Angryelectrician ago

Can you imagine having a child that looks absolutely nothing like you?

alakai ago

Wow talk about hateful they made those two people look worst because they look better than the picture

jewsbadnews ago

24?! Looks almost 40!

FridayJones ago

She believes that life is "never-ending."

0cra_tr0per ago

I knew that infallible jewdar would come in handy one day. And this kike is especially unintelligent; falling for (((her religion)))'s own propaganda.

Jesus fucking Christ that goblin looks like Barrack Hussein Obama on every type of crack imaginable.

changz ago

"My son is my world"

Well yeah, thats why you're cruising for dick as a single mother.

Mahkol ago

She will spend 25 years trying to teach her "child" how to be and act human only to be disappointed in the end.


robot7247 ago

Even money she thought her "Today's Woman" virtual signalling rush would never end.

/b4 pregnant

3773 ago

My neice just gave birth to one. Bloodline ended for her.

anticlutch ago



Dumbass is just throwing words around

Son is a goblin.

DestroyerOfSaturn ago

That nose

Maggotfeast ago

What's the deal with jews falling for their own ploy?

oaf ago

"Friendly Fire", also known as "unintended consequences" or... to Jew strategists ... "ACCEPTABLE LOSSES"

Its a numbers game in the war to destroy and subvert every White Nation.

quick_and_dirty ago


WhiteChickens ago

Look at those coal black eyes, white people don't have black eyes.

blumen4alles ago

I see several posts attacking MGTOW yesterday, then this on my front page today. You do realize this is the kinda stuff posted at r/mgtow and v/mgtow, right?

Sleuth222 ago

This is about mudsharking not women as a whole.

blumen4alles ago

Dating single mothers, beta bux, both covered by MGTOW.

shmuklidooha ago

Gobby boy lmao

Dauphin ago

Oy vey her nose and beady eyes...

New-World-Ebola ago

i'm fucking sick of these cunts, it seems like 90% of the internet is porn and 5% is dating apps filled with coal burning mudshark kike mongrels.

every single mud breeding race traitor cunt like this should be screenshot and shamed... well done antiliberalsociety you're doing God's work.

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

It really stirs up feelings of disgust, looking at this whore that let a nigger mount and impregnate her, and then shat out that halfbreed mongrel.

New-World-Ebola ago

lead can fix this situation entirely

DeadBeatNigger ago

Racially mixed trash-kids; to the dating world, what facial tattoos are to the employment world.

RodentLord ago

I'd hire someone with face tats way before I'd stick my dick in a coalburner.

EyeOfHorus ago

I'd rather die a fast death than a slow death.

RodentLord ago

The coward dies a thousand deaths, hte brave man only one.

FellowMan ago

This dead beat nigger has a point.

Logwarrior ago

24? Bitch looks >30

RodentLord ago

It's like how every president ages 20 years for every 4 in office. Stress ages you, Logwarrior.

Dozeneggs ago

She looks pretty used up for a 24 year old. On a related note I wonder how this quadroon population will be like in say 20 years.

HighEnergyLife ago

I occasionally run social experiments on these dating apps. America is going to completely collapse with this next gen. Every women using apps are ruined in one way or another.

NoTrueScotsman ago

That's always been the case. Women who aren't damaged don't need dating sites or apps, men they meet in real life are interested in them.

TheSolutionist ago


VoatContainmentGuard ago

She needs some white cuck to pay for her herpes medication every month

downtownchinatown ago

She would settle down with anything for a dime. That's to be expected.

Not that it matters to females, since they're not ashamed anymore of being nigger fucking sluts.

we_kill_creativity ago

I would like for one of the "it's men's fault for not leading women!!!" crowd to explain to me how a man should properly "lead" this woman...

Especially since she represents the average woman these "the single mom". She's post-"leadable" Solution? Forget about her, hit the gym, make money, date young.

BearDolphin1488 ago

Honor killings

DefinitelyNotaJew ago

I'm more of the "it's men's fault for not expelling Jews from the country" type crowd, but the idea is that we can raise our daughters right, and give them proper morals to prevent this scenario. Prevention is the key. Can't do anything for this burner, because the damage is done. We need to prevent our family members from becoming the next 94% statistic. Even telling them that number would be revolutionary compared to what we do now. Educate and humiliate.

we_kill_creativity ago

Exactly. All I'm trying to say is that we can't waste our time trying to salvage the enormous amount of now young-ish women that currently exist, and don't act like the men their age are being whinny bitches when they're just accurately describing a truly shitty situation. Eat clean, workout, make money, and date young (and then aim to get married and have kids).

A lot of these women could have been salvageable years ago if we didn't laugh at all the, then, young men who were telling the truth about this...there's a difference between despair and accurately describing a truly awful situation.

DefinitelyNotaJew ago

Agreed. We are better off focusing on the upcoming generation, and letting the millennial women go.

LurkedForever ago

Especially since she represents the average woman these days.

Definitely not true. If you think it's true, you need to look different places. White women are the least likely to miscegenate. We see White women with goblins here because its revolting and it's a train wreck you can't look away from. It doesn't represent statistical reality.

Eating too many black pills on women isn't a great strategy to finding a good woman and continuing our race, bro. White Women are our mothers, and sisters, and cousins and wives (not this coal burning piece of shit in the picture, no takesies backsies.)

we_kill_creativity ago

You're just too pussy to admit actual reality. The majority of women in their 20s are obese...just start with that FACT...

The science is coming out now that "the pill" makes women's brains smaller...FACT...

The world, in general, is flooded with estrogen mimickers, so, just like men are too feminine, women are to feminine...FACT...

Oh, and being a single mom became a fucking fashion statement in the late 2000s. sum all that up, your average young woman is an obese, single mom on the female version of steroids with a chemically induced smaller brain to top it all off. I'm not "giving up" or "in despair" about any of this...I'm actually, genuinely man-ing up about it and admitting the true nature and scope of the real problem we're all facing: man, woman, and child.

It's not that there aren't any women that don't meet that "average" criteria, they exist obviously, but they are fucking rare, at best.

Eating too many black pills on women isn't a great strategy to finding a good woman and continuing our race, bro.

You're not really helping things by pretending that reality isn't reality. Look at IQ and women as groups both average about 100 IQ, but men are more spread out while women are more huddled around 100...what does that mean? The average woman is more average than the average the less average man, say...IQ 115-125 is still going to have to deal with the "more average" woman....FACT...which means that the "average" woman I described above is a very real issue for both the slightly below average, average, and slightly above average man. Another fact.

That's not to demoralize is to accurately describe the problem and admit it so that we can actually solve're welcome.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

Jew women are highly susceptible, though. I find that hilarious.

edgecrusher99 ago

Not even white married women vote conservative at that rate. There are tons and tons of white women out there voting to release criminals from prison, kill the unborn, and import millions of brown people, I'm afraid.

Taydrum ago

They might vote conservative, but they still eat up the feminism and virtue signaling propaganda

we_kill_creativity ago

They vote 70% conservative

What is that based on?

RoundWheel ago

They should be told, from youth, that > 93% likely they will be single, raising an unwanted child, who doesn't fit into society (blacks or whites), and have one or two stds. Likewise, that they will become unwanted (considered used, torched property), alone, unfulfilled, and depressed. They will become stigmatized and empty.

Then they should be shown these examples. With caution that their farther and brothers would be very disappointed in her. The dirty, black sheep of the family.

This ignores the medical issues. Such that organs are impossible to find or that genetic disease becomes more likely. Basically torture on children. Making her a cruel and selfish person to ignore reality.

RodentLord ago

Black sheep as a label has honour to it. It's like calling someone eccentric.

we_kill_creativity ago

And how do we tell them this? Like I said...

Solution? Forget about her, hit the gym, make money, date young.

There's about to be a shit ton of women entering their 30s to provide solid examples to the current young women:

Brace yourselves everyone. The overall toll for the coal that is feminism is about to be paid.

RoundWheel ago

You tell them what i said, starting young. There is nothing hateful in what I said. They should grow up hearing it.

we_kill_creativity ago

I don't disagree, but what about the one's, currently entering their 30s that didn't grow up hearing it? My answer is still "Forget about her, hit the gym, make money, date young."


Because we're about to/starting to have a shit ton of 30s-ish women who are un-marriageable, what about the 30s-ish men who had nothing to do with how those women were raised, would like to date/marry/have a family...?

Again: "Forget about her, hit the gym, make money, date young."

Is it perfect/ideal? No...but it's something that at least accepts the actual premise of the reality we face as it is. That's all I'm saying. Nothing hateful about my overall point either.

But brace yourselves for the bitching and moaning that's about to commence...

Intrixina ago

Those men will date women in their early 20s who aren't affected by degenerate claptrap.

HiJoker ago

No eggs. Empty egg carton. No eggs.

Atkho ago

Too late for this one.

antiliberalsociety ago

Your aim is off. It's more about how women are raised from youth that shapes their adult personalities.

we_kill_creativity ago


I repeat:

explain to me how a man should properly "lead" this woman...

antiliberalsociety ago

Women exposed to Jewish propaganda can't be properly led, if they were raised properly they would be obedient, allowing their man to lead as long as he provides for the family.

we_kill_creativity ago

Yes...that's what I've been trying to get to. So, like I said: eat clean, work out, make money, and date young (with an aim to get married and raise children)

New-World-Ebola ago

the half kike bitch and her niglet should be taken for a picnic in an abandoned forest and given lead sandwiches.

don't forget to use gloves when feeding the cunts.

AmericanJew2 ago

That’s just evil.

The answer is to shame them, in public, in private, shame everywhere. Make them a pariah that will be the lesson to the younger women who see it.

New-World-Ebola ago

yes it is. it's the nigger's fault for existing and wasting oxygen you cocksucking jew.

they all need to be lined up and shot then kicked down into a deep mineshaft with you ontop of them nigger loving faggot.

AmericanJew2 ago

I think you need to go take your meds now JIDF shill.

New-World-Ebola ago

cuntmerican kike you're an ADL faggotoid.

AmericanJew2 ago

I think your moms meatloaf is ready, better come out from her wittle man’s basement cave now for supper.

This has been fun but adult me has to get back to work, go ahead and have the last word since we all know you are too retarded to stfu and listen to anyone.

New-World-Ebola ago

don't forget to breathe deep, chimney sweep.

RoundWheel ago

They should be told, from youth, that > 93% likely they will be single, raising an unwanted child, who doesn't fit into society (blacks or whites), and have one or two stds. Likewise, that they will become unwanted (considered used, torched property), alone, unfulfilled, and depressed. They will become stigmatized and empty.

Then they should be shown these examples. With caution that their farther and brothers would be very disappointed in her. The dirty, black sheep of the family.

This ignores the medical issues. Such that organs are impossible to find or that genetic disease becomes more likely. Basically torture on children. Making her a cruel and selfish person to ignore reality.

DesignMAGA ago

Top tier coal combustion meme

oaf ago

Top tier, indeed! In fact the best I ever saw that did not involve "after picture of Woman with a swollen black eye".

White women are foolish to birth black kids, but (((TV))) brainwashes White women to assume otherwise, to their husbandless peril.

Science : Black Fathers worst on earth!

Astoundingly, nearly 92% of Black men eventually flee from biracial kids they themselves create!!! 92% Study from the CDC :

archived in case shoahed :

original :

Countless Sociology papers provoked creation of a recent documentary by the Black community, that Black men flee their kids, even if THE MOTHER IS BLACK. 72% if black mother :

Refer to :

archived in case shoahed :

72% from huge CDC study :

Since 2006 onward in CDC data it's never been under 70% for blacks fleeing their black kids.

pdf distilled 72% :

archived in case shoahed :

And 98% of mixed race kids get NO MONEY SUPPORT from black fathers EVER ! (Table 6):

Ninety Two Percent: Examining the Birth Trends, Family Structure, Economic Standing, Paternal Relationships, and Emotional Stability of Biracial Children with African American Fathers

ref "Table 6" of that 2015 Science paper (98%!) :

The Black baby daddies flee. US Census 2000, with estimated 2016 values via US Gov "2016 American Community Survey" of :

6,281,000 documented black kid single moms (white or black mother), and 1,900,000 mixed race kids' single moms, then compared to white kids of single moms.

A 90 percent confidence interval for each 2016 estimate showin >72% flee was found at "Children in single-parent families by race" :

The 90 percent confidence interval tables showing >72% were alterred, then deleted in 2019 by "", but a frozen 2019 paraphrased copy is at : You can probably find the older spreadsheets if you search, or consult CDC sources, or pdf above showing 72%.

Except for in EVERY television commercial, the worst fathers on earth are scientifically proven to be black as shown above.

A mixed race baby is never ever going to have a father and especially not a non-black father because no white man wants to be seen in public in a role that looks like he was "cuckolded" :

A comic to help show the effect of 98% fleeing mixed kids :

Women are delusional. A black thug spawn from Da'Trayvon knocks a white woman 7 full points out of 10 in dating value for long term commitment from a man with a job.

92% of Black men eventually flee from their own biracial kids

Though liberals hate science facts, Black fathers are no father at all.

Provably disgusting animals spreading their seed. Hundreds of years ago, few niglets would survive, but in white society we feed and raise and breed more of them!

BoomerHater1488er ago

I suddenly understand honor killings....

New-World-Ebola ago

we either get rid of these monsters or we all get pulled down into the mire

Steinmacher ago

Teen mom pinged my jewdar

AntiMason ago

Deadbeat dads should be sent to forced labor camps.

blumen4alles ago

The father is expected to give the mother money, while he has no rights to his child. Great system, very fair. Why not throw in a fake domestic violence charge so he just kills himself, then the mother and the state will have taken everything?

NPC1488 ago

As long as women have to get a court order and the dad’s approval to have the child.

Otherwise she goes on Logan’s Run at 5 months. Free game, anyone can turn her eyes in for social credits.

BoomerHater1488er ago

Ha! That reminds me of something I love telling people: Men should be able to compel women to have abortions. I don't actually believe that, but it is great for shock value. Then I explain that my own wife could go out and get an abortion without my knowledge, then take our remaining kids and make me pay child support. The least you can give a man is the ability to renounce parental rights and then avoid child support.

All of that is just to spark discussion and eventually segue into all our problems would be solved in a white ethnostate.

blumen4alles ago

Don't see "segue" used much these days.

Nice vocab goat.

BoomerHater1488er ago

Thanks! Really it's just a result of at least a decade of, "Oh, that's a neat word. I should use that more."

blumen4alles ago

TBH I don't think I have ever even seen it used. I knew what it meant only by context, and thought you spelled it wrong. If I was writing I would have used "segway" and been incorrect!

LurkedForever ago

That's good, bro, I'm gonna use it.

Gigglestick ago

Looks like a kikette

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Atkho ago

Yeah I think his goblin genes came from her. I see nothing wrong with this picture. Diversity is there strength. Such a beautiful family.

tokui ago

Looks it. Nose tip, and general look.

BB-3 ago

Those dead eyes

tokui ago

So gross.

Sooo gross.