First of all i am not an MD and i do not have any medical background. I am just someone whos health was constantly detoriating to a point where i had no choice but to start doing my own research since i always had a natural distrust towards (((modern medicine))).
Whites are most affected by cancer and we just need to keep as many of us alive as possible.
To cure cancer you first have to understand that cancer is NOT an illness. Cancer is a SURVIVAL MECHANISM of your body/cells. In order to survive cells need ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) which is produced in the mitochondria inside the cells. ATP is the energy currency that powers pretty much anything in your body. Without ATP the cell dies. Most cells have 2 ways to generate ATP. The first and ideal way is by oxidation of glucose, fatty acids and ketones. In order for this process to work oxygen is necessary.
If there is a lack of orygen then the mitochondria switches to the alternative way of generating ATP which is fermentation! Fermentation is a very inefficient way of producing ATP and also produces far less ATP than oxydation. It also creates a lot of (acidic) byproducts that cannot be properly metabolized due to the lack of oxygen.
It is very similar to the what happens in your muscles when you train hard and the body is not able to bring enough oxygen to the muscles.The muscle cells switch to fermentation and produce a lot of lactic acid as byproduct which causes your muscles to get sore and you to eventuall stop. Once enough oxygen is available again the muscle cells switch back to oxydation. The only exception to this is the heart muscle which cannot switch to fermentation and is dependent on oxygen all the time.
Fermentation only works with glucose and maybe also some amino acids like glutamine so cancers are known to be very hungry for glucose.
So basicly cancer cells are cells that are stuck in fermentation mode due to a chronic lack of oxygen in the affected body tissue. The cancer cells are not your enemy, they are actually desperatly trying to keep you alive because the alternative would be a massive cell death chain reaction. The most common cause for this is just too much accumulation of toxic and acidic substances in the affected tissue usually combined with high amount of inflammation. I also think that hormones play a big factor when tissues like breast, ovaries and prostate are involved.
How to fix it?
Instead of trying to kill off the cancer cells that are actually trying their best to keep you alive you might want to try this steps.
First of all there is not a single cure-it-all substance so be vary if someone tell you to take only this single thing and it will cure your cancer.
This only works when this substance by chance adresses the main underlying cause for your cancer but not every cancer has the same cause.
Baking Soda ('sodium hydrogen carbonate' also often called 'Sodium bicarbonate')
Sodium bicarbonate is the bodys natural PH regulator and the key to help your body to increase the PH in the cancerous tissue to make the oxygen transport into the cells and CO2 transport out of the cell possible again. Taking 1 - 2 tea spoon every day before bed is the foundation of my cancer cure. I also suggest taking some potassium every day as well or a while electrolyte blend. There is a thing called the sodium-potassium pump and for this to work well you need sodium outside the cell and potassium inside the cell.
Also make sure it is pure baking soda and not baking powder that has other stuff mixed into it !!!
Vitamin D3 + K2 (MK7)
Extremely importand for overall health and longevity and most people are chronicly deficient. There is a lot i could write about D3 but just take it as an essential nutrient for overall health. Getting it through sun exposure usually is not enough unless you spend all day in the sun and dont wear any toxic sunscreen. I suggest supplementing always in combination with K2 to make sure the calcium that is absorbed through D3 can go where it is supposed to go and not accumulate in your tissue and arteries. D3:K2 ratio to take is 10.000IU D3 : 100µg K2
I suggest 10.000 IU daily for someone without major issues and a multiple of that someone that has cancer. Also make sure you take fat soluble with saturated fats to make sure they absorb well.
Unless you eat a lot of seafood you are probably deficient in iodine so try to find a good source like organic sea kelp or detoxadine from global healing center.
Just make sure you start slowly with the dosage as the herxheimer (detoxification) reaction can be quite strong if you take too much in the beginning.
Omega 3 (DHA & EPA)
Very importand for the brain and protein synthesis and also to lower inflammation. (and a lot of other things)
Modern diet is very high Omega 6 fats that cause inflammation as they easily oxidize in the body and turn into harmful substances.
DHA and EPA can only be obtained by animal sources or algae but i suggest a high quality fish oil and krill oil would be the best source but also most expensive.
You can also eat beef brain, wild caught salmon or similar sources if you want to obtain it from your diet.
There is just so much stuff to write in this category but you will just have to use common sense.
Lower your carb intake especially sugars and even more specific fructose (regular sugar is 50% fructose)
Do intermitted fasting! Do at least a fasting/eating windows of 16h/8h but the smaller the eating window the better. Do research into IF and Autophagy!
Avoid high Omega 6 oils/fats and especial the so called 'vegatable oils' and trans fats. For cooking use grass fed butter/ghee, coconut oil and also grass fed beef fat is ok.
Avocados, Olives and Olive Oil are ok but only raw and/or cold pressed.
Switch to organic wherever possible and don't eat too much grains due to the antinutrients in them.
Cosmetic Products
Common cosmetic products contain tons of toxic compounds and i personally have switched to pure natural based cosmetic producuts.
For example instead of using toxic deodorant with aluminium simply use baking soda and rub it under your arms. Make it a bit wet and dry it with a blow dryers. Works better and longer than any deodorant i ever used. If you want some extra good smell then just add a natural deodorant afterwards or make your own baking soda deodorants by mixing baking powder, coconut oil and the essential oils of your choice and apply that.
Use natural soaps with as little ingedients as possible and with a high PH. Baking soda is also very good for your skin!
Low intensity cardio would be best i guess, nothing too extreme as i would raise cortisol and you dont want that when you have cancer.
Best would be to get a small rebounder and just jump every day for 10-15 minutes. It gets your lymphatic system which is importand in general.
Emotional Stress
Try to remove anything from your life that is causing you constant emotional stress and depression as this has very negative effects on your health.
If it cannot be removed just try to find a way to better deal with it better. Meditate or do similar things to calm down.
If there is something that keeps you up at night or goes on in your mind and makes it hard to fall asleep and you have to do something about that.
You body can only really heal while you are in certain sleep phases and if you have bad sleep try to find some melatonin supplement.
Adaptogens (fix your out of whack hormones)
Adaptogens are plant compounds that help to get your hormones to normal levels. (Cortisol, Estrogen and Testosterone mainly)
Usually Cortisol and Estrogen are too high and Testosterone is too low.
Maca Root, Ashwagandha, Gotu Cola, Rhodiola Rosea, Shizandra, DMAE, Ginseng, Holy Basil and i think there are many more just do your own research into adaptogens.
B-Complex vitamins. Cooking and processing destroys most B vitamins in the food so unless you eat lots of raw foods you most likely will not get enough of them. B12 should not be consumes in the cheap form of cyanocobalamin. Use methylcobalamin instead.
- Silica to remove aluminium from your tissue and brain
- Curcumin to lower inflammation
- Antioxidants (Vitamin C (high dose > 1000mg a day) and E, Extracts from Berries like Blueberry, Aronia, Acai, Strawberry and so on)
- indol-3-carbinol and DIM (Diindolylmethan) for detoxing high estrogen and xenoestrogens
- cinnamon extract, zinc (as zincbiglycinate), chromium (as chromiumpicolinate) and vanadium to increase your insulin sensitivity and normalize blood sugars
- NAC (n-acetly-cysteine)
- Acetyl-L-Carnitin
- boron for stronger bones and fluoride removal
- bitter herbs for overall liver function, digestion and detoxification
- listen to uplifting music ;)
“Just look at us. Everything is backwards, everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, psychiatrists destroy minds, scientists destroy truth, major media destroys information, religions destroy spirituality and governments destroy freedom.”
― Michael Ellner
edit: looks like i can only comment once per 24 hours even in my own thread so it will take me a while to respond to everyone that asked me questions :/
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21839908? ago
Wow, not a single mention of GcMAF. Globulin cluster macrophage activating factor = the stuff your body makes to turn on your white blood cells. Cancer, virus and bacterial infections release nagalase, an enzyme that destroys your natural GcMAF. Injected replacement GcMAF cures cancer with your own immune system (the yogurt videos are BS as nagalase decimates the GcMAF you make naturally) Discovered in the late 80s - clinics using it have seen great success before being shut down. research and see
21835803? ago
21835337? ago
decarboxylated cannabis oil, destroys this fungus
21834238? ago
If acid gave you cancer, vitamin C would be carcinogenic and athletes would die of cancer like flies eating RAID.
21834107? ago
Focus on PREVENTION and you won’t need a cure.
21831080? ago
Cook at home, filter yer water, eat apples, repeat
21830960? ago
I heard a lot of this, especially how crucial the Ph balance and over use of carbs (sugars) feeding cancer cells, and to use Baking Soda.
Excellent thread, saved and archived offline.
21830715? ago
Stop Carb Loading! Apple a day does not keep the doctor away!! Eat FAT.. Your body will eat that cancer if you would stop feeding it with carbs! Wrong energy source, your not a horse, or a deer, or a rabbit. Eat protein, building blocks, and power with 9 calories per gram fat. 1 out of every 2 dies from this misinformation! Carb loading hardens your arteries then high blood pressure .. dead! 53 percent of us will die this way! Switch to fat, you will not have a problem being healthy. It's night and day.. once you realize everyone around you is unhealthy it isn't hard because you'll feel awesome!! Hormones straight, hungry when you need to eat, energy from eating food, you won't think about how your feel, your body is sending you a message that something isn't right, everyone is thinking about how they feel constantly, feel they need this or that or they goto the doctor and they give them drugs to make them feel different. Everyone is fooled because your body is sending you a message to eat different fuel. Not buy more stuff, you'll feel just like you did before, or maybe you will convince yourself you have depression or anxiety or whatever your weak mind will believe since no KETONES are getting to your brain and you are unable to process fat which is your number one source of fuel!! Your body will adapt and trust me you'll discover a whole other person inside of you.. your hormones regulate how you feel and running on sugar which isn't efficient for you, that's why you get tired after eating.. and feel like butt!! Easy as pie too.. took me 6 months and get into perfect shape and it was so simple and the difference in life is astounding. Blah blah blah .. there you go .. take it or leave it.. worked for me! xD
21830434? ago
Gerson Therapy
21829858? ago
Fast. Don't just IF (which is good too for discipline but won't cure shit), do extended length water fasts. Work your way up. Try to get to 10 days. Or even 40 days. It is the healthiest thing you can do for yourself by far. You MUST abstain from all calories for autophagy to kick in. Essentially your body sends a signal to your cells "I'm gonna eat u", healthy cells respond to this signal with "the fuck you are." and mark themselves healthy by casting "Harden" like metapod. Unhealthy and cancerous cells are like "durrrr wat??" and ignore the signal. Then the body eats the cancerous cells because they contain nutrients that can be digested. It also repairs your immune system. Eats unhealthy proteins too, like excess skin. If you are 500 pounds and lose the weight by, get this, NOT EATING, you won't have excess skin either.
You know why when you are sick you don't feel like eating? It is your body's natural way of telling you to stop eating, for this reason.
Kikes shill against water fasting like nothing else and will tell you it's dangerous etc. It's not. Your body is designed to fast. Kikes hate fasting because there is no money in it and it cures everything from depression to cancer to diabetes.
21829590? ago
Recommend: Tomatoes , celery , kale , garlic & most importantly turmeric root , juiced in a blender, switch from potatoes to sweet potatoes - not peeled , fresh and or canned fish - sardines are rich in omega 3. cut out all sugar out of your diet.
Okinawan's have lived on most of the above and are reputed to be the healthiest people on the globe.
21830607? ago
Cut the daily/habitual garlic and don't have too much tomato unless you are truly prepared to deal with the extra acidity.
21828926? ago
I was weary about reading this OP but the first few paragraphs are actually very spot on, up until you get to the recommendations. Cancer-cure recommendations always end back in the reductionistic mindset of all allopathic medicine (as much as alternative medicine these days) that you always treat a condition with a targeted product. Take "this" for "that" in other words.
The philosophy of wellness and disease is more comprehensive than that approach, as the wisdom of the ages past shows. Looking at the body as a complex of systems that works according to vital principles to maintain a state actually 'out' of equilibrium but relying on negative feedback loops and other pathways that have non linear routes... it comes to the point that one needs to address the person/patient as a whole organism of body and mind, to address all major imbalances, bringing things back to a balanced 'out of equilibrium' state that all life exists in, and watch as one's own body recovers wisdom and information on how to heal itself from whatever malady the person suffers.
Case in point. We are always tempted to focus on what we put in our bodies or what we don't put into our bodies as resulting in disease or healing. But no one hardly talks about what we put our bodies into. The environment and our relationship to the environment.
And that speaks volumes. For instance start researching the fundamental role of circadian biology running all of our cellular programs according to diurnal time keeping, and how far that whole system is thrown has direct relevance to whether we are in grave risk of attaining a caner state or far from even a minor worry of it being a factor in our life. Look at melatonin; and how -
What is all this to say? It is to say you can have the most brilliant 'anti cancer' diet regimen in the world, the most pure CBD oil intake, the most awesome 'beat cancer' protocols devised as far as what you take and what you avoid.
But if you live your daily life against nature's rules regarding day night cycles and seasonal and latitudal variablity, your circadian timing mechanisms are chronically off meaning you are by definition at risk for oncogenesis. Note this is likely by design in the industrialized society we now live in:
If you want to put on your science pants and really dig into the phenomena of biology, life, and the environment, then I would advise picking up the book "Light Shaping Life" by Roeland van Wijk. It's not a cheap book, but the chapter on oncogenesis is worth the price alone, especially for those in an oncogenic state ready to take matters a step further than drugs/pills/diets and understand the profound impact and differentiation of outcomes based on how willing one is to live in congruence with nature apart from modern technological conveniences, or not.
21830626? ago
Hey this is super interesting. Thanks for sharing. I have lived a too sedentary of a life for some years now and I want to address everything that I possibly can for next year. I have so many questions for you about your actual go-to meals, excercise routines etc but... I think I honestly have more than enough information to apply and just hit the ground running with. Thanks again :)
21828723? ago
21830592? ago
Thanks! For the last little while I've been vegetarian/vegan and am still really trying to fix up my diet. I think it's time for me to get fish back on the menu, and though I do not purchase or consume products with refined sugars I still struggle with the sugar addiction and probably need to straight up ban any high/medium GI fruits for a while (I believe bananas are exactly 50/100 on the scale and that's still quite the hit for a sweet tooth). Being vegetarian did absolute wonders for my mood and digestion though, I tell you. I know it's somewhat vulgar but no joke, a meat based diet just makes the state of my stomach and the shits I take so absurdly, almost comically bad in comparison. Until you try a period of vegetarianism you probably will have no idea what the nicer side of the coin is even like in that regard.
Anyway in our natural lives lived in the savannah there would very likely have been times where meats/dairy would not have been avaliable to us and I'd go as far as to say that the body might even benefit from experiencing these periods like we do with fasting. Totally worth a try I'd say!
21833990? ago
Not exactly. In general, fruits taken overall are about 50% fructose and 50% glucose. However, each fruit is different, and the ripeness also changes the ratio. Agave is about 90% fructose on average, for example. Bananas are closer to 50/50, but as they ripen, they become more fructose-heavy.
Another thing many do not understand is that it is not only fruits that have sugar. ALL plant foods convert to glucose or glucose and fructose in the body. Sugar is exactly 50% glucose and 50% fructose. Veggies and starches convert to glucose, while fruits convert to both glucose and fructose. A heavy dose of glucose is bad as spikes insulin in an unhealthy way and promotes bodyfat storage, but a heavy dose of fructose is also bad in that it stresses the liver and can cause non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
21834264? ago
Yeah, I was trying to be more layman friendly I guess but I meant that a banana has a GI of exactly 50, which is a scale that goes up to 100 (pure glucose). The doseage of glucose is not so much of a big deal to me compared to how high GI what I'm consuming is. The conversion of starch and other plant material into glucose happens very slowly, making most tubers and veggies very low GI
21835109? ago
It doesn't really matter, though because there is a minimum threshold that, if that is reached, it has the same effect as if it were "high GI." Pretty much all foods with glucose and fructose will hit that minimum threshold. So, all plant foods will elevate glucose and, if they have fructose, will stress the liver. A small quantity probably won't effect the body as much as a large quantity, but the "GI Index" is basically worthless since all foods (whether "fast" or "slow") will reach that minimum and still have an effect.
21836481? ago
That's interesting. My main concern with high GI foods is the sugar crash and resulting insulin imbalances that you get, which doesn't seem to happen when hitting that threshold. So to me the G Index is not worthless, whatsoever. Unless you're doing ketosis I don't think what you're talking about is relevant to worry over.
21833213? ago
I won't get into too much of an argument here, other than to say that on the African savanna, there were none of the foods you would find in today's produce section of the supermarket. Wild fruits are nothing like what we get today, which have been selectively bred for thousands of generations to be large, sweet, and juicy. Wild fruits are small, only a little sweet, and fairly dry. The tubers would not have been dug out of the ground until hundreds of thousands of years later when it became a necessity. Carrots were originallyl white and small, but the Dutch cultivated purple ones and orange ones. The orange ones were the most popular. Certain veggies were originally part of the same plant: cabbage, cauliflower, and kale are one example. They were broken off and selectively bred separately.
All plants and anti-toxins, which block the absorption of nutrients in humans. Plants cannot run away, bit or claw to defend themselves, so their defense mechanism is chemical. These anti-nutrients are harmful to humans, especially because they block absorption of minerals.
Humans were originally scavengers and hunters. We ate little to no plants simply because they did not exist. Only when the most recent inter-glacial period of the current ice age occurred, about 10,000 years ago, and many large animals went extinct, did humans turn to figuring out how to eat plant foods and developed agriculture.
I eat mostly animal foods. Not all, but mostly. I never have issues with bowel movements, unless I ate some junk food. For optimal health, humans need amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. Animal foods provide all these things in abundance, in the correct proportions for humans, and in a highly bio-available form for humans. Plants do not. Vegans never talk about the bio-availability of the foods they eat, probably because pro-vegan literature never mentions it (because doing so would refute a vegan diet). Plants have their role, primarily as medicines. But in terms of relying on them as a diet, it is malnutrition.
21834414? ago
It's only malnutrition to rely on a plant based diet if you are not being careful and paying close attention to how your body is going. Otherwise it would not be possible for there to be any healthy vegans, of which there are many absolutly glowing examples. It is a very big shame that we have lost the variety in grains, legumes, leaves etc that we used to have access to. The cycling of a wide enough variety of plant groups ensures that factors that block the absorbtion of certain nutrients are not allowed to build up, just like how foragers like cows and goats need a wide variety of plants to thrive. Our ancestors consumed a diet consisting mostly of fruits, and we actually have the digestive tract of a herbivore. Yes we are omnivorous, but we have long digestive tracts because the length is needed if we want to actually be able to digest plant material. Putting meat into this herbivore length tract (a factor partly determined by the length in proportion to the rest of our body amongst many other things) has a few subtle but relevant cons, essentially, over-breakdown of meat into rancid material (carnivores have very, very short intestines to avoid this happening) leading to bacterial hyperactivity, inflammation, and the health effects associated (such as hypertension - the cause of most hospital visits). I don't want to argue either, most of the time I start talking about this kind of stuff with people who are not vegetarian the conversation will go back and forth yet go nowhere and then devolve. I think it's worth me stressing that I'm not saying that it's unhealthy to eat meat... but I'm saying that it can have negative effects especially when consumed in excess and that there is a very specific reason and mechanism for why, and that there are many reasons to indicate that we are evolved to thrive on plants, not meat.
21835578? ago
All vegans used to eat animal foods. Zero exceptions to that. Once going vegan, their body has stored up nutrients that allow them to continue to have good health ... for awhile. But sooner or later, their health will deteriorate.
That's a mischaracterization of what I stated. Humans did not have access to those foods until about 10,000 years ago, when agriculture was invented out of necessity (due to real "climate change").
No, they just block the nutrients in real time. It's not required to "build up." It happens instantly. For example, oysters have the highest zinc content of any food. Eat oysters only and your body will absorb a certain amount of zinc. Eat those same oysters along with black beans, and your body will only absorb 50% of the zinc, due to the anti-nutrients in beans. Eat those same oysters with corn, and your body will absorb 0% of the zinc, due to the anti-nutrients in the corn. It happen while you eat it, not due to a build up.
Not true. Cows will eat the same food forever, and be just fine. The problem is for the farmer because the cows will eat their favorite food (like clover) to the point they kill it all off. So, the farmer rotates the cows so they must eat a variety of plants and not kill off their favorites. The variety is the farmer's brain realizing what is the the long-term best interest of the cows. The cows themselves do not seek variety.
That is a vegan lie. There is no anthropological evidence of this at all. Futhermore, researchers who have sought out modern day primitive people have found, universally, that there are no fruit-only eaters. They all eat meat, and many have learned to eat plants, as well, though not all do. You have been reading/watching vegan propaganda, not truth.
No, we do not. Cows have 4 stomachs. We do not. Cows have bacteria in their stomach to digest cellulose. We do not. Our digestive tract is the proportional length between a dog and a cat -- both carnivores -- and nothing like a cow.
We can eat all sorts of foods, but our bodies evolved eating meat, primarily. We adapted to eating cooked food and then plant food. But that was not how our bodies evolved over millions of years (from before Homo Sapien came on the scene).
Not true. We do not digest plant food with any efficiency at all. Fiber is, by definition, that part of the plant that we do not digest (and it is not healthy for us because it causes scarring of our intestinal tract). The rest of the plant breaks down into glucose, for which we have zero nutritional requirement. And this only breaks down in the colon, which is where we have bacteria. Bacteria is the only thing on planet Earth that can break down cellulose and "digest" it. A cow has bacteria in its first stomach. When a cow eats grass, that grass goes into the first stomach where the bacteria digest some of it. The bacteria then sends it back up to the cow's mouth for further digestion, which is why the cow "chews its cud." A cow can eat the same grass up to 200 times through this process. Once the grass is digested (by the bacteria) enough, the resulting material goes through the rest of the cow's other stomachs and digestive tract, where it is converted to fatty acids. Cows get 70%-80% of their body's nutrition from fat, not glucose, due to this process. Our digestive system does not work like that at all. We have zero bacteria in our stomach. But we do have hydrochloric acid and peptic acid -- for the breakdown of meat, just like carnivores. Furthermore, our bodies are not capable of utilizing the proteins, vitamins, and minerals in plant foods like we can with animal foods.
Vegan propaganda. Do yourself a favor and look at anti-vegan work and then make a judgement. Don't draw conclusions on only one biased view. Look at other biased views, as well, and then arrive at your conclusions.
If you did that, you would not believe these false ideas.
I agree. That happens a lot, on both sides. I personally read all that vegan literature many years ago and tried it. I pushed the vegan propaganda, too, without realizing that's what it was -- just like you are doing now.
You don't realize what you are saying is false. But it IS false. I once had a conversation with a co-worker who simply asked, "What about the Maasai?" I didn't even know who they were. That lead me to consider that MAYBE I didn't have as much info as I should. Over time, I came to realize that John McDougall (who looks like absolute shit and talks like he is insane), Dean Ornish (who also looks like shit), and other vegan propagandists were lying about their "data." They flat out LIE and omit important points. You don't realize that unless you read things from people who call them out on their bullshit. You are in the vegan echo-chamber and don't realize it. I was, too, at one time. So, I understand where your head is at.
I encourage you to continue on your learning journey. In the end, you and I want the same goal: to understand what is OPTIMAL for human health.
I have already read all the stuff you have read. But you have not read what I have. That is obvious to me. I won't point you in any particular direction, just to encourage you to continue on your journey, and as Q might say, "Expand your thinking."
EDIT: I will point you in one direction because I think it would be a great place to start. Look up Shawn Baker on YouTube and watch his stuff. He addresses all of these things, and does so in a manner that doesn't waste a lot of time.
21836130? ago
Yes, and for other foods such as vitamin K being blocked by zuccini, it's caused by a buildup. Regardless you raise a moot point because this can be addressed across the board by making sure to always cycle through a variety of healthy fresh foods, as I already said.
That's not true. And you seem to have misread, all I said about cows is that they thriveon a wide variety of plants.
There are many, many examples of herbivores that do not have forestomachs/multiple stomachs. Our digestive tract is NOT the proportional length of a dog or cat, this is misinformation.
I definitely have. Anti-vegan work is a joke. We probably have different definitions of the word vegan because to me it's about minimising the consumption of animal products as much as possible and that's all that matters. I of course recognise and acknowledge that I will have to consume some animal products (especially fish) if I want to stay fully healthy, but I am trying to do so as consciously and carefully as possible. No amount of anti-vegan material is possibly going to change my mind on this. Most of the false ideas you seem to think I have are just you misconstruing what I've said or arguing semantics with me (!). That doesn't make what I'm actually saying false by any means though, thanks.
I do appreciate your words towards the end of your comment though I doubt there's any relevant information on this topic you have read that I havn't. Again, most (!) of the points you raised against me that I've had to now spend my time addressing are either semantics, or honestly offensive mis-representations of my wording or points. What's with that? I believe I had previously edited my comment when I wrote it but I don't want you to think I've fixed up my wording after you wrote yours. Can you see how your perception of me is affected a great deal by these mistakes. That is literally, precisely what I mean when I say that these conversations go back and forth yet lead nowhere. Happened every time so far. Oh well.
21837425? ago
Yes, people who disagree often do so due to their different opinions of the definitions of the words used.
"Vegetarian" is someone who eats mostly plants, but also a little of some sort of animal foods.
"Vegan" specifically refers to someone who only eats plants, and never eats any animal foods of any kind.
If you eat any animal foods at all, you will gain some benefit from it, despite also receiving the anti-nutrients and lack of overall nutrition. Still, it is far better than vegan, which is no animal foods at all.
Although vegetarian is not optimal nutrition, it is better than vegan. Seems like we agree on the point that vegetarian is better than vegan. And if we do, it is because the inclusion of animal foods is a positive thing for the human diet.
That is the last word I will have to say in this thread.
Best of luck to you.
21831106? ago
Yes, I had clockwork shits on a Vegan diet
21834482? ago
And the consistency makes it seriously apparant that we are designed to be eating plant based diets. It might seem tmi to talk about this but idgaf, it's such a big difference. I realised early on in the diet that the lower gut is supposed to have a function where it collects faecal matter and compacts it into a very efficient, all-in-one pack. It's like comparing the functioning of a ferrari to a sputtering pile of junk with oil backed through it's engine. And up until then I went my entire life without experiencing this. Never going back!
21835860? ago
I acquired anemia from a lack of iron, so now I just add a bit of red meat
21828641? ago
No mention of cannabis which cures all cancers 100% of the time? You didn't do much research.
21828492? ago
An ounce or maintenance is worth a pound of cancer cure.
Usually cancer comes from doing unhealthy shit. Don't do unhealthy shit. Before the bitches bitch about this, we all know unhealthy shit results in lack of good health. If you get your panties in a twist to equate cancer to poor health, so be it snowflake. Cancer isn't the only disease. Avoud them all as best you can.
21828222? ago
Almost all cancers are candida itself.
21827324? ago
Massive doses of decarboxylated cannabis oil cures cancer. I've seen it cure a skin cancer, stage IV colon cancer.
The miracle was right in front of our faces the whole time, made illegal for 80 years and snickered at. NOW WHAT BITCHES!
21827254? ago
21827138? ago
I'm curious if adding a couple of drops of hydrogen peroxide to water would increase oxygen in your body?
21828386? ago
Digestive oxygen is disposed of. If you want to increase oxygen improve iron intake and breath more.
21827056? ago
Turmeric powder,1tsp daily.
Taken with black pepper and a soluble fat (real butter).
One of the best antioxidants.
21826894? ago
Can all of this be found in one or two supermix compounds or powders like a power shake? Seems like an overwhelming amount of supplements to get a handle on.
21826934? ago
Kale Berry & Avocado smoothie.
21826661? ago
Good post!
21826599? ago
Check out Jane McLelland's "How to Starve Cancer". There are multiple pathways for cancer metabolism, and only eliminating one or two will cause the cancer to switch and become more aggressive.
Also be aware that baking soda contains aluminum. Best source aluminum-free baking soda and hope that it is.
I stopped using any deodorant or anti-perspirant 13 years ago. The body needs to sweat, and when you stop fighting it, you will detox more naturally and stop feeding the stinky bacteria that thrive on the toxic junk you are told to slather on your armpits.
21826558? ago
Saved comment for the next time it comes up on here. Thanks for the writeup anon.
21826193? ago
21826159? ago
Also, Pine Gum Spirits taken with sugar 1-2x per week to kill the candida, fungus and parasites that activate the bioweaponized viruses, etc.
21870525? ago
Mmmmm, wish that was pine flavor chewing gum
21826138? ago
And Selenium to render the Mercury harmless.
21826073? ago
As a biochemist, most of the first part is fucked up wrong.
21826973? ago
Yeah, you definitely sound like a biochemist with all that scientific language and all. OMG what a Faggot.
21826618? ago
You're probably right, but your appeal to authority with zero arguments to back up what you say is bullshit, so stfu.
21826565? ago
As a Jew, your entire life is fucked up wrong. Suck mainstream science dick somewhere else.
21826039? ago
.saved for later.
21825836? ago
I wrote an eBook on Cannabis Oil that covers the work of Rick Simpson and RSO Oil, download it share widely!
21826911? ago
You will get an awesome high from RSO! That I can assure you. :)
21870528? ago
This number is honest!
21825804? ago
Jesús this is great info!
21825802? ago
German New Medicine has an interesting take on cancer, and I personally have had amazing results with its application, Neuro Emotional Technique or NET (cured my heart failure, currently working on my kidneys hopefully will be off dialysis soon)
21825732? ago
This is literally retarded
21825712? ago
I’ve heard over and over that Keto makes Cancer suffocate
21827510? ago
Otto Warburg found early on that cancer switches to a glycotic metabolism, meaning their source of fuel is glucose. Since those in ketosis are not getting dietary glucose it is thought the cells are starved. However I am not sure how it works in all practicality since gluconeogenesis is initiated which catabolizes your protein and converts it to glucose (and ketones hence the ketosis state). If you catch it early enough I imagine you can starve the cells well enough maybe but in advanced end stage cancer your gluconeogenesis maybe feeding it's glucose to the tumors which requires more gluconeogenesis which is then consumed by the tumors and a cycle may occur in which the persons musculature withers away faster and faster as the tumors grow requiring more and more. This would also explain some of the hormonal symptoms of the cancers as blood sugar drops adrenaline goes up, weakness, wasting away etc.
HOWEVER, there is a drug that switches a cells ability to utilize glucose for energy which would then starve the cancer away in theory. That drug is fenbendazole. It is an anti-parasitic drug typically used for animals, is over the counter and very inexpensive. What's best is that there are already folks who have claimed it cured their cancer. You can get it at your pet store as a dewormer for dogs.
Look it up.
21864801? ago
I heard about this just last week. It came across as something of an open secret in veterinary circles. I will not forget this as I have already read a number of cure cases.
21828775? ago
Thanks for that tip. Never heard of it before.
21829520? ago
Another cure that might be feasible is the one proposed by Zeng Cui. He is the guy who cured cancer in mice and also gave them lifelong immunity with simple blood transfusions from mice that were found to be immune to cancer.. They found Granulocytes were the active component of blood that inferred the cure and immunity in mice. Humans have been given these infusions for decades and they have already found people immune to cancer. That was back in 2000 I believe. Funding and bureaucracy have kept the trials at bay and they even had to change venues several times.
But of course CBD will cure everything as the internet experts say so all other cures should be ignored besides cannabis..../s
21916693? ago
Cannabis is an aid, not a cure, for many ailments. It itself can cure some things, but a direct method of cure is always better.
21827917? ago
What are Cancer rates in China
21826612? ago
More complicated than that.
21826068? ago
Mitochondria in cancerous cells is defective and only uses sugars as a energy source, they are incapable of using fats/proteins for energy. Keto diet and/or fasting starves out cancel cells by switching your body to rely on non-glucose sources for energy
21828718? ago
Be careful about that, the Warburg shift is characterized by cancerous cells relying on glucose substrates, but that is far different from saying sugars cause cancer in the first place and/or eliminating sugars will kill cancer cells.
21829087? ago
Cancer cells exhibit far higher rates of glycolysis. Warburg found that deprivation of glucose + oxygen resulted in death of cancer cells ? And high levels of glucose similarly accelerates cancer growth
21826822? ago
Fascinating. I've been on the keto diet for the majority of the last 4 years (can you tell by my username?) and it has reset my body every time I stay on it for 6 months at least. The first time I was on it, it gave me such a positive mood and energy. Intermittent fasting has given me so much energy as well, I don't eat until 2PM every day and I feel great.
I've learned more about "autophagy" and how keto helps your body to literally eat away the bad cells and clear out your body.
21833544? ago
Can you have coffee before 2pm? I can fast until then, but need my caffeine...
21833852? ago
I think caffeine does affect insulin levels a bit, but I can't make it without caffeine either. If coffee is your thing, have you tried bulletproof coffee? It's coffee with MCT oil and butter to give your body easy fat energy to burn. Go easy on the MCT oil at first, its thermogenic properties can be surprisingly strong until you get used to it. Maybe start with a teaspoon at first.
The main goal of intermittent fasting is 1.) allow your body enough time for its insulin levels to drop by making the timeline in which you don't eat longer, and 2.) allow your body a rest from putting its energy into digestion.
I've had good results replacing breakfast with bulletproof coffee. Also note if you're in a full state of ketosis, fasting is easy because your body has switched over to burning fat. If you're not in a full state of ketosis, fasting is difficult because your body will be craving carbs/glucose.
21825692? ago
Asians eat a lot of seafood and seaweed not sure if that kelp. Thanks for this info Op will pass it around.
21825527? ago
Good share Patriot. I've archived your work for my future reference.
What are your thoughts on cannabis oil? You didn't mention it.
Also, what do you think of water fasting? Only drinking water for 30 days. Your body will switch from digesting food to repairing the body. It will go and eat all the non essentials in your body.
Did you come across anything to increase chance of having children?
21838865? ago
I know about CBD oil and that it is supposed to help with a lot of issues but it only came onto my radar recently and i have not looked into it enough to understand how it works and so i prefer to suggest things where i understand how they work in the body.
Also it is quite expensive but if you can afford it i do think it is beneficial in some way overall.
Fasting is very importand for health and i did mention intermitted fasting and autophagy (the process of the body recylcing old and damaged proteins/cells).Fasting also boosts growth hormone by up to 2000% in males and 1300% in females which is very beneficial. After 3 days of water fasting the body will ramp up the production of new stem cells but i personally do not think that fasting for more than 5 days is necessary and should only be done if you are certain your body has stored enough nutrients (minerals and vitamins) or you will just lose to much lean body mass and your metabolism will slow down to preserve energy. But if you can go for longer fasts without any negative symptoms then you should go for it. If you start feeling weak better better have a high quality meal every few days.
Regarding fertility i think everything i mentioned in my post will also apply to that and maybe take a look at fenugreek as well.
21825509? ago
agree, also very important to detox, i need to study detox more. Especially given we are bombarded with chemicals,chemtrails and round up just for starters. most of us have been vaccinated and God only knows what is in those. it is very easy for all of us to buy non-fluoride toothpaste and filter our water. remember Hitler put the fluoride in the water to make the people lethargic. Fluoride, round up and chemtrail toxins are stored in our Pineal Gland, eventually it will destroy us. In the USA our water has 1/2 of the amount Hitler used.
21825499? ago
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21825481? ago
Other quality resources for additional natural health information and research:
These articles relate strongly to what you described OP:
These are the ones most interesting to me, but to each their own.
Live well anons!
21830752? ago
Even if you are not sick, start juicing it boosted up my health. Check e.g. Gerson for health benefits of juicing.
21832420? ago
Use a blender, not a juicer! Eat the whole food.
21833068? ago
After a couple mild, but annoying health problems about decade ago, I did a ton of reading and started doing my own research on health.
During this research, I came to the conclusion that I needed more natural minerals, vitamins, fiber and micro nutrients in my diet.
I started blending vegetables almost every day, at least one meal, sometimes more. (I happen to use an old-school Nutribullet because it makes things so easy.)
After an initial period of feeling a little worse as my body went through a detox process, I started to feel amazing.
I've been doing that for almost a decade. It has changed my life for the better, with more energy and better overall health. I look like I'm aging more slowly and my skin is better than before.
It seems from everything I've seen, that blending vegetables is a hidden solution to having long-term good health. And yet very few people in the medical industry, outside of the naturopathic / natural medicine doctors, want to talk about it.
It makes one wonder, why do you think that is??
21826888? ago
Oh man I have so many of these stashed away. Will need to create a brand new post at some point.
Everyone check out "The Truth About Cancer"
Also, of note, Google is HIGHLY censoring ALL NATURAL HEALTH!!! Facebook just started as well. A lot of natural doctors are now moving over to MeWe.
21826447? ago
21825476? ago
21825297? ago
NO LIFT HEAVY. Cardio kills gainz muscle be good
21825295? ago
my dad just wasted many thousands of dollars and about a year of his time pursuing alternative treatments for cancer therapy. now, he can barely talk and the cancer has spread and he is beginning chemo and radiation in a desperate attempt to kill the cancer that is eating him away, literally.
The natural therapies strengthen the body and allow it to function to its full potential with the intent that the phenomenal human immune system can rid it of the tumors and cancerous growths.
This undoubtedly can work assuming the body's immune system is capable of killing the cancer. The cancer has to be something that any immune system can kill. Also the person's immune system must be capable of killing the cancer. If the cancer is such that it can't be killed by an immune system, or if the person is degraded by age or other chronic condition such that their immune system simply can't kill the cancer even if boosted by various therapies, the cancer will spread.
No-one wants to do chemo or radiation but if the body can't deal with the cancer then maybe there is no choice but to kill the cancer from the outside using the poisons and radiation offered by "modern" medicine.
In my dad's case he has regrets, but I don't fault him. He's got a rough road ahead and he did everything he could to avoid going down it.
21827609? ago
are you going to say what natural treatments he tried?
21841690? ago
I know that he did the IV vitamin C and also tried the genetically targeted virus that is supposed to attack the cancer specifically.
21826418? ago
OP here: I don’t know how much of this thread you’ve read, but I described the degree of pain and suffering that I’ve already experienced in life. I’m 69 and I’m done with pain. The two treatment options put before me by the AMA, I find untenable. If an alternative doesn’t work, then no pain for me, by any means necessary.
21829963? ago
This thread contains an amazing amount of excellent information. The possiblility of decarboxylated cannabis and fenbendazole (dog dewormer) seems to be gaining traction. Miracles do happen, the mystery is who receives them so it makes sense to keep asking. Sending prayers your pain will cease and that you are cured fellow Patriot-Anon. God bless.
21825576? ago
Bless you and i hope you Dad pulls thru.
i went thru the chemo and radiation. I am A ok now.
if i were to do it again i would do the chemo and this at the same time:
21825572? ago
The body has multiple ways of 'killing' cancer cells like apoptosis and autophagy but to really work the environment in which the cells exist just has to be fixed. The immune system might respond to some cancer cells because of the fungi like candida that thrives in low ph environment that lack oxygen. That is why some belief candida is the actual culprit.
21825249? ago
The key to curing cancer:
21825840? ago
Haha what a fag... expelling the jews has been proven ineffective. We must exterminate the entire race. DNA test will be an easy pass/fail with the fail being a guillotine.
21825059? ago
If you put a bullet in your brain you will live a long and happy life. Try it.
21825146? ago
Found the mentally Ill liberal.
21825048? ago
Get your ass in the sun and dont wear sunglasses. Your eyes regulate all kinds of hormones from light. Sunglasses and extended time inside are a way to sickness. I stopped sunglasses 2 years ago, eyesight better, better sleep.
21837815? ago
For sure. I ditched my transition lens because of this very thing!
21829030? ago
100% TRUTH.
Anybody has a problem with natural sunlight exposure without filters and glass needs to read "Health and Life" by John Ott. That's the dude who made those old time lapse photography movies of dancing flowers and growing plants for Walt Disney "Secrets of Life". He discovered some astonishing things about how altering light in the environment effects the state and behavior of plant animal and humans. Ophthalmologists still are ignorant of his work, to the detriment of many many humans thinking they need to tarp themselves from mr big bad Sun.
21827891? ago
Yep. I've never been a sunglasses person. Then recently someone introduced me to this concept. The conversation started when he noticed I wasn't squinting. I said of course not I've been outside all day. I only squint when I first come out having been in the shade. He laughed and explained that in that moment my eyes are sending signals to my brain to protect me from the sun. My brain then sends signals to my skin to "act accordingly ".
I am Irishman living in Australia. I don't wear sunscreen unless exposing skin that is never normally exposed and even th end I only need sun screen for the first day or 2 until I can have time to adjust.
The no sunglasses is a real thing.
21829872? ago
English in Canada. I don't use sunscreen, not sure why the locals do so frigging much.
I work outside all day, I never sunburn.
It's the office workers who decide they want to do something once the weather's nice aka middle of summer and haven't adjusted with the climate.
I don't know how people can live their lives away inside caves.
21829011? ago
You are wiser than most. I get tons of unprotected sun in southern California here and will get even more intense amounts when we relocate to high elevation southern Arizona in the coming year. The "sun is out to kill you" dogma fails to mention all the NATURAL mechanisms we have to regulate solar radiation's damaging effects, and the enormous benefits particularly on how UV light has effects on growth, hormones, metabolism. Not to mention the healing aspects of red and Infrared parts of the spectrum. Beautiful, almost as if by design.
21835391? ago
most faggot NPC "cali" response of the month on QRV
21831259? ago
Not "Almost", 100% by design
21829116? ago
Absolutely. Well said. We just need to listen to our bodies. It tells us when we've had enough sun and we should seek shade. Fail to heed the warning and we get burned. We've been completely disconnected from ourselves. Deliberately.
Sun intake is just another energy source we consume that needs to be managed. Give me peak caps, umbrellas and common sense to seek shade over sunglasses and suncream any day of the week.
21827338? ago
is this a drunken way to say 'sun gaze'?
21830069? ago
Gotta love the retards who push the "sun gazing" crap - until you realise it burns holes and as a result destroys the part of your eye which gives you your most acute vision.
21828491? ago
Your mom's a sun gaze.
21835355? ago
you got me, nigger!
21826675? ago
I have had two pot smokers I know die of cancer. They smoked in t all their lives and after diagnosed. Seems odd to me that the cure didn't help them.
21831091? ago
Odd that ppt smokers died. Statistically, we're healthier with a lower BMI.
21836471? ago
So that means they dont die of cancer?....
21828201? ago
If they are as stupid as you I am not surprised. Pot is not the cure smoking pot will do nothing for your health. Cannibis oil is what cures cancer not smoking pot. The THC is removed. You can also stop cancer cells from going by alkalining your system. Pretty easy to do.Cancer can not grow in an alkaline system it is the easiest cheapest with no side effects cure.
21829454? ago
So the pot brownies didn't help either? STFU idiot. You are making a fool out of yourself. There are many cancer patients dying while using CBD oil. And of course they were told by fucktards like yourself that it was going to help them. GFY with your science quackery.
21830075? ago
It's the same run of the mill retards who think that "alternate therapies" will magically remove their cancer, or that sungazing is good for you, or anti-vax shit, or flat earth shit.
21828759? ago
Rick Simpson said use cannabis that has a HIGH THC content. Most CBD oil is not effective for cancer.
21831093? ago
True story
21826762? ago
It’s being smoking weed doesn’t cure cancer. Fucking joke whoever is saying that
21826072? ago
The more I wear sunglasses the more I need to. I only wear them when driving straight at the sun, as in sunset or sundown. I started that after hitting a dog I couldn't see until it was too late.
21835366? ago
do you drive a space ship?
21854529? ago
Sometimes, but in my car I do drive around rolling hills so the sun hits you straight in the face.
21825936? ago
I agree, I stopped using sunglasses unless absolutely needed. I live at the beach and the sun reflecting off water will damage your eyes.
21825044? ago
Thanks anon
21824949? ago
As soon as you played the 'white' race card you became an illegitimate kook. Fuck off SHILL!
21824792? ago
Keep dying of ignorance, christkikes.
21825381? ago
Found the homo
21825693? ago
Found the Torah reading cuck.
You worship your enemy's gods. Youre pathetic.
21826705? ago
My enemy abandoned their God.
Anyone who can't see that is a homo.
21826817? ago
Good, it's about time you cucks admit you're kikes.
Enjoy your Torah, kike.
21826937? ago
You're a complete dork.
21827007? ago
You're a kike.
21827152? ago
Hahaha mommy help I see Jews everywhere
21827380? ago
No one can help you now.
You're cursed.
21827512? ago
Go back to media matters homo
21827618? ago
Go back to yeshiva, christkike.
21824594? ago
Honestly, all good stuff. I wouldn't go so far to say curing cancer, but these are health tips for ANYONE.
Everyone should do as much as possible. I'm not adhering right now, but when I was taking everything, and eating perfectly, felt like a God. Got bored of sex after that though, so I stopped.
21825303? ago
Cannabis! CBD oil, smoking it etc. It's been a medicine for 1000's of years. It's only illegal because big pharma, robber barons made it so because they know it's beneficial.
21826771? ago
Of the real Doctors I've heard that promote cannabis, they've said eating it is better than smoking it. Smoking it only activates the THC portion.
21837445? ago
Sure but growing your own and smoking it is much easier than making CBD oil!! Buying CBD, well it's expensive and could be hit and miss. I have many friends who should be quite dead already but they smoke the bud and continue on!!
21830522? ago
I personally like a SMALL dose when combined with flow-state excercise... but it's far too easy to have a bigger dose than you need or to use it too much and then it will start to fuck with your REM sleep big time...
21837400? ago
This is so true. I smoke 80% sativa and every morning I wake up tired and fucked.
21826751? ago
Yet it’s legal in most democrat controlled states? Why is it being allowed there?
21830158? ago
Its not allowed in red states because they LOVE LOVE LOVE asset forfeiture. Or more simply stated, conservative controlled cops are chronic dope addicts.
21831241? ago
Hmm no
21828787? ago
Because smoking for recreational use can lead to you depending on it for the dopamine hit, then you become a lazy fucker that gets nothing done but you really need a smoke because that's what makes you feel normal again.
Been there, done that, got the T-Shirt and wiped my arse with it.
21830513? ago
I was going to comment exactly this.
21831264? ago
100% agree. I was the one that posed the question.
I actually had to move to a state where it wasnt legalized to break the habit. But I still had “idle hands” and switched to alcohol. Now I struggle to not drink every day after work.
Guess the key is to find things to do outside of work and outside of the apartment
21833557? ago
Apparently, just going outside is the big first step that gets the ball rolling to better times...
21835754? ago
Problem is Idk what to do besides goto the gym. Live in a smaller town so there’s not much going on
21826635? ago
Spot on. <
21824568? ago
Bunch of solid info, much appreciated!
21824490? ago :
This has been an automated message.
21824472? ago
I’ve been jamming my finger up my ass everyday of 23 years and have yet to get cancer.
21826639? ago
Time to move up in size! Start shoving your whole hand in there! If you don't you will get cancer for sure!