Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

Well YouTube, reddit, twitter, Facebook can all keep censoring, deplatforming, and banning users it just means less for them and more for us and eventually they'll all go tits up and broke from being woke and blaming straight white bloke.

Zen117 ago

Hey, eat a dick goat. I was lurking on here for about a year, I just fucked up and didn't register before that bullshit happened a few months ago and voat closed registration. Something about (((people))) got pissed because a goat posted a by the numbers list on how (((elites))) were fucking over everyone. So they tried to kill voat because, well, pay no attention to the (((man))) behind the curtain, goy. So yeah when registration open you're damn right i jumped on it. This is pretty much the last bastion of free speech on the internet, somethings i agree with, somethings I don't. That's the beauty of being an adult, if I don't like something i simply scroll past and move on with my life. People want to run up and down the front page screaming nigger kike fag, let them. If it bothers you, that's on you. That being said, it's good to be back on here officially this time and not just a lurker. See you guys around.

totes_magotes ago

I'm not sure if you're crying out of butthurt or happy you can tell me to eat a dick, faggot Jew kike motherfucker.

Zen117 ago

Happy for sure buddy. Telling someone to eat a dick anywhere else is antifaggotry and can get you sent to the gulags. It's great to be called a faggot jew kike motherfucker here, No one get banned, no one gets doxxed, we laugh and we move on. How it should be really.

totes_magotes ago

I can't... you're rubbing your hands too tightly. You have to let go...

You have to...


Zen117 ago

Telling me to go back is anti semitism goy. I don't go back, I pave the way for more diversity. It's our, I mean your strength. Is noseberg sheckleman still running around here? They had some really funny shit last i saw it.

totes_magotes ago


boekanier ago

When you were recently still on reddit, there must be something serious wrong with you. Voat is surely no place for you.

shmuklidooha ago

Can people even make new accounts?

TwoNiggersandaHonky ago

Stick around and learn about Jews.

Bushtaco321 ago

I forgot my user password like September or something. Could not log on. Voat was close to anyone trying to create a new account. I wrote to the admin begged and pleaded to help me out. Cryed like a nigger fag jew slut. I was left out in the cold all alone. It was like I left my keys in my house and was locked out. I was like wtf my life is never going to be the same. It was like that sting song "iam on the outside and I am looking in" except i could not even fucken look in. Worst few months of my life man. I even had to spend more time with the wife and kids. Then out of boredom one day I got on and they opened for new accounts. I made one so fast my fingers started smoken. I wrote the user name and password down. Took a pic, saved the data on computer, laptop, drove to my safety deposit box at band made a copy placed that mother fucker in that bitch. Learned my lesson. That's what separates me from the niggers. Fool me once sham on me fool me twice err fool me once your not going to fool me again....

boekanier ago

A + for your amusing story. But pay attention in the future.

AshesAshes ago

Fuck niggers and trannies and most importantly jews.

antoniolawyer ago

I just thought that it was just happening to mgtow and it would never happen to me until I got raped. But she had crystal so it's not gay tho.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago


senpaithatignoresyou ago

Which one? The mgtow or the corona virus one?

carlussy ago

how aggressively autistic must someone be to make a post like this

xenoPsychologist ago

more somalians coming in, eh? cant we just let them sink?

biscuitrage ago

We are not full, the more people the better, Just as long as the voat retards don't start censoring people.

oneinchterror ago

Kill yourself you stupid fucking piece of shit. Why the FUCK would you want to drive away people who might actually stick around long enough to see things our way? I'm convinced people like you are either 65 IQ brainlets or active opposition. Voat needs to grow as much as possible; we WANT all the angry and disaffected White males to come here, you goddamn moron; the last thing we should be doing is trying to drive them away. If you couldn't tell, I really, truly hate people like you. You are what's wrong with Voat.

DovinB ago

Sorry for asking but, what the hell happened in here? All i see for the most part are post from 4-3-2 years ago, empty places everywhere with no users online, i though the site was a bit more active on each subverse.

But it's more like finding life-signs of survivors on Hadley's Hope, you are all cramped up together in 1 or 2 places down here.... If you or anyone reading this could enlighten me i would really appreciate it. And no, i don't come from mgtow.

i_hate_sodomites ago

What the fuck good is "growth"??? You sound like fucking cancer: "growth is good, mmkay! Sure we'll kill the host, but until then growth is good!" Try engaging a few fucking brain cells for once in your miserable life, pull the jew dick out of your mouth, and realize that growth for the sake of growth is just a buzzword with no meaning or value.

YOU are what's wrong with every social media site, ever, since 1995. Go neck yourself.

oneinchterror ago

And your account is only 3 months old? Actually kill yourself immediately, you inbred mongrel faggot. My dog is more intelligent than you.

oneinchterror ago

This is the lowest IQ reply I've ever received on this site. Congratulations. You're a special sort of dumbfuck.

Vc83 ago

Good, fresh blood is needed. For any 10 that run away screaming there is 1 who's eyes are open. Another brother enters the fold and we grow stronger.

First up for you faggots, jews did 9/11

KLDB ago

Freedom of speech is for faggots.

RedditIsTheBest111 ago

I for one know of the one true site and do not choose to partake in the one forum ideology.

Smokybubbles ago

Fuck all you censor happy nigger faggots looking for refuge all of a sudden.

EnsignPossible ago

You had BETTER be coming here repentant nigger lover. Because invasion is futile and frowned upon vehemently here.

Dyedhairshootonsite ago

If you were STILL on reeeeddit in 2020 you are part of the problem

i_hate_sodomites ago

Yep, those are the folks who go up against the wall along with the kikes and the niggers....

Ricoiyte ago

Lol at the (angry) downvotes

albatrosv15 ago

OC from @maxoverdrive

Okay, you niggerfaggot scum, lets get some things straight. Despite the 'soft' welcome that some of us might've given you (e.g., those desperate piece-of-shit mods who want to 'grow' their sub-Voat), the rest of us think you're a bunch of worthless cum-stains who're desperate to suck Jew dick and swallow kike jism by the gallon so long as you aren't booted off of your favorite subreddit. You're weak, you're spineless, you're sackless, you're a bunch of unworthy mangina faggot scum. Why?

Because anyone with half a brain would've abandoned reddit the very fucking moment Pao showed her true colors, that's why. And yet, you stayed on; you immediately traded in your balls and started soft-stepping around 'certain subjects' just to avoid that social media ban-hammer, because you're so fucking cowardly you couldn't stand the thought that you might - gasp! - get banned from a second-rate, Marxist-run social media site. God-fucking-damn, but just how worthless of a human being do you have to be to think this is even an option??? Just how much of a loser do you have to be, especially as an American who's supposed to believe in free speech, to put with this Marxist, totalitarian bullshit for so long?

You're a bunch of fucking faggots. Worse, you're a bunch of fucking niggerfaggots. Oh, I know you think you're "special"; every wave of redditors before you has been deluded in the exact same fashion, thinking you're such "special snowflakes" and so possessed of a "clearly superior intellect" that you'd be in charge of us low-brows at Voat in days. But you know what? We driven off every single wave of you faggots every time you've come calling. Every goddamn one of them thought they were special, and they nearly all went crying back off to reddit, and spent and inordinate amount of time complaining that we called them "faggots" and "niggers" and "laughed at them".

We'll do the same to do you. Based on past experience maybe one in 10 of you will survive the hazing. But since you're late-comers who've been sucking SJW and Jew dick six ways to Sunday to remain on reddit this long, I doubt 1 in 20 of you will last.

In closing: the white race is vastly to superior to all the inferior breeds on Earth. Niggers all need to hang at the end of a rope, and every single fucking Jew on Earth needs to be shoved into an oven, kicking and screaming. That includes the race traitors who support niggers and Jews, along with the coal-burner filth who betray their own race.

Got a problem with this? Then fuck the hell back off to reddit, you disgusting, worthless, Jew-worshipping SJW piece of shit.....

transitive ago


Javik2186 ago

This one is still one of my favorites

Also, this one

FriedChicken ago

Don’t listen to OP; he’s a faggot. Welcome onboard. Don’t just bring your censored bullshit; bring all your quality content.

Gothamgirl ago

We should send a few here back with them.

nobslob ago

What was the latest censorship? The mgtow sub?

GhostCow ago

I almost downvoted because of the title. We need more people to come here and get exposed to our ideas. I ended up upvoting after I opened the thread and read the text though.

RoundWheel ago

Which is why the shills always try to chase people away. They don't want the truth to spread. Their job is to destroy and contain.

Special_Que ago

Go back to reddit nigger faggots!

tomdogg ago

Me before boat: Haha these people really to hate Jews!

Me after Voat: GTKRWN!!

RM-Goetbbels ago


edit: nigger

tokui ago

How about op fuck off.

smokratez ago


If you are new here, these are the reddit trannies. Literally srs.

slowcrash101 ago

What did those fucks do this time?

Niceballsnigga ago

Shut up totes nobody likes you

Sleuth222 ago

mgtow fags tend to love their jew god donald even though he's been divorced and remarried. The more the merrier.

dadudemon1 ago

If you're a redditfag from reddit, don't worry, some of us started on voat before it got overrun with racists. About 20% of the content is good. Skipping over that 80% shit is still worth being here.

You'll come to enjoy the angry racist kittens on this site: almost all of them are harmless.

smokratez ago

jews are behind white genocide. Non whites commit 90% of the crime in the US. Got anything to say about that?

dadudemon1 ago

jews are behind white genocide.

Credible citation needed.

Non whites commit 90% of the crime in the US.

Credible citation needed. I searched and searched and searched and I could not find a citation for this other than morons like you posting about it on the internet.

If you look through my comment history, you'll see me not hide the black crime problem the US has. Nor do I keep it a secret that illegal immigration is a problem and needs to be addressed.

It's possible to address race-based problems without being an ignorant, moronic, racist.

Got anything to say about that?

Yes. Give me science and not butthurt retarded white-supremacistisms.

hang_em_high ago

They never do have a reply to questions like that.

dadudemon1 ago

Who is "they" in your comment?

Certainly not me. I don't hide race-specific problems like crime, immigration, and education. I want to openly talk about it and I despite SJWs.

What are you going to do with that strawman, now? I know...shove it up your butt the next time you jack off to gay porn.

hang_em_high ago

Yet you still didn't even answer any of it, you inbred kike.

dadudemon1 ago

Moving the goalposts, I see.

You originally said:

They never do have a reply to questions like that.

And I did have a reply. Quite the cogent reply, at that. I asked for credible citations for those claims. Those are so lofty claims. I also stated my position.

I replied with a mature, level-headed, fact-based approach. Something that escapes you entirely. Hey, how are those relationships going for you?

RM-Goetbbels ago

Shut up nigger before you get chained to a trailer hitch.

dadudemon1 ago

Oh, look, an angry racist kitten calling a white guy a "nigger" and threatening violence.

I'm shocked! Not on voat! Of all places!!!

In real life, you wouldn't talk to me like this. You wouldn't talk to me at all. Because you're just a kitten in real life. And I know you jackoff to gay and tranny porn, too. You might want to clear your browsing history.

RM-Goetbbels ago


dadudemon1 ago

Ewwww, gross!

Don't touch me. I don't want AIDS.

Divinelight ago

I'm impressed, you're a good troll. You cuck slightly too hard which reveals the troll. Gotta tame it a bit, sunshine.

dadudemon1 ago

Someone calls me a nigger after I point out the cesspool of ignorant racism that abounds on this site when it was my money (as well as a handful of others) that helped get this site off the ground when it first started and you call me a troll, eh?


You're welcome for the platform so you could ignorantly grandstand in your cesspool of unjustified white supremacy.

Oh yes, for sure, there are definitely whites out there that are quite amazing, powerful, successful, etc. You're not one of them.

RM-Goetbbels ago

Hey! Can't I get a little credit James Byrd reference?

Creggieb ago

Great idea. How about everyone who values the lack of censorship can fuck off, starting with you

totes_magotes ago

Too late! I fucked off a long time ago.

jerry ago

Hell is full

totes_magotes ago

There's always room at the banana stand.

AlphaOmega ago

I worry, sometimes, that Voat becomes stale. Then an exodus happens from another site and we have to deal with bullshit for a while....but we keep the good ones and the other ones go back to watching Jewporn and fighting on Twitter.

AlaskaMountain ago

I don't follow Reddit anymore...What happened now?

WeMustRemainPure ago

Reddit faggots got sodomized and they’re pretending they don’t like it.

winterdreams7 ago

I disagree. We are NOT FULL. I came here from a wave of Reddit censorship and found a new home. We grow stronger with every user that leaves Reddit and transfers to voat.

i_hate_sodomites ago

Um, yeah...apparently you haven't met the Q-tards....

Acerphoon ago

Not all Q-followers are retarded though. There are quite a few that got redpilled on jews and race realism here.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

Wow you sound like a faggot

oneinchterror ago

You sound like a fucking kike.

Iornukrum ago

raises barstool

RoBatten ago

I came here during that time but was not an avid reddit user. I had deleted my account a few years prior. Cuckery and white-hate drove me away. Deleting Coontown but leaving Crackertown up was more fucked up than I could have ever imagined . . .

drj2 ago

We are larger but not stronger. A big memberberries post wouldn’t help anything now.

eongoat ago

This is the part where you dump redpill links...

There ya go

MemeDropAcct ago

Exclude anyone that thinks differently than me from Voat

Nah. I think the whole MGTOW thing is pathetic faggotry and an anti-human op coming from the usual suspects. I also think they should be able to be able to speak freely. If you don't like their faggotry just don't read it. Make fun of them if they are ridiculous, don't deny them a sideshow permit. Convert them. Get creative. Go make a v/TurnFlingingMonkey sub and troll them. Plenty of those guys just need a splash of water to snap them out of their blackpill MGTOW failmonkey path. Whatever. But don't start calling for censorship in the last smoky bar on the interwebz FFS.


SchwazaRifleCoffeeCo ago

don't deny them a sideshow permit.

Didn't the Qtards take all the permits?

keksupreme ago

nice post kike

Intrixina ago

It's pathetic faggotry because any self-respecting man who "goes his own way" does not feel the need to attention whore to other people on the Internet about it. Their consistent advertising of how "enlightened" they are just seems like a ploy to convince themselves more than anything else.

BoomerHater1488er ago

MGOTW and Feminism are two sides to the same shekel.

oneinchterror ago

Thank you! Telling people we could potentially redpill to "fuck off" is beyond counterproductive - it's downright stupid, and perhaps even subversive. I really question the motivations of people like OP.

Eualos ago

Being able to talk freely means being able to say fuck off we're full. He is also completely free to ignore that faggot

Charilko ago

Every smoky bar has its club of malcontents who don’t want anybody else there. It’s human nature to want to maintain homogenous groupings. Voat is not special in this regard.

ados ago

I used to post to mgtow on reddit since about 800 users, so im oldfag. Those blokes slowly turned right wing, and most obviously in the past couple years. Convert them is the best approach, it's not going to take a whole lot more to do it.

M80TheMan ago

Agreed. I was on board with MGTOW till I moved over here. MGTOW is a pretty good base because they are already redpilled about feminism and the court system. The only thing they don't seem to grasp is (((who's))) behind it all. This place is apt in enlightening.

Void0101010101 ago

MGTOW is just the first layer of the onion

The 2nd layer is when you realize that we live in such a degenerate counterculture that being a strong man is a sin.

Layer 3 is when you realize this degeneracy didn't happen on accident

The 4th layer is when you realize that the media is a weapon pushing this degeneracy

The 5th layer is when you find out who runs the media

The 6th layer is when you realize the same people control every industry and aspect of culture

The 7th layer is when you realize we've all been quietly encircled since the end of WW2

The 8th layer is when you read the Wikipedia article "Culture of the weimar republic" and research the downfall of the Holy Roman Empire and realize this has all happened before and their is likely nothing you can do to prevent it.

It's not easy to take the red pill.

nathanrosegoldberg ago

I agree. Many of them are probably easy to convert. They are already questioning things that aren't supposed to be questioned.

Shotinthedark ago

What did faggit censor this time?

InClownWorldSellPnut ago

Virgins and divorcees.

AlaskaMountain ago

They quarantined /r/MGTOW.

Shotinthedark ago


maaaxheadroom ago


wanderingblade ago

Men guzzling tons of wiener

Men groping their own wiener

Take your pick either way they're failed men too beta to actually keep a woman happy and in love

IStealYourCookies ago

Men groping their own wiener


phillyjoe ago

Men. Lol moar like betacuck faggots.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

plenty of MGTOW men would gladly fold you in half.

phillyjoe ago

Lol is that some gay innuendo, faggot?

ShakklezthaKlown ago

are you hoping so? don't project your homoerotic fantasies on my idiom.

phillyjoe ago

Go and fuck an incel, faggot.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

do MGTOW men offend you that much?

phillyjoe ago

You are the one that got all excited at the mention that we have a new influx of faggots

ShakklezthaKlown ago

plenty of MGTOW men would gladly fold you in half.

i stated a fact that pissed you off. that's not my fucking problem, its yours.

phillyjoe ago

Again with your gay talk.

Go fold yourself, fucker

ShakklezthaKlown ago

haha. you think im MGTOW. that's your problem.

phillyjoe ago

You are the one constantly making gay advances to me, offering to 'fold me' whatever the fuck that means.

I bet you are the useless kind of faggot that doesn't even offer a reach around.

i_hate_sodomites ago

After sucking down their soy milk and bitching that they weren't man enough to mold their ex-wife into a true woman?

ShakklezthaKlown ago

probably cheap beer, and their ex-wife wore the pants usually.

RoBatten ago

goathunter ago

I'm also curious. They've been censoring a lot of the Wuhan stuff, but it's par for the course for a company that's in bed with China.

Shotinthedark ago

I guess I'll have to put on my waders and got find out. Maybe on my lunch break I don't want to get pissy before work

oneinchterror ago

Remember to check /r/AgainstHateSubreddits to find out what the tranny jannies are currently trying to censor.

SoOutraged ago

Initiate program.....NPC say: reddit bad, fuck off we are full, nigger, kike, faggot ✔ awaiting next command.......

turniptruckpassenger ago

heya, Outie! this is voats immune system. those that stay will be strong. they will become more white blood cells to fight off bigger infections. scabs aren't pretty, but they are necessary.

steven_feelsperg ago

White Blood Cells? Holy shit, that's a great name for a 3-4 White man RWDS.

turniptruckpassenger ago

whats an RWDS?

SearchVoatBot ago

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Posted automatically (#89848) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@SoOutraged: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)

Acerphoon ago

Faggot. It's also not funny.

noz ago

Good one, newfag

Leveraction ago

Not I. Don't do fakebook, twatter, instacunt, redfuck, or any other dumbass soap operas.

Lunkwill ago

I don't even own a television!

turniptruckpassenger ago

I don't own a television, OR a car! I do my grocery-in' on a buckboard, pulled by small children.

antiliberalsociety ago

That moment they all flood to Voat and as much as they try to be reddit, Poal is still a ghost town

metricisokay ago

You fucking people who keep appearing here after putting up with mainstream bullshit for years make it difficult to start fresh accounts for fear of blending in with you.

i_hate_sodomites ago

Do it anyway. I nixed a 5 year old account and started a new one, mainly because I doxxed myself, but also for shits and giggles. People can call me "newfag" all they like, but I've got 5 years of bitter, hard won Voat-style hatred on my side. I'll shove a black-pilled dildo up their ass and laugh while they squirm....

metricisokay ago

I dunno newfag, shoving black dildos up people's asses sounds pretty gay.

Smallest_Skil ago

As long as you are not a cuck (or wanting to de-cuck yourself) and are white, welcome brother. Heil Hitler, 1488, jews are evil and did 9/11, fuck moslems, fuck niggers.

mudbear ago

ill take muslims and niggers if they can be directed at the jew. Id use warpigs, mosquitos and whatever other animal i dont discriminate

BeeBop71 ago

.....and Michael Jackson was a pedophile!

Smallest_Skil ago

yup he was a diddler.

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

He was accused by Jews of being a pedophile since he repeatedly called out their bullshit and bought the rights to the Beatles. He was not actually a pedophile as his accusers' stories don't line up.

Gigglestick ago

Lots of drugs and plastic surgery.

rejectedfromreddit ago

No, he was framed for naming the Jew in Black or White:

Kick me, kike me, don't you black or white me. // Jew me, sue me, everybody do me.

Chad88 ago

He settled a molestation suit two years before that tho.

rejectedfromreddit ago

Settling a suit means you don't want to spend the time or money dealing with the bullshit, not that you're guilty.

Chad88 ago

It still breaks the causal relationship between the two that you implied though.

Did he have a time machine as well?

TheAntiZealot ago

I thought that the song was called "They don't care about us."

rejectedfromreddit ago

You're right

olltre ago

lmao never change, voat

Buff_Awesome ago

You forgot, "Race war now!"

Smallest_Skil ago

Oh so sorry, I will try and do better going forward.

Dildo-Shwaggins ago

Fuck that. I welcome any group that delutes the QAnon fags.

majb ago

I blocked them a long time ago. Once in a while I see some "Anon told us this would happen" line of bullshit and remind myself how glad I am not seeing that on my front page.

Hellion ago

Diluting shit with diarrhea still leaves us with a lot of shit.

voatuser1128 ago

I don't know man. I would welcome any anti-feminists to voat.

burnthegoyimhaters ago

We'll see how they react after they find out it is the Jew that has lead women away from men and destroyed the fabric of society.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Hey, all you newbies, he's just joshing you. In truth we are all very happy to welcome you. Some subs are better than others, though, so you should know the absolute best sub for newcomers to hang out in is v/totesmagotes.

Ol_Hickery ago

Weve been saying that for years at this point. (This is my 3rd acct by the way, ive been here for almost 4 years now. Its good opsec to change it up and go scortched earth on all your posts every so often. I do have a burner alt that i use now as well) Hail Victory

turniptruckpassenger ago

me too! ive been sirrantsalot, drstrangegoy, drstrangegov, and a couple of others.


Honestly, we're really not full at all. Very little remaining engagement here.

AlphaOmega ago

There is a perfect amount of engagement and front page cycling sweet, sweet anti-Jew-day-ism to be awesome.

Neskuaxa ago

Only active subs appear to be sbbh and the q subs. Whatever also seems to be a catch all as well.

Mumbelberry ago

Whatever is a catch-all because sub creation has been disabled since the admins went Galt.

Neskuaxa ago

It is? Damn I was going to make an AnonFeet sub.

green_man ago

Anyone have that comic with the redditfag busting down the door and the goat burning le happy merchant? Side request, any of those Voat comics about reddit migrations would be appreciated as well.

Doglegwarrior ago

ya it used to come fast and furious when ever there was a migration.. non stop cartoons exposing the reddig faggots... whats this latest censorship issue? i cant even come up with the energy...

reddit needs to just make a list of things that is ok to talk about or say... then the faggots can go there and just copy paste the 50 things that are ok to say. eventualy it will end up with these things that are ok to say.

  1. war is peace

  2. If you want to keep a secret, you must also hide it from yourself.

Gigglestick ago

I heard it’s the mgtow faggots.

toobaditworks ago

The new issue is reddit quarantined MGTOW.

Moln0014 ago

I've given up on Reddit many years ago.

ThesePeopleAreStupid ago

You’re stunning and brave.

Moln0014 ago


NoTrueScotsman ago

They don't want to make a list of what it's ok to say, because updating it would be too much work and people would have a better way to show how frequently it changes. Last time I looked at even non-political subs, they all had a catch-all rule that say the mods can ban or delete anything they feel like at any time. In addition to their lengthy list of specific rules, of course.

BarbaricHamSammy ago

A little swarthy for me personally.

version7 ago

Haven't seen this one before. I dig the war chariot. Almost spit out my orange juice.

THSenior ago

Fuck your juice pussy

registeretakes10s ago

I'm happy some people still post more or less the whole collection. Brings back memories of good times

BushChuck ago


"You must be new around here."

I remember that thread, it was fucking priceless.

BeeBop71 ago

It's the goddamn gingers every.fucking.time.

noob_tube ago

The only problem I have with these comics is that the redditards don't always fuck off.

ReturnofGrandfrag ago

I came from reddit. Cringeanarchy, specifically, which was what started my redpilling. There are always people willing to convert, much unlike real immigrants.

Sweettendiesloving ago

CA was my internet home, RIP.

noob_tube ago

The only migration that was ever a boon to voat, beyond the fattening when reddit's censorship became overt, was MDE. The people who held out censorhappy faggots, as long as its someone else being censored.

ReturnofGrandfrag ago

See, I joined reddit after MDE was banned. I heard it was a great place, though.

BoomerHater1488er ago

Oh, man, the second one with HPOP's buttplug lmfao.

ChristoDeFetus ago

I was wondering if that was indeed a buttplug, forgot about HPOP. Do you ever find yourself missing the amalek sanegoat shit show? That was a top tier kike shill niggerfaggot.

BoomerHater1488er ago

Yeah, 2016ish Voat was the best.

Gigglestick ago

To be fair, sanegoat had some decent points. I really wanted to see what @she looked like though... plus empress is gone now and I missed her posts on /v/tradwifes

BoomerHater1488er ago

Likewise, I never saw @she. I didn't even realize anything was happening until it was all over v/all. I also miss Amalek. And MightyYetGentle sperging out and calling everyone a tranny haha

Gigglestick ago


... I miss the days when I didn’t have to check for Adam’s apples.

sniper98g ago

Holy shit, I almost forgot about amalek. I didn't think that his alts would ever stop.

AlphaOmega ago

Those are magnificent

Mumbleberry ago

MVP Gingercunt!

Gingercuntfirecrotch ago

I just realized we shared the same imgoat link. I’m going to update my copy pasta with your catbox link.

turniptruckpassenger ago

oh, wow. that's.....sniff.....beautiful.

Shotinthedark ago

That's some funny shit right there

pete553434 ago

Make $500 a day with this new system that works visit superaffiliatesystem2.blogspot.com

Shotinthedark ago

Go fuck yourself shill

Mumbleberry ago

I wish I could remember who made it, to give them the credit.

Shotinthedark ago

They are a national treasure and should be nigger fag of the week!

antiliberalsociety ago

Imgoat died a long time ago

Mumbleberry ago

It still worked for me for some reason.

blumen4alles ago

Site is still up, just has an expired security certificate. Just have to add an exception for it.

BeeBop71 ago

Yeah we have GA for that!

Holonomic ago

I support your message.

There are so many faggots from that shit-site on here, and the Voaters seem to just look the other way, or pander. Redditors and imgurians are all the same annoying faggots....whining, moaning and groaning or posting cat pictures everywhere. I like cats and all, but wtf, air-out your balls and give it a break.

Herbert666Marcuse ago

"I like cats and all"

Enjoy the toxoplasma gondii, incel.

RoBatten ago

I'm freeballin' right now . . .

antiliberalsociety ago

There are so many faggots from that shit-site on here, and the Voaters seem to just look the other way, or pander.

Those are the ones that fear downvotes.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

do you support a transparent voating system?

antiliberalsociety ago

Fuck off Poal smoker, that shit will never fly here.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

"that shit will never fly here"

as if it's a detriment. it can only be detrimental to those who abuse the voating system to throttle opinions that aren't part of the paradigm, or those who prop up the opposite.

how did i know you would give such a response? do votes matter or not?

Sweettendiesloving ago

I had some faggot read through my post history yesterday, definitely a reddit fag.

H3r0n ago

All the qtard niggers still do the same thing. They have nothing but Internet forums

oneinchterror ago

If I had to choose between gassing all the jews and gassing all Qikes..... well, it would be a difficult decision at the very least.

Splooge ago

That's because there's significant overlap in both groups.

oneinchterror ago

I've noticed. It's really the only explanation for the way they still behave even after being here for years.

MrPank ago

DUDE! Someone did that to me and it struck me as some of the most feminine faggotry on voat.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

So that's what it is -- I noticed there was an inordinate number of innocuous posts (innocuous by our standards, that is) being downvoated over the last week or so. So, redditfags are coming here and the tops of their heads are blowing off and doing exactly what redditfags do best: downvoting because they disagree, rather than whether it contributes to a conversation.

oneinchterror ago

Call someone a christcuck and they'll follow you around and downvote every single thing you comment or post. I have at least two followers on here that downvote every comment I make; some more active users have dozens of stalkers.

i_hate_sodomites ago

Anyone who uses the term "christcuck" is a kike faggot and deserves what he gets. Just another highschool/college asshole being a useless "edgy" atheist. Fuck off, nigger.

oneinchterror ago

Ahhh now it makes sense why you're so butthurt. Keep seething, you faggot pussy. Cuckstianity is anti-White by its very nature. Take your dead kike and your 3 month old account and fuck off back to reddit or kill yourself. Your choice.

steven_feelsperg ago

In the jews case, they're deliberately poisoning the well. In the shabbos goy case, they're woefully misinformed about Scripture and easily malleable by the jew's poison.

It takes great effort to dedicate time to unravel. Even if they are able to repel shiny or titillating distractions, or entertain an idea without accepting it, there is 2000 years of kike fuckery to contend with wrapped in White history. It's not like a 9/11 or JFK or WW1/2, or an Inquisition or King Edward one shot event. How many are willing to spend an hour a day, every day, towards this study?

antiliberalsociety ago

You can guarantee an instant downvote on anything in v/funny

BeeBop71 ago

I fucking hate them. They lay around and lick themselves ..... yuuck meow meow stfu

Thisismyvoatusername ago

They lay around and lick themselves

I agree. Redditors and imgurians are just gross.

0cra_tr0per ago

What the fuck happened on r*ddit this time?

Neskuaxa ago

Apparently the MGTOW subs got banned/quarantined. Now Voat will do what it always does and turn the kike and niggertalk up to 11 to deter any pansies who can't handle it here.

0cra_tr0per ago

To prove your point about the kike/niggertalk, I'm just gonna say some words to deter (((them))).


icydays33 ago

You're not racist? Why the fuck not?

0cra_tr0per ago

I don't discriminate based solely on skin color, I discriminate on actions, thought processes, and what any particular person might do in the future.

Coincidentally, blacks tend to do bad things at an alarmingly higher rate than whites.

Workguy ago

Must be a real niggers nigger

Neskuaxa ago

That's the niggerfaggot I knew you could be.

Anyone bothered by this talk? There's a better community for you than here.


BeeBop71 ago

Reddit couldn't handle MGTOW? Pussies

metricisokay ago

They found out it wasn't a degenerate foot fetishist sub.

enormousatom ago

I thought that happened ages ago. We got a bunch of incel faggots like a year ago..

i_hate_sodomites ago

Yeah, I remember that. The incels ran screaming for the hills, couldn't stand being called "niggers". Good times!

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Incel and mgtow are sort of opposites. Incels can't get laid and hate women because they want sex. Mgtows have sworn off women because they did get laid (and most often got married, had kids, then got fucked over in a divorce).

enormousatom ago

I'm sure there is some overlap between these concentric spheres of cuckery.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

I suppose they both have similar negative views on women having an imbalance of power in their favor. But for incels that imbalance is related to interpersonal relations. For mgtows it is related to societal and legal relations. If you drew a venn diagram, it's hard for me to see where the two circles would overlap. But in a larger diagram they would definitely both be next to each other in the larger circle of true misogyny (as opposed to the fake misogyny feminists complain about).

Mumbleberry ago

That was from MDE. Quite a few of them assimilated though.

Neskuaxa ago

Apparently MGTOW went under the radar until now. If they can't handle it here, direct them to raddle.me