazing post and spot on. One comment on it......

“In this example: Parents in a community of like minded people can do their best to teach what they deem necessary. Maybe that means learning to balance a checkbook or how to take care of a wound instead of learning the 78 genders or how to have anal sex at age 10. Maybe they want their kids' time spent learning instead of keeping their head down while niggers chimp out and the teacher can't even kick the chimps out of class anymore. Maybe parents want their kids to know what really happened during the times where Jews made white men kill 100 million of themselves all for shekels and control, and israel. What a wild concept!”

I 100% agree with this and believe that it would transform our world in ways we cannot even hardly fathom. The thing is, that how many people know about this stuff (I mean really know about it), enough to understand how important it is? There aren’t enough folks in every community in this country that are awake enough to this. Every fucking thing, every problem that we are dealing with today, can all be proven to have been caused by a traitorous msm.

22531086? ago

I wouldn't be so sure, anon. Take this statement here: "Why is it that they don't teach you how to balance a checkbook in high school?".

MANY people have said this and wondered. I come from a white community, where our schools are actually pretty good all things considered. But they still teach the lies that "education" dept calls true. That said, I could imagine that if you are one of the diverse, or even extremely liberal, communities out there, that there is a sentiment in MANY parents of "I wish this wasn't real life". These people may be actively telling their kids, "Little Johnny, here's the deal. Your teachers are going to say this that and the other thing but remember, THIS is the truth".

It'd take some effort (This is where ideas fail), but even if you started it off with a couple dozen parents who are interested in helping to "Supplement" the education their kids receive this year - Maybe you made the effort to dig up a retired teacher or two from church, a lawyer who just sold his business and doesn't know what to do with his time anymore, and maybe your uncle was a salemsan or manager for many years.... You put a little effort in to creating curriculum (Believe me, others will help, just show it to them and they'll complain about something!) with some success maybe next year another few dozen parents want to be involved in this "supplementary" education that may actually benefit their kids in the future, which they heard about from another parent at a basketball game or wrestling tournament.

Then maybe next year these anons want to discuss taking school out of the picture altogether because some group of retarded niggers in a nearby town just killed a kid 4 years younger for wearing a maga pin he found on the bus.

Just putting in the effort is where this ends for almost all. But I really believe that there are a lot of people who if presented with something that will help their kids, they will be all for it. Problem is they have never even had these thoughts cross their mind, too busy working, etc. Hell, I'm in my 20s, have sales and management background, and am the type who doesn't forget anything, ever. I can teach just about anything that I learned in high school without a refresher course, but it'd be the life lessons I could teach that would actually be most beneficial. Again, could be a sunday at 3:30. Honestly, I absolutely would volunteer in something like this, but until I have kids and have to deal with the bullshit schools, I will not likely be making the effort to coordinate something like this.

Just reach out to like 5 parents and tell them you want to host dinner and discuss an idea you had. Break out the bourbon so people don't sit there with good ideas suppressed because they want to make sure everyone thinks of them as the nicest person in the history of history. When is the last time you sat with a group of people and discussed how to improve something? People forget about how effective this is because they are used to work meetings where 12-30 people meet in a room to talk about a meeting they are going to have next week about another meeting. When you cut the shit out of it and have a few people trying to be effective I think you'll be shocked at what comes out of it.

22530581? ago

Also when not bound by "government structure" you don't have to send them from 8-3. Maybe you have a business anon who is very intelligent and can teach teens real-life to do a trade, or how to sell (Most underrated skill imo).. Maybe he's working all day but is willing to teach on Tuesday/Thursdays from 5-9. Or even a sunday 3:30. Instead of someone who can't do something teaching your kids how to do it, you can actually have the person who does something teach how they do it.