Talc ago

I'm brigading you because you keep posting porn, I've got bots running at home and at both of my UK work locations downvoting everything you post, and for every time you post porn uncensored I'm going to add another (only another 44 offices, 19 countries to go). What should be done about it? people should join in doing the same, that's what should be done about it.

auchtung ago

Play the victim.

22201043? ago

That's not brigading, OP didn't even say they were talking about you. They were just genuinely asking a question ("Why is porn being posted in "whatever" and not marked ADULT?"), you have assumed it is about yourself and got butt-hurt rather than actually answer the man.

ianadba ago

Label it nsfw, maybe put it in v/nsfw. I think the stuff you post is actually rather tame for today's Internet culture.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Yeah, my dad wouldn't have liked it. But people are a mite more desensitized than in his day. And this stuff was even in his day.