SearchVoatBot ago

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RealBiggly ago

Because we're all adults here? Except you, it seems.

FederalShill ago

Pornography is not speech and it should be banned. It has no place on voat.

Azamuku ago

He must be hording the Granny/Tranny stuff for his team.

bitbug ago

To demoralize you.

kammmmak ago

Get them validating upvoats then go into tge true agenda subvert brigade mode.

Yuke ago

This place was full of shills posting shit yesterday to slide the posts. When you see it, downvote it and then ignore it.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/OccidentalEnclave submission by @Joe_McCarthy.

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boekanier ago

Let's normalize the (((filth)))

aefibes99 ago

We are all paying in some form or another for porn. Even if you dont watch it, maybe your friends do, and theyll stab you in the back if they feel that you are a threat to their dirty little secret. Porn is the far end of the spectrum but we could also compare television to porn so, slippery slope.

BushChuck ago

Das juden.

Broc_Lia ago

Because trolls

selpai ago


Upvoat bots.

Lavender7 ago


Vc83 ago

You know why

Cat-hax ago

Because Jews why else

Joe_McCarthy ago


My latest Playboy thread:

Since this thread has plenty of visibility. Others can be found in my submission history.

I am the porn/slut master of Voat - as someone put it mockingly. But he's actually right.

LoveRight ago

You're literally the coomer meme.

Joe_McCarthy ago

You mean something that was dreamed up a few months ago?

LoveRight ago

You're not denying it.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Dunno. Men were looking at Playboy longer ago than the middle of August last year though.

But if you're wondering I don't think I'm addicted to pornography.

Astroqualia ago

Ok maroonsaint

Barbarian ago

Because jews.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Because jew_mccarthy.

yewotm8 ago

Why is porn being posted at all? What are you, some kinda jew?

Craddock ago

Because QRV and Q subs swallowed content like a catch-all v/whatever and @Joe_McCarthy thinks you are all a bunch of self righteous liars and that outwardly you profess being pious but inwardly you covet the sins of the flesh just like he does. He laughs as he tempts you with his wares and believes he is providing a service.

It’s all just game to him.

BillyLuath ago

Porn is for losers.

Craddock ago

Yes it is.

BentAxel ago

Why is bullshit being marked NSFW when its just attention whoring?

PraiseIPU ago

Post pron

See look how bad free speech is there is porn

Bans porn

See look how much they hate free speech, they banned me

There is no winning

PuttitoutIsGone ago


Sh-shh-shaaa ago

Looked at naked man. Boom. Instant faggot.

Penguinpecker ago

Fucking queer. Get outta here faggot, and take your football bat and three dollar bill with you.

Sh-shh-shaaa ago

Read, moron, read.

Penguinpecker ago

I'm not the one that can't recognize an obvious joke faggot. Go eat dicks and sit on your uncles lap. Maybe he'll read to you.

Sh-shh-shaaa ago

Tag me, so that I can call you a faggot.

Anticipatory1 ago

"This subverse is a catch-all subverse. If you don't want to classify your submission or don't care about where it belongs, post it here. Anything goes."

Pretty simple.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

And if it's not marked NSFW, it gets downvoted.

Azamuku ago

Also for not posting to /SBBH

clamhurt_legbeard ago

If you see shitposters posting injoke bullshit on Whatever instead of their hugbox, downvote that shit too.

Azamuku ago

Why do they choose whatever? Or is it laziness. There are subs they can post that shit where it makes sense to put it. We only move the good stuff to other forums at any rate. Why scream in an echo chamber? We all glow in here! Kek

clamhurt_legbeard ago

JoeMccarthy is a jew attempting to spread subversion.

Azamuku ago

@noseberg needs to control his people.

WolfWhoCried ago

It’s a message. They are showing you how ‘in control’ they are of VOAT- last bastion of free speech. It’s just Virtual Reality though. In actual reality people talk shit until they get hit.

Here? Well you can’t touch them. You have to talk to them. But they don’t NEED talking at do they? They need hit because their single mommy drug fucked herself to death they don’t know how to be men. It’s pathetic and categorically UNMANLY.

CryptoBard ago

Because kikes are obsessed with projecting the degeneracy at their enemy, look what happened to Palestinian TV during wartime.

SearchVoatBot ago

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LuciusAuSolzhenitsyn ago

Yeah, only kikes and commies pull this shit. And jews and commies are one in the same.

Creggieb ago

Because it upsets people easily.

Think about all the things we say about people who lose their shit over IOTBW. Every single post reeing about IOTBW validates and encourages the campaign. Now imagine PornMan sitting at home laughing his ass off at the latest :Mothers Against Porn" thread.

Dont downvote. That's attention, and shows how upset you are, feeding the trolls.

Dont comment. Thats attention and shows how upset you are, feeding the trolls.

If you feed trolls, you get what you deserve.

Instead, block and ignore users that post things you dont wish to see, and you wont see them anymore. They also wont get satisfaction from trolling you, and will stop.

PalmSprings21 ago

I don't think I've ever downvoated anything.

Creggieb ago


I'm not necessarily saying you personally. I'm just saying that the conditions exist to promote occurrences of the unwanted behaviour, and that means people were unaware of what to do/not do.

Or they want things to continue unchanged.

Joe_McCarthy ago

It isn't altogether trolling. This is actually quality stuff. It should be getting massively upvoted. Unless the Voaters are 80 year old women I guess.

But to each his own. You're right that the triggering is hilarious though. How could it not be?

chirogonemd ago

I mean, in some cases you are posting the same thing multiple times daily to the same sub. It kind of is trolling. And it has nothing to do with being an 80 year old woman. Internet porn has been around since I was old enough to click a mouse. Not once, literally not once have I ever asked for or accepted porn that was found for me by another guy. What kind of faggot finds a porn and thinks to himself, man I need to share this with other men?

You're setting up a big straw man here. We aren't weird for not wanting odd, outdated porn clips provided for us by some weirdo. I always found participation in the porn communities so fucking strange, and diseased. The guys who actually comment on porn sites. Or set up blogs to share their favorites. What the fuck is this? You get in, get the job done and get the fuck out. Any more engagement with porn beyond this, ala downloading porn to share with other men, is faggotry of the highest order.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I've addressed the 'faggot' angle before. It's like saying soldiers showing pinups around the barracks is gay. It's specious. Gayer, I'd argue, are those that recoil in horror at the sight of female flesh.

I've also explained multiple times why I post the same stuff more than once. Visibility. It gets seen more if it gets posted at different hours.

Actually, by now I've kinda gone over all of this multiple times. It'd be better to go through my comment history than to have me keep repeating myself.

chirogonemd ago

I've also explained multiple times why I post the same stuff more than once. Visibility. It gets seen more if it gets posted at different hours.

That's what I'm saying, man. Joe, this is fucking weird dude. I'm serious. What psychologically healthy male out there is so concerned about the visibility of the unsolicited porn he is posting to unrelated websites, that he'll take time out of his day to post multiple times.

It's like saying soldiers showing pinups around the barracks is gay. It's specious. Gayer, I'd argue, are those that recoil in horror at the sight of female flesh.

You can't be serious. We aren't soldiers sitting in fucking fox holes on some foreign field. We're on the fucking internet. We all have an unlimited porn stash at our finger tips. Nobody in the modern world has to pass around a sticky fucking centerfold through the barracks. Again, straw man. Nobody is recoiling at the sight of a woman you moron. It's that nobody wants unsolicited porn from Joe McCarthy. That's kind of the nature of a private sexual life, Joe. People aren't literally always in the mood to see a stream of sexual material. We each get in our own moods and seek the material out when we want it; we do not need it coming at a slow drip from a sweaty retard on Voat.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Well, at the very least you are an unmitigated asshole. So I suppose we can agree to disagree then?

chirogonemd ago


auchtung ago

I feel like he just avoided the mine field you set out for him. :-)

chirogonemd ago

He did, but mostly because once we got to that point, I was just thinking, "Ah, fuck it." But then he went full circle back to the start with the reply he just made to your comment.

He mostly avoided it because he ignored every major point altogether. That's typically how they do it. Look at his reply to you, he's right back to the straw man of this having anything to do with being a prudes, as if all of us here haven't seen a pair of e-tits around one billion times each.

No what's bizarre is a man who is this passionate about sharing old 30 second clips of porn so much that he'll post it multiple times a day for FUCKING VISIBILITY.

Joe_McCarthy ago

People post pornography all over the internet. Voat is an exception to the rule in not being tolerant of 'unsolicited' porno. Which does get upvoted some, I might add, through all of the assmad insults and downvote brigading.

I think the better question is why the apparent normals are so barking mad over what amounts to the showing of bush magazines. Granted, our society has had its share of prudes, and there is a time and a place, but Voat isn't exactly church in the first place. It looks like a frat without porn if anything. A frat in Nazi Germany with the English language, maybe, but this place is no model of decorum and propriety.

auchtung ago


chirogonemd ago

I've got to give it to you, Joe. You dodged literally every point I made better than most Leftists tend to be able to. But go on you fucking weirdo, keep pretending we are a band of brothers or a fucking college frat, whatever fuel it is you need for your weird fucking fantasy of getting the camaraderie that you missed as a younger man, mixed with the kind of of male friends you did actually have - male buddies about 30 years your senior who had magazines to "share" with you.

Nobody is barking mad. They're frustrated because they are simply trying to explain to you the actual reason they don't want you doing this, but you are intentionally ignoring all of their points. It's the obtuse and moronic way you are responding to them that is the trolling.

While you are just nutting to the thought of sharing your naughty mags with all kinds of young frat boys.

Joe_McCarthy ago

You went from specious to simply mundane. Calling me a Jew just plants you with the other no brains.

Thanks for playing though.

chirogonemd ago

Wow, that sounds like it was written by a vegan woman who voted for Bernie. Calling you a Jew isn't meant to be literal (necessarily), as I obviously have no fucking idea about you personally. It's more of a metaphor that's meant to capture your general pattern of behavior. Again, you dodged each and every point. You were probably too busy furiously wacking off in your basement, you sweaty retard. A single decent vocabulary word doesn't change that, and trying to share a bunch of porn with other dudes who aren't asking for it is hard to reconcile with the quality of possessing a lot of brains.

See you, Joe. This isn't going to go anywhere, and it's getting boring.

BoomerHater1488er ago

There's no such thing as quality porn you slimey yid. I'd bet the entirety of my savings account that you look at child porn.

Creggieb ago

To be honest, I havent noticed a single porn on my feed, or front page, or whatever it's called. I dunno if you are posting horrific shock site material, or harecore porn, or just titties on a calendar type pinups.

But multiple threads daily complaining about something so easy to avoid makes me laugh. It's like when people get offended by south park, and then continue watching, on purpose, like being offended is some sort of drug, and there isnt enough.

BoomerHater1488er ago

Some users browse by new instead of only v/all; they're the ones who see it and they're the ones to thank for not running into it yourself.

Creggieb ago

I click on all, just havent noticed any links entitled "porn" so I'm guessing its unclearly labelled, and people just click any old link, regardless of title.

I don't click links that dont describe the content. If I don't have a reasonable idea of the content of the post, that means the poster has either deliberately or incompetently failed to describe it. That's clickbait at best. In other words faggotry.

nobody deserves my thanks for their brave downvoating. I'm sure the trolls are gratefull though. I have a block button for things I don't wanna see and am capable of protecting my own self.

ratsmack ago

That's because they're downvoted heavily which makes them bypass most people... unless you trawl new.

goatsandbros ago


LuciusAuSolzhenitsyn ago


BlowjaySimpson ago

Is it...... Jews?

Blompf ago

Unless otherwise proven, I generally assume so.

MaunaLoona ago

ze juden!

noob_tube ago

One the one hand porn is for incel faggots.

On the other hand, are you retards so weak that you can't just shut your eyea?

BoomerHater1488er ago

Ah, yes. Live and Let Live has worked out so well for us.

Craddock ago

A French Cistercian monk named Arnaud Amalric once said: “Kill them all. God will recognize his own.”

AnonThrowaway ago

Because they're 13 year old faggots.

wasteroftime ago

Best guess? Because misery loves company.

2nd best guess is McCarthy is a literal like.


BoomerHater1488er ago

It's not a guess, he's admitted it in the past.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

He claims to be WASP.

BoomerHater1488er ago

Well, I saw him admit it with my own eyes. He's lying about one of them, and I think a Jew lying about being a WASP is infinitely more likely than a WASP lying about being a Jew.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Makes sense to me. I'd like to see the post, if you manage to find it.

wasteroftime ago

Ah, I was unaware. Got a link by chance? I don't wanna dig through his comments, wouldn't feel clean for a month.

BoomerHater1488er ago

Nah, no link, sorry. At the time, it was sufficient for me to see it - I didn't anticipate wanting to link it for others.

Edit: I'll check the old ban logs of v/NoJewsAllowed, maybe he's in there.

JacobJaredKenworthy ago

Are people doing that again? I'm glad I haven't seen it.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Nothing wrong with pretty girls.

Might as well enjoy it. Or at least get used to it. Because the only way I see it stopping is with admin intervention.

aefibes99 ago

Porn is worse than drugs. Don't watch it period. I lose all respect for someone when I find out they watch porn. A lot of my old friends continued to watch it and i've completely written them off for adding no value to my life and sucking away all my time. Think about if you work 40 plus hours a week, knowing that in the mean time some jew is at home sitting on your hard earned shekels wasting away on porn sites, yet you are painted as the bad guy.

Rotteuxx ago

So what you're saying is that you're a whiny little bitch?

Joe_McCarthy ago

More like I don't like being told what to post. Or think. I dare say I'm more in line with Voat's values than what I'm reacting against.

BoomerHater1488er ago

Lmfao you're genuinely deluded.

Joe_McCarthy ago

By the way, glad you chimed in. I've been meaning to mention that your handle is like having white trash tattooed in large letters on your forehead. But I didn't want to be mean. Now you give me an excuse.

Rotteuxx ago

No, if you post degenerate content just to provoke a reaction from daddy, you're being an immature little bitch.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Your words. Certainly not mine.

ratsmack ago

I think attention whore is a better description.

BoomerHater1488er ago

And just a run of the mill, can't help itself degenerate kike is the best description of all.

Redcobra ago

Because we all hate great awakening more than porn ..lolz ( and we’re not big on porn btw) more lolz ...hey can I still get some sweet upvotes over there ? Asking for a popcorn.

Lunkwill ago

Darn you @Joe_McCarthy!

HuginnOgMuninn ago

Hey Joe, I took a quick glance over your post history. Why are you farming downvotes like you can't get enough of them?

Looks like you're trying to make a point or something, what's the point?

Joe_McCarthy ago

It's called brigading. It's also kinda against the rules.

HuginnOgMuninn ago

NutzyHivekickers and OccidentalEnclave just gained a new subscriber.

Why 'nutzy'?

Joe_McCarthy ago

I'm an anti-anti-Semitic racist basically. One thing I'm known for around here, even if I really would prefer to be known for other things, is my loud and aggressive criticism common here of blaming everything on Jews.

HuginnOgMuninn ago

Looks like we got something in common, the anti-semitism here is off the rails. Though, the jews ARE extremely tribal, against whites, and this site is a refuge for thousands of people who have no where else to go to voice their often valid opinions on the matter, it does get out of hand pretty much every time.

I think a large minority of this site are conspiracy theorists, who just got kicked out of every other site for being the way they are. Everybody and their mother is a kike shill these days.

So, nutzy for being nutz?

Joe_McCarthy ago

Nutzi, or nutzism, is an old term in the white nationalist movement for kooks who blame everything on Jews, unironically worship Hitler, that sort of thing. So yes, those racialists that are nuts a/o new to the movement. Or those that are not particularly well informed.

It has some unrelated relevance here too:

BillyLuath ago

A guy named - HuginnOgMuninn should already know.

BillyLuath ago

Cause the poster is throwing a tantrum.

Joe_McCarthy ago

A controlled rage. The best kind.

BoomerHater1488er ago

Lmfao it's amazing that kikes like you act the way you do and wonder why anti-semitism exists. Go jump in an oven, you fucking mockie.

ratsmack ago

So what's got your jimmies all rustled up?

BoomerHater1488er ago

He's a literal kike.