Doglegwarrior ago

man to be universialy hated on voat that is hard to do unless your a jew.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I'm not universally hated. I am gang stalked by a certain element and brigaded. The most retarded element on this site - or something more nefarious. Though at this point that element is a large portion of the userbase. We had a thread titled "Women should shut the fuck up" that got 157 upvotes and 7 downvotes yesterday.

Voat is a place where asylum escapees congregate. And I am giving treatment. That is the best way to interpret the atmosphere here at this point.

Doglegwarrior ago

i liked the women should shut the fuck up video... if its the same one i saw.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Well, you post here. So chances are you would.

Doglegwarrior ago

well you dont seem to be an asshole so far will just see how it goes and hold judgement for my own. that fuckkng video pissed me off so much but the comments made watching it worth it

Joe_McCarthy ago

I'm a pretty nice guy. Nicer than my critics certainly.

Northman242 ago

People make way too big a deal about tits and beef curtains. Besides, any woman who is performing like Lena deserves to get gangraped and pissed upon. Women should be making children and taking care of the household, not twiddling their twats on camera for Joe and his fellow Hebrews.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Chick's in her early 30s by now. Might be married with kids. Dunno. I know you peeps aren't exactly the most out of the box thinkers but fucking yourself on camera kinda broadens your pool of potential mates.

Northman242 ago

That is true but for many of these whores,

It ends in drug and alcohol abuse, violence, and suicide. Oh well. Weak links I suppose.

MrPim ago

there was no real serious discussion, as there usually isn't on Voat.

You're asking if a video of a woman masturbating is real and complain about serious discussion.

Absolutely no one w two brain cells gives a single fuck if that's real or not you fucking mongoloid.

Now please act all superior because you jerk off to porn like a fucking loser.

Joe_McCarthy ago

It is possible to have serious discussions about female orgasms. Though you are making it unserious with a post like this.

Let's not turn this into a circus please.

MrPim ago

Oh please. You don't want a discussion. If you did you'd take this question to pornhub or somewhere similar. You wouldn't post this to Voat when you know most goats don't want your half assed shitty porn. You do not want a discussion about womens orgasm. Or Anything else that would entail serious discussion.

You are here to troll and You Fail because you have the IQ of a retarded nigger.

Joe_McCarthy ago

If you think I have the IQ of a retarded nigger - your perception of reality is probably such that I wouldn't want your opinion on this topic or much of anything else. As an aside I recall discussing strip clubs with you once at Poal. Your input when you did discuss a sexually themed topic there was pretty much useless. But unlike here at least you engaged at all.

MrPim ago

I recounted the single time I went to a strip club. Possibly the shittiest strip club on the face of the planet.

Porn is for retards. All forms of porn. Im not even going to call it degenerate. Its just flat stupid. Not ignorant. It's Stupid. Retarded. Your obsession w porn is all the evidence I need of your lack of intellect.

That and your repeated and shitty attempts to troll. You do get the other tards to dv you. So I guess that strokes your pleasure centers.

Joe_McCarthy ago

You have been to one strip club total and based on that extensive experience determined it is possibly the worst strip club on earth.

Well there you go.

MrPim ago

You should probably reread that post. Katies is filled w illegal mexicans, niggers, a couple white trash and a 300 lb stripper. I never drink Bud, but I wasnt going to order a mixed drink in that shithole. If it isn't the shittiest strip club on the planet its up there. And I want to visit the worst just see it. Because its gonna have to be Epic bad.

tokui ago

Harassing harmless incestuous Q people under color of "free speech" just makes you look even more retarded than those civnat retards.

Why don't you post in AWW, bc that would be more apt.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I got invited to post this stuff over there.

tokui ago


Not forced. I invite you to post your spiel on v/aww.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Q sub is best. Busiest sub on Voat and neutralizes attacks on my CCP.

King_Leopold_II ago

What a shekel nigger.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Let's see you virgins give some kind of opinion here. Or are you afraid to?

TrialsAndTribulation ago

"Virgins" ... that's a good one. What a stupid fucking taunt. No one is triggered by lame insults.

Joe_McCarthy ago

At your age you probably are not a virgin. Or at least I would hope not. Pretty sure you're not a priest.

But it is not an unreasonable taunt for some of these others.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

It may be true, but it's still unreasonable that you would taunt them at all. Faggot kike.

beefartist ago

Why do you do this you degenerate fag?

Joe_McCarthy ago

Doesn't address the topic. How about applying your vaunted expertise at detecting fake female orgasms? Or are you just too uptight to even go there? Or if you can go there can you do so without some kind of insult? Knowing your track record I doubt you can provide satisfaction.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

The topic isn't worth discussing, and you are a degenerate fag.