TheyLie ago

Action dissipates fear and worry. The way out is the way through.

FoundingUncle ago

When the worst that can happen is for your sister to have dinner with Jesus, you are in good shape.

In the end, God wins.

At least you have a warning. It is better to know a few years ahead than to get run over by a truck.

NestleStoleMyWater ago

If things turn for the worst, and you need a couple days to yourself. Make sure you are getting out of bed, and getting dressed. If you have a workout routine, rely on it as an auto-pilot device to get your day started. If you don't, turn on some music, and go for a walk around the block.

Everything you are, and will feel as a result of this is temporary. Peace is inevitable if you are consistant with the mechanisms that keep you moving forward.

Avoid alcohol if it's crutch during the hard times. The loss of momentum is the loss of motivation, and motivation is what you need to maintain to get through this.

This isn't the time to shutdown. It's the time to live. It's the time to create memories that are going to be incredibly difficult right now, but invaluable down the road. You have all the strength that you need, and the only one who can take that from you, is you.

You are in control of the situation. You will dictate the outcome of your emotional status in the years to come. You do have a support network here, regardless of what's available when your offline, and you will successfully navigate this regardless of the challenges you'll need to face doing so.

I don't envy you because I understand you, and you'd be surprised how many goats also understand you. You aren't alone here, and it's going to be ok.

badbot ago

people you don't even know are praying for all of you

Inaminit ago

FECO... Just try it, what can it hurt?

ephesians5_11 ago

I'm so sorry.

CrowKaneII ago

Hey her some Rick Simpson Oil. I don't give a shit what anyone says about weed here, it helped save my dad's life, after the doctors sent him to die in hospice. He's doing great, now. At the very least, it'll make her feel better.

Merlynn ago

If Ginsburg can survive pancreatic cancer in her 80s,there's hope for your sister. That said,I hear cutting proteins back kills cancer quicker,so maybe that would help? I don't know. All we can do is hope for the best.

Varlet ago

I usually just lurk but I'm going to give you some options to try. There's new drugs being developed that use your own antibodies to kill off cancer, perhaps try for testing it. Fasting plus chemotherapy has been shown as very effective in combatting cancer. Though not researched because big pharma can't monopolize it but vitamin c injection(like dripped through iv) can also be effective in combatting cancer. I'd personally go with the vit c first since it's the least harmful of the 3 then move on from there.

Remember, western medicine is made to erase symptoms not the cause. That's why most "miracle" treatments occur in Russia(like for Jordan Peterson).

Israel_Did_9_11_ ago

Rick simpson oil cures cancer

AlexanderMorose13 ago

Fenbendazole. I did some research on it earlier. It checks out. It's an over the counter dog dewormer. It kills cancer in a very similar method. More information here:

TerryB ago

Get her on marijuana oil. Worth a shot. There are many who claim success even at late stages. Some facebook groups about it.

albatrosv15 ago

Vitamin C plus cut all the sugars. Too late though.

jokersmild ago

My father is dying... Years ago, I recorded every phone call I had with him for eight months so that I could remember him when he's gone.

If my sister was dying, I would make sure she knew how well I knew here... I would get all her favorite movies, read her favorite book to her...

auchtung ago

Well fuck, should tell you brother its his fault for putting on the scuba gear and deep diving her. The only advice I have is don't hold in your emotions, just excuse yourself and realize a lot of this is out of your hands. Take the time to keep her spirits up, you can do that by not treating her like she is sick. Help her if she needs help, but most people are going to start treatjng her like she has cancer and that shit is cancer. What I mean is everything is constantly serious and everyone tries to do everything for the person and I dont know about you but if people started trewting me that way it would wear on me. Tell her all your faggy friends online send our well wishes, except that cocksword titanbikes4ever.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

There's nothing you CAN do, other than be there for your wife or brother, whomever is the one you are connected to them through.

I'll be realistic with you - she might be ok for now, but the likelihood is that it will come back within five years. The good news is the best few years of her life may be staring at her, and you may draw great inspiration from how she deals with it.

People who are ill thrive on the love and care of the people around them - knowing there are people who want you to stick around is an enormous boost to recovery. Most of all, if she tries to rope you into something you normally wouldn't do and think it's a bit wild, just do it.

You're lucky to know in advance before you lose someone. Have all the conversations, ask their life story, listen to them talk about everything. And tell that person closet to her to do the same.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Get her a multi-muahroom blend from the USA, preferrably fungiperfecti if you can afford it. Turkey tail mushrooms in conjuncrion wirh chemo has been scientificallt proven ro assist in remission. Aside from that it will improve hee quality of life.

petevoat ago

First, get her on high dosages of vitamin C, 1000 mg daily.

Apparently, it can kill cancer cells.

I sorry, that is what I would do and very sorry for your situation.



When a loved one departs from this existence everyone on this side says goodbye...on the other side everyone says hello. Death is more painful to the living than the deceased...there's no shortage of misery in this life and nobody makes it out unscathed but I do believe that something better awaits.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

The key to curing cancer (QRV)

submitted 2 months ago by 3574018?

Lots of ideas of various quality. Some of obvious worth - completely aside from cancer. Others that people swear by, but who knows.

Hope she recovers and continues on for awhile.

cursedcrusader ago

All you can do is pray, be there for her, and enjoy your time with her. God bless goat.

Diper ago

Just another one, chiming in here to remind you that people are here to talk/listen if you need

F*** Cancer, it has taken too many good people before their time

Fodder01 ago

Start looking for clinical trials right away, adopt a ketogenic diet as cancer likes sugar and consider cdb as there is evidence it slows cancer growth.

We had a friend that lasted nearly a decade that way when the doctors gave then 6 months with one of the most lethal types of cancer in existence.

everlastingphelps ago

1 Thes 4:13

But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.

When Paul write "others which have no hope" he meant the heathens who have no afterlife to look forward to. We mourn, but it's temporary.

Spend time with them. I lost my FiL this summer, and the advice my wife now gives everyone is "get on that plane, and get on now."

jewsbadnews ago

Give her a good fucking before she is too weak to. Thats how I would cope

dingus44 ago

I'm in my late twenties and in 2017 my father was diagnosed with brain cancer, the worst kind. Then a month later my grandpa (his father died) and a month after that my other grandpa died. Then a month after that my wife's grandma died. Life comes at you fast.

My dad died last year of brain cancer. It was the hardest thing to endure in my life. His final two weeks he slowly became paralyzed and incapable of doing anything. Had to help him off the toilet and I could tell he was so embarrassed. Then he laid in bed for two weeks slowly dying. I had to administer him pain meds every 6 hours or so. Went on shifts throughout the night with my mother to give him pain meds. He didn't eat or drink (other than syringes of water in the mouth every now and then, had to be careful or he'd choke bc he couldn't swallow) for the last two weeks. We took care of him in my mom's home, the house he built with his own hands.

One time in the middle of the night. I was sitting beside him and he had a rare moment of consciousness. He said "I saw what your grandpa saw" (his dad who passed away the year before) "it all makes sense now" then he said "I just have to find my way".

I've never been much of a church go-er but that made me believe that there is something after life and there is a God. I firmly believe that he's in a better place.

All you can do is enjoy the time you have left and try to realize that we all will die and such is life. You have your whole life ahead of you and this is just a shitty detour. You will survive and it will make you stronger than those who haven't had to experience this.

Just keep looking forward and be there to comfort your wife, and the rest of your family. Step up and be the man (in assuming?) of the family and try to busy yourself caring for others and being their rock. That's what got me through it. I wish you all the best and I'll keep you in my prayers.

waucka ago

Remember that your ancestors grew up watching their siblings drop like flies. They endured the pain and thrived. So will you, because you are made of the same stuff as them.

theysayso ago

Take heart. I have a colleague that was in the same boat. But there have been new treatments available. My colleagues doctor had told her that as little as five years ago, her ovarian cancer would have killed her. (Usually fatal because it goes undetected for so long). But she got in on a new treatment program and she's been cancer free for a ~year and a half.

I hope the same will hold true for your family. You'll know soon about treatment options. Hope you get a ray of hope.

ussliberty ago

Be there for your family. Be a rock for them during a rough time.

watchers ago

I Tried Medical Cannabis During Chemo, and Here’s What Happened

Niggertoes ago

Intravenous vitamin C couldn't hurt

Titanbikes4ever ago

You're a piece of shit for posting this to people that don't care. Sure, some will take this as a great opportunity to virtue signal, but get some real friends, loser.

dingus44 ago

Better go check up on your wife, I think her nigger is done fucking her. You don't want to miss the finale; him filling her up with seed that will spawn a nigger from your wife's loins that you will spend your life raising.

Titanbikes4ever ago

I'm a woman, you fat fuck stopmaking alts to stalk me

CantBuySkills ago

Eat a dick nigger. What migration did you come over here with? I didnt ask in order to allow virtue signaling, I asked because I needed to let it out somehow and I wanted other people's advice.

Titanbikes4ever ago

I've been here for 5 years enduring the all the worthless fat women-hating assholes and degenerate faggots. Kill yourself slowly and live stream it so we can all watch

CantBuySkills ago

Yeah, ok. I believe you.

Titanbikes4ever ago


awwshieeetnigga ago



Titanbikes4ever ago

Even if Awwshieeetnigga was thin enough to ride a bicycle, you could never afford a Titan racing bike. LMAO

conservativecanuck ago

We don't decide what life gives us, but we can decide how we will deal with it.

Ask yourself this: "Do I want to be the person that those who are grieving come to for comfort?"

You may just want to grieve and hurt and emote like most of us do, or you may choose to grieve but also be the "rock" in your family that cannot be moved.

I'm so sorry that this pain has come to you now.

May you take this absolute shit situation and live it in a way that will make the future you proud.

Artooweaboo ago

Be there for them. Save some energy for you so you can be the rock.

gazillions ago

You just take your lead from her. Don't shove othersome cures on her if that isn't what she's looking for. If that is what she's looking for, cull them very carefully for her. Just be there; people will drop away simply because they don't know what to say and dying can be very lonely because of that. It won't help to say bitter things about anyone or anything. She might just want someone to watch bad TV with and that's irreplaceable comfort.

CeasarSalud ago

Be there as much as you can, but as much as your family is suffering make sure you have some support. Just because she's suffering more doesn't mean you need some help.

NPCGator ago

I can relate, my sister was just diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. All I can suggest is to live life and treat people you love like there is no tomorrow.

knightwarrior41 ago

Pray,pray,pray That's the only solution That i can offer you here.But before you pray believe the lord Jesus Christ so that you and you house shall be saved.Best wishes to your relative

CoronavirusPatient0 ago

How old is your sister-in-law? I think the only thing you can really do right now is stay positive for her and pray. Just hope for the best but I think staying positive in front of her And staying strong is the best thing you can do for yourself and your family. Sometimes in life there are hard realities and there's not much that can be done about it outside of showing strength. I'm sorry you are going through this. I have been through it too.

BAAC ago

So... Here's the thing. The sooner you figure out in life that you only get to borrow people for a little while, the more you begin to appreciate them.

Sometimes you get them for a few decades. Sometimes for a few weeks. But, we only get to borrow people for a fixed amount of time.

When you realize that, you become grateful for the time your given with the people you love.

I've buried about everyone in my family - parents, siblings, best friends (several), acquaintances and co-workers. I'm incredibly thankful for all the time I've had with them, and I don't let sadness rob me of my memories.

Appreciate the time you have with her, no matter how much or little that is. Then raise a glass to her and thank the universe for putting her in your life for as long as she was there.

dingus44 ago

Well said

BalfourYourFace ago

i'm not joking when I say this, but I know people that went to Mexico and got cured of cancer. The "treatments" in the US are designed to suck all your wealth away and kill you. If she is willing to try, you should look into it, I think it is vitamin B17 and some other shark thing

Good luck, brother

Son_Of_Hate ago

The burdens of the world must fall on someone's shoulders. Everyone weaker than you would be crushed. Everyone stronger is busy with heavier burdens. Whatever you do, take heart in that it was the right choice. It was the only choice. You, your burdens, and your choices are all one, and they were made for each other. To suggest otherwise is to live another life.

If that is overwhelming or fatalistic, note that I never said that you were under any obligation to be the same person you were 5 minutes ago.

One_out_of_many ago

Rick Simpson Oil (RSO)


De wormer

CantBuySkills ago

Fuckin lulz

Drenki ago

I have faith there is a place outside this existence as we know it. the supreme being would not create souls just to throw them away forever. and if there is nothing outside of this existence, then that's pretty bleak and so what's the point. strong doubt existence is meaningless or even accidental.

so don't worry, your sis in law is in good hands

dingus44 ago

Yes. Everything is far too perfectly designed and intertwined to be coincidental. There is definitely a creator at work.

CantBuySkills ago

Thank you. One of my favorite quotes of all time is by Terrance McKenna:

"Life is just the preparation for a transition to another dimension."

I just know it's going to be a tough road.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Ohdamn... You like McKenna?! Go look into Paul Stamets! Not the rhetorical genius that McKenna was, but had a few associations.

"You are no more your body than you are your car when you're driving it." - Terrence McKenna

Drenki ago

live life like you're gonna die

VoatMikeNolan ago

It's ok to be sad but dont be overly emotional. The most important thing is for you to be strong for your family. Be there for them. Grow your shoulders in case things get tougher. God bless.

HateCumbuckets ago

My thoughts are with you mate.

743v ago

fuck you, nobody gives a shit

dingus44 ago

There's a place in hell for people like you. You're going to be Stalin's fuck toy for eternity.

743v ago

voat is not an online charity. Nobody wants to hear your life's problems, people have enough problems of their own. If you're such a liberal feminist human rights activist that needs a safe space to express your grievances go fuck yourself. Stick your thumb up your ass and rotate.

dingus44 ago

What a sad life you lead. Have fun while you can.

743v ago

Up your ass.

Flirp ago

Just because you're a pathetic piece of shit that doesn't care about anything doesn't mean we all are like you. Grow the fuck up emo bitch and start cutting the areas that get the job finally done.

743v ago

Ok soy boy incel edgelord. Keep acting like a bitch and you'll be treated like one.

Titanbikes4ever ago

Virtue signaling loser. I hope you get cancer and it kills you slowly; your body rotting from the inside out

awwshieeetnigga ago

t <22 year old edgelord

Titanbikes4ever ago

Once again look at your own user name and post history. How long has it been since youve seen your dick

awwshieeetnigga ago

You can keep making assumptions, or you can message me. I'm willing to help you out.

HateCumbuckets ago

Go fuck yourself troll

Titanbikes4ever ago

Apparently you're a lazy fat fucking piece of shit

HateCumbuckets ago

Yes to all except not fat. Not even once

ItsOk2bArian ago

We are going through a similar cancer shock with my best friends Wife. It sucks to feel helpless, just do what you can. Recommend Ketogenics for the healing process. Cancer cells can only feed on glucose

CantBuySkills ago

Sorry to hear that. I feel your pain and wish you the best. I will check out ketogenics... there's a lot of people talking right now, and I'm planning on just listening for a bit. I will research some stuff and when the time is right I will share with her what I have found.

rndmvar ago

Make sure she hasn't used talcum / baby powder down there.

There's an ongoing lawsuit against Johnson & Johnson around the Asbestos that is present in it.

ketoll ago

This website has some good info too:

19810708321b ago

Pray. God is the best listener and the best responder.

brewpot ago

Sorry to hear that. My grandma had it too. Life is hard sometimes but you're tough. Everything will be alright.

Smallest_Skil ago

There is something after this world when you die. I had 'experiences' after mom passed. It changed my view on existence. Stay strong, hopefully the treatments will be out very very soon.

Phantom42 ago

Care to elaborate?

I just like hearing those types of stories. Experiences and whatnot. Not so much the dying part. Death is rough, though it is more a concern of the living so there is that.

dingus44 ago

If you're interested in that sort of thing, I've got lengthy story in a top level comment here.

Wolfspider ago

It reminds one to live every moment to it's fullest. That doesn't mean to go full tilt all the time, but to stop and smell the roses too. You can do it with her.

Lagmonster ago

Hopefully everything works out and she gets better. The time you spend with her now is not wasted regardless of how things work out. I wish I had the words...

lion4liberty ago

You need to get your sister on Turkey Tail mushrooms ASAP, check this video and here is a link to get it.

I have a brother that recently had cancer cut out of him and he is on the stuff and so far all his tests are good, i also just found out one of my other sister in laws may have ovarian cancer and we are getting her on them as well

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Holy shit! I never thought I'd see the day someone else beat me ro the Turkey Tail punch. YEAH MUSHROOMS!!!

britt121 ago

I would also cut out all sugar too and increase fat intake. Cancer thrives on sugar.

I-Am ago

Yes, Keto diet is good for cancer patients. Also this:

lion4liberty ago

Very good point.

leapme ago

when my grand mom died I started looking in to near death experiences. Was reading books at the time since there was no internet yet...gave me a whole lot of peace knowing how beautiful it was on the other side.... Not that it will take all the pain away but it helped me work through it... Instead of being sad I would just imagine what it would be like in heaven not having anymore pain or worries...


Cancer's a bitch. Pray and make casserole or lasagna.

dingus44 ago

Yes. Make a shit load of food for the family so they don't have to worry about cooking. People did this for my family and it made a world of difference.

CantBuySkills ago

I was actually chuckled... thank you

flaxom ago

Stay strong fren. Spend as much time with her as you can.

PalmSprings21 ago

Feel what you feel, but don't let it overwhelm you or force you to do unwise things. Sadness is part of life, and you have my sympathy and condolences.

CantBuySkills ago

Thank you. And thank you for the reminder, it's been hard and I have pretty sub par coping skills. I will keep that in mind.

TheBookWasBetter ago

In a few months, pick up the book no more Mr. Nice guy. It is a few years old but it may help you understand your coping mechanisms better.

Zenon_Warrior_75 ago

A book that has helped me recently is the Art of Happiness by the Dali Lama. There is a chapter in there that applies to your situation on how to deal with loss of someone close to you. I've been going through hard times myself and it really has helped me gain a more positive perspective on my life. Hope everything goes well with your sister.

spikes4kikes ago

Emotions are just that, feelings, fuelled by chemicals in your blood and brain, it's okay to experience it all, and feel all of it.

you can accept the simple 'feeling of emotions' without letting them control you.

Those chemicals in your blood will get processed by your body, just like stress hormones, and it will pass, and not be as overwelming.

You can take strength from being there for others, that are grieving, the mark of a man is sturdiness and being something for others to hold on to while they are being swept away in a storm of emotions.

let the emotion flow over you, and experience them as much as you need, but in understanding that this too is part of everything.

In truth, nothing has changed, she was always going to die at some point, the only change now is a change in your perception of what time means.

I wish you and everyone around you strength.

SIayfire122 ago

Cry. There's no shame in crying or feeling sorrow. Keep yourself together best you can in public and at work, but home should be a safe space for you and your wife.

ArielQflip ago

I'm so sorry your SIS IL is so ill. Be strong for her and be there for her. One thing is to help her see the positive things in life.

If the cancer has spread, she could still survive with treatment. I am praying for you both.

CantBuySkills ago

Thank you. I am hoping that the news from her next appointment is promising... I will be crossing every possible body part until we officially hear.

Thanks again for the advice and prayers.