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turtlesareNotevil ago

Honestly I didn't like this article. Here's a woman who refused to be a whore and this is what gets said about her. She is the age that she probably couldn't get a guy without putting out in her 20s. She even says that guys won't date her because they know she won't have sex till marriage.

This world is completely unnatural and fucked.

It doesn't piss me off when whores and fatties get called out, but attempting to call out a virgin, WTF.

Uncle_Slob ago

Same here. I get she's a little older, but this is a lady who worked hard to achieve her goals. This isn't some dumb bitch who waited around, getting fat, then complaining no one will touch her.

we_kill_creativity ago

This isn't some dumb bitch who waited around, getting fat, then complaining no one will touch her.

She did wait around terms of romance. That is her fault. It's no different than the woman who works hard at her career and only starts to care about a husband/family when she's in her mid 30s but now she's fucked.

She should have focused less on her career and more on finding a good husband and starting a family. It doesn't matter that her career was a sport.

but this is a lady who worked hard to achieve her goals

Ok...and? She should have worked hard at a family, which starts with finding a good husband. This is reality, and it doesn't matter if you believe it or not. It just is.

And honestly, this is just the beginning of what's going to be a MASSIVE issue. Millennial women are starting to get to their early 30s. This woman is just an early outlier. There are a ton of young-ish women about to learn this very same lesson.

Tough shit...

Uncle_Slob ago

Understand biology. Women hit their peak in their 30s. It's understandable. People like you just want to be mad at women, even if they do the right thing. It doesn't help you out in particular so these women are still "bitches."

Boax ago

“Peak in their 30s” thanks bro, I needed a good laugh.

Deceneu ago

It says the contrary right there, in the article you linked:

Women: Your 20s

You’re likely to be more fertile from your teens to late 20s than you are in the years that follow. This may make you choosier about if and when you have sex, though it’s not clear exactly why. In fact, scientists think that female desire might go up just as fertility starts to decline toward the end of your 20s.

Uncle_Slob ago


Boax ago

They are hornier because they are running out of time biologically to have children you daft fuck. How does being more horny equate to being in your physical prime exactly? That’s right, it fucking doesn’t. There is no argument to be made. Women are more fertile and beautiful in their youth than their 30s by far. If your idea of “prime” is only measured by a woman’s willingness to fuck you, I think that says a lot more about you than women.

Uncle_Slob ago

Because it was me who conducted these studies. I didn't belive in incels until I read what you faggots have to say. I hope you repair that relationship with your single mom.

Boax ago

Ah, making blind assumptions and accusations about someone you know nothing about over the internet. (The classic “you live with your mom” no less) You are truly a man of science. If you knew anything about how science is conducted you would understand just how foolish you make yourself look with every further reply.

Uncle_Slob ago


we_kill_creativity ago

Understand biology.

Followed by...

Women hit their peak in their 30s.

Dear're retarded. Peak what exactly? The rest of your comment couldn't be more wrong either.

Taydrum ago

Fertility you dense motherfucker. After 30 risk of downs or other birth defects skyrockets

we_kill_creativity ago

No fucking shit...that does equate to "women hit their peak at 30" you fucking retard...

Women hit their peak between 20-25...fertility starts to go down. The significance of 30 is at that point, not only is their fertility going down, but now pregnancy is actually starting to get dangerous. Thus, ideally, a woman would get married by 22 and have her children before getting to her late 20s.

Uncle_Slob ago

OK. Ignorance is supposed to be bliss I guess.

we_kill_creativity ago

Then in your case projection is bliss.

Uncle_Slob ago

Mmm hmm.