telleveryoneyouknow ago

Remove the “white Europeans” and it may go viral. We already know what it means. Less is more. But I love it either way!

whatisbestinlife ago

you got it dude. this is it. WE. like when they say "those" or "you people" WE is ours now. you and they are not welcome. LEAVE WE ALONE

Phantom42 ago


White Exceptionalism!

noob_tube ago

Oh. Well a nigger did invent the super soaker, right?

jonnyquest ago

I don't think it even requires the * or explanation.

If it's OK to be white had these morons going nuts ... they'll figure this one out. Plus, it'll be more powerful to let them fill in the 'blank'.

Semi-related ... Would almost bet that the IOTBW thing worked so well that signs simply saying "IT'S OK" would be enough to trigger them these days.

May the hilarity ensue!

Mortifera ago

It's OK to be WE.

allahead ago



(of a guest or new arrival) gladly received.

They are not "gladly received".


wait is this a satire on a nigger meme?

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Hrm, is there an inversion to this meme? Would probably work tbh.

itssomatic ago

Nobody should be proud of smartphones.

toreador ago

True enough. I think we'd be better off without all the stuff depicted here, but that's not the point.

zech7 ago

do one with basketball, football, baseball and white women....then you might get interest.

Reapreap ago


CowWithBeef ago

The Japanese are included in "we" right?

Reapreap ago

for why?

Rawrination ago

Japs are great but they don't invent much.

CowWithBeef ago

I'm pretty sure that's a Kawasaki subway train.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

look you pedantic knob, the specific train is not important, it's the fucking concept of the train. did the japs have steam engines and traintracks first? no.

Inquisitioner ago

A lot of research breakthroughs come from Japan. Per-capita they're doing great.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Building on an existing technology stack is great but Japanese don’t innovate. Making a microchip smaller is still advancing technology but inventing the microchip is an entirely different story.

Japanese people are essentially slaves and slaves cannot invent much. Innovation and creativity come from freedom. A white invention

BentAxel ago


ganesha1024 ago

Brilliant! And insist that it's your preferred pronoun. In some places like California it's illegal to not use the pronoun someone prefers. Use that shit against them.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

this is a really good idea. the real power in this original is the usage of WE as shorthand for White European.

friendshipistragic ago

This is brilliant

Call_Of_Goat ago

We are goyim

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Goyim unite!

goatboy ago

"We" are not Chinese. Take that iphone piece of shit off it.

toreador ago

Yeah, I thought about toilets, too, but wanted to highlight things that urban lefties consciously value. I did struggle with what verb to use -- 'made', 'did', 'invented'. It depends on context, I suppose.

I also like the idea of affixing a little note to posters for 'diversified' movies, saying "WE wrote this."

Empire_of_the_mind ago

this is a really top-tier idea, friend. the WE as an acronym for White European is a nuclear bomb.

HaHawk ago

Good idea.

But for this to be effective, lose the asterisk and "explanation" at the bottom. Otherwise you lose your own punch line: We.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

you need to teach the acronym first. after it gets the pearl-clutchers all alight we can skip it. everyone will know what WE means.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Already obvious. And besides, the harder someone has to think about it, the stronger the dopamine response and thus the stickier the meme.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

it's not obvious at all.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

My point exactly. Meme magic depends on dopamine due to realizing the hidden punchline. Same with all storytelling.

To those in the know it’s obvious

To those who later discover it, it will be memorable.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

i don't think you're even remotely right

ZKX ago

WE were kings.

New-World-Ebola ago

yeah the welcome bit needs to go

Shoob ago

Downloaded, might post these around somewhere LOL

Long_sofa ago

They’ll immediately claim that white people didn’t invent any of those things. They’ll cite the movie ‘hidden figures’ and wakanda as their sources

Empire_of_the_mind ago

cool. everyone knows they're wrong.

fuckfuckfuck1 ago

Guess we'll be seeing 'WE' added to the ADL's hate speech list.

rndmvar ago

I'm starting to see why REEEEEEEEEEE is the only response they can come up with.

Since everything else might be "raycis".

karmatic ago

Maybe we need to take back "ree".

rndmvar ago

Nah, just claim that it's nigger cultural appropriation.

Then stand back and watch the fireworks.

prairie ago

And a line of them that says WE didn't do this:

Empire_of_the_mind ago

unnecessary. the guy in first place doesn't worry about the people behind him, he just carries on winning.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Maybe a jeopardy spinoff?

Merlynn ago

Maybe they shouldn't be welcome.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

I'm fairly sure jews took the credit for some of those while working in patent offices

hang_em_high ago

That's even better if the jews unmask to point that out.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Technically kikes (Ashkenazis) are considered white (regretfully) *explains how they infiltrated white nations so easily too

alele-opathic ago

If this did happen, which is likely IMO, we would never know about it as they are the ones who keep the records.

I have a couple ideas that I've developed over the years about how to reverse this general trend though.

RM-Goetbbels ago

14 more days until Black History Month hoax.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

they'll lay off to avoid reminding everyone of juicy smollet. it would have been memory-holed if dave chappelle didn't make it legendary and etch it in stone with the best joke of 2019.

toreador ago

I'd like to get into the heads of our adversaries so that they can't get through the day without thinking of what WE* have given them. Every time they turn on a light, or get in a car, or walk down a city street, they think of what WE*ve done for them and their lifestyle.

RegistrationsAreOpen ago

I don't like the flyers, but the WE* has a lot of potential.I'm not a fan of doing white advocacy by bragging, I'm having a hard time seeing it yielding any positive results.

WE, White Europeans. Very good idea.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Really we don’t brag but at this point it’s more of a counter attack and not necessarily us touting accomplishments.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

it's not bragging you pussy

toreador ago

not a fan of doing white advocacy by bragging

Agree. For me it's not about bragging but just highlighting facts that are otherwise never mentioned or are actively suppressed. To say "Without White Europeans, you wouldn't have any of these comforts/luxuries/basic technologies that you take for granted." Simply an effort to inject a bit of reality into people's lives.

Merlynn ago

There's already a media campaign set on putting it in their heads they invented everything. It's a pile of bullshit,but they believe in Wakanda.

maaaxheadroom ago

They claim peanut butter. Won’t shut up about it.

Merlynn ago

They claim a lot of things. Some of them more obviously wrong than others.

fellowwhiteperson ago

Wakanda is a decent meme. Maybe if we could elevate Wakanda to the kind of wealth and respect of the US, people would line up to immigrate there.

Merlynn ago

The problem with Wakanda is that it's a closed ethnostate. So it's only for Wakandans. Of course,we could meme it's opened it's borders and welcomes all "children of Africa" and they should fly to Congo to await entrance instructions. If nothing else,it'll get rid of the dumber ones.

New-World-Ebola ago

imagine if niggers really did invent something of value... we'd never hear the fucking end of it.

noob_tube ago

To be fair. I love peanut butter.

And super soakers are pretty fun too.

Merlynn ago

They didn't and we're still not hearing the end of it.

Moln0014 ago

Nuggets inventing something?? That will be the day.

jonnyquest ago

"bbb, bbb, buuu, but what about George Washington Carver and his "peanut butter"!?!?!

huh, huh!? Where would the world be without it!

You know no white be smart enough to think up peanut butter! Matter of fact, i done brought me some day before last, thinking the whole time how amazing GWC was!

Moln0014 ago

something.....something....Nigger ebonics.....something.....something. Me Sa white. No understand.

New-World-Ebola ago

rape, cannibalism, incest, slavery, single motherhood, jenkem.... quite a bit actually.

rndmvar ago

Whoa there.

You clearly forgot that they invented the bike lock.


New-World-Ebola ago

if kikes niggers faggots and mexicans were removed from USA.. crime would drop 99% instantly

jammicsmith ago

Pretty sure that last one should say "you're NOT welcome - stay the fuck away"

toreador ago


Deplorablepoetry ago

Voat - pigs

curomo ago

Isn't Bernie using we for his campaign? This could be fun.

I'd play into things like equality for women, atheism, individual liberty/rights (Magna Carta)... Go for stuff that lefties value most.