then you have this asshole at @mgtow @vonclausewitz "what are your arguments against mgtow?" (whatever)
submitted 5 years ago by Anarchy99
What is my argument? I gave you my arguments and you fucking banned me you fucking pussy. Because you're not really discussing anything. You are waiting until men end up in divorce court. There are reasons why men are losing in this country and yes unfortunately it does have to do with Jews and circumcision. If men were not circumcised sexual relationships would be far better. I know I fucked Jewish women , they much prefer the uncircumcised penis because they tell me . Women wouldn't be jumping to the next circumcised monkey and wondering why sex sucks. Women are sexually selfish and they want good sex that's a fact. If you don't give her good sex she's going to cheat on you. How fucking stupid can you be ? you are ignoring the obvious. I was showing people on the thread how to get rid of your fucking lawyers and represent yourself. I know it takes a little bit of homework but if you weren't jerking off to porn and playing video games and you spent a little effort studying something instead of paying some fucking Jew lawyer to screw you you would be getting somewhere. The fact is mgtow does not work. You have nebulous authors of this idiotic paradigm. They haven't offered any real advice on what to do. I have and you blocked me. We have very dangerous social patterns deeply ingrained into our society. Our grandparents our parents bought into the jew bullshit and pass the curse on to you. You have to break the curse. If you are circumsized you have to change up your game. You can't just dive right In. Maybe a little lube would help. The fact is most guys are not sensuous. You don't know how to build a woman up and get her hot and bothered. Most of the time you say stupid shit. And repeat the stupid shit. You are predictable and boring. You have no real life goals. You have no Talent. Even the shittiest untalented rock and rollers who play crappy guitar get their dick sucked. That's why women like them for some ungodly reason. If you are some regular douchebag who plays the Xbox all day long you're probably not going to get laid let alone married. Any fucking questions?
ExpertShitposter 5 years ago
vonclausewitz 5 years ago
Check his post history. If women were as devoted as he is, I wouldn't be MGTOW
johnmclean 5 years ago
That's a good one.
Anarchy99 5 years ago
In response to this stupid post
ExpertShitposter ago
vonclausewitz ago
Check his post history. If women were as devoted as he is, I wouldn't be MGTOW
johnmclean ago
That's a good one.
Anarchy99 ago
In response to this stupid post