ChimpEvader ago

The most safe cities are the least diverse. The darkest skin cities are the most violent and nightmarish. Adding more niggers, border orcs, Muslims, and pajeets will make your city more dangerous to live in.

It's not a strength. Diversity is weakness.

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version7 ago

multicultural? nobody goes to England to see wild muzzies.

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i_scream_trucks ago

Vats Proper Gander vat

VeryToughMan ago

I've seen similar things happen and when it does usually every let's her flap her lips until she stops. Then no one gives a shit. Tolerance is a virtue of a dying society.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

That jew bitch is a fucking demon trying to destroy those white men.

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RunOverByASchoolBus ago

Dyed blonde hair, ick

magaloid ago

I love how unintentionally accurate this all is, he's not even saying anything remotely offensive.

475677 ago

We should just put it to a vote, how many foreigners are you personally willing to house and be responsible for until such times as they become self sufficient? Everyone with a number greater than zero should then get deported along with the shitskins already in our nations but failing that actually give them their pets, make them pay for the deportation process if they want to give up responsibility anytime afterwards, deport all the leftovers already here no one wants to help in the meantime and close the borders to all immigration. Hell kung flu has taught us that we shouldn't even have tourists either.

Mortifera ago

Let the niggers have her.

recon_johnny ago

What the fuck cuck propaganda is this from?

Empire_of_the_mind ago

Imagine listening to the advice of a woman who can't even get herself down to a healthy weight

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Gross - I hope English people are waking up to this shit

Inatehiggers ago

Civcuck Paul Joseph Watson has a good following so it's a start.

metricisokay ago

That cow sure told them what's what, I bet they'll be thinking twice before hosting their book club at Thomas' house again.

CoronavirusPatient0 ago

Correction, that type of woman should shut up. Traditional women should speak up.

Titanbikes4ever ago

Men shouldn't watch TV. No one should, actually, especially faggy shit like this.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television (1978) is a book by Jerry Mander, who argues that many of the problems with television are inherent in the medium and technology itself, and thus cannot be reformed.

We've known this for awhile.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Women like that need to be punched in the face so goddamn hard they never speak up like that ever again.

Giving women the right to vote was a fucking mistake.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Not to be 'sexist', but this one seems like she could be effectively trained with a good, solid slap when she misbehaves.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

It's going to take many solid slaps to knock the Marxist programming out of her easily manipulated little brain.

ianadba ago

Take away their right to vote. It’ll be a start.

Rockfish1000 ago

Look at the looks on the faces of the cuckfags. "Oh no! Mom's really pissed off this time".

Gothamgirl ago

With these kind of posts I can see why white woman are race traitors. Who wants a man that treats other white people the way they do...I truly think 90% of the men here are just really angry gays, with mommy issues. I used to love this place but it's been toxic for awhile now and it's getting worse.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Yeah... because we need more tolerance right? Right! Maybe tolerate these women more and we’d finally all get along...

Gothamgirl ago

Nope cause most men in the real world thankfully don't act like the faggots that make these posts, blaming all women, instead of blaming just the one in this video. It seems as if you people are obbessed with coal burners, and never ever give credit to white woman at all, about anything.

Well Except for JoeMcCarthy he likes his porn.

awwshieeetnigga ago

This is exactly why women shouldn't be voting. When people here say things that generalize women, you decide to respond emotionally and take it as a personal insult. The fact is that men are responsible for this mess, and women are making it worse. There are plenty of great white women and men, but you exemplify the exact reason we all agree that women should not be voting or voicing their opinions on politics.

Gothamgirl ago

It's woman who defeated Hillary and elected the better President...

I am so proud most white men don't think anything like you. Keep repeating yourself in a echo chamber cause no one else on the planet agrees with that nonsense -woman shouldnt vote 😂 Let me guess mommie and soy boys are not emotional at all, just woman right?

telleveryoneyouknow ago

What? Women didn’t do shit for POTUS in ‘16. Just because a few women edged out the election, you have to consider all the women on the other side who CONVINCED THEIR WEAK BETA HUSBANDS to vote for shillary.

Don’t be fucking retarded

telleveryoneyouknow ago

53% of white women? You call that helping? Wtf... so all the 47% of white women.... and the 100% of non white women voting for the other side.

And all of their husbands and children

And you tell me women should vote?

Why not remove women altogether and have a landslide victory every election?

Gothamgirl ago

It doesn't give statistics for other races so don't make them up.

Why not remove women altogether and have a landslide victory every election?

Because we have the same rights you do.

If you don't like women voting there is plenty of shitholes in the Middle East that would agree with you. Move!

We have every right to vote

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Women have voted for (decidedly) every single piece of legislation that has corrupted our nation, destroying the very fabric of what makes a nation great.

Women should never vote in elections, and neither should anyone of poor stock.

Gothamgirl ago

You seemed to think we have a choice, and no matter who votes in an election we don't.....

What about the Senate and Congress bad decisions?

What about all the wars and debt mostly created by men, after they were duped or sold out to jews?

Let me guess those poor decisions and problems are all womens fault too? Gtfoh.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

actually. YES! because these clever fucking jews, coerce these puppet sellouts to write legislation that SPECIFICALLY target women! can you not see this?!

Gothamgirl ago

puppet sellouts

<you mean men who did this up until the last election. Now their is a few weird ass women in there.

White men are also targeted so just stop...

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Please just concede the fact that snake oil salesmen politicians are not targeting white men of good stock to support their schemes

They target whites women

Specifically due to their large demographic, their propensity for emotionality, and because they usually dictate the household because white beta males have been in “power” since WW2 killed off our alpha genes

Gothamgirl ago

snake oil salesMEN you got that right....

awwshieeetnigga ago

I'm fully aware of the voting statistics from 2016.

I am so proud most white men don't think anything like you

Because your opinion on yourself hinges on what other people think of you, you assume the same for me. I couldn't give less of a fuck what you think about me. Solipsism.

There are plenty of people, men and women alike, that agree with me.

Let me guess gays, mommie, and soy boys are not emotional at all, just woman right? Right? lulzzzzzz....

Not at all, they're the most emotion of the bunch. Your ability to reason critically is hazy due to your dependency on social validation.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Yep, white men of good stock. Doesn’t include child rapists, felons, traitors, scammers, homosexuals, etc

Gothamgirl ago

Hazy? No actually I don't ever give a flying fuck what anyone thinks about me, and I most certainly don't have a dependency or care about social validation in any sense of the meaning. Nice try though 🤭

awwshieeetnigga ago

lol k

Gothamgirl ago

Now if I just responded to that with:

Men should just shut the fuck up.

I would be wrong though right?

Just trying to piece together this really screwy logic cause that's the type of chick, I really am...

awwshieeetnigga ago

Don't get me wrong, the title of this thread is stupid.

I also don't know if you checked my comment after I edited it, but I even stated that I don't even believe most men should vote.

I agree with you that (white) women were the saving grace of 2016 and most likely the next election as well. I don't think that anyone except white men with families or people that own property / businesses should be allowed to vote right now. Eventually, if we ever find a way to objectively measure emotional intelligence along with pattern recognition (IQ), then we could use that as a tool to measure who should vote or how much someone's vote should count for.

Gothamgirl ago

Well thanks for taking the time to explain, much appreciated.

awwshieeetnigga ago

No problem, sorry if my initial comment came off harshly - not having the greatest of days right now

Gothamgirl ago

Sorry to hear that. Hope you have a better day tomorrow.

I am a little off myself. I have 2 obsessed sbbh faggots writing about me all day long. Funny thing is they think they're tough guys, but in reality they're actually scared of a girl 😆and they me blocked like the really super weak trolls they are. They can't handle a troll of my caliber.

awwshieeetnigga ago

That's hilarious. To block someone you're harassing is indicative of someone who is so emotionally fragile that they'll have nightmares just thinking that someone could possibly dislike them as a person.

AR47 ago

Lol as a man I would have just been laughing..when she got all miffed I would stop and ask if we means that mouse in her pocket.

Goys-R-Us ago

This is horrible. Who would watch this tripe?

SpreeFeech ago

The muslims haven't raped her yet because they think she is a pig.

Glory_Beckons ago

We are multicultural

Such an oxymoronic and borderline schizophrenic thing to say.

Who is we, if you're multicultural? Certainly not "the English". That's one culture.

Might as well throw in there that her favorite color is rainbow.

con77 ago

cant walk through the capitol city of her own country safely

JohnGaltApproves ago

I mean, same goes for DC, but it’s the same root cause.

DefinitelyNotaJew ago

Probably still blames white men or the patriarchy.

Gothamgirl ago

Damn, when did butthurt faggots take over this place?

Derpfroot ago

Anyone caught appealing to emotion should be sent to take care of savages in their own countries. Then, if they enjoy it so much, we'll let them stay there.

What these emotional people don't realize, is that they're not helping anyone by bringing immigrants to other nations.

Welfare?..the thousands spent on a single person (in a white country) could help hundreds of people in the third world one they came from.

Pollution?..they create more of it when they come to 1st world nations than when they were at home.

The white country they came to?...multiculturalism reduces trust among neighbors and just generally erodes social cohesion. People between races feel less empathy than with their own, so there'll be less of a bond.

There's no positive to multikulti.

DefinitelyNotaJew ago

There's no positive to multikulti.

Unless you're a Jew

whitesrbetter ago

Thats not being proud of "being English" she is proud of" hating the English" so much that she brings in current and historical enemies of the English like shitskins and muslims.


How many kings of england would have had her hung for advocating such things?

Plavonica ago

All of them.

Phantom42 ago

Even the bad ones!

anticlutch ago

women should shut the fuck up

because of a (((scripted))) and (((produced))) totally real scene.

I encounter more anti-White race cucks who are male than female. And it isn't even close.

xenoPsychologist ago

if you think they dont emulated it, you crazy. theyre easily manipulated, and not too smart.

anticlutch ago

if you think they dont emulated it, you crazy. theyre easily manipulated, and not too smart.

And you can't even into English.

xenoPsychologist ago

i can totally english. i just gots me some style, too, yo!

Rexyl ago

Those are the males that are whoring themselves for the bleak chance of simply making beta status. There's a very strong correlation between these race cuck men and people who have an inability to effectively pair bond.

anticlutch ago

Well at least 5 of them have voat accounts and saw my comment.

Alkyphon ago

Here too. Daytime bartender at the pub where we go for lunch goes on rants about white privilege and global warming, the owner wouldn't speak to us for months after the election because we voted for Trump, etc. I see both sexes acting out emotional problems and judgemental cess pits all the time. Men are jerked around by their emotions too, it's just different emotions, different displays, and not recognized.

anticlutch ago

A lot of it is jewish D&C. There's a concerted effort to continue to wear down male / female relations among Whites by jews. It's one of the planks of (((communism))) and there are voat (((users))) who try to claim otherwise: that White women love niggers and hate White men or some nonsense. Not only is that untrue on the first bit, but the second bit is only true if the girl knows no men and only boys.

Shit like this submission are annoying as fuck. It's clearly jewish, antiWhite scripting, acting and producing yet there are (((users))) like trofa who post this shit claiming women are bad.

Alkyphon ago

The old divide and conquer.

Qispoop4 ago


NewsGuy2020 ago

That's just jews teaching British hens how to fuck things up.

illuminalto2 ago




Look I'm on mobile and the caps just happened, sorry I'm not yelling I swear.

Inatehiggers ago

You can yell. We understand.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

"Honey, a man was talking. Would you be a dear and get us some beers? That's a good girl."

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

gin and tonic

They're British, after all.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Indeed. And it would keep her out of the room longer.

Charilko ago

This smells like the BBC “diversity and inclusion strategy”.

Fuzzycrumpkin ago

That's why they are losing their government mandated subscription.

seeker ago

Yeah it's horribly fake. All the guys seem scared and exposed when she's talking. In reality they would be laughing their asses off.

Doglegwarrior ago

top comment. well played mate. someone would have said put a sock in it cow and chew it like cud.

god she was fucking terrible the epitome of what went wrong i england... fat crooked teethe land whales inviting in the low iq animals the only things willing to put their dick in them. guess the englishmen became incels because of hoofbeast like her

letsfindout ago

The multiple cameras and editing might have given it away too

i_scream_trucks ago

bullshit, its the uk.

AmericanJew2 ago

You may have a point there

CantBuySkills ago

You do know that's a room full of gay men, right?

JohnGaltApproves ago

It’s the BBC, right? So, yeah.

Charilko ago

Wait, this isn’t a clip from a scripted drama program?

spikes4kikes ago

it is.

Neurotic-Hapi-Snak ago

She won't be proud to be multicultural when she gets "culturally enriched."

BearDolphin1488 ago

She probably will. Women have created a battlefield and are seeking the winners.

That cunt looks fat, its gross

xenoPsychologist ago

cultural enrichment frequently ends in death for the woman.

BearDolphin1488 ago

Yes but learn a lesson from it, women would rather be dead than be with weak beta males

xenoPsychologist ago

if they were raised right, theyd keep that under control with discipline. civilization runs by way of betas working together on it in exchange for reproduction. the alternative is alpha warlords with harems and no civilization, which is what we have been drifting toward for fifty years. we are at the harems part.

but you do have a very valid point. every man should be as strong as he can be.

i_scream_trucks ago

something something toll

Dozeneggs ago

Mexican joke that applies to all of them.

What does a brick and a fat white girl have in common?

Theyll both get laid by a Mexican.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Empire_of_the_mind ago

don't be so sure

we_kill_creativity ago

What is this from?

Yuke ago

It looks like it's from a shitty UK TV programme aimed more at teens/young adults called "Hollyoaks". I vaguely remember hearing something about a storyline that was based on racism or some shit a while back, this looks like it's that. So yeah, just your standard media brainwashing of youth, as per.

oneinchterror ago

Hahaha I found it, and it's somehow even more cringey than I remember.


oneinchterror ago

Holy shit, I once took a screenshot of some reddit tranny jannies in /r/AgainstHateSubreddits discussing this show (I think). It was the gayest most cringey back and forth I've ever seen on the internet; turbo-sjws reeeing about pretend racism. I'll see if I can find it.

Adminstrater ago

The Rubbish Bin.

HelpAcct123 ago


Murphman64 ago

(((their))) plan to make everything tan