21831578? ago

Fuck, get yourself some high quality Cannabis and stay smoked up. Don't let it make you lazy though, follow up with other methods too. Cannabis and LDN have so far stopped relapses of my MS (2 years) when all of their other poisons have failed . The last one cost $1000.00/month co-pay! Cannabis may have been the first cultivated plant but is demonized like acid, so in a time when right is wrong and up is down my bet is on Cannabis. LDN (Low Dose Naltrexone) will stimulate you immune system to aid in the fight.

21827771? ago

When one day my ticket comes, I hope I can face the music with as much courage and good spirit as you, kind sir.

Lost my mother to cancer out of nowhere a few years back. Took 4 months and she didn’t take any meds whatsoever. She was a trooper and she seemed able to tough it out and stay lucid pretty much to the end.

Make the most of those end days. Talk to family and say the stuff you always want them to remember. Make sure they don’t have any guilt they’ll hold onto and do your best to stay strong for them. It makes a difference.

Your family will remember that and those moments at the end don’t need to be bad memories. They can be loving memories full of joy—despite the pain, etc.

It’s only natural for the idea death to bring feelings of fear or even panic—this fear is essential to our basic survival instincts. But the reality is that we were all “dead” before we were born. And none of us can really expect to live forever. Sometimes something like cancer comes along and makes that happen sooner than expected, but at the end of the day, it’s a fate that we all face in one way or another, sooner or later.

If you find yourself feeling disturbed by thoughts of death I highly suggest you try psilocybin, or psychedelic mushrooms. The experience of “ego death”, and the subsequent feeling of integration with everything around you (almost a feeling of 5th dimensionality integration), is something that many cancer patients find extremely useful at eliminating that fear of death and related anxiety.

I will keep you in my prayers, patriot—God bless. See you on the other side, at some point.

21827763? ago

Godspeed Sir.

21827746? ago


Energy is eternal, and our home is not found in this physical world. Our time here is meant to teach our souls the lessons we planned for us in the spirit world, prior to embarking upon this life. The spirit world, is our home. Go forward with grace, courage and an unwavering sense of peace, back HOME to become once again, one with GOD. The almighty has decided your journey in this life has been fulfilled. There is more to the resolution of your fate than you and your loved ones may understand at the present moment... but trust me, patriot, our time here has purpose, and yours has been fulfilled.

Thank you for your service to this nation, and to humanity. Your time here is not without meaning, despite our collective, small roles in this fight. But together, we amass an unshakable force. It is without question or doubt that you will preside over us with a watchful eye, guiding the light towards victory and subsequently the fate of the world towards peace and prosperity.

Perhaps God has resolved that your soul is best fit to fight this battle on the other side. After all, this is a spiritual battle we wage against dark forces that plague the shadows of this world. Go forth, and exterminate them with all your might. Help absolve the evil among us, and after they meet their maker, find it in your heart to return them to the light so they may be of service towards the evolution of humanity.

To you and your loved ones, may the best of your todays be the worst of your tomorrows. Watch over us, Patriot. We've got it from here.


I also want to add, please look into the work of Concetta Bertoldi. A spiritual medium, she communicates with the other side and has a deep understanding of all things life and death. I ask that you look into her with an open mind, and trust that a man who finds himself in these corners of the internet and views of the world/truth, will quickly see her authenticity. My family has been going to see her for decades, communicating with love ones on the other side. She knows nothing about us personally, and is able to share countless details only our deceased loved ones could possibly know, that no charlatan could ever simply guess.

I'll follow up likely tomorrow with some good links regarding her work. I'm here for you, my friend. God bless.

21827247? ago

Godspeed. Sorry to hear this.

21827215? ago

I hope you've seen this - https://www.cancertreatmentsresearch.com/fenbendazole/ The guy the story is about was given only a month or so. Docs told him nothing they could do, get your affairs in order. He's still here! Worth a shot?

21827178? ago

Whatever the future brings you, I pray you get the most out of every moment and use each one to draw closer to Jesus. Godspeed!

21845261? ago

OP: Thank you.

21826764? ago

You believe that shit?

Go check yourself out with some cannabis oil. Go on youtube and watch some videos of people with prostate cancer using cannabis oil.

If you don't, you just want to die. If you do watch it, then you want to live. Which will you choose?

21826709? ago

God Bless You!

21825485? ago

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21824942? ago

Don't give up patriot. Cut out sugar and eliminate stress. Laugh as much as possible. Prayers

21824675? ago

Patriot you are not leaving us so soon. Anon's dropping a lot of good advice. Our family prayer machine has been activated.

21823504? ago

Consider Joe Tippens story.


21823444? ago

God is good and when His Holy Spirit is in us there's nothing to fear. Taking off the old coat and putting on the new.

21823383? ago

Take it all the way to stage 11 patriot.

Show them another level of fighting.

21823269? ago

All my best wishes, Patriot. Spend what time you have left with family and nature.

21823196? ago

Sad news patriot. We'll all be there one day...

Treasure the ones you love until you can't love any more...

21823080? ago

35% food-grade hydrogen peroxide. Read about it. Today.

21822295? ago

Live free to the time you hear God calling you home. Then you can rest easy, for there is no fighting there. No war. No politics. No hunger and no hate. There is only love there of a kind we cannot even imagine here. We'll continue the fight here so that your loved ones that will still be here after you go will continue to be able to live free. Then each of us will come join you when the Lord calls us also.

21822272? ago

My brother made the same decision. God bless you.

21822176? ago

21822085? ago

There may be a better home awaitin' but some of us will miss you, and since you're here, some of us may still need you in the fight. So please check out all the suggestions in the responses. I'll add 2 more. Join the Life Extension Foundation and talk to one of their advisors, and do research at their site. Now here's the even more difficult suggestion. Open up your mind to one more red pill, and check out: waitbutwhy .com /2016/03/cryonics.html [edit out 2 spaces to make that link work -- I don't have enough something or other to post links yet]

21821902? ago

Im praying for you. Good comments below. I wish you a Merry Christmas. Please keep us updated.

21821698? ago

Prayers for you and your family, but it's not over till it's over. Just read a lot of the posts... try everything that you see. I'm a firm believer that the gov and big pharm have a cure for most all cancers, but unfortunately uncovering the lies of big pharma probably will come in Trump's second term...after most of the swamp is drained. Hold on!!!

21821376? ago

How old are you, if you don't mind me asking?

21821875? ago

Sixty 9

21821974? ago

I have my own fears of developing the same thing & totally understand where you are coming from.

Thoughts & prayers for you & your family, we'll make sure this great awakening is seen through to the end! God's love has no bounds.

21821374? ago

Peace be with you brother.

Sorry you received such grim news.

Know that your Father has been waiting a long time to hear the story of your life.

21821373? ago

May God Bless you Patriot.

21821349? ago

This body we live in, is just a temporary place to park our soul. This life in the flesh is not the end. It's just the beginning. Safe travels my friend. WWG1WGA

21821144? ago

For what it's worth, panicur (an over the counter dewormer) got rid of this guy's cancer:


21845322? ago

OP here: How much is recommended? I mean, do I have to take it every day for a month? Year? ??

21849200? ago

I couldn't tell you, but if you read the article I think it tells you. There's also a Facebook group where others who have used this treatment for cancer gather and I'm sure you could get your questions answered there if not in the article.

The FB group moderator asks that you read the aforementioned blog article before requesting to join, FYI: https://m.facebook.com/groups/mycancerstoryrocks/?ref=group_header&view=group

21849362? ago

OP: Thank you for taking the time to provide that detailed response. 🇺🇸

21849603? ago

You're quite welcome. I hope you find what you need and that you defeat this sickness, in the name of Jesus.

21821118? ago

I was healed of a terminal illness miraculously. Was born with a tumor in one of my major organs. I am almost 40 years old and still have the scar where the doctors cut me open only to find that removing it would have killed me.

I'm not here to tell you that God will heal you. I'm here to tell you that he can through the power of his son.

"By his stripes we are healed."

You have to pray it and believe it, and it helps to have others pray and believe it with you.

I am more then willing, and I'm sure others are, too..but you first have to decide if you want to fight or not. I'm not here to make that decision for you or tell you what to do. Just to say that I will pray whatever you want to be prayed over you. And I'm sure others would, too.

But just know, God does still perform miracles. They may not make it on to the MSM very often, but they happen all the time.

21821797? ago

Oh, I absolutely believe God still performs miracles. I’ve met Jesus personally, and in spite of the foreknowledge he had about how utterly I would fail him, he poured out a love on me unlike anything I’d ever known. So, I am a miracle.

Where I’m at with it all, is that I’m willing to attempt alternative non-invasive therapies. At the same time, I will do whatever I need to do to stay pain free. Already had enough of that in life. Not willing to do more. And for those wondering, I’m 69.

So, pray that I would walk the path of peace... even if it leads home.

May God bless you and everyone here who is lifting me before the throne of grace. Thanks doesn’t cover it.

21821101? ago

Like you said, there is a better home waiting and I'm glad you know that. We are all going to be snatched up soon and will be together in love. Blessings to you. Love, Mary

21820739? ago

See you on the flip side, fellow human.

21820582? ago

God bless you, patriot! A massive group of praising people are ready for you to join the party. I plan to be there one day!

Oh - there will be some Jews there, too (despite all the criticism posted on this board).

21820356? ago

There sure are a lot of good comments here. Lots of good advice! It looks like a lot of folks care about you.

Everyone has their own path to take. You've got a lot of soul searching to do.

Here's my thoughts on it, for what they're worth.

Pretty much all cancers are created and spread by this globalist cabal elite group that want to have total rule over everything. The way I see it, if you just role over and let the cancer take you it's about the same as letting them win!

Go to God in prayer and talk about it. Ask for God's help and guidance, then use these cures that so many here have provided.

It's like one anon on here said, we need all the patriots we can get to help wake up and guide normies! We need You to help bring on the pain that (((they))) so much deserve!

21820239? ago

You will meet our most wonderful Creator, may His angels guide you home, Patriot. I pray for you, that our Lord pours out a calmness and a peace over you only He can provide. You are loved friend. Keep throwing punches while you're here, and when you get there, tell Jesus to throw one for us as well. Godspeed.

21820204? ago

Keep faith, patriot.

21820199? ago

Wishing you a pain-free and peaceful journey to the everlasting. Much love and positive vibes brother.

21820162? ago

Godspeed Anon. Thank you for spending your time here, with us.

21819955? ago

We'll need you fighting for us in heaven. God bless you.

21819837? ago

oh man. i hope you have time to get it all in order and do something fun before kicking the bucket. best wishes, m8

21819799? ago

Please Anon , Research Cannabis and Cancer. Cannabis Kills Cancer. Because you have Prostate Cancer , you should check into Cannabis in Suppository form as well as CBD Oil ( It's in your body so an Indica based CBD Oil ) I will keep a good thought for you and your Family Anon. Like your President , you have to fight , fight , FIGHT this Evil Disease.!!

Love and Peace To You Anon Y

21819594? ago

Very sorry to hear this. I have a friend who had the surgery and is doing well, but I don't think he was anywhere near as far along as what you describe.

21819559? ago

Look up the Turkey Tail mushrooms for treatment! This guy's mom had very bad stage 4 breast cancer and was given 1 month to live. She started taking Turkey tail mushroom capsules as an adjunct to her treatment.

She is cancer free now. (this is near end of the vid)


21819525? ago

May God bless you Anon. My prayers are that you have accepted Jesus as your Saviour. He has prepared a place for all of us that have accepted Him by faith. See you in heaven. Glory to God - His will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

21819509? ago

Praying for you anon

21819326? ago

If your willing to try anything please look into water only fasting. Allow you body to heal. It will eat the cancer. God bless you

21819287? ago

Farewell, Boomer. Die with Europe in you heart, not Jesus.

21819165? ago

You won't be missing much. We will all be joining you soon the way this shit show country is headed.

21819104? ago

I am so sorry for the diagnosis - praying for you now. Please know this - "Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me."

John 14:6

"that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved;

for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation."

Romans 10:9-10

21819676? ago

Bro/sis God bless you for this

21819161? ago

OP: Amen!

21819035? ago

I'm probably only a little younger than you are, and I'm going to miss you, Anon. We shared the best time in the history of the world together, as far as I am concerned, and it was my great luck to be part of it all with you. I mean that. If my luck holds, I'll see you in that place where none of us will be Anons anymore.

21819004? ago

Would not hurt to use alkaline water for all ingested liquids. Eat to the right side of the pH scale. Stay sway from highly acidic food/drink, esp sugar.

21818983? ago

May God bless your soul. Will pray for you anon.

21818930? ago

Spend $2,500 and make yourself a cure for cancer! I am doing such right now, to help my concussions. Full details for free at Rick Simpson's site, http://phoenixtears.ca -- he sells two books, which I purchased to help him out, but all the information is available for free there.

The equipment is $300, and the flowers (cannabis) it whatever you can source it at, locally; I can get a pound for $2,200 currently (which is $200 more than when I started making this a couple months ago!), so for me "one cure for cancer" is $2,500.

I've made one pound's worth for my concussions and what a difference it makes! I am out and need to make more, and see the symptoms returning as does my wife which is good -- she sees that it has been helping as well, and is planning to help her friend with it soon.

I wrote something up on this a few weeks ago, let me find it: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3509014

Since you are in an advanced stage, I would recommend "ramping up" as quickly as you can. You will be sleeping a lot, and that's a good thing! Since I had experience with cannabis, I also took more than recommended; the third night I slept a solid 12 hours, took a 3 hour nap the next afternoon, and another 12 hours the next night!

God bless patriot and I pray for your recovery and hope that my words can help as well.

21818910? ago

<333333333333 you fought hard soldier. My prayers go out to you and your family

21818907? ago

Alkalise and oxygenate.. Budwig Protocol, lemon water (get a hydrogen generating water bottle, supercharged antioxidants, helps with clearing up free radicals, 1.5 litres is like eating 600 bananas worth of antioxidants), cut out refined sugar/lactose, bitter almonds, manuka honey/black seed oil, fresh organic food.

Check out Zeolite Plus too. It's a volcanic mineral that you take with liquid and helps to detox against heavy metals and other positively charged toxins in the body. The process alkalises the body by depositing beneficial minerals in place of the damaging ones.

21818888? ago

There’s a better home awaitin’.

And THAT my friend is what its all about. Great attitude. I for one cant wait to join you. I wish you much enlightenment and as pain free a journey as possible my friend

21818867? ago

Anon, please look into getting high dose iv based vitamin C . I personally get 50G about every 3-4 weeks; and eliminating sugar out of your diet (go keto) works wonders.

Vit c looks like sugar molecularly, your cells should be using that instead.

Good luck in your travels , I too feel chemo and the resultant elimination of the quality of life isn't worth it.

May God bless you.

21818850? ago

Anon. We love you. Please walk talk to the other side. And we will all join you one day. I can’t imagine what you must be dealing with. Be strong. And may god welcome you with open arms .

21818803? ago

Went through cancer, 5 surgeries in 1 year, chemo back in "12. Took me til '18 to feel like myself again. It was hell and not sure I'd do it again. I love that you have the strength of character to face it outright. I also love all the info being shared here of alternative treatments. I hope you use your determination to try some of them and give your body a chance to heal itself for you. I believe we are in miraculous times, so miracles aren't ot of the question. Please do treat yourself to some fun . I will be praying for you, for your healing, for God's will because He wins, and with Him you win, too. Cyberhugs and please share your journey.

21818786? ago


21821033? ago


21819226? ago

OP: Probably better than being the prison camp guard you seem qualified for, with that degree of compassion.

21818784? ago

Much Love to you Praying for You Now .

21818763? ago

I've come to the inescapable notion that we're here temporarily with the goal of helping others and then we're given the chance to do it again. God bless

21818761? ago

Don't give up! Believe in the Lord! We are with you, friend

21818760? ago

A couple of weeks ago, I sat in a hospital & watched my husband’s brother die of colon cancer after a year & a half of chemo.

The chemo (obviously) didn’t stop the inevitable, but it gave him time to do things he loved, with people he loved. Those of us he left behind at least have those memories.

Don’t give up too easily anon.

I’ll be praying for you.

21818693? ago

I can't say anything more beautiful and hopeful than what has already been posted by the incredible people here. I'm praying so hard for you.

21818674? ago

God Bless you on your journey. You can still help us on the spirit side fren.

21818650? ago

My brother,

i dont think there is anything that i could say that hasnt been said already.

Dont give up, there is a cure. Theres a doctor in Texas, there are doctors in Florida. Ill reference a Sun article not too long ago about a man with terminal brain cancer. CBD oil arrested the growth and reduced the tumors in size by over 90 percent.

Sometimes the difference between life and death is how we approach the matter.

21818632? ago

Sugar free diet, aka Keto Diet, and fasting working together starves the cancer cells and stops it from spreading. Fasting can repair cells, out Western Starch/Carb/Sugar heavy diets promote cancer and spreading. Literal Food for Thought. Good luck Patriot, we are with you!

21818615? ago

Prayers for you brother, you are loved. Jesus waits with open arms. Draw close to him while there is still breath in your lungs.

21818614? ago

peace be with you, brother. you have our prayers.

21818558? ago

Liposomal vitamin C, turmeric, blackseed oil. Then test saliva for ph and correct it(to 7) with small amounts of baking soda dissolved in water and separately lemon water. It will at a very minimum help you feel better. And god forbid your day comes early remember, it will be like waking up from a long groggy dream and you will remember something unbelievably magical when you fully come to.

21818547? ago

Loved fellow Anon, there is forgiveness of sin and eternal life offered through Jesus. Do you know Him?

21818578? ago

OP: Yes, I do. Since 1982.

21818659? ago

Beautiful. Will see you there with Him in the future. It will be GLORIOUS!

21818516? ago

Rick Simpson Oil!

21818479? ago

Do NOT give up, fight fight fight, Humanity needs you. [They] want to depopulate for a reason, don't you DARE help them! You have no idea how precious we ALL are, We need you because WWG1WGA.

I'll make (You) a deal, hang on until after the Great Awakening, and we'll help you have another 500yrs in your perfect 20yr old body, among the stars if you wish it, or perhaps inner Earth (beautiful!). 7 billion is too small for a star nation we NEED you Patriot. -Space Force!

The anons above listed some home remedies, DO IT!!! FIGHT the cabal! FIGHT the good fight! FIGHT the fear!

Do NOT go quietly into the night! ALL OF YOU!

21818465? ago

This is not goodbye my Brother. Thank you for sharing your life with us. Until we meet again, Peace and Love.

21818411? ago

God Bless Patriot This moved me to tears. I read it last night after my husband was told yesterday, that he has prostate cancer. Haven't staged it yet. He's a Veteran exposed the AG in Vietnam.

The beautiful messages Anons shared to comfort you on the journey you face was so much what I needed to read. Gave me needed perspective. Love you all anons.

21818371? ago

Cling to Jesus. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. You will always have life if you have Him.

21818350? ago


I hope your body last enough to see what is in store for the Deep State. I hope these ideas in the comments section below (or above), can provide something to keep you around.

Depending on your current medical situation, my family and I wish you a Happy Christmas.

21818340? ago

God bless you, patriot. Stay strong.

21818305? ago

Bless my fellow man. On your journey through this life what can you share that may change anothers path. Peace be with you.

21818295? ago

I'll pray for you. Eternity awaits. God speed.

21818267? ago

I am sorry to hear that Patriot. God bless you and your service on THIS side, but rest assured that where you are going, THAT is reality. Your just exiting the virtual matrix.

Youve learned what you needed to learn, and trained others in ways only YOU could have trained them.

Know this, you will also be able to work for the LIGHT on the other side. "Its what THEY want".... you will BE the "THEY".

"Blessed it he who dies in the Lord from now on, you will rest easy from your labors"

Also take solace in KNOWING that you will be back VERY SOON. Fresh and new. Perfected. You will witness the fullness of the Great Awakening and the outcome of your earthly labors.

In the meanwhile, I pray that your pain is eased and you sleep softly.

Peace and love patriot.

21818252? ago

God bless sir. Jesus died and rose again to prepare for us a far better place. It is well

21818234? ago


Jane McLelland's "How to Starve Cancer"

Dr. Mark Rosenberg in Boca Raton, FL (Does Skype consults)

People are recovering from end stage cancer. Don't give up!

21818193? ago

Praying for u anon.

There are cures. Fenbendazole, rick simpson oil and many more

21818161? ago

God bless you anon....very brave.

21818122? ago

I love you. God Bless you.

21818107? ago

If you do you'll have a front row seat to watch all from heaven. No doubt you will discover all I kinda envy you. Vaya con Dios

21818104? ago

Sending love your way, Patriot. Also, try Vitamin C in powder form. It is the hidden cure no one talks about.

21818087? ago

Things to try, if you want:

Cannabis oil (look up Rick Simpson Phoenix tears)

Vitamin B17

God be with you. We all are. Praying for you and your family, Anon.

21818079? ago

You’ll be with The Lord, I’m jealous!

21818075? ago

I wish that I could offer some words of wisdom as others here have done but I don't feel that I have that wisdom in me - I don't feel like a wise person as my own life has its' problems but they are miniscule in comparison. I wanted to say though that I am so, so sorry you have had to go through this. No one deserves to go through cancer. It's an unfair, horrible, undiscriminating bastard but you must fight, then fight and fight more. Fight every damn day.

I send you Love and Eternal Hope.

21821124? ago

Sometimes just the “ milk of human kindness “ goes a long way and that is what you have shown. Plus he has Jesus Who is the Friend Who sticks closer than a brother! God bless you.

21818032? ago

Second half can be heavy. Just a heads up if you don't like relatively intense music.


21818022? ago

My grandfather is in the EXACT same situation.

I shall add you to my prayers fren 🙏🏻 God bless you

21817986? ago

Listen to the specialists.

I was given just months to live without treatment and 3 years with treatment.

That was 8 years ago and my oncologist just shakes his head in disbelief every time I see him.

Have a positive attitude and I send you a prayer.

21817966? ago

I'm sorry Dude. Much compassion and Love your way.

2 Corinthians 4:18

as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.

21817954? ago

Do the master cleanse, patriot

Search for the master cleanse by Tom woloshyn on amazon for a step by step guide

God bless you, Jesus loves you!

21817953? ago

Go out like a HERO. Meet your ancestors in Valhalla by taking some trash out with you.

21817950? ago

I like your attitude. Please keep us posted. God speed patriot. I will look you up on the other side.

21817947? ago

Prayers for comfort.

21817907? ago

Take some of that dog dewormer, fenbendasol. Worth a shot. It’s cured many late stage cancers. Prayers my friend.

21817895? ago


21817876? ago

all these cancer specialists coming out the wood work.

21817814? ago

I was under the impression that prostate cancer is slow and that it is something that men die with, not die from.


BTW- once your affairs are in order, would you mind taking out a couple of niggers and jews before you go??

21817801? ago

Praying medic was an athiest before witnessing the power of prayer. Now he's a praying medic (and a patriot). I had a G.I.S.T. tumor discovered and removed in 2014 and then diagnosed with stage 5 kidney disease 2 1/2 years ago...... still not on dialysis and the docs keep scratching their heads...... They don't know it all . I walked out of a chemo mill in 2015 and never went back . They wanted to CAT scan me every 6 months to see if the cancer returns. I said "Fuck You" One Cat Scan is the equivelent of 800 x-rays. I said that amount of radiation is more likely to induce cancer than find it. " I'm still here...... Good luck Patriot......and pray

21817795? ago

God bless patriot. We are with you. <3 Peace and love brother.

21817791? ago

Cannabis, flaxseed oil, ketosis, and fendbendazole. Stay away from chemo. One of my cousins had stage 4 lung and is now in excellent health. You’re in my prayers, Patriot.

21817952? ago

What did he use?

21818548? ago

What he just listed I’m guessing

21820425? ago

Cannabis and CBD. She used to be a smoker 25 years ago in college. Breast cancer and nobody in her family had cancer before. She knows about tainted immunizations and is studying that as a possibility. She’s a Trump-loving Patriot who lives in Massachusetts with husband and fam. She’s in remission now. Please pray for her continued good health!

21821258? ago

Just any old cannabis? Smoked weed and cured? Seems too easy

21861516? ago

Grow your own with the right nutrients. Use molasses. It’s easy to cure weed. Just use paper bags to dry it out, then put it in a mason jar to cure. Once a day for 15 minutes for one week, open the lid and let in air. Sift, then replace lid. After that, put in tightly sealed storage container or ziploc bag.

21817740? ago

GOD BLESS.. fenbendazole . I just ordered mine.. God speed.. it's cheap it works for a lot of folks. My heart goes out to you. I have had an nde . I met God .. You will be in good care whichever side you stay on( here or there ) much much love from the uk.

21817736? ago

K. Cya.

21817669? ago

you're taking the right approach. We should all be ready for Exit especially having one's affairs in order so as not to leave a mess for someone to clean up.

21817647? ago

Go out fighting. Quitting is for losers. Try anything and everything. We only get one dance in the sun and you should want to hear the next song.

21817638? ago

This is a beautiful response to a fellow Patriot in need, Sitting here with tears in my eyes!

21817631? ago

Prayers going up for you. God bless.

21817590? ago

I pray for you Anon. Others have offered sound advice, so here's mine: watch the movie "The Secret" and buy the audio book. I have seen it work for everything I've applied it to so far. You will not regret it regardless.

21817542? ago

I wish you the best! My dad went last January and suffered quite a bit so i hope you don't. The kemo and radiation made him worse but i think they do that on purpose for money and big pharma. They told us he was stage 2 in September and he got poked and proded and never got good news. he felt great with no symptoms until the radiation. I swear he would have lived longer than 4 months without anything but what did we know, we trusted the doctors. In the end we wished we tried the baking soda thing or other natural cures. Whatever you do i hope that you find peace and acceptance. please work on any relationships in your life that give you any regrets and no matter what happens you will be ok! God bless you and your loved ones .

21817540? ago

I would like to thank you for sharing your story. Anons have posted some really good information in response to your diagnosis.

I pray that whatever your journey is that God is taking you on, that you will have strength, peace and trust that all will be well. 🙏🕯 wwg1wga

21817526? ago

OP, please take a few evil traitors with you before you die! I wish I was old already and lived a life by now so I can sacrifice myself to kill evil people.

21817488? ago

God speed, Patriot. I'm envious you'll see God before me. Square things with your loved ones, tell them how much your life was made better by them. Prayers sent for you all.

21817485? ago

Praying for you and your family through this difficult time.

21817444? ago

Spend the rest of the time you have left trying to make the world a better place than you found it.

Our time is short in this world, but our actions dont have to be.

I'm truly sorry for you, even though you're a stranger I hate to hear of anyone having to go through these hard of times. I hope you and your family are able to make the best of the hard road ahead.

Sleep well, brother.

21817436? ago

Please read about Rick Simpson oil, full extract cannabis oil. Please. Watch Run from the Cure. It can't hurt. I'm very sorry you have to deal with this. You'll be in my prayers.

21817426? ago

Sad news. Do all you can to find joy in what's left for you here. I wish you well brother.

21817417? ago

I admire your thought process. I want to just give you my connect...

Until the next time.

21817413? ago

If you're going out anyway, how about showing us a picture of your face?

21817405? ago

So sorry to hear this....

I have no words...just {{{hugs}}}

21817404? ago

Sorry to hear that Patriot. Whatever happens I wish you peace and goodwill.

21817374? ago

Please ask god when the arrests are happening

21817371? ago

You should be good, usually responds to zoladex (a simple hormone blocker, no poisons). Usually keeps it under control for years. Godspeed

21817359? ago

It's been 16 years since my father was diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer. He is still alive and active. Don't lose hope yet.

21817347? ago

Stay strong anon! Lots of good advice in these comments. I had two friends who were diagnosed with cancer and both did what they could to fight it, one sadly passed two weeks ago, the other is now living cancer-free. I have nothing but respect for you not wanting the traditional 'treatment' but it might just be worth checking out some of the suggestions here. As Q hinted in #693 and #694 "what if cures already exist"? And in the words of POTUS...

21817333? ago

Look into Rife machines (Royal R. Rife). They kill cancer cells using frequencies. There are many on the market. Rife is also on the Q map.

21817322? ago

Praying for you!!!

21817311? ago

Death is a choice. Choose well. After what I've seen in my life, I'm never going to surrender to any form of cancer, and neither should you. Your journey back might be hard, but it's worth it.

First, watch "Run from the Cure: The Rick Simpson Story." It's a great documentary. Check out the website about it here: http://phoenixtears.ca/. MagicButter is doing a sale right now for the holidays, too, so get whatever you need.

Second, get your pH in balance. You need to get a pH of 8.5 with a +/- .2 variance.

Third, find some Fenbendazole. It's used for deworming dogs and it's sold on the internet. It kills parasites, which, in a cancerous body, are basically the same thing.

Getting healthy and eating healthy would never hurt. If you know how to go truly vegan, and I mean true vegan, not the fake version of it that does it for social media praise, it only helps to get back to full strength faster. Be careful and consult with a nutritionist if you want to go this route; some people have deficiencies.

And the last and most important step is to just have some fun. Don't let cancer control you. You might start to add extra impact the moments that you have with those you love, but it helps them the most to see you always thinking that you have a brighter future ahead. That kind of courage is something that they really remember if the worst happens.

21820115? ago

I would like to add to what you shared.. Clean water and food, 1/2 to,1 hour of sunshine a day, Exercise... Cancer doesn't like Oxygen. Flood you body and cells with Oxygen. Vitamin C is amazing. And Prayer!

21817289? ago

https://youtu.be/dVArDzYynYc This is Dr. Valtar Longo from Stanford giving a y’all on how fasting greatly enhances the effects of chemotherapy and in some cases causes cancer cels to die off because they require glucose to multiply and can’t survive off of ketones.

Also I’d be looking into psychedelics such as MDMA and Psilocybin Mushrooms as both have been shown to greatly help patients in your situation when it comes to quality of life and mind. Has also helped some of the greatest engineers and scientists we’ve ever had. Seek some help from Libertarian circles as they’ll be most sympathetic to your plight and will as a matter of principle be far more likely to help you.

21817258? ago

God Bless! Maybe right to Right to Try can help you.

21817254? ago

In case you are looking for ideas, this research paper might be worth a look. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29308747

Here are the usa grown kind https://www.apricotpower.com/, I avoid shit grown outside of the us for pesticide reasons.

21817419? ago

I am eating the apricot seeds right now.

Easy and cheap.

21817246? ago

I am so sorry for your news. I would do exactly what your doing. I would still try alternative cancer treatments though. I have seen many stories of alternative therapies working even in the last days of cancer. Our crazy government destoys all those who have alternative therapies that absolutely work.

People may say dont give him false hope by encouraging alternstives. That is Fake news in the worst way. If you can please keep searching.

Anyways Jesus is the good news and for those who trust in Jesus Tge Best is Yet to Come

How can I/we best pray for you here?

Or even help if I/we can.


21818961? ago

OP here: As to helping, I will share some things that are going on. But first, I need you to understand what you would be getting into.

I was a victim of child abuse. On several different levels. It broke my spirit and set me up for a very destructive marital relationship. The trauma that I suffered from that, coupled with what had come before, along with my own fallen flesh, pushed me over the edge. I found myself acting out rage in a way that had I been told as a kid I would do, I’d have ran in front of a train first. It was so harmful to others, that even today, I’m seen by some, as still that man. They are witness however, to the grace of God, even if they refuse to believe it.

So, that’s part of my story. The other involves staring hard into the abyss as a member of Strategic Air Command. As most folks have NO idea just how close we’ve come to farming mushrooms.

All right... here are my needs... I’ve been unable to hold a job since 2011, due to congestive heart failure. Subsequently developed 3rd stage renal failure. Attempting to survive on $982.00 per month Social Security (after Medicare). As a result, my home is falling down around my head. Have a serious roof leak that has damaged sheetrock on both ceiling and wall. Maybe even caused the footing to shift. Also, I have no home insurance or personal transportation.

Another need is an uncommon one. I’m attempting to make some heirlooms for my three daughters to have after I’m gone. I’m doing them in wood. For the oldest, a jewelry box of exotic hardwoods. Yet to decide on the other two. So, if anyone is interested in helping me achieve this goal, we can talk further about the needs that I have with respect to it. Thanks in advance. 👍🏻

Now for prayer. Please pray that God will put me on the path He wants me on. Whatever that is. And if I’m to fight, that I would be granted the grace for it, because today, I just don’t have it in me to do so. Thank you all.

21820881? ago

Love you brother. Gods amazing grace has transformed you as He has so many others. “Though the outer man perishes, the inner man is being renewed day by day.” And “ If anyone be in Christ ,he is a NEW CREATION! The old things have passed away and BEHOLD, THE NEW IS COME”. 2 Corinthians 5:21

May he grant you the wishes and desires of your heart and provide all things for you, temporal, and eternal! I would love to help with your roof leak and ceiling if I knew how, where etc.

21817237? ago

Blessing brother. Alpha to the omega

21817233? ago




21818531? ago


21817228? ago

Stay in the fight brother, if you can. We need you now more than ever.

There are new options available that won't leave you with the common problems that come with the old styles of protate cancer treatment.

New here and they have limits on who can post a URL (links below)

HIFU: sciontiprostatecenter dot com/what-is-hifu

I know people (late stage / aggressive type) that went to Scionti and live normal lives now.

Something new - MRI-guided transurethral ultrasound ablation (TULSA) : sciencedaily dot com/releases/2019/12/191202081638.htm

You're in our prayers...Godspeed!

21820491? ago

Greatest technology used for localized cancer but his has already metastasized.

21817219? ago

We got the same news today for my husband not staged yet, but doesn't look good. It's been an emotional day. He's worried about me! Just like him to be that way. Prayers to Patriot to you and family.

21817213? ago

Prayers said for you Anon. Godspeed.

21817200? ago

Jump on fenbendazole. That off market dog dewormer also kills the shit out of cancer without any harmful effects on you. Look it up.

21817197? ago

Try the Rick Simpson oil. What do you have to lose?

21817188? ago

Please do you're self and follow up on the cannabis oil, you can make it with coconut oil, non heated just as mentioned in the Rick Simpson Run From the cure, has to have the THC not just CBD. Rick suggest working your self up to a gram a day, I know of another fella in Calif. you might want to read on also,,, CIGSO.com Mr Fox. (cannabis infused grape seed oil) Look him up read his website, I know him he had either Prostrate or colon cancer, he simply dipped cannabis in salad dressing several times a day... he's still cancer free, we know of many more, don't give up please do some reading watch Run from the cure...its free on line... Also cancertutor.com has gobs of non mainstream protocols for different types of cancer, they also have several different protocols for the same type of cancer, Webster Kerr created the site, great man. an excellent site and earthclinc.com Good Luck! Don't give up, many stage 4 go home and die people have turned it around. oxygenated ph balanced diet, even all vegetable diets have worked... Get to work my friend!

21817182? ago

Praying for you, Patriot!

21817173? ago

If you decide to take treatment - look into immunology. I am amazed at the progress and improvement to quality of life a friend is experiencing.

When he saw a doctor for back pain in May - he was diagnosed with renal cancer that had metastasized to his bones, spine (breaking vertebrae), his other kidney and liver. The ER doc told him to go home and get his affairs in order.

He was not a candidate for chemo or radiation. So they tried immunotherapy. He is a walking miracle. His quality of life at diagnosis was horrific - in a brace because of the broken vertebrae and heavily drugged for pain.

Today he is walking, driving, and actually living life. He is still terminal - but he isn't debilitated.

I will add that many people have been praying for this man.

A second friend has metastasized breast cancer 15 years post mastectomy. The cancer is now in her organs, bones, and brain. She was given a few months to live. She is also on immunotherapy.

She received the amazing news, last week, that she could live for another year.

Lastly, both of these friends had family and friends praying for them - not only for their health - but for their salvation. Both have given their lives to Christ through this process. 🙏❤️

21818556? ago

OP here: Amazing testimonial. Yes, prayer accomplishes things beyond our comprehension at times. But it isn’t the prayer, per se. It’s the One we pray to who does it. The One who hung the stars in place. I’ve walked with Him here on this rock since 1982. We’ve been through some very dark times together. No doubt, He will be with me through this, no matter the direction it takes. Be just like Him to show up in my bedroom some night and amaze the world by instantly restoring my health. I’d shout it from the rooftops.

21820966? ago

I pray He does heal you, OP.

I didn't even post the most personal miracle. My Dad was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Halfway through what was that be a 10 hour surgery (a Whipple)- the surgeon came out and said he couldn't continue because my Dad's pancreas was a solid mass.

During the surgery review at Loma Linda University, the Doctor said he couldn't explain it, but all of the biopsies they took during surgery came back normal and non-cancerous.

My Dad had surgery on the National Day of prayer. Millions of people were praying for our country, our I'll, etc. Even Dad's surgeon prayed with him before surgery. And while sedated, Dad saw Jesus.

Dad never had any treatment for pancreatic cancer. He lived another 30+ years after that.

I pray you are healed so you can about it from the rooftops. 🙏❤️

21819204? ago

^ THIS is exactly what we need. People to come through the hard times finding a way to help themselves through, and then, sharing those ways with others.

21817132? ago

Research Boron. It stops prostate cancer. It runs in my family. I took the therapeutic dose for a man once, and IMMEDIATELY felt visceral relaxation effects in my prostate, like a muscle relaxer.

Search Boron and Prostate Cancer on DuckDuck go, Ben's natural health lays it out. Godspeed!

21817108? ago

Never give up, never give up, never give up!

Prayers my friend ...

21817096? ago

Meh, in your position I would definitely try fenbendazole first. What's the worst that could happen? I'd also try to get me some cannabis oil but it's expensive and not easy to obtain where I am.

But if I was in extreme pain and death was inevitable, I'd go for nitrogen: youtube.com/watch?v=A-nTAU3vXzQ

21817016? ago

Ketosis. Kills cancer. Just a diet with no sugar.

21819181? ago

I just completed a fast of almost a week; stopped 9 hours short. Not sure a fast would help him if he needs nutrients to help fight it off; but, I was in ketosis for close to a week, and such energy on the third day! I couldn't sleep that night, and almost couldn't the next! Came up with a patentable idea during the fast as well, which I'm now working on moving forward.

21820376? ago

I've done the same and know what you're talking about, but you can do ketosis through diet, not just fasting. Fasting is the... Fast... Way... Yes...

Last time I did it people kept accusing me of cheating because I seemed way too energetic.

21823451? ago

Nice. "Cheating death" is more like it, kek!!!

21816992? ago

Start taking CBD right now. Do it every window you get until you see improvement. Cancer ain't shit. You got this.

21817443? ago

CBD doesn't kill cancer. It must contain THC to work.

21819169? ago

I am currently out of Rick Simpson Oil, and have been taking Charlotte's Web for a few weeks. It's CBD oil, and much less strength than the RSO. I started with their 17 mg/ml preparation, and then got the 60 mg/ml. Yesterday, I had three doses (two in the morning, one early afternoon) and was quite tired most of the day. Less irritable as well, so that's excellent (my issue is concussion symptoms I'm trying to alleviate).

But yeah, for cancer I would go with the RSO. Plus many others listed in this discussion! I had forgotten about the de-worming (concussions have memory issues...), which is a great new cure! Also energy healing, which I don't do enough of, which includes just "taking deep breaths" which is simple to do, and also a "hidden cure."

21816978? ago

Sorry to hear. Sending prayers your way. Science has come a long way. Look up “right to try”. You can try cures that haven’t been FDA Approved yet. Trump wrote it into law. There’s always hope. That’s why we’re posting on here: Our country is sick beyond belief, and we’re still fighting to save it. God Bless.

21816968? ago

Joe Tippins Protocol, dirt cheap and has cured many! His blog is mycancerstoryrock.com

Best wishes and prayers for you

21816921? ago

Gerson therapy

21816882? ago

Go with God. Have faith and humble yourself. Repent and understand, this time is a gift.. Rebuke satan and ask for forgiveness. May God be with you.

21816879? ago

Try the fenbendazole/menbebdazole thing. It's a dog dewormer that will cure stage 4 cancer in a month. It's nearly free and you can get it from a vet. I have the sauce if needed just ask I will get it to ya.

21816838? ago

Dude, do not give up yet. Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYILnjc_wuY&feature=youtu.be

Then read this: https://www.cancertreatmentsresearch.com/fenbendazole/

Yes, Home calls a lot of us. But are you really ready to miss the rest of this Great Awakening?! I hope not. We're trying to get to the Hundredth Monkey. We don't need to lose awakened patriots. I found these two links last week and stored them away thinking, I may need these someday. Turns out, I needed them today, right? Glad you posted about your situation. Please keep us posted on what's happening with you.

Deep breaths. Big deep breaths give you determination. You can do this.

21819131? ago

Deep breaths. Big deep breaths give you determination. You can do this.

In fact! I have found deep breathing to be the one essential component to all energy healing modalities! So you are right, spot on. Hand placement is the second component, but it's not always necessary. For instance, the Wim Hof method just involves deep inhales and a short exhale, with no hand placement, and I am able to feel the tingling after a few moments of breathing that way. Really neat.

And, one aspect of the "hidden cures" that Q has talked about is "the air all around us can cure us" -- it's invisible, but by controlling one's breathing (and hand placement), one can cure one's self or others! In fact, the more people are working on a sick person, the better the chance of healing.

My therapist has done a "laying on of hands" while he was in college; he played rugby, and one player had a hernia which was sticking out of his chest (hiatal hernia, not inguinal like the one I have). 27 other players surrounded him and managed to get their hands on him (not an easy task, with that many people!), and his hernia visibly went right back in, and never returned. Pretty wild. I trust him to tell the truth, but of course, I didn't witness that myself. I have witnessed other healing though.

21819805? ago

This is very interesting--do you have any reading suggestions for the deep breathing with the hand placements?

21823398? ago

Yes, Jin Shin Jyutsu is the energy healing modality I was first exposed to. I had had shoulder pain and saw a therapist, who it turns out used stretching techniques as well as JSJ, which I hadn't known when I first started seeing her, very interesting. She told me the book to get, "The Touch of Healing: Energizing the Body, Mind, and Spirit With Jin Shin Jyutsu" by Alice Burmeister; her mother Mary had brought the practice over from the East.

The history of it may or may not be true. However, the technique definitely works. Basically there are 26 points on the body, usually one on each side, where one can place one's hands and "jumper cable" the points together, while taking deep breaths. Deep breathing starts the energy moving, and the energy shoots out of one's fingertips.

Somewhat like that Emperor on Star Wars, but not as visible. (Although, that practitioner also said she could "see" the energy, which looked like ripples, i.e., heat on pavement, or mirage.) [[[They]]] love to put news in movies, and fiction in the news!

From there I read the book, "Quantum Touch" which has several breathing techniques.

Most recently, I saw a YouTube video which mentioned the "water, whiskey, or coffee" technique. "Water" is a breathing technique that can help you throughout the day. "Whiskey" helps you get to sleep. And "Coffee" is for a burst of energy. Found the video https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=_QTJOAI0UoU , as I had remembered the "drinks" wrong (I had previously written "water, wine, or whiskey" but had difficulty then searching for that! -- recovering from concussions, so memory's an issue).

21816829? ago

Do something crazy, man. Skydive or some shit. Have fun and see how long you last doing crazy shit while all the retards tell you you're done for.

You might very well be surprised btw. As you do the shit to hype up your body's "Defense system" , you might just very well live longer than you ever imagined.

"The less physical things you do the longer you'll live"

Absolute bullshit.... Jump out of a plane instead. yeah it'll hurt and not be the most comfortable landing but the inner you will be like "FUCK YEAH I SURVIVED that shit.

Go Noodlin' Get a big ass 80 pound catfish on your arm.

You won't die during the interaction, I'd only imagine after your body and spirit are in a better place.

I might just be a retard, but I don't believe in medicine the way others do. I think the body and mind work together to heal itself should it want to. I've heard and researched many proofs.

Anon, just go do the shit you've always wanted to or even do some shit you never thought you'd have the balls to do.

I'll bet your estate $100 that if you jumped on a bull right now, you would come out alive.

21816855? ago

Anon PM me if you care to. I'm in a terrible low spot in my life, but nobody telling me how much time I have left. I'll be more than happy to accomplish a goal or three with you. I'll find a way to make the funds happen. Bless you, sir.

21819088? ago

Interesting. New business idea. "Bucket Rides". I'm not that guy but I'm interested in helping to make this happen. I take on way too many projects and I have one I need to give some attention to with NMBRFG today, but anyway, I would like to help put this together.

I think some Rick Simpson Oil would help you a great deal, to help you to better help others. That's what and why I'm doing what I'm doing now. I can't PM you but you can reach out to me. Email "digits" at that repeated three times then .com. I have hosting space I could use for a project, and some remaining dev skills (the concussions hurt a lot, and I'm out of the oil right now but expect to be able to make some before the new year -- odd home situation).

21824292? ago

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21818540? ago

You can’t pm on a anonymous board my dude

21819429? ago

I actually know a secret way to PM on anonymous boards. Send me a DM and I'll tell you.

21827375? ago

BM on the way!

21826079? ago


21819741? ago

PM sent. Thanks!

21819508? ago


21817956? ago

Prayers up for u and the OP.

U sound like great guys :-)

Go and give the guy a hand up!

21816825? ago

We are not limited by what we see on this side of the curtain. A great deal more awaits.

See you on the other side, friend.

21816824? ago

God bless, anon.

21816813? ago

There are interesting cancer treatments available, but the body has a built-in time limit. It is a vessel.

21816810? ago

I admire your style fren. Going out with grace and dignity.

21816809? ago

Use the horse dewormer and let me know if it works like I've heard it works. cancer is caused by a worm.

21816793? ago

Big prayer sent to you patriot. I know this comes across wrong, as you probably have family to care for, etc.

But if I were told I had x amount of time to live, I might just introduce the world to my justice system.

21819021? ago

It does come across wrong. You want to finalize a life of "doing good" by "doing some evil"? Good luck to your soul.

21816784? ago

God bless Patriot.❤️❤️🙏🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸

21816756? ago

Sorry to hear that goat.

21816736? ago

Before you give up please check out Chloride Dioxide.

Fake news/Big Pharma, Big Medicine doesn't want anyone to use MMS which is why it is banned on YouTube. Listen to the testimonies here (not long but very good). What harm can it do to try a solution that removes toxicity, microbes, cancer from your cells and leaves all the good stuff. No poked, prodded, poisoning..do it at home.


Purchase at




Bought his book


Mine will be arriving in a few days and I can't wait.

I'm not a shill for MMS/Chloride Dioxide. I am just a person who no longer believes in Rockefeller medicine and the fake pharma meds that have not helped. I have done my research and I am willing to try...

As POTUS said at his rally before elected to African American voters "What have you got to loose?"

Good luck to you and prayers!

21820842? ago

I always keep MMS on hand, miracle product!

21816672? ago

You have brought me to tears, OP. Add mine to the other prayers being sent up for you.

Keep your faith - know that you are loved.

21819007? ago

At my brain injury support group last week, a powerful mantra was shared. Try to speak this out loud without slightly tearing up: "Tears are good discharge, my body needs."

Turns out this is accurate! My wife, at the meeting, looked up on her phone, what are tears composed of chemically -- and they have a substance in them that calms us. When faced with stress, tears can help us do a better job of navigating said stress. That's really wild, and an excellent comeback to "boys don't cry". Hmm, now I have "The Cure" in my head, and it's not Rick Simpson Oil! :)

21816653? ago

Fenbendazole Go to a feed store they sell it over the counter as a de-wormer Take 150 mg daily, The cancer will starve and die, it kills 99.9% of cancer cells. This is one of the cures Q talked about. Start tomorrow so we can talk about it next Christmas. You are in my prayers and i pray you start tomorrow and prove them wrong.

21825740? ago

Started fenbendazole a week ago. Think I'm on the right track.

21826190? ago

Keep us updated, we are with you.

21821656? ago


(from National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine site maintained by the US government)

article - "Unexpected Antitumorigenic Effect of Fenbendazole when Combined with Supplementary Vitamins"

21819522? ago

This... Came here to say this

21818099? ago

Can confirm. Friend's mom had breast cancer. She had a mastectomy, then took this and cannabis oil. She's still here, many years later!

21820600? ago

So she has the cancer removed via surgery then took some placebos, ok boomer

21823153? ago

check out the edgy fucksmear over here with the "ok boomer" trope


21825399? ago

oooh, got triggered? you're the only one trying to be edgy here cupcakes oh no you called me a "faggot" boy you sure got me good there snowflake

21838901? ago

snowflake? maybe you're the boomer there eh

21840774? ago

Nope, hot and young, sorry goblin

21817441? ago


21817210? ago

Has to be taken with vitamins. But you’re right.

21817833? ago

which vitamins?

21818569? ago

Liposomal Vitamin C

21825901? ago


Liquid mineral complex.

^^They are christians


Rad free pre test source.

21818242? ago


However, Jane McLelland has a more comprehensive metabolic approach to healing cancer.

The Joe Tippens protocol (with Fenbendazole) only hits some of cancer's metabolic pathways.

They both have great FB groups, which I highly recommend.

21818116? ago

I am no expert but you might want to research Youngevity's Tangy Tangerine. It is a multivitamin/mineral supplement. It comes in a powder and it tastes OK. Depending on your weight one or two canisters per month should do it. Cost is $70 per canister. The developer of this product is a Dr. Wallach. He is a former veterinarian/naturopath. He has a whole line of products. A little expensive for me but I think he has the best stuff out there. Also check on You Tube and web on using Fenbendazole. There is even a forum on line. God Bless. In my prayers.

21816564? ago

1) are you familiar with Rick Simpson Oil (RSO)? If not, read up on it asap.

2) I don't know what you're beliefs are but I'll share my personal perspective at this stage in my life from what I have learned. This human life is just the beginning of our spirit's cosmic journey back to God/Source/All That Is. There are dimensions and densities of existence beyond what we experience here on Earth and our consciousness will move forward once it's vessel can no longer sustain itself. The purpose of our time in this dimension/density is simply to understand positive and negative polarities; good and evil if you prefer; and to live a life that gravitates toward one polarity or the other, which at the time of our physical death will determine our path onward. Ultimately we will all arrive back at the same point of pure love and light once our journey is compete as we are but a divine spark of the Creator experiencing itself as consciousness. Godspeed, anon. See you on the other side. 🔆

21822928? ago

Second the RSO oil!

21818896? ago

This human life is just the beginning of our spirit's cosmic journey back to God/Source/All That Is.

DING DING DING DING DING!!!!!!! We have a winner folks. BINGO! you are exactly right.

21820720? ago

Very true, but I would say that most of us have had thousands of past lives already.

21822065? ago

Sadly yes and I for one have had more than enough of coming back to this NEVER changing Mad House

21823249? ago

This mad house is what we have come to change.

21824596? ago

Thousands of years of recorded history proves we pretty much suck at that

21818330? ago


Jason bermas used this for his dog who only had 2mo to live. she has made it way past this point and is doing way better

21818092? ago

That is my understanding, too

21818083? ago

^ satanic shills never stop. Take your love light and shove it satan!

21820583? ago

Its okay to not understand this yet but keep pursuing the truth for yourself and draw your own conclusions.

21816676? ago

Amazing documentary!

21816527? ago

Prayers Patriot! God bless and Merry Christmas!

21816525? ago

Fucking eat the greenest most healthy vegetables , and don't stop! Even if your full keep fucking eating and flush your system! I'll be praying for you patriot! WWG1WGA

21816520? ago

Get your pH at 8.5 and cancer can't survive. Check pH with paper when you urinate.

21825168? ago

Your body is a precision ph regulating machine so if you are going to fuck with it, you better do some research.

21817292? ago

I heard this is true.

21816518? ago

Blessings for your Journey...there's a better place for sure. And cannabis is our friend. The Human body has an endocannabinoid system that synchs nicely with those in this sacred plant. All in perfect Divine Order.

21816506? ago

I’m keeping you in my prayers fellow Anon-Patriot. There are some good links in this comment stream of alternative options. Western medicine for cancer treatment is high-priced blood letting. You are not alone, we’ll all meet up on the other side and in another time. Asking in Jesus’ Name for God’s Love & Mercy to prevail for you. Amen.

21816477? ago

Oy vey goy, you should have masturbated more and this wouldn't have habbened

21816455? ago

God Bless Anon.

21816355? ago

If you have any grievances, air them Sounds like your doin the right things.

I’m sending you hugs bro.

21816351? ago

Adding you to my prayer list.

21818981? ago

Serious question: how does one use a prayer list? I am recovering from concussions and memory is an issue. So -- do you pray with your eyes open?

21820347? ago

I pray quietly with my eyes closed, palms up, toward our Lord. I get tingles when I do this. Pray by giving thanks first, then petition for what, or for whom, is on your prayer list. Always close in His name.

21823434? ago

Neat! I pray with hands pressed together, which is also an energy healing pose from many energy healing modalities. So I want to ask -- why palms up? "Pointing towards heaven" makes sense, I'm just curious if there's an energetic component?

Yours is similar to my progression -- thanks first; requests for family and friends; requests for President Trump and Q team. And always end with "In Jesus name I pray, Amen." (That last word has some contention, and I used to close with "By the blood of Christ on the cross" but some people don't like to hear "blood" so I changed that. I'm somewhat newly back-to-Scripture, 5 years ago or so after five decades...)

21825248? ago

I'm recently baptized [2016] and in an international bible study, because I really just want to KNOW the Bible. For me, praying with palms up is a surrender, maybe a show of vulnerability. The energy feels flowing and calm for me. I say "in Jesus name", and sometimes I say "in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth". I feel like by naming Him there is power, maybe even over the demons who are listening to me. Mostly to dedicate my allegiance with the Lord. The Bible truly is fascinating, isn't it?

21825544? ago

It is. "Noone comes to the Father, but through Me." -- so, I pray in Jesus' name. Even if that's the translation of the name that we currently have, and might be wrong. I also say the Lord's Prayer in English. And ask for guidance from the Holy Spirit.

I tried with palms up today (I have an alert set for 3:15, "pray in one minute", not my idea but I am joining those who are praying at John 3:16 pm). I practice energy healing (Jin Shin Jyutsu initially, then learned others) and when I feel the energy, it is as a form of tingling (like when a body part falls asleep, but without the numbness). Didn't feel it today, but then, I don't generally while praying, and also haven't done energy practice in a while.

Which, itself, might be demonic in nature as it's not mentioned in Scripture (other than Jesus saying we all have powers). Perhaps that's why I've not been using it, or could just be procrastination! :)

Anyway, Merry Christmas and God bless!

21825929? ago

As far as His "correct" name, allow me to share a video with you that cleared it up for me. It addresses some other biblical topics, but does cover the Name.


The tingle I feel, I have come to learn, is the Holy Spirit in me. It only comes when I am in concentrated communion, or I've learned if only happens when God is speaking to me - in agreement with what I'm praying of. But that's my experience and I cant speak for another. To offer my opinion, I would say try to let go of Jyutsu when focusing on prayer, or any another other modality of energy practices you have learned. The energy of the Holy Spirit is from Christ alone, no other, I suspect those models may be separate or against the Lord. I'm just sharing my thought, but I see what you are saying. We are blessed to be in this room together, freely speaking. For that I'm grateful.

21816260? ago

Go easy bro.

21816259? ago

Sad to hear, anon. :(

All the best!

21816235? ago

Said a prayer for you 🙏🏻 !

21816434? ago

Time To Die Cuck.

21816451? ago

Man, fuck you. Why would this be what you say?

21816626? ago

OP, dying of cancer at 69, might be full of shit.

21816864? ago

might be, but not even a far from logic thought you retard. Be a better human, you nigger

21816893? ago

"nigger" is a tautology (i.e. the person who first uses it is most liekly the most liek it)


21816918? ago

ur black. nigger

21816933? ago

Nope. But thx for playing.

21816922? ago

that or you're a kike

21816473? ago

Don’t get so triggered sally

21816233? ago

Will meet you on the other side Patriot.

Safe travels.

21823922? ago

Don't forget CBD oil!!!!

21819839? ago

Take 10 grams of curcumin with meals 3 times a day. Curcumin kills prostate cancer.


You need to take a lot of it every day. It is safe too.

21822887? ago

Very interesting. Thanks for the information and link.

21826148? ago

You may want to look into dry fasting which is the best way to stimulate autophagy, when you stop eating and before your body melts down internal organs it gets rid of cells you dont want/need such as cancerous ones, can research autophagy, snake diet, Cole Robinson for more info

21816217? ago

Induce Hunter Killer cells.

21816212? ago

Life's a bitch, then you die. See you in the next one.

21817204? ago

Fenbendazole, same thing. Hella good research

21816197? ago

How old?

21816201? ago


21818965? ago

I did a submission reply but I'll do a comment reply as well: please, please look into Rick Simpson Oil. It takes 3-4 hours to make and is as simple as making a pot of coffee. Rick explains the entire process for free at his site, http://phoenixtears.ca and I also did a write-up here with costs: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3509014

Basically, for $300 plus the cost of a pound of cannabis, you can cure your cancer. God bless, and good luck!

21816332? ago


I'm 64. A matter of (a very short) time.

21816183? ago


If you're gonna die, die stoned.

21816463? ago

Boof it right up your poop chute

21816514? ago

Few practitioners recommend anal injection.. of anything. Smoke it, vaporize it, heat it in butter/oil on low heat for some hours and use it for baking/buttercream/stick it in a stew, remind yourself of ingestion (minutes by lung, hour+ by stomach), and enjoy.

21816548? ago

How else is it going to cure the prostate cancer? Checkmate amateur. All real drug users know straight up your ass is the most effective method.

21816607? ago

Million-dollar idea: a douche (vaginal or anal) with a dildo applicator.

"I just stretched, lubed and cleansed. Thanks, dildoclean!"


21816631? ago

Disclaimer: Not intended to remove Ultra Nigger AIDS from your pozhole

21816805? ago

Have a sense of humor, anon.